1,069 research outputs found

    Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensing and its Interplay with Fluidics

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    In this Feature Article, we discuss the interplay between fluidics and the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) sensing technique, primarily focusing on its applications in the realm of bio/chemical sensing within fluidic environments. Commencing with a foundational overview of LSPR principles from a sensing perspective, we subsequently showcase the development of a streamlined LSPR chip integrated with microfluidic structures. This integration opens the doors to advanced experiments involving fluid dynamics, greatly expanding the scope of LSPR-based research. Our discussions then turn to the practical implementation of LSPR and microfluidics in real-time biosensing, with a specific emphasis on monitoring DNA polymerase activity. Additionally, we illustrate the direct sensing of biological fluids, exemplified by the analysis of urine, while also shedding light on a unique particle assembly process that occurs on LSPR chips. We not only discuss the significance of LSPR sensing but also explore its potential to investigate a plethora of phenomena at liquid–liquid and solid–liquid interfaces. This is particularly noteworthy, as existing transduction methods and sensors fall short in fully comprehending these interfacial phenomena. Concluding our discussion, we present a futuristic perspective that provides insights into potential opportunities emerging at the intersection of fluidics and LSPR sensing

    On-chip biosensing platforms based on gold and silicon optical nano-resonators

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    Point-of-care (POC) devices are compact, mobile and fast detection platforms expected to advance early diagnosis, treatment monitoring and personalized healthcare, and revolutionize today’s healthcare system, especially in remote areas. The need for POC devices strongly drives the development of novel biosensor technology. Building a small, fast, simple, and sensitive platform for biomolecule detection is a challenge that relies on the integration of multiple fields of expertise and engineering. Optical nanoresonators have shown great promise as label-free biosensors because of direct light coupling and sub-wavelength sensing modes. Metallic nanoresonators with localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR) are already well studied and were proven a solid alternative to the commercialized surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors. More recently, dielectric nanoresonators have also gained traction due to the reduced losses and the ability to manipulate both the electric and magnetic components of the incident light. In this thesis, we advance the field of biosensing and use optical nanoresonators as operative platforms relevant for disease diagnosis and treatment monitoring. By combining different optimized optical nanoresonators, both metallic and dielectric, with state-of-the-art microfluidics and surface chemistry, we have developed and tested several detection platforms. We first focused on developing a microfluidic lab-on-chip device for multiplexed biosensing utilizing the LSPR of gold nanoresonator arrays. By simultaneously tracking the extinction of 32 sensor arrays, we demonstrated multiplexed quantitative detection of four breast cancer markers in human serum. We showed that with well-optimized immunoassays, a low limit of detection (LOD) can be reached, paving the way towards clinically-relevant POC devices. Additionally, we implemented silicon nanoresonators supporting Mie resonances into functional and clinically-relevant applications. By integrating several arrays of Si nanoresonators with state-of-the-art microfluidics, we demonstrated their ability to detect cancer markers in human serum with high sensitivity and high specificity. Furthermore, we showed that the fabrication of Si nanoresonator array using low cost and scalable projection lithography leads to sufficiently low limits of detection, while enabling cheaper and faster sensor production for future POC applications. We also investigated the respective role of electric and magnetic dipole resonances and showed that they are associated with two different transduction mechanisms: resonance redshift and extinction decrease. Our work advances the development of future point-of-care sensing platforms for fast and low cost health monitoring at the molecular scale.La instrumentación Point-of-care (POC) es compacta, móvil y permite una detección rápida, razón por la que se prevé que sean de gran ayuda en áreas como el diagnostico precoz, la monitorización de tratamientos y la medicina personalizada, revolucionando los modelos sanitarios, especialmente en las zonas de difícil acceso y con menos recursos. La necesidad de este tipo de dispositivos impulsa el desarrollo de novedosas tecnologías en el campo de los bio-sensores. Diseñar equipos para la detección de bio-moléculas que sean rápidos, pequeños y sencillos es un reto que requiere la integración de múltiples campos de la ciencia y la ingeniería. Los nano-resonadores ópticos muestran un gran potencial como bio-sensores sin necesidad de marcaje, gracias a su capacidad de acoplase directamente con la luz en modos menores que la longitud de onda. Los nano-resonadores metálicos basados en resonancias plasmónicas superficiales localizadas (LSPR) han sido estudiados y han demostrado ser una firme alternativa a los ya comerciales basados en resonancias plasmónicas superficiales (SPR). Los nano-resonadores dieléctricos han sido recientemente objeto de atención debido a sus bajas perdidas y la capacidad de manipular los componentes eléctricos y magnéticos de la luz. En esta tesis presentamos avances en el campo de la bio-detección y en el uso de los nano-resonadores ópticos como potenciales herramientas para la detección de enfermedades y monitorización de los tratamientos. Hemos desarrollado y evaluado distintas plataformas de detección combinando los nano-resonadores ópticos, tanto metálicos como dieléctricos, con las más avanzadas técnicas de microfluídica y química de superficies. En primer lugar, nos centramos en el desarrollo de un dispositivo microfluídico basado en sensores LSPR de oro que permite multiplexar 32 canales. Los 32 sensores se monitorizan en tiempo real para demostrar la cuantificación de 4 marcadores de cáncer de mama en suero sanguíneo humano. Demostramos que mediante la optimización de los ensayos se pueden alcanzar bajos límites de detección (LOD), lo que allana el camino hacia dispositivos POC de uso clínico. Por otro lado, hemos utilizado los nano-resonadores de silicio integrados con la microfluídica para también detectar marcadores de cáncer en suero. Estos sensores, cuyo principio de funcionamiento se basa en resonancias de MIE, han demostrado ser una alternativa razonable a los sensores de oro. Además, demostramos que un proceso de fabricación de nano-resonadores de silicio rápido, escalable y de bajo coste da lugar a límites de detección suficientes para la producción de futuras POC. También realizamos un minucioso estudio del rol de las resonancias eléctricas y magnéticas en dichos sensores y su relación con el desplazamiento y el cambio magnitud de la resonancia del sensor global. Nuestro trabajo es un avance en el desarrollo de futuros instrumentos POC rápidos y baratos en el ámbito de la salud a escala molecular.Postprint (published version

