18 research outputs found

    GazeDrone: Mobile Eye-Based Interaction in Public Space Without Augmenting the User

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    Gaze interaction holds a lot of promise for seamless human-computer interaction. At the same time, current wearable mobile eye trackers require user augmentation that negatively impacts natural user behavior while remote trackers require users to position themselves within a confined tracking range. We present GazeDrone, the first system that combines a camera-equipped aerial drone with a computational method to detect sidelong glances for spontaneous (calibration-free) gaze-based interaction with surrounding pervasive systems (e.g., public displays). GazeDrone does not require augmenting each user with on-body sensors and allows interaction from arbitrary positions, even while moving. We demonstrate that drone-supported gaze interaction is feasible and accurate for certain movement types. It is well-perceived by users, in particular while interacting from a fixed position as well as while moving orthogonally or diagonally to a display. We present design implications and discuss opportunities and challenges for drone-supported gaze interaction in public

    Human-Robot Interaction Based on Gaze Gestures for the Drone Teleoperation

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    Teleoperation has been widely used to perform tasks in dangerous and unreachable environments by replacing humans with controlled agents. The idea of human-robot interaction (HRI) is very important in teleoperation. Conventional HRI input devices include keyboard, mouse and joystick, etc. However, they are not suitable for handicapped users or people with disabilities. These devices also increase the mental workload of normal users due to simultaneous operation of multiple HRI input devices by hand. Hence, HRI based on gaze tracking with an eye tracker is presented in this study. The selection of objects is of great importance and occurs at a high frequency during HRI control. This paper introduces gaze gestures as an object selection strategy into HRI for drone teleoperation. In order to test and validate the performance of gaze gestures selection strategy, we evaluate objective and subjective measurements, respectively. Drone control performance, including mean task completion time and mean error rate, are the objective measurements. The subjective measurement is the analysis of participant perception. The results showed gaze gestures selection strategy has a great potential as an additional HRI for use in agent teleoperation

    MIDAS: Deep learning human action intention prediction from natural eye movement patterns

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    Eye movements have long been studied as a window into the attentional mechanisms of the human brain and made accessible as novelty style human-machine interfaces. However, not everything that we gaze upon, is something we want to interact with; this is known as the Midas Touch problem for gaze interfaces. To overcome the Midas Touch problem, present interfaces tend not to rely on natural gaze cues, but rather use dwell time or gaze gestures. Here we present an entirely data-driven approach to decode human intention for object manipulation tasks based solely on natural gaze cues. We run data collection experiments where 16 participants are given manipulation and inspection tasks to be performed on various objects on a table in front of them. The subjects' eye movements are recorded using wearable eye-trackers allowing the participants to freely move their head and gaze upon the scene. We use our Semantic Fovea, a convolutional neural network model to obtain the objects in the scene and their relation to gaze traces at every frame. We then evaluate the data and examine several ways to model the classification task for intention prediction. Our evaluation shows that intention prediction is not a naive result of the data, but rather relies on non-linear temporal processing of gaze cues. We model the task as a time series classification problem and design a bidirectional Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) network architecture to decode intentions. Our results show that we can decode human intention of motion purely from natural gaze cues and object relative position, with 91.9%91.9\% accuracy. Our work demonstrates the feasibility of natural gaze as a Zero-UI interface for human-machine interaction, i.e., users will only need to act naturally, and do not need to interact with the interface itself or deviate from their natural eye movement patterns

    Evaluation of a Remote-Controlled Drone System for Bedridden Patients Using Their Eyes Based on Clinical Experiment

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    With the aging of the population in Japan, the number of bedridden patients who need long-term care is increasing. The Japanese government has been promoting the creation of an environment that enables everyone, including bedridden patients, to enjoy travel, based on the principle of normalization. However, it is difficult for bedridden patients to enjoy the scenery of distant places and to talk with the local people because they need support from helpers to travel to distant places using travel agencies. Therefore, to enhance their quality of life (QOL), we developed a remote-controlled drone system, which involves using only the eyes. We believe that bedridden patients are able to operate the system’s drone in a distant place, to easily view the scenery of the distant place with a camera installed on the drone, and to talk with the local people. However, we have never evaluated whether actual bedridden patients can operate the drone in a distant place, to see the scenery, and to talk with the local people. In this paper, we presented clinical experimental results to verify the effectiveness of this drone system. Findings showed that, not only subjects with relatively high levels of independence in activities of daily living, but also bedridden subjects, could operate the drone at a distant place with only their eyes and communicate with others

    Interactive spaces for children: gesture elicitation for controlling ground mini-robots

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    [EN] Interactive spaces for education are emerging as a mechanism for fostering children's natural ways of learning by means of play and exploration in physical spaces. The advanced interactive modalities and devices for such environments need to be both motivating and intuitive for children. Among the wide variety of interactive mechanisms, robots have been a popular research topic in the context of educational tools due to their attractiveness for children. However, few studies have focused on how children would naturally interact and explore interactive environments with robots. While there is abundant research on full-body interaction and intuitive manipulation of robots by adults, no similar research has been done with children. This paper therefore describes a gesture elicitation study that identified the preferred gestures and body language communication used by children to control ground robots. The results of the elicitation study were used to define a gestural language that covers the different preferences of the gestures by age group and gender, with a good acceptance rate in the 6-12 age range. The study also revealed interactive spaces with robots using body gestures as motivating and promising scenarios for collaborative or remote learning activities.This work is funded by the European Development Regional Fund (EDRF-FEDER) and supported by the Spanish MINECO (TIN2014-60077-R). The work of Patricia Pons is supported by a national grant from the Spanish MECD (FPU13/03831). Special thanks are due to the children and teachers of the Col-legi Public Vicente Gaos for their valuable collaboration and dedication.Pons Tomás, P.; Jaén Martínez, FJ. (2020). Interactive spaces for children: gesture elicitation for controlling ground mini-robots. 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