13 research outputs found

    A conceptual model for evaluating product-service systems leanness in UK manufacturing companies

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model that can be used in measuring the degree of Product-Service System (PSS) leanness in UK manufacturing companies. The model will assess Product-Service System leanness based on five lean enablers (supplier relationship, management leanness, workforce leanness, process excellence, and customer relationship), 21 criteria (supplier delivery, culture of management, process optimisation, etc.) and finally 73 attributes. This proposed model will be the base of developing an index used as quantitative measure of the degree of Product-Service System leanness in manufacturing companies

    Avaliação de desempenho aplicada a empresas enxutas

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um sistema de avaliação de desempenho que utilize indicadores próprios à Produção Enxuta e os relacione aos objetivos estratégicos de uma empresa. Há a necessidade de se avaliar o alinhamento entre o sistema produtivo enxuto e a estratégia adotada por uma empresa. O sistema de avaliação de desempenho proposto neste trabalho permite uma análise mais precisa dos benefícios trazidos por este sistema produtivo, assim como seu alinhamento ao foco estratégico da empresa. Desta forma, ações que envolvam melhorias de processos, treinamento e motivação do pessoal e adoção de novas tecnologias podem ser mais bem planejadas e implementadas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa aplicada quanto à natureza, por se propor a gerar conhecimentos dirigidos à solução de problemas específicos, qualitativa quanto à abordagem, por lidar com dados qualitativos, análises de textos, comparações e abordagens não numéricas

    Methods to increase the productivity of container terminals based on lean service

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    This article aims to demonstrate the relationship between the actions planned and executed by the company studied to increase port productivity and the Lean Service theory, which comes to be the adaptation of lean principles that have emerged from manufacturing to the service sector. The company cited in this article is one of the major container terminals affiliated to the Brazilian Association of Container Terminals for Public Use. The main purpose of this segment is related to the speed of operations, driven by customer requirement to maintain your boat moored in the shortest time in port due to high costs of late completion of their routes. The main findings indicate that the actions taken by the company to improve productivity indicators are directly related to process optimization, and consequently to increase the speed of the containers loading and unloading operations

    Intelligent consistency- Ethical practices of Lean Six Sigma in quality service provision in the hospitality industry.

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    In all organizations there needs to be a steady commitment to doing the best job possible and making the best decisions. Six Sigma requires that the hotel guest be prioritized as the first step to effectively restore an issue of defective service that has been created by a service provider. Six Sigma then is a process of reducing defects by analyzing the methods and business processes of hotels, which are defective in terms of efficacy, and then crafting high quality ideal products and services. Where there are defective processes and services, strategies for change and improvement should be introduced and endorsed, so as to meet and exceed customer needs towards excellence. Quality issues in hospitality can inter-alia arise from poorly trained or un-committed employees, defective equipment, ineffective management within a department, or the organization as a whole. Ethical issues can arise when Six Sigma is implemented and managed. Desired progress cannot be attained unless significant changes are made to the way in which quality improvement is conducted in hotels in an ethical manner

    Lean production in service sector : case Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre - HCPA

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    O setor de serviços vem apresentando um rápido crescimento na economia mundial, o que tem feito com que as empresas busquem se manter competitivas eliminando desperdícios e reduzindo custos, além de estar otimizando seus processos. A utilização de técnicas e ferramentas da produção enxuta, que até então eram exclusivas das manufaturas, vêm crescendo rapidamente em empresas de serviços como, por exemplo, no setor da saúde. Desenvolver um fluxo enxuto de valor expõe as fontes dos desperdícios, significando que as pessoas em todas as funções do negócio podem ter que mudar os seus hábitos. O presente artigo visa diagnosticar a aplicabilidade dos princípios da produção enxuta em uma empresa prestadora de serviços de saúde, analisando as possibilidades de melhorias e de utilização de princípios enxutos nos processos existentes através do mapeamento do processo. Constata-se que é promissora a adaptação da produção enxuta para incrementar a qualidade e o desempenho do setor de serviços.The services sector is increasing relevantly in the global economy and the companies must eliminate wastage, reduce costs and improve its processes to keep competitive in this scenario. To improve their processes, the service sector is using the lean production tools and techniques which were mainly used by the industry sector. One example of this is the healthy services companies. Develop a lean value workflow expose the wastage sources and can result in a rearrangement of processes and in a culture change. This article has the objective of diagnose the applicability of lean production principles in a healthy service organization through the processes mapping. The conclusion is that adapting the lean production to improve the quality and the productiveness in the service sector results in relevant improvements

    Implementação de práticas Lean nos serviços : o caso de um processo de faturação numa MRO

