173 research outputs found

    NFFT meets Krylov methods: Fast matrix-vector products for the graph Laplacian of fully connected networks

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    The graph Laplacian is a standard tool in data science, machine learning, and image processing. The corresponding matrix inherits the complex structure of the underlying network and is in certain applications densely populated. This makes computations, in particular matrix-vector products, with the graph Laplacian a hard task. A typical application is the computation of a number of its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Standard methods become infeasible as the number of nodes in the graph is too large. We propose the use of the fast summation based on the nonequispaced fast Fourier transform (NFFT) to perform the dense matrix-vector product with the graph Laplacian fast without ever forming the whole matrix. The enormous flexibility of the NFFT algorithm allows us to embed the accelerated multiplication into Lanczos-based eigenvalues routines or iterative linear system solvers and even consider other than the standard Gaussian kernels. We illustrate the feasibility of our approach on a number of test problems from image segmentation to semi-supervised learning based on graph-based PDEs. In particular, we compare our approach with the Nystr\"om method. Moreover, we present and test an enhanced, hybrid version of the Nystr\"om method, which internally uses the NFFT.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Constructive Approximation and Learning by Greedy Algorithms

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    This thesis develops several kernel-based greedy algorithms for different machine learning problems and analyzes their theoretical and empirical properties. Greedy approaches have been extensively used in the past for tackling problems in combinatorial optimization where finding even a feasible solution can be a computationally hard problem (i.e., not solvable in polynomial time). A key feature of greedy algorithms is that a solution is constructed recursively from the smallest constituent parts. In each step of the constructive process a component is added to the partial solution from the previous step and, thus, the size of the optimization problem is reduced. The selected components are given by optimization problems that are simpler and easier to solve than the original problem. As such schemes are typically fast at constructing a solution they can be very effective on complex optimization problems where finding an optimal/good solution has a high computational cost. Moreover, greedy solutions are rather intuitive and the schemes themselves are simple to design and easy to implement. There is a large class of problems for which greedy schemes generate an optimal solution or a good approximation of the optimum. In the first part of the thesis, we develop two deterministic greedy algorithms for optimization problems in which a solution is given by a set of functions mapping an instance space to the space of reals. The first of the two approaches facilitates data understanding through interactive visualization by providing means for experts to incorporate their domain knowledge into otherwise static kernel principal component analysis. This is achieved by greedily constructing embedding directions that maximize the variance at data points (unexplained by the previously constructed embedding directions) while adhering to specified domain knowledge constraints. The second deterministic greedy approach is a supervised feature construction method capable of addressing the problem of kernel choice. The goal of the approach is to construct a feature representation for which a set of linear hypotheses is of sufficient capacity — large enough to contain a satisfactory solution to the considered problem and small enough to allow good generalization from a small number of training examples. The approach mimics functional gradient descent and constructs features by fitting squared error residuals. We show that the constructive process is consistent and provide conditions under which it converges to the optimal solution. In the second part of the thesis, we investigate two problems for which deterministic greedy schemes can fail to find an optimal solution or a good approximation of the optimum. This happens as a result of making a sequence of choices which take into account only the immediate reward without considering the consequences onto future decisions. To address this shortcoming of deterministic greedy schemes, we propose two efficient randomized greedy algorithms which are guaranteed to find effective solutions to the corresponding problems. In the first of the two approaches, we provide a mean to scale kernel methods to problems with millions of instances. An approach, frequently used in practice, for this type of problems is the Nyström method for low-rank approximation of kernel matrices. A crucial step in this method is the choice of landmarks which determine the quality of the approximation. We tackle this problem with a randomized greedy algorithm based on the K-means++ cluster seeding scheme and provide a theoretical and empirical study of its effectiveness. In the second problem for which a deterministic strategy can fail to find a good solution, the goal is to find a set of objects from a structured space that are likely to exhibit an unknown target property. This discrete optimization problem is of significant interest to cyclic discovery processes such as de novo drug design. We propose to address it with an adaptive Metropolis–Hastings approach that samples candidates from the posterior distribution of structures conditioned on them having the target property. The proposed constructive scheme defines a consistent random process and our empirical evaluation demonstrates its effectiveness across several different application domains

    A machine learning approach to the unsupervised segmentation of mitochondria in subcellular electron microscopy data

