26 research outputs found

    A new Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) based method for urban heat island intensity monitoring

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    The Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect occurs when an urban area experiences higher temperatures than its rural surrounding because of heat being absorbed by built structures and heat being released by anthropogenic sources. UHIs can cause adverse effects to human health and increase energy consumption used for cooling buildings. Therefore, it is important to monitor accurately the UHI effect. The intensity of UHIs are usually monitored using satellite imagery, airborne sensors, and surface temperature sensors. Satellite imagery can cover a large area but requires a clear sky to obtain good images. Moreover, airborne sensors are expensive and also require a clear sky to obtain good data. A large network of surface temperature sensors is required to monitor the UHI of an entire region, which can also be expensive. In this paper, we present a three-step algorithm to monitor UHI intensity using data from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The advantages of using GNSS data to monitor the UHI effect are the increased availability of observation data, high temporal resolution and high geographical resolution. The first step of the algorithm is the calculation of a priori environmental parameters (i.e., water vapour partial pressure, troposphere height, surface pressure, and the vertical profile of refractivity) from radiosonde data. The second step is the calculation of temperature from GNSS data. The last step is the UHI intensity computation. The algorithm presented in this paper has been tested and validated using publicly available GNSS and meteorological data from Los Angeles, California, USA. The validation of the algorithm is done by comparing the UHI intensity estimated from the algorithm with temperature data obtained from weather stations. In the validation, the proposed algorithm can achieve an accuracy of 1.71 °C at 95 % confidence level

    Recent increasing frequency of compound summer drought and heatwaves in Southeast Brazil

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    An increase in the frequency of extremely hot and dry events has been experienced over the past few decades in South America, and particularly in Brazil. Regional climate change projections indicate a future aggravation of this trend. However, a comprehensive characterization of drought and heatwave compound events, as well as of the main land-atmosphere mechanisms involved, is still lacking for most of South America. This study aims to fill this gap, assessing for the first time the historical evolution of compound summer drought and heatwave events for the heavily populated region of Southeast Brazil and for the period of 1980-2018. The main goal is to undertake a detailed analysis of the surface and synoptic conditions, as well as of the land-atmosphere coupling processes that led to the occurrence of individual and compound dry and hot extremes. Our results confirm that the Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais states have recorded pronounced and statistically significant increases in the number of compound summer drought and heatwave episodes. In particular, the last decade was characterized by two austral summer seasons (2013/14 and 2014/15) with outstanding concurrent drought and heatwave conditions stemmed by severe precipitation deficits and a higher-than-average occurrence of blocking patterns. As result of these land and atmosphere conditions, a high coupling (water-limited) regime was imposed, promoting the re-amplification of hot spells that resulted in mega heatwave episodes. Our findings reveal a substantial contribution of persistent dry conditions to heatwave episodes, highlighting the vulnerability of the region to climate change

    The Oil Industry, it Space Transformations and Impacts in the Thermal Field of the City of Macaé, in the State of the Rio de Janeiro /Brazil

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    This work analyzes the spatial and temporal pattern of Land Surface Temperature (TSC) in the urban area of Macaé, based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and use and land cover. Analyses were performed by Thematic Mapper (TM) sensor images, aboard the Landsat 5. TSC and NDVI maps were generated through remote sensing data. Maps for use and land cover were also generated for specific days in 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010, which enabled a spatial and seasonal temporal analysis. The results showed that, with the growth of the urban area of Macaé, there were points favorable to the formation of heat islands, showing that the built-up areas are warmer than in the past


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    A bacia do rio Tietê tem sido uma importante região para as atividades agrícolas na última década. Áreas que antes eram cobertas por vegetação densa tornaram-se solo exposto para o cultivo. Diante desse contexto, o objetivo do trabalho é caracterizar a mudança no uso e cobertura do solo no Estado de São Paulo com ênfase na região da bacia do rio Tietê, entre 2000 a 2017, e as alterações na temperatura da superfície (TS). Os dados fisiográficos utilizados no estudo foram obtidos do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), já uso e cobertura do solo e TS derivam do sensor Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Entre os principais resultados têm-se a expansão da área agrícola, principalmente às margens do rio Tietê. Em termos de sub bacia, a expansão agrícola é maior no Baixo Tietê, o que resulta num aumento na TS

    Urban growth and heat islands: A case study in micro-territories for urban sustainability

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    [EN] Rapid urbanization contributes to the development of phenomena such as climate variability, especially in tropical countries, which negatively impact ecosystems and humans, factors that influence urban sustainability. Additionally, the increase of building construction prevents the flow of wind streams contributing to the retention of pollutants and hot air masses, causing events such as urban heat islands (UHI). This study aimed to analyze from the micro-territorial level, the influence of urban growth on the UHI phenomenon over the last two decades (2000¿2020) in the locality of Kennedy, in Bogotá, Colombia. For this purpose, environmental and socio-economic factors were evaluated. For the former, Landsat satellite images and spectral indices were used to evaluate the spatial¿temporal variation in the quantity and quality of vegetation, bodies of water, urbanized areas, impervious surfaces, as well as to calculate the land surface temperature and its distribution in the study area. With regard to the socio-economic factors, the variables considered for analysis were population density and energy consumption. Lastly, a principal component analysis was carried out to identify possible associations between the variables and to identify the contribution of each micro-territory to the UHI phenomenon in the study area. The spatio-temporal variations reveal a growing trend over time, especially in impermeable areas where several economic activities, vehicular traffic, and population density converge, which require certain actions to be prioritized in territorial planning and the addition of public green spaces in urban zonesMolina-Gomez, NI.; Varon-Bravo, LM.; Sierra-Parada, R.; López Jiménez, PA. (2022). Urban growth and heat islands: A case study in micro-territories for urban sustainability. Urban Ecosystems. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-022-01232-9S11

