233 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang: Manajemen nyeri sangat penting dalam melakukan tindakan sirkumsisi maupun setelah tindakan sirkumsisi. Salah satu metode untuk mengurangi nyeri adalah dengan pemberian krim lidokain-prilokain. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbandingan nilai Visual Analog Scale (VAS) pasien dengan pemberian krim lidokain-prilokain dan pasien yang tidak diberikan krim lidokain-prilokain pasca sirkumsisi. Metode: Penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan 12 subjek penelitian yang menjalani sirkumsisi dengan rentang usia 5-12 tahun. Subjek penelitian dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok perlakuan (diberikan krim lidokain-prilokain) dan kelompok kontrol (tidak diberikan krim lidokain-prilokain). Pasien kelompok perlakuan akan diberikan krim lidokain-prilokain oleh dokter diruang operasi pada daerah sekitar luka bekas insisi, sedangkan pasien kelompok kontrol tidak diberikan krim lidokain-prilokain. Pengukuran nilai VAS dilakukan pada menit ke-45 dan menit 90 setelah penambahan krim lidokain-prilokain. Hasil: Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan (p =0,004) terhadap nilai VAS pasien yang diberikan krim lidokain-prilokain pada menit 45 dan 90 dibandingkan dengan yang tidak diberikan krim lidokain-prilokain disekitar luka setelah operasi.Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menununjukkan bahwa pasien yang diberikan krim lidokain-prilokain dapat menurunkan nilai VAS dibandingkan dengan nilai VAS pasien yang tidak diberikan krim lidokain-prilokain pada pasien paska sirkumsisi

    2023 Medical Student Research Day Abstracts

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    Medical student research day is designed to highlight the breadth of research and scholarly activity that medical students have accomplished during their education at The GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences. All medical students are invited to present research regardless of the area of focus. Abstract submissions represent a broad range of research interests and disciplines, including basic and translational science, clinical research, health policy and public health research, and education-related research

    Applications of simulation within the healthcare context

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in Journal of the Operation Research Society. The definitive publisher-authenticated version Katsaliaki, K., Mustafee, N.,(2010). Applications of simulation within the healthcare context. Journal of the Operation Research Society. 62, 1431-1451 is available online at: http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jors/journal/v62/n8/full/jors201020a.htmlA large number of studies have applied simulation to a multitude of issues related to healthcare. These studies have been published over a number of unrelated publishing outlets, and this may hamper the widespread reference and use of such resources. In this paper we analyse existing research in healthcare simulation in order to categorise and synthesise it in a meaningful manner. Hence, the aim of this paper is to conduct a review of the literature pertaining to simulation research within healthcare in order to ascertain its current development. A review of approximately 250 high quality journal papers published between 1970 and 2007 on healthcare-related simulation research was conducted. The results present: a classification of the healthcare publications according to the simulation techniques they employ; the impact of published literature in healthcare simulation; a report on demonstration and implementation of the studies’ results; the sources of funding; and the software used. Healthcare planners and researchers will benefit from this study by having ready access to an indicative article collection of simulation techniques applied in healthcare problems that are clustered under meaningful headings. This study facilitates the understanding of the potential of different simulation techniques for solving diverse healthcare problems

    Rejection, Desensitization, and Tissue Preservation in Male Urogenital Allotransplantation

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    Rejection, Desensitization, and Tissue Preservation in Male Urogenital Allotransplantation

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    Complementary Pediatrics

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    Complementary Pediatrics covers complementary issues of pediatric subspecialties consisting of ophthalmologic, surgical, psychosocial and administrative issues of frequently used medications. This book volume with its 16 chapters will help get us and patients enlightened with the new developments on these subspecialties' area

    Misconceptions surrounding the safety of home birth and hospital birth

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    Much debate surrounds the topic of women choosing to deliver their infants at home with the services of a midwife. The outcomes of women beginning labor at home, ultimately delivering at home, and the infants born at home were studied in order to determine the safety of home birth among expectant women choosing to be attended by a midwife licensed to practice by the state of Louisiana. Trends associated with those choosing home birth and the frequency of home birth were also analyzed. The study was conducted using retrospective records of clients accepted during the study years 1986-2000. During the study years, the midwives began care on 284 women. Of those women, 225 delivered at home, 31 were transported to the hospital at some point, 7 voluntarily left the midwife’s care, and 20 were referred out for various reasons. The only cause of infant mortality in the home births was congenital anomalies. There were no maternal deaths or significant maternal morbidity. The years with the largest number of home births were 1997, 1998, and 1999 with 32, 35, and 32 births respectively. During these three years there were three actively practicing midwives, with a fourth serving only six women total. The same three midwives were also practicing in 2000, but the number of home births dropped sharply to 20 due to difficulties attaining physician back-up. Most women who chose home birth had already had a child. Only 20.8% were primiparous. Complications and obstetric procedures were infrequent, outcomes were good, and the breastfeeding rate was 100% with most babies being nursed within one hour of birth. The cesarean section rate for all women who began labor with the intention of delivering at home was 6.2%, much lower than the national cesarean rate which averages 22%. Comparisons were also made to vital statistics data available for East Baton Rouge Parish and national records Home birth attended by a licensed midwife is safe and has outcomes as good as or better than that of hospital birth. Home birth with a trained midwife should be a option available to low-risk women
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