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    Recent advances in cellular and subcellular microscopy demonstrated its potential towards unravelling the mechanisms of various diseases at the molecular level. The biggest challenge in both human- and computer-based visual analysis of micrographs is the variety of nanostructures and mitochondrial morphologies. The state-of-the-art is, however, dominated by supervised manual data annotation and early attempts to automate the segmentation process were based on supervised machine learning techniques which require large datasets for training. Given a minimal number of training sequences or none at all, unsupervised machine learning formulations, such as spectral dimensionality reduction, are known to be superior in detecting salient image structures. This thesis presents three major contributions developed around the spectral clustering framework which is proven to capture perceptual organization features. Firstly, we approach the problem of mitochondria localization. We propose a novel grouping method for the extracted line segments which describes the normal mitochondrial morphology. Experimental findings show that the clusters obtained successfully model the inner mitochondrial membrane folding and therefore can be used as markers for the subsequent segmentation approaches. Secondly, we developed an unsupervised mitochondria segmentation framework. This method follows the evolutional ability of human vision to extrapolate salient membrane structures in a micrograph. Furthermore, we designed robust non-parametric similarity models according to Gestaltic laws of visual segregation. Experiments demonstrate that such models automatically adapt to the statistical structure of the biological domain and return optimal performance in pixel classification tasks under the wide variety of distributional assumptions. The last major contribution addresses the computational complexity of spectral clustering. Here, we introduced a new anticorrelation-based spectral clustering formulation with the objective to improve both: speed and quality of segmentation. The experimental findings showed the applicability of our dimensionality reduction algorithm to very large scale problems as well as asymmetric, dense and non-Euclidean datasets

    Large-scale Machine Learning in High-dimensional Datasets

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    Learning vector quantization for proximity data

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    Hofmann D. Learning vector quantization for proximity data. Bielefeld: UniversitĂ€t Bielefeld; 2016.Prototype-based classifiers such as learning vector quantization (LVQ) often display intuitive and flexible classification and learning rules. However, classical techniques are restricted to vectorial data only, and hence not suited for more complex data structures. Therefore, a few extensions of diverse LVQ variants to more general data which are characterized based on pairwise similarities or dissimilarities only have been proposed recently in the literature. In this contribution, we propose a novel extension of LVQ to similarity data which is based on the kernelization of an underlying probabilistic model: kernel robust soft LVQ (KRSLVQ). Relying on the notion of a pseudo-Euclidean embedding of proximity data, we put this specific approach as well as existing alternatives into a general framework which characterizes different fundamental possibilities how to extend LVQ towards proximity data: the main characteristics are given by the choice of the cost function, the interface to the data in terms of similarities or dissimilarities, and the way in which optimization takes place. In particular the latter strategy highlights the difference of popular kernel approaches versus so-called relational approaches. While KRSLVQ and alternatives lead to state of the art results, these extensions have two drawbacks as compared to their vectorial counterparts: (i) a quadratic training complexity is encountered due to the dependency of the methods on the full proximity matrix; (ii) prototypes are no longer given by vectors but they are represented in terms of an implicit linear combination of data, i.e. interpretability of the prototypes is lost. We investigate different techniques to deal with these challenges: We consider a speed-up of training by means of low rank approximations of the Gram matrix by its Nyström approximation. In benchmarks, this strategy is successful if the considered data are intrinsically low-dimensional. We propose a quick check to efficiently test this property prior to training. We extend KRSLVQ by sparse approximations of the prototypes: instead of the full coefficient vectors, few exemplars which represent the prototypes can be directly inspected by practitioners in the same way as data. We compare different paradigms based on which to infer a sparse approximation: sparsity priors while training, geometric approaches including orthogonal matching pursuit and core techniques, and heuristic approximations based on the coefficients or proximities. We demonstrate the performance of these LVQ techniques for benchmark data, reaching state of the art results. We discuss the behavior of the methods to enhance performance and interpretability as concerns quality, sparsity, and representativity, and we propose different measures how to quantitatively evaluate the performance of the approaches. We would like to point out that we had the possibility to present our findings in international publication organs including three journal articles [6, 9, 2], four conference papers [8, 5, 7, 1] and two workshop contributions [4, 3]. References [1] A. Gisbrecht, D. Hofmann, and B. Hammer. Discriminative dimensionality reduction mappings. Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis, 7619: 126–138, 2012. [2] B. Hammer, D. Hofmann, F.-M. Schleif, and X. Zhu. Learning vector quantization for (dis-)similarities. Neurocomputing, 131: 43–51, 2014. [3] D. Hofmann. Sparse approximations for kernel robust soft lvq. Mittweida Workshop on Computational Intelligence, 2013. [4] D. Hofmann, A. Gisbrecht, and B. Hammer. Discriminative probabilistic prototype based models in kernel space. New Challenges in Neural Computation, TR Machine Learning Reports, 2012. [5] D. Hofmann, A. Gisbrecht, and B. Hammer. Efficient approximations of kernel robust soft lvq. Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps, 198: 183–192, 2012. [6] D. Hofmann, A. Gisbrecht, and B. Hammer. Efficient approximations of robust soft learning vector quantization for non-vectorial data. Neurocomputing, 147: 96–106, 2015. [7] D. Hofmann and B. Hammer. Kernel robust soft learning vector quantization. Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition, 7477: 14–23, 2012. [8] D. Hofmann and B. Hammer. Sparse approximations for kernel learning vector quantization. European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, 549–554, 2013. [9] D. Hofmann, F.-M. Schleif, B. Paaßen, and B. Hammer. Learning interpretable kernelized prototype-based models. Neurocomputing, 141: 84–96, 2014