    Thermally tunable polarization by nanoparticle plasmonic resonance in photonic crystal fibers

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    A photonic crystal fiber selectively filled with silver nanoparticles dispersed in polydimethylsiloxane has been numerically studied via finite elements analysis. These nanoparticles possess a localized surface plasmon resonance in the visible region which depends on the refractive index of the surrounding medium. The refractive index of polydimethylsiloxane can be thermally tuned leading to the design of polarization tunable filters. Filters found with this setup show anisotropic attenuation of the x-polarization fundamental mode around ?x = 1200dB/cm remarkably higher than the y-polarization mode. Moreover, high fiber birefringence and birefringence reversal is observed in the spectral region of the plasmon

    Real-time monitoring of DNA immobilization and detection of DNA polymerase activity by a microfluidic nanoplasmonic platform

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    DNA polymerase catalyzes the replication of DNA, one of the key steps in cell division. The control and understanding of this reaction owns great potential for the fundamental study of DNA-enzyme interactions. In this context, we developed a label-free microfluidic biosensor platform based on the principle of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) to detect the DNA-polymerase reaction in real-time. Our microfluidic LSPR chip integrates a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) channel bonded with a nanoplasmonic substrate, which consists of densely packed mushroom-like nanostructures with silicon dioxide stems (~40nm) and gold caps (~22nm), with an average spacing of 19nm. The LSPR chip was functionalized with single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) template (T30), spaced with hexanedithiol (HDT) in a molar ratio of 1:1. The DNA primer (P8) was then attached to T30, and the second strand was subsequently elongated by DNA polymerase assembling nucleotides from the surrounding fluid. All reaction steps were detected in-situ inside the microfluidic LSPR chip, at room temperature, in real-time, and label-free. In addition, the sensor response was successfully correlated with the amount of DNA and HDT molecules immobilized on the LSPR sensor surface. Our platform represents a benchmark in developing microfluidic LSPR chips for DNA-enzyme interactions, further driving innovations in biosensing technologies

    Real-time label-free biosensing with integrated planar waveguide ring resonators

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    We review the use of planar integrated optical waveguide ring resonators for label free bio-sensing and present recent results from two European biosensor collaborations: SABIO and InTopSens. Planar waveguide ring resonators are attractive for label-free biosensing due to their small footprint, high Q-factors, and compatibility with on-chip optics and microfluidics. This enables integrated sensor arrays for compact labs-on-chip. One application of label-free sensor arrays is for point-of-care medical diagnostics. Bringing such powerful tools to the single medical practitioner is an important step towards personalized medicine, but requires addressing a number of issues: improving limit of detection, managing the influence of temperature, parallelization of the measurement for higher throughput and on-chip referencing, efficient light-coupling strategies to simplify alignment, and packaging of the optical chip and integration with microfluidics. From the SABIO project we report refractive index measurement and label-free biosensing in an 8-channel slotwaveguide ring resonator sensor array, within a compact cartridge with integrated microfluidics. The sensors show a volume sensing detection limit of 5 × 10-6 RIU and a surface sensing detection limit of 0.9 pg/mm2. From the InTopSens project we report early results on silicon-on-insulator racetrack resonators

