10 research outputs found

    Agraphs: Definition, implementation and tools

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    Agraphs are a graph-based language representation, transformation and exchange format. In the same vein as XML, Agraphs form a general data representation mechanism that needs to be instantiated in different specific applications. In this paper, we present the Agraphs data structure, programming interface and related tools, identify their main features with respect to exchange format characteristics, and compare them to other existing exchange formats. These different features are illustrated on an instance of Agraphs for modular Petri nets

    Modal Rules are Co-Implications

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    In [13], it was shown that modal logic for coalgebras dualises—concerning definability— equational logic for algebras. This paper establishes that, similarly, modal rules dualise implications:It is shown that a class of coalgebras is definable by modal rules iff it is closed under H (images) and Σ (disjoint unions). As a corollary the expressive power of rules of infinitary modal logic on Kripke frames is characterised

    Modal Rules are Co-Implications

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    In [13], it was shown that modal logic for coalgebras dualises—concerning definability— equational logic for algebras. This paper establishes that, similarly, modal rules dualise implications:It is shown that a class of coalgebras is definable by modal rules iff it is closed under H (images) and Σ (disjoint unions). As a corollary the expressive power of rules of infinitary modal logic on Kripke frames is characterised

    Strategic term rewriting and its application to a VDM-SL to SQL conversion

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    We constructed a tool, called VooDooM, which converts datatypes in Vdm-sl into Sql relational data models. The conversion involves transformation of algebraic types to maps and products, and pointer introduction. The conversion is specified as a theory of refinement by calculation. The implementation technology is strategic term rewriting in Haskell, as supported by the Strafunski bundle. Due to these choices of theory and technology, the road from theory to practise is straightforward.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - POSI/ICHS/44304/2002Agência de Inovação (ADI) - ∑!223

    µ-Bicomplete Categories and Parity Games

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    Unfortunately, it appears that LaBRI has not kept a copy of this document. An email sent to director of this institution enquiring where are kept the reports before 2005 has not received an answer. A shortened version of this report has been published as RAIRO-Theor. Inf. Appl., Volume 36, Number 2, April/June 2002, Fixed Points in Computer Science (FICS'01) Page(s) 195 - 22. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/ita:2002010.For an arbitrary category, we consider the least class of functors con- taining the projections and closed under finite products, finite coproducts, parameterized initial algebras and parameterized final coalgebras, i.e. the class of functors that are definable by μ-terms. We call the category μ-bicomplete if every μ-term defines a functor. We provide concrete ex- amples of such categories and explicitly characterize this class of functors for the category of sets and functions. This goal is achieved through par- ity games: we associate to each game an algebraic expression and turn the game into a term of a categorical theory. We show that μ-terms and parity games are equivalent, meaning that they define the same property of being μ-bicomplete. Finally, the interpretation of a parity game in the category of sets is shown to be the set of deterministic winning strategies for a chosen player

    Visualisierung komplexer reaktiver Systeme: Annotierte Bibliographie

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    Reaktive Systeme müssen kontinuierlich auf ihre Umwelt reagieren; die meisten eingebetteten Echtzeitsysteme sind reaktive Systeme. Ein wesentliches Hilfsmittel für die Entwicklung reaktiver Systeme ist die Visualisierung des Systemverhaltens. Der modellbasierte Entwurf unterstützt diese Verhaltensvisualisierung; bisherige Visualisierungsmechanismen sind jedoch nur für Systeme bis zu einer gewissen Größe effektiv einsetzbar. Dieser Bericht untersucht Ursachen hierfür, und fasst bisherige Ergebnisse auf verschiedenen hierfür relevanten Gebieten der Informatik zusammen

    The Impact of Petri Nets on System-of-Systems Engineering

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    The successful engineering of a large-scale system-of-systems project towards deterministic behaviour depends on integrating autonomous components using international communications standards in accordance with dynamic requirements. To-date, their engineering has been unsuccessful: no combination of top-down and bottom-up engineering perspectives is adopted, and information exchange protocol and interfaces between components are not being precisely specified. Various approaches such as modelling, and architecture frameworks make positive contributions to system-of-systems specification but their successful implementation is still a problem. One of the most popular modelling notations available for specifying systems, UML, is intuitive and graphical but also ambiguous and imprecise. Supplying a range of diagrams to represent a system under development, UML lacks simulation and exhaustive verification capability. This shortfall in UML has received little attention in the context of system-of-systems and there are two major research issues: 1. Where the dynamic, behavioural diagrams of UML can and cannot be used to model and analyse system-of-systems 2. Determining how Petri nets can be used to improve the specification and analysis of the dynamic model of a system-of-systems specified using UML This thesis presents the strengths and weaknesses of Petri nets in relation to the specification of system-of-systems and shows how Petri net models can be used instead of conventional UML Activity Diagrams. The model of the system-of-systems can then be analysed and verified using Petri net theory. The Petri net formalism of behaviour is demonstrated using two case studies from the military domain. The first case study uses Petri nets to specify and analyse a close air support mission. This case study concludes by indicating the strengths, weaknesses, and shortfalls of the proposed formalism in system-of-systems specification. The second case study considers specification of a military exchange network parameters problem and the results are compared with the strengths and weaknesses identified in the first case study. Finally, the results of the research are formulated in the form of a Petri net enhancement to UML (mapping existing activity diagram elements to Petri net elements) to meet the needs of system-of-systems specification, verification and validation

    Diverse and robust molecular algorithms using reprogrammable DNA self-assembly

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    Molecular biology provides an inspiring proof-of-principle that chemical systems can store and process information to direct molecular activities such as the fabrication of complex structures from molecular components. To develop information-based chemistry as a technology for programming matter to function in ways not seen in biological systems, it is necessary to understand how molecular interactions can encode and execute algorithms. The self-assembly of relatively simple units into complex products is particularly well suited for such investigations. Theory that combines mathematical tiling and statistical–mechanical models of molecular crystallization has shown that algorithmic behaviour can be embedded within molecular self-assembly processes, and this has been experimentally demonstrated using DNA nanotechnology with up to 22 tile types. However, many information technologies exhibit a complexity threshold—such as the minimum transistor count needed for a general-purpose computer—beyond which the power of a reprogrammable system increases qualitatively, and it has been unclear whether the biophysics of DNA self-assembly allows that threshold to be exceeded. Here we report the design and experimental validation of a DNA tile set that contains 355 single-stranded tiles and can, through simple tile selection, be reprogrammed to implement a wide variety of 6-bit algorithms. We use this set to construct 21 circuits that execute algorithms including copying, sorting, recognizing palindromes and multiples of 3, random walking, obtaining an unbiased choice from a biased random source, electing a leader, simulating cellular automata, generating deterministic and randomized patterns, and counting to 63, with an overall per-tile error rate of less than 1 in 3,000. These findings suggest that molecular self-assembly could be a reliable algorithmic component within programmable chemical systems. The development of molecular machines that are reprogrammable—at a high level of abstraction and thus without requiring knowledge of the underlying physics—will establish a creative space in which molecular programmers can flourish