    Large Scale Kernel Methods for Fun and Profit

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    Kernel methods are among the most flexible classes of machine learning models with strong theoretical guarantees. Wide classes of functions can be approximated arbitrarily well with kernels, while fast convergence and learning rates have been formally shown to hold. Exact kernel methods are known to scale poorly with increasing dataset size, and we believe that one of the factors limiting their usage in modern machine learning is the lack of scalable and easy to use algorithms and software. The main goal of this thesis is to study kernel methods from the point of view of efficient learning, with particular emphasis on large-scale data, but also on low-latency training, and user efficiency. We improve the state-of-the-art for scaling kernel solvers to datasets with billions of points using the Falkon algorithm, which combines random projections with fast optimization. Running it on GPUs, we show how to fully utilize available computing power for training kernel machines. To boost the ease-of-use of approximate kernel solvers, we propose an algorithm for automated hyperparameter tuning. By minimizing a penalized loss function, a model can be learned together with its hyperparameters, reducing the time needed for user-driven experimentation. In the setting of multi-class learning, we show that – under stringent but realistic assumptions on the separation between classes – a wide set of algorithms needs much fewer data points than in the more general setting (without assumptions on class separation) to reach the same accuracy. The first part of the thesis develops a framework for efficient and scalable kernel machines. This raises the question of whether our approaches can be used successfully in real-world applications, especially compared to alternatives based on deep learning which are often deemed hard to beat. The second part aims to investigate this question on two main applications, chosen because of the paramount importance of having an efficient algorithm. First, we consider the problem of instance segmentation of images taken from the iCub robot. Here Falkon is used as part of a larger pipeline, but the efficiency afforded by our solver is essential to ensure smooth human-robot interactions. In the second instance, we consider time-series forecasting of wind speed, analysing the relevance of different physical variables on the predictions themselves. We investigate different schemes to adapt i.i.d. learning to the time-series setting. Overall, this work aims to demonstrate, through novel algorithms and examples, that kernel methods are up to computationally demanding tasks, and that there are concrete applications in which their use is warranted and more efficient than that of other, more complex, and less theoretically grounded models

    Approximate Inference for Determinantal Point Processes

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    In this thesis we explore a probabilistic model that is well-suited to a variety of subset selection tasks: the determinantal point process (DPP). DPPs were originally developed in the physics community to describe the repulsive interactions of fermions. More recently, they have been applied to machine learning problems such as search diversification and document summarization, which can be cast as subset selection tasks. A challenge, however, is scaling such DPP-based methods to the size of the datasets of interest to this community, and developing approximations for DPP inference tasks whose exact computation is prohibitively expensive. A DPP defines a probability distribution over all subsets of a ground set of items. Consider the inference tasks common to probabilistic models, which include normalizing, marginalizing, conditioning, sampling, estimating the mode, and maximizing likelihood. For DPPs, exactly computing the quantities necessary for the first four of these tasks requires time cubic in the number of items or features of the items. In this thesis, we propose a means of making these four tasks tractable even in the realm where the number of items and the number of features is large. Specifically, we analyze the impact of randomly projecting the features down to a lower-dimensional space and show that the variational distance between the resulting DPP and the original is bounded. In addition to expanding the circumstances in which these first four tasks are tractable, we also tackle the other two tasks, the first of which is known to be NP-hard (with no PTAS) and the second of which is conjectured to be NP-hard. For mode estimation, we build on submodular maximization techniques to develop an algorithm with a multiplicative approximation guarantee. For likelihood maximization, we exploit the generative process associated with DPP sampling to derive an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. We experimentally verify the practicality of all the techniques that we develop, testing them on applications such as news and research summarization, political candidate comparison, and product recommendation