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Estratégia IndustrialDada a alta competitividade que caraterizam os mercados, é cada vez mais proeminente olhar as operações e processos de um ponto de vista desafiante face ao compromisso de alcançar custos mais baixos, flexibilidade e rapidez, sendo que, no âmbito empresarial decompõem-se inúmeras atividades que, apesar de serem essenciais, se apresentam como dispendiosas ou mesmo morosas à organização. Para que uma empresa alcance níveis de melhoria nas suas operações e processos, existem diferentes conceitos e abordagens. Uma das metodologias amplamente difundidas corresponde à filosofia Lean Thinking. Neste âmbito, o uso da metodologia Lean Service pode ser utilizada como forma de gerar benefícios em termos do aumento de eficiência, melhoria do desempenho operacional e aumento da satisfação do cliente. O presente estudo procede a uma análise da forma como a metodologia Lean Service foi aplicada ao processo de faturação das inspeções C-Check de aviões de clientes em manutenção, no seio de uma Maintenance Repair & Overhaul (MRO).Given the high competitiveness of markets, it is increasingly prominent to look at operations and processes from a challenging point of view in the face of a commitment to lower costs, flexibility and speed, taking into account that in the business sphere they are broken down into countless activities that, although essential, are presented as costly or even time consuming to the organization. For a company to achieve levels of improvement in its operations and processes, there are different concepts and approaches. One of the widely disseminated methodologies is the Lean Thinking philosophy. In this context, the use of the Lean Service methodology can be used as a way of generating benefits in terms of increasing efficiency, improving operational performance and increasing customer satisfaction. The present study analyzes the way in which the Lean Service methodology was applied to the billing process of C-Check inspections of customer aircraft under maintenance, within a Maintenance Repair & Overhaul (MRO).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo da aplicação dos princípios da produção enxuta em empresa de consultoria em gestão

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, 2018.Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar uma empresa de consultoria segundo os princípios da produção enxuta para serviços, e propor um modelo de implantação do Lean Service na mesma. O Lean Service é uma filosofia que busca eliminar o desperdício na produção de serviços, que são todos os gastos e esforços envolvidos na execução de tarefas que não geram valor ou que não são essenciais para a geração de valor para o cliente. A empresa estudada é uma consultoria empresarial no DF que aumentou seu portfólio de serviços ao longo dos dois últimos anos devido a uma percepção da diretoria que o mercado para consultoria financeira está se tornando menos atrativo devido a entrada de diversos consultores independentes que aumentaram a oferta e reduziram o preço que o cliente está disposto a pagar por este tipo de serviços. Com o aumento da variação nos serviços, houve uma queda na produtividade que impactou os resultados financeiros de forma negativa, e por isso, a redução de desperdícios se torna o caminho mais lógico e adequado para recuperar a produtividade do negócio e recoloca-lo em um caminho de crescimento. Para a solução dos problemas observados, foram identificados os desperdícios Lean na cadeia de valor da empresa, e foi proposto um modelo dividido em cinco estágios para a implementação do Lean Service e suas ferramentas na empresa estudada.This work aims to evaluate a Consulting company acording to the service lean production principles, and to proposte na implementation model of lean services in the same company. Lean Service is a philosophy that seeks to eliminate the waste in services production, which are all the unecessary resourses and efforts envolved in the execution of work that don’t generate value to the customer. The studied company is a business consultancy firm in DF that have increased its service portfolio through the leas years due to a perception of the directors that the Market for financing consultancy was becoming less atractive due to the entry of many independente conultants, that increased the offer and reduced the price the customer is willing do pay for these king of services. With the increase of service variation, there was a decrease in productivity that had a negative impact in the financial results, therefore the reduction of waste turns out to be the most logic way to regain the business productivity and put it back in the trail of growth. To fix the observed prolems, Lean wastes were identified on the company value chain, and a model divided in five stages for the implementation of Lean Service and its tools was proposed

    An innovative framework for implementing lean principles in product- service system

