8 research outputs found

    The vertex leafage of chordal graphs

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    Every chordal graph GG can be represented as the intersection graph of a collection of subtrees of a host tree, a so-called {\em tree model} of GG. The leafage (G)\ell(G) of a connected chordal graph GG is the minimum number of leaves of the host tree of a tree model of GG. The vertex leafage \vl(G) is the smallest number kk such that there exists a tree model of GG in which every subtree has at most kk leaves. The leafage is a polynomially computable parameter by the result of \cite{esa}. In this contribution, we study the vertex leafage. We prove for every fixed k3k\geq 3 that deciding whether the vertex leafage of a given chordal graph is at most kk is NP-complete by proving a stronger result, namely that the problem is NP-complete on split graphs with vertex leafage of at most k+1k+1. On the other hand, for chordal graphs of leafage at most \ell, we show that the vertex leafage can be calculated in time nO()n^{O(\ell)}. Finally, we prove that there exists a tree model that realizes both the leafage and the vertex leafage of GG. Notably, for every path graph GG, there exists a path model with (G)\ell(G) leaves in the host tree and it can be computed in O(n3)O(n^3) time

    Recognising the overlap graphs of subtrees of restricted trees is hard

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    The overlap graphs of subtrees in a tree (SOGs) generalise many other graphs classes with set representation characterisations. The complexity of recognising SOGs is open. The complexities of recognising many subclasses of SOGs are known. Weconsider several subclasses of SOGs by restricting the underlying tree. For a fixed integer k3k \geq 3, we consider:\begin{my_itemize} \item The overlap graphs of subtrees in a tree where that tree has kk leaves \item The overlap graphs of subtrees in trees that can be derived from a given input tree by subdivision and have at least 3 leaves \item The overlap and intersection graphs of paths in a tree where that tree has maximum degree kk\end{my_itemize} We show that the recognition problems of these classes are NP-complete. For all other parameters we get circle graphs, well known to be polynomially recognizable

    Recognising the overlap graphs of subtrees of restricted trees is hard

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    The overlap graphs of subtrees in a tree (SOGs) generalise many other graphs classes with set representation characterisations. The complexity of recognising SOGs is open. The complexities of recognising many subclasses of SOGs are known. Weconsider several subclasses of SOGs by restricting the underlying tree. For a fixed integer k3k \geq 3, we consider:\begin{my_itemize} \item The overlap graphs of subtrees in a tree where that tree has kk leaves \item The overlap graphs of subtrees in trees that can be derived from a given input tree by subdivision and have at least 3 leaves \item The overlap and intersection graphs of paths in a tree where that tree has maximum degree kk\end{my_itemize} We show that the recognition problems of these classes are NP-complete. For all other parameters we get circle graphs, well known to be polynomially recognizable

    Equivalence of the filament and overlap graphs of subtrees of limited trees

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    The overlap graphs of subtrees of a tree are equivalent to subtree filament graphs, the overlap graphs of subtrees of a star are cocomparability graphs, and the overlap graphs of subtrees of a caterpillar are interval filament graphs. In this paper, we show the equivalence of many more classes of subtree overlap and subtree filament graphs, and equate them to classes of complements of cochordal-mixed graphs. Our results generalize the previously known results mentioned above

    Extended star graphs

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    Chordal graphs, which are intersection graph of subtrees of a tree, can be represented on trees. Some representation of a chordal graph often reduces the size of the data structure needed to store the graph, permitting the use of extremely efficient algorithms that take advantage of the compactness of the representation. An extended star graph is the intersection graph of a family of subtrees of a tree that has exactly one vertex of degree at least three. An asteroidal triple in a graph is a set of three non-adjacent vertices such that for any two of them there exists a path between them that does not intersect the neighborhood of the third. Several subclasses of chordal graphs (interval graphs, directed path graphs) have been characterized by forbidden asteroids. In this paper, we define, a subclass of chordal graphs, called extended star graphs, prove a characterization of this class by forbidden asteroids and show open problems

    Domination and Cut Problems on Chordal Graphs with Bounded Leafage

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    Domination and Cut Problems on Chordal Graphs with Bounded Leafage

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    The leafage of a chordal graph GG is the minimum integer \ell such that GG can be realized as an intersection graph of subtrees of a tree with \ell leaves. We consider structural parameterization by the leafage of classical domination and cut problems on chordal graphs. Fomin, Golovach, and Raymond~[ESA~20182018, Algorithmica~20202020] proved, among other things, that \textsc{Dominating Set} on chordal graphs admits an algorithm running in time 2O(2)nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(\ell^2)} \cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}. We present a conceptually much simpler algorithm that runs in time 2O()nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(\ell)} \cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}. We extend our approach to obtain similar results for \textsc{Connected Dominating Set} and \textsc{Steiner Tree}. We then consider the two classical cut problems \textsc{MultiCut with Undeletable Terminals} and \textsc{Multiway Cut with Undeletable Terminals}. We prove that the former is \textsf{W}[1]-hard when parameterized by the leafage and complement this result by presenting a simple nO()n^{\mathcal{O}(\ell)}-time algorithm. To our surprise, we find that \textsc{Multiway Cut with Undeletable Terminals} on chordal graphs can be solved, in contrast, in nO(1)n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}-time

    Domination and Cut Problems on Chordal Graphs with Bounded Leafage

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    The leafage of a chordal graph G is the minimum integer l such that G can berealized as an intersection graph of subtrees of a tree with l leaves. Weconsider structural parameterization by the leafage of classical domination andcut problems on chordal graphs. Fomin, Golovach, and Raymond [ESA 2018,Algorithmica 2020] proved, among other things, that Dominating Set on chordalgraphs admits an algorithm running in time 2O(l2)nO(1)2^{O(l^2)} n^{O(1)}. We present aconceptually much simpler algorithm that runs in time 2O(l)nO(1)2^{O(l)} n^{O(1)}. Weextend our approach to obtain similar results for Connected Dominating Set andSteiner Tree. We then consider the two classical cut problems MultiCut withUndeletable Terminals and Multiway Cut with Undeletable Terminals. We provethat the former is W[1]-hard when parameterized by the leafage and complementthis result by presenting a simple nO(l)n^{O(l)}-time algorithm. To our surprise,we find that Multiway Cut with Undeletable Terminals on chordal graphs can besolved, in contrast, in nO(1)n^{O(1)}-time.<br