1,654,562 research outputs found

    Portability of Prolog programs: theory and case-studies

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    (Non-)portability of Prolog programs is widely considered as an important factor in the lack of acceptance of the language. Since 1995, the core of the language is covered by the ISO standard 13211-1. Since 2007, YAP and SWI-Prolog have established a basic compatibility framework. This article describes and evaluates this framework. The aim of the framework is running the same code on both systems rather than migrating an application. We show that today, the portability within the family of Edinburgh/Quintus derived Prolog implementations is good enough to allow for maintaining portable real-world applications.Comment: Online proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Implementation of Constraint Logic Programming Systems and Logic-based Methods in Programming Environments (CICLOPS-WLPE 2010), Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., July 15, 201

    The status and programs of the New Relativity Theory

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    A review of the most recent results of the New Relativity Theory is presented. These include a straightforward derivation of the Black Hole Entropy-Area relation and its logarithmiclogarithmic corrections; the derivation of the string uncertainty relations and generalizations ; ; the relation between the four dimensional gravitational conformal anomaly and the fine structure constant; the role of Noncommutative Geometry, Negative Probabilities and Cantorian-Fractal spacetime in the Young's two-slit experiment. We then generalize the recent construction of the Quenched-Minisuperspace bosonic pp-brane propagator in DD dimensions (AACSAACS [18]) to the full multidimensional case involving all pp-branes : the construction of the Multidimensional-Particle propagator in Clifford spaces (CC-spaces) associated with a nested family of pp-loop histories living in a target DD-dim background spacetime . We show how the effective CC-space geometry is related to extrinsicextrinsic curvature of ordinary spacetime. The motion of rigid particles/branes is studied to explain the natural emergenceemergence of classical spin. The relation among CC-space geometry and W{\cal W}, Finsler Geometry and (Braided) Quantum Groups is discussed. Some final remarks about the Riemannian long distance limit of CC-space geometry are made.Comment: Tex file, 21 page

    On cascade products of answer set programs

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    Describing complex objects by elementary ones is a common strategy in mathematics and science in general. In their seminal 1965 paper, Kenneth Krohn and John Rhodes showed that every finite deterministic automaton can be represented (or "emulated") by a cascade product of very simple automata. This led to an elegant algebraic theory of automata based on finite semigroups (Krohn-Rhodes Theory). Surprisingly, by relating logic programs and automata, we can show in this paper that the Krohn-Rhodes Theory is applicable in Answer Set Programming (ASP). More precisely, we recast the concept of a cascade product to ASP, and prove that every program can be represented by a product of very simple programs, the reset and standard programs. Roughly, this implies that the reset and standard programs are the basic building blocks of ASP with respect to the cascade product. In a broader sense, this paper is a first step towards an algebraic theory of products and networks of nonmonotonic reasoning systems based on Krohn-Rhodes Theory, aiming at important open issues in ASP and AI in general.Comment: Appears in Theory and Practice of Logic Programmin

    Knowledge Compilation of Logic Programs Using Approximation Fixpoint Theory

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    To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP), Proceedings of ICLP 2015 Recent advances in knowledge compilation introduced techniques to compile \emph{positive} logic programs into propositional logic, essentially exploiting the constructive nature of the least fixpoint computation. This approach has several advantages over existing approaches: it maintains logical equivalence, does not require (expensive) loop-breaking preprocessing or the introduction of auxiliary variables, and significantly outperforms existing algorithms. Unfortunately, this technique is limited to \emph{negation-free} programs. In this paper, we show how to extend it to general logic programs under the well-founded semantics. We develop our work in approximation fixpoint theory, an algebraical framework that unifies semantics of different logics. As such, our algebraical results are also applicable to autoepistemic logic, default logic and abstract dialectical frameworks

    Microeconomic theory of the household and nutrition programs

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    Lack of food is no longer the major cause of malnutrition. Many households and individuals remain malnourished when income and supplies of food are adequate. Nutrition policy and programs must be based on a sound knowledge of household behaviour patterns. The microeconomic theory of the household focuses on the household's decisionmaking about scarce food resources based upon such considerations as: (i) the size of the family; (ii) the purchasing power of the family; (iii) the availability of healthful foods; (iv) the family's food preferences; (v) environmental variables (such as ethnic traditions and the homemaker's level of education); and finally (vi) family health (disease can limit the absorption of nutrients). Such determinants should be monitored to anticipate malnutrition problems unrelated to the food.Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Poverty Lines,Health Economics&Finance,Inequality

    A General Framework for Sound and Complete Floyd-Hoare Logics

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    This paper presents an abstraction of Hoare logic to traced symmetric monoidal categories, a very general framework for the theory of systems. Our abstraction is based on a traced monoidal functor from an arbitrary traced monoidal category into the category of pre-orders and monotone relations. We give several examples of how our theory generalises usual Hoare logics (partial correctness of while programs, partial correctness of pointer programs), and provide some case studies on how it can be used to develop new Hoare logics (run-time analysis of while programs and stream circuits).Comment: 27 page

    Senses of Sen: Reflections on Amartya Sen’s Ideas of Justice

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    This review essay explores how Amartya Sen’s recent book, The Idea of Justice, is relevant and important for the development and assessment of transnational theories and applications to transnational justice and legal education programs. The essay captures a trans-jural dialogue of multinational scholars and teachers, discussing Sen’s contributions to moral justice theory (criticizing programs for “transcendental institutionalism” (like Rawlsian theory) and instead focusing on “comparative broadening” including empirical, relative, and comparative assessments of programs to ameliorate injustice in the world in its comparative concreteness (as in Indian social justice theory and Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments and related work). The authors are professors in the transnational legal education program, the Center for Transnational Legal Studies, sponsored by over 25 different law schools, located in London. They teach courses in a wide variety of subjects, including comparative legal theory, constitutional law, business and legal ethics, moral and legal philosophy, international and comparative law, capital markets and business law, emergency powers, international dispute resolution and a variety of other common and civil law subjects

    Studies of noise transmission in advanced composite material structures

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    Noise characteristics of advanced composite material fuselages were discussed from the standpoints of applicable research programs and noise transmission theory. Experimental verification of the theory was also included
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