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    The aim of this research project is to develop an innovative framework to implement lean principles in Product-Service System (PSS) with the capability of assessing the leanness level of the services offering process. The framework comprises three implementation phases namely: assessment of the current state, developing a future state, and stabilising the new way of operations. Additionally, the framework covers the enablers, factors, and appropriate lean tools required for the successful implementation of lean practices in Product-Service System (PSS), as well as, the challenges that may obstacle the implementation process. The proposed framework has integrated an assessment model that provides a quantifiable measure of the leanness level of Product-Service System (PSS). Five main enablers and thirty three factors emerging from these main enablers deemed to be critical for the successful implementation of lean practices in Product-Service System (PSS). Moreover, a series of eight inhibitors appeared to block the implementation process. The Product-Service System leanness assessment model was developed upon three main levels, namely: enablers, criteria, and attributes. The first level contains five enablers. These enablers are supplier relationship, management leanness, workforce leanness, process excellence, and customer relationship. In the second level there are twenty one criteria such as: supplier delivery, culture of management and process optimisation. Finally, the third level consists of seventy three attributes. By using multi-grade fuzzy approach the PSS leanness index was computed and areas for further improvement were identified. A combination of research methodology approaches has been employed in this research. Firstly, an extensive literature review related to lean and PSS was conducted. Secondly, the qualitative approach and the case study were selected as an appropriate methodology for this research, using semi-structured and structured interview techniques to gather the required data from experts who are involved in lean projects in their companies. Finally, validation of the results was carried out using real life industrial case studies and experts judgment. Case studies demonstrate that the framework provides guidelines for manufacturing companies that aim to implement lean principles in Product-Service System (PSS). The framework enables manufacturing companies to better satisfy their customers’ needs through responding quickly to their changing demands; to improve the service offering process through reducing the creation of wastes and non-value added activities; and to improve competitiveness through increasing customers’ value. Additionally, the PSS leanness index is useful for improving the service offering process. The index provides manufacturing companies with a real insight into the leanness level of their service offering, as well as, it provides managers with a quantifiable measure of how lean their PSS is. The index identifies the gap between the current state and the future state and this helps in determining areas for further improvement

    Lean healthcare: os princípios Lean aplicados nos serviços de uma unidade hospitalar

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    Face a uma crescente necessidade de se encontrar modelos de gestão eficazes capazes de dar resposta a um mundo cada vez mais competitivo onde a racionalização dos recursos é um tema dominante, é imperativo encontrar-se um modelo de gestão simples na sua conceção, linguagem e aplicabilidade de modo a que ao ser adotado não suscite duvidas nem surjam dificuldades de entendimento por todos aqueles que o estudam e decidem implementa-lo nos mais diversos sectores de atividade empresarial. O pensamento Lean enquanto filosofia surge como um novo paradigma pelo seu conceito de liderança e gestão empresarial, capaz de responder aos novos desafios que o mundo atual enfrenta. O propósito desta metodologia é, através de processos simples arranjar uma maneira de “emagrecer” a entidade do desperdício tornando-a mais flexível e focada no cliente. Este modelo centra-se na eliminação de desperdícios, no envolvimento dos funcionários na produção e no esforço de melhoria continua, com vista à redução de custos e ao aumento da produtividade Com a forte pressão que se faz sentir no setor da saúde em Portugal no sentido de uma redução sistemática dos custos, exigindo-se que se mantenham e se possível aumentem os níveis de qualidade e eficiência dos serviços prestados, as organizações de saúde vêem-se forçadas a adotar novas metodologias de gestão com a consequente melhoria de processos por forma a alcançarem este ambicioso objetivo. Neste sentido o presente estudo exploratório pretende aferir como a metodologia Lean, adiante designado de Healthcare e mais especificamente os seus princípios estão presentes nos processos de melhorias já adotados e outros em curso no Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça (HNM) no Funchal. O estudo conclui que a aplicação da metodologia e dos princípios Lean nos serviços hospitalares estudados é possível, com a implementação de algumas adaptações e com diversos graus de potencial de contributo para o nivelamento entre a qualidade e eficiência dos serviços. O estudo deixa ainda algumas pistas para o melhoramento dos processos implementados pelo HLM através de uma gestão eficiente dos processos e uma prática hospitalar de qualidade sempre de baixo do guarda-chuva Lean.Due to an increase of need in finding an effective management model, able to respond to a world more and more competitive, where resources rationalization is imperative and a dominant theme, it’s necessary that we find a model in its management, language and applicability – understand, do and manage – in a way that no one has any doubts, easy to understand by everyone who studies it and applies it in every sector. Lean thinking as a philosophy, appears as a new paradigm by its leading concept and corporate management, able to respond to new challenges that our world is facing. This methodology is based in finding a way that no matter what company we study, through a simple process is able to “loose weight” by eliminating the waste, so that it becomes more flexible and focused on the customer. This is based in waste elimination, employee involvement in production, a continuous improvement effort looking to a cost reduction and productivity increase. With the strong pressure that we have been noticing in Portugal health sector, to pursue a real cost reduction, keeping the same service quality and efficiency, health organization are somehow forced to adopt new management methodologies , optimizing in a way they can achieve that extremely ambitious goal. So in this sense, this exploratory study is after and trying to with Lean methodology, forward designated by Healthcare and more specific its principles, are being applied in Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça (HNM) in Funchal. In conclusion, this study says that Lean principles and methodologies studied in Hospital services is possible with some adjustments and with several degrees of potential to level quality and service efficiency. Still this study leaves some clues to improve the procedures already done by the (HNM) through an efficient management and a quality hospital practice always under Lean “umbrella”