20 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Facebook Friendship Graph

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    Online Social Networks (OSN) during last years acquired a\ud huge and increasing popularity as one of the most important emerging Web phenomena, deeply modifying the behavior of users and contributing to build a solid substrate of connections and relationships among people using the Web. In this preliminary work paper, our purpose is to analyze Facebook, considering a signi�cant sample of data re\ud ecting relationships among subscribed users. Our goal is to extract, from this platform, relevant information about the distribution of these relations and exploit tools and algorithms provided by the Social Network Analysis (SNA) to discover and, possibly, understand underlying similarities\ud between the developing of OSN and real-life social networks

    Detecting Image Brush Editing Using the Discarded Coefficients and Intentions

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    This paper describes a quick and simple method to detect brush editing in JPEG images. The novelty of the proposed method is based on detecting the discarded coefficients during the quantization of the image. Another novelty of this paper is the development of a subjective metric named intentions. The method directly analyzes the allegedly tampered image and generates a forgery mask indicating forgery evidence for each image block. The experiments show that our method works especially well in detecting brush strokes, and it works reasonably well with added captions and image splicing. However, the method is less effective detecting copy-moved and blurred regions. This means that our method can effectively contribute to implementing a complete imagetampering detection tool. The editing operations for which our method is less effective can be complemented with methods more adequate to detect them

    Removal and injection of keypoints for SIFT-based copy-move counter-forensics

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    Recent studies exposed the weaknesses of scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT)-based analysis by removing keypoints without significantly deteriorating the visual quality of the counterfeited image. As a consequence, an attacker can leverage on such weaknesses to impair or directly bypass with alarming efficacy some applications that rely on SIFT. In this paper, we further investigate this topic by addressing the dual problem of keypoint removal, i.e., the injection of fake SIFT keypoints in an image whose authentic keypoints have been previously deleted. Our interest stemmed from the consideration that an image with too few keypoints is per se a clue of counterfeit, which can be used by the forensic analyst to reveal the removal attack. Therefore, we analyse five injection tools reducing the perceptibility of keypoint removal and compare them experimentally. The results are encouraging and show that injection is feasible without causing a successive detection at SIFT matching level. To demonstrate the practical effectiveness of our procedure, we apply the best performing tool to create a forensically undetectable copy-move forgery, whereby traces of keypoint removal are hidden by means of keypoint injection

    Rotation Invariant on Harris Interest Points for Exposing Image Region Duplication Forgery

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    Nowadays, image forgery has become common because only an editing package software and a digital camera are required to counterfeit an image. Various fraud detection systems have been developed in accordance with the requirements of numerous applications and to address different types of image forgery. However, image fraud detection is a complicated process given that is necessary to identify the image processing tools used to counterfeit an image. Here, we describe recent developments in image fraud detection. Conventional techniques for detecting duplication forgeries have difficulty in detecting postprocessing falsification, such as grading and joint photographic expert group compression. This study proposes an algorithm that detects image falsification on the basis of Hessian features

    Copy-move forgery detection using convolutional neural network and K-mean clustering

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    Copying and pasting a patch of an image to hide or exaggerate something in a digital image is known as a copy-move forgery. Copy-move forgery detection (CMFD) is hard to detect because the copied part image from a scene has similar properties with the other parts of the image in terms of texture, light illumination, and objective. The CMFD is still a challenging issue in some attacks such as rotation, scaling, blurring, and noise. In this paper, an approach using the convolutional neural network (CNN) and k-mean clustering is for CMFD. To identify cloned parts candidates, a patch of an image is extracted using corner detection. Next, similar patches are detected using a pre-trained network inspired by the Siamese network. If two similar patches are not evidence of the CMFD, the post-process is performed using k-means clustering. Experimental analyses are done on MICC-F2000, MICC-F600, and MICC-F8 databases. The results showed that using the proposed algorithm we can receive a 94.13% and 96.98% precision and F1 score, respectively, which are the highest among all state-of-the-art algorithms

    A systematic survey of online data mining technology intended for law enforcement

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    As an increasing amount of crime takes on a digital aspect, law enforcement bodies must tackle an online environment generating huge volumes of data. With manual inspections becoming increasingly infeasible, law enforcement bodies are optimising online investigations through data-mining technologies. Such technologies must be well designed and rigorously grounded, yet no survey of the online data-mining literature exists which examines their techniques, applications and rigour. This article remedies this gap through a systematic mapping study describing online data-mining literature which visibly targets law enforcement applications, using evidence-based practices in survey making to produce a replicable analysis which can be methodologically examined for deficiencies