    Geometric Methods in Machine Learning and Data Mining

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    In machine learning, the standard goal of is to find an appropriate statistical model from a model space based on the training data from a data space; while in data mining, the goal is to find interesting patterns in the data from a data space. In both fields, these spaces carry geometric structures that can be exploited using methods that make use of these geometric structures (we shall call them geometric methods), or the problems themselves can be formulated in a way that naturally appeal to these methods. In such cases, studying these geometric structures and then using appropriate geometric methods not only gives insight into existing algorithms, but also helps build new and better algorithms. In my research, I develop methods that exploit geometric structure of problems for a variety of machine learning and data mining problems, and provide strong theoretical and empirical evidence in favor of using them. My dissertation is divided into two parts. In the first part, I develop algorithms to solve a well known problem in data mining i.e. distance embedding problem. In particular, I use tools from computational geometry to build a unified framework for solving a distance embedding problem known as multidimensional scaling (MDS). This geometry-inspired framework results in algorithms that can solve different variants of MDS better than previous state-of-the-art methods. In addition, these algorithms come with many other attractive properties: they are simple, intuitive, easily parallelizable, scalable, and can handle missing data. Furthermore, I extend my unified MDS framework to build scalable algorithms for dimensionality reduction, and also to solve a sensor network localization problem for mobile sensors. Experimental results show the effectiveness of this framework across all problems. In the second part of my dissertation, I turn to problems in machine learning, in particular, use geometry to reason about conjugate priors, develop a model that hybridizes between discriminative and generative frameworks, and build a new set of generative-process-driven kernels. More specifically, this part of my dissertation is devoted to the study of the geometry of the space of probabilistic models associated with statistical generative processes. This study --- based on the theory well grounded in information geometry --- allows me to reason about the appropriateness of conjugate priors from a geometric perspective, and hence gain insight into the large number of existing models that rely on these priors. Furthermore, I use this study to build hybrid models more naturally i.e., by combining discriminative and generative methods using the geometry underlying them, and also to build a family of kernels called generative kernels that can be used as off-the-shelf tool in any kernel learning method such as support vector machines. My experiments of generative kernels demonstrate their effectiveness providing further evidence in favor of using geometric methods

    Scalable large margin pairwise learning algorithms

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    2019 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Classification is a major task in machine learning and data mining applications. Many of these applications involve building a classification model using a large volume of imbalanced data. In such an imbalanced learning scenario, the area under the ROC curve (AUC) has proven to be a reliable performance measure to evaluate a classifier. Therefore, it is desirable to develop scalable learning algorithms that maximize the AUC metric directly. The kernelized AUC maximization machines have established a superior generalization ability compared to linear AUC machines. However, the computational cost of the kernelized machines hinders their scalability. To address this problem, we propose a large-scale nonlinear AUC maximization algorithm that learns a batch linear classifier on approximate feature space computed via the k-means Nyström method. The proposed algorithm is shown empirically to achieve comparable AUC classification performance or even better than the kernel AUC machines, while its training time is faster by several orders of magnitude. However, the computational complexity of the linear batch model compromises its scalability when training sizable datasets. Hence, we develop a second-order online AUC maximization algorithms based on a confidence-weighted model. The proposed algorithms exploit the second-order information to improve the convergence rate and implement a fixed-size buffer to address the multivariate nature of the AUC objective function. We also extend our online linear algorithms to consider an approximate feature map constructed using random Fourier features in an online setting. The results show that our proposed algorithms outperform or are at least comparable to the competing online AUC maximization methods. Despite their scalability, we notice that online first and second-order AUC maximization methods are prone to suboptimal convergence. This can be attributed to the limitation of the hypothesis space. A potential improvement can be attained by learning stochastic online variants. However, the vanilla stochastic methods also suffer from slow convergence because of the high variance introduced by the stochastic process. We address the problem of slow convergence by developing a fast convergence stochastic AUC maximization algorithm. The proposed stochastic algorithm is accelerated using a unique combination of scheduled regularization update and scheduled averaging. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than the state-of-the-art online and stochastic AUC maximization methods in terms of AUC classification accuracy. Moreover, we develop a proximal variant of our accelerated stochastic AUC maximization algorithm. The proposed method applies the proximal operator to the hinge loss function. Therefore, it evaluates the gradient of the loss function at the approximated weight vector. Experiments on several benchmark datasets show that our proximal algorithm converges to the optimal solution faster than the previous AUC maximization algorithms