    Slotted photonic crystal biosensors

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    Optical biosensors are increasingly being considered for lab-on-a-chip applications due to their benefits such as small size, biocompatibility, passive behaviour and lack of the need for fluorescent labels. The light guiding mechanisms used by many of them result in poor overlap of the optical field with the target molecules, reducing the maximum sensitivity achievable. This thesis presents a new platform for optical biosensors, namely slotted photonic crystals, which engender higher sensitivities due to their ability to confine, spatially and temporally, the peak of optical mode within the analyte itself. Loss measurements showed values comparable to standard photonic crystals, confirming their ability to be used in real devices. A novel resonant coupler was designed, simulated, and experimentally tested, and was found to perform better than other solutions within the literature. Combining with cavities, microfluidics and biological functionalization allowed proof-of-principle demonstrations of protein binding to be carried out. High sensitivities were observed in smaller structures than most competing devices in the literature. Initial tests with cellular material for real applications was also performed, and shown to be of promise. In addition, groundwork to make an integrated device that includes the spectrometer function was also carried out showing that slotted photonic crystals themselves can be used for on-chip wavelength specific filtering and spectroscopy, whilst gas-free microvalves for automation were also developed. This body of work presents slotted photonic crystals as a realistic platform for complete on-chip biosensing; addressing key design, performance and application issues, whilst also opening up exciting new ideas for future study

    Microfluidics for plasmonic sensors

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    Ankara : The Program of Materials Science and Nanotechnology and the Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 2009.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2009.Includes bibliographical references leaves 62-65.In this thesis, we integrate microfluidics with grating-coupled surface plasmon configurations for sensing applications. First, in order to observe optimal excitations, we introduce procedures for modification of the surface profiles of gratings acquired from commercially available optical storage disks. A must requirement in plasmonic systems, thin film metal deposition is performed. Soft lithographic techniques are applied to coated disks to transfer the surface topography of the disks to an elastomeric material, PDMS. Optical lithography is used to fabricate microfluidic channels to where fluid will be injected. After fabricating the final structure, ellipsometric measurement is used to investigate the device performance. Experimental results were in consistence with the theoretical simulations providing similar behaviours of reflection spectra. The resonance wavelengths are found to be occuring very near to the expected values along with high quality factors. However, to the device structure, an intensity loss is observed which can be further improved. We achieved the tuning of the resonance wavelength by changing the refractive index of the medium inside the microchannel. Integration of the microfluidic channel to surface plasmon studies may open up many applications such as biomolecular sensing.Ertaş, Yavuz NuriM.S

    Optofluidic plasmonic onchip nanosensor array for biodetection

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversitySurface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing has been demonstrated in the past decade to be the gold standard technique for biochemical interaction analysis, and plays an important role in drug discovery and biomedical research. The technique circumvents the need of fluorescence/radioactive tagging or enzymatic detection, enables ultrasensitive remote sensing, and quantitatively monitors bio-interaction in real time. Although SPR has these attractive features that can satisfy most research/clinic requirements, there still exist problems that limit its applications. First, the reflection geometry of the prism coupling scheme adds limitations for high throughput screening application. Additionally, SPR instrumentations are bulky and not suitable for point-of-care settings. Moreover, the SPR sensor is embedded in conventional micro-fluidic cells, in which the sensor performance is limited by inefficient analyte transport. Suspended plasmonic nanohole array (PNA) offers an opportunity to overcome these limitations. A collinear excitation/collection coupling scheme combined with the small footprint of PNA provides unique platform for multiplexing and system minimization. The suspended nanohole structure also offers a unique configuration to integrate nano-photonics with nano-fluidics. This thesis focuses on developing a lab-on-a-chip PNA platform for point-of-care bio-detection. To achieve this, we first demonstrate that the figure-of-merit of our PNA sensor surpasses that of the prism coupled SPR. We also show that the ultrasensitive label-free PNA sensor is able to directly detect intact viruses from biological media at clinically relevant concentrations with little sample preparation. We then present a plasmonic microarray with over one million PNA sensors on a microscope slide for high throughput screening applications. A dual-color filter imaging method is introduced to increase the accuracy, reliability, and signal-to-noise ratio in a highly multiplexed manner. Finally, we present a nanoplasmonic-nanofluidic platform enabling active delivery of analyte to the sensor. Sensor response time is reduced by an order of magnitude compared to the conventional flow scheme. A dynamic range spanning 5 orders of magnitude from 10^3 to 10^7 particles/mL is shown on this platform corresponding to analyte concentration sufficient for clinical applications. The proposed approach opens up opportunities of a lab-on-a-chip bio-detection system for drug screening, disease diagnostic as well as clinic studies