    Face Image Quality Assessment: A Literature Survey

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    The performance of face analysis and recognition systems depends on the quality of the acquired face data, which is influenced by numerous factors. Automatically assessing the quality of face data in terms of biometric utility can thus be useful to detect low-quality data and make decisions accordingly. This survey provides an overview of the face image quality assessment literature, which predominantly focuses on visible wavelength face image input. A trend towards deep learning based methods is observed, including notable conceptual differences among the recent approaches, such as the integration of quality assessment into face recognition models. Besides image selection, face image quality assessment can also be used in a variety of other application scenarios, which are discussed herein. Open issues and challenges are pointed out, i.a. highlighting the importance of comparability for algorithm evaluations, and the challenge for future work to create deep learning approaches that are interpretable in addition to providing accurate utility predictions

    NV-tree : a scalable disk-based high-dimensional index

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    This thesis presents the NV-tree (Nearest Vector tree), which addresses thespecific problem of efficiently and effectively finding the approximatek-nearest neighbors within large collections of high-dimensional data points.The NV-tree is a very compact index, as only six bytes are kept in the in-dex for each high-dimensional descriptor. It thus scales extremely well whenindexing large collections of high-dimensional descriptors. The NV-tree ef-ficiently produces results of good quality, even at such a large scale that theindices can no longer be kept entirely in main memory. We demonstrate thiswith extensive experiments presenting results from various collection sizesfrom 36 million up to nearly 30 billion SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Trans-form) descriptors.We also study the conditions under which a nearest neighbour search pro-vides meaningful results. Following this analysis we compare the NV-tree toLSH (Locality Sensitive Hashing), the most popular method for -distancesearch, showing that the NV-tree outperforms LSH when it comes to theproblem of nearest neighbour retrieval. Beyond this analysis we also dis-cuss how the NV-tree index can be used in practise in industrial applicationsand address two frequently overlooked requirements: dynamicity—the abil-ity to cope with on-line insertions of new high-dimensional items into theindexed collection—and durability—the ability to recover from crashes andavoid losing the indexed data if a failure occurs. As far as we know, no othernearest neighbor algorithm published so far is able to cope with all threerequirements: scale, dynamicity and durability.Í þessari ritgerð setjum við fram vísinn NV-tré (e. NV-tree) sem lausn áákveðnu afmörkuðu vandamáli: að finna, á hraðvirkan og markvirkan hátt,nálgun áknæstu nágrönnum í stóru safni margvíðra gagnapunkta. NV-tréðer mjög fyrirferðarlítill vísir, þar sem aðeins sex bæti eru geymd fyrir hvernmargvíðan lýsivektor (e. descriptor). NV-tréð skalast því mjög vel þegar þvíer beitt á stór söfn margvíðra lýsivektora. NV-tréð skilar góðum niðurstöðumá skömmum tíma, jafnvel þegar vísarnir komast ekki fyrir í minni. Viðsýnum fram á þetta með niðurstöðum tilrauna á söfnum sem innihalda frá 36milljónum upp í nærri 30 milljarða SIFT (e. Scale Invariant Feature Trans-form) lýsivektora. Við rannsökum einnig þau skilyrði sem þurfa að vera fyrir hendi til að leitað næstu nágrönnum skili merkingarbærum niðurstöðum. Í framhaldi afþeirri greiningu berum við NV-tréð saman við LSH (e. Locality SensitiveHashing), sem er vinsælasta aðferðin fyrir -fjarlægðarleit, og sýnum að NV-tréð er mun hraðvirkara en LSH. Til viðbótar við þessa greiningu ræðumvið hagnýtingu NV-trésins í iðnaði og uppfyllum tvær þarfir sem oft er litiðframhjá: breytileika (e. dynamicity)—getu til að höndla í rauntíma viðbæ-tur við lýsingasafnið—og varanleika (e. durability)—getu til að endurheimtavísinn og forðast gagnatap ef um tölvubilun er að ræða. Að því er við bestvitum, uppfyllir enginn annar þekktur vísir allar þessar þrjár þarfir: skalan-leika, breytileika og varanleika