129,479 research outputs found

    On a general theoretical foundation for endocrinology

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    Hormones are messenger molecules that distribute across all tissues and thus operate on the whole-organism level. Moreover, a given hormone typically affects a number of different biological processes. As such, hormones coordinate concerted cooperation between the cells and tissues of an organism, a phenomenon that has been termed ‘organismal harmony’. Furthermore, a concept that has recently been gaining traction is that hormones mediate or represent life history trade-offs, which are ultimately moulded by evolutionary pressures. Here, this concept is extended to include all ‘decisions’ or ‘choices’ that are made at the organismal level. A formal framework is sketched to explore the proposition that organismal biology, together with the ‘fitness landscape’, suffices in principle to determine minimalistic dynamics of the endocrine system

    A Theoretical Foundation for Count Data Models

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    The paper develops a theoretical foundation for using count data models in travel cost analysis. Two micro models are developed: a restricted choice model and a repeated discrete choice model. We show that both models lead to identical welfare measures.

    Income From Separate Property: Towards a Theoretical Foundation

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    The characterization of the rents, issues and profits from separate property brought into or acquired during marriage is discussed. There has been no comprehensive treatment of this issue in community property case law and literature in recent years

    A Theoretical Foundation for Bilateral Matching Mechanisms

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    This work introduces a rigorous set-theoretic foundation of bilateral matching mechanisms and studies their properties in a systematic manner. By providing a unified framework to study ilateral matching mechanisms, we formalize how different spatial/informational constraints can be implemented via a careful selection of matching mechanisms. In particular, this paper explains why and how various matching mechanisms generate different degrees of information isolation in the economyspatial interactions, matching, information frictions

    A Theoretical Foundation of the Porter Hypothesis

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    This note shows that, by reducing agency costs, an environmental regulation may enhance pollution-reducing innovation while at the same time increasing firms'private benefit.Renegotiation, Regulation, R&D, Porter Hypothesis