    Understanding thermal justice and systemic cooling poverty from the margins: intersectional perspectives from Rio de Janeiro

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    Heatwaves, which are escalating in frequency, duration and intensity, have prompted governments worldwide to issue vital health warnings to protect populations. These include urging individuals to stay cool, hydrated, avoid direct sun exposure and minimise strenuous activities. Regrettably, a significant segment of the population faces substantial challenges in accessing these crucial recommendations due to a range of issues termed “systemic cooling poverty”. Systemic cooling poverty encompasses intricate layers of physical, social and intangible infrastructural deficiencies, impeding the provision of essential services necessary to ensure thermal safety during extreme heat episodes. Through an intersectional mixed-method examination, this study brings empirical evidence of the structural factors that exacerbate inequalities in attaining thermal safety among the African–Brazilian community, LGBTQI+ and disabled, living in two favelas in Rio de Janeiro. By shedding light on these lived experiences of cooling poverty, we contribute to the understanding of targeted interventions and policy measures that can alleviate the impacts of extreme heat and safeguard public health and well-being as temperatures rise


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    A Zona Oeste (ZO) da cidade do Rio de Janeiro compõe um cenário heterogêneo, contendo áreas urbanizadas, vegetadas e de transição entre o uso urbano e o de vegetação. O sensoriamento remoto fornece dados que viabilizam o cálculo de índices temáticos, que são aplicados como ferramentas de mensuração e análise dessas contrastantes realidades. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a variação espacial dos índices temáticos Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI) e do Índice de Área Construída (IBI) na Zona Oeste da cidade do Rio de Janeiro entre os anos de 2021 e 2020 com base nas imagens de satélite Landsat 5, 7 e 8. Por meio de código em linguagem computacional C foram corrigidas as imagens, calculados os índices e gerados quatro mapas para cada um dos índices a cada cinco anos a partir da Composição de Máximo Valor (CMV). O IBI descreve as áreas com maior densidade urbana, enquanto o NDVI destaca áreas vegetadas. Como resultado das análises nas Regiões Administrativas (RAs), há uma nítida expansão urbana nas regiões da Barra da Tijuca e Jacarepaguá com a presença de novos empreendimentos. As RAs Bangu e Realengo mantiveram seus padrões altamente urbanos nas áreas centrais, concentrando os espaços de vegetação nos limites administrativos com as cidades adjacentes e nos maciços costeiros como Pedra Branca e Mendanha. A RA de Campo Grande, Santa Cruz e Guaratiba apresentaram alterações pontuais destacadas por manchas nos mapas de IBI e NDVI como aumento da área urbana, sendo principalmente devido à implantação de áreas industriais. A RA Cidade de Deus mostrou altos valores de IBI e baixo NDVI, indicando um padrão mais urbano em toda sua extensão. Conclui-se que o estudo dos índices IBI e NDVI se complementam nas análises e destacam de forma oposta os fenômenos de evolução urbana nas áreas observadas. As análises podem ser aplicadas para estudos ambientais, direcionamento de recursos, manutenção de áreas de conservação/preservação contribuindo para políticas públicas

    Urban Heat Island Monitoring and Impacts on Citizen’s General Health Status in Isfahan Metropolis: A Remote Sensing and Field Survey Approach

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    Urban heat islands (UHIs) are one of the urban management challenges, especially in metropolises, which can affect citizens' health and well-being. This study used a combination of remote sensing techniques with field survey to investigate systematically the effects of UHI on citizens' health in Isfahan metropolis, Iran. For this purpose, the land surface temperature (LST) over a three-year period was monitored by Landsat-8 satellite imagery based on the split window algorithm. Then, the areas where UHI and urban cold island (UCI) phenomena occurred were identified and a general health questionnaire-28 (GHQ-28) was applied to evaluate the health status of 800 citizens in terms of physical health, anxiety and sleep, social function, and depression in UHI and UCI treatments. The average LST during the study period was 45.5 +/- 2.3 degrees C and results showed that the Zayandeh-Rood river and the surrounding greenery had an important role in regulating the ambient temperature and promoting the citizens' health. Citizens living in the suburban areas were more exposed to the UHIs phenomena, and statistical analysis of the GHQ-28 results indicated that they showed severe significant (P < 0.05) responses in terms of non-physical health sub-scales (i.e., anxiety and sleep, social functioning, and depression). Therefore, it can be concluded that not all citizens in the Isfahan metropolis are in the same environmental conditions and city managers and planners should pay more attention to the citizens living in the UHIs. The most important proceedings in this area would be the creation and development of parks and green belts, as well as the allocation of health-medical facilities and citizen education. Keywords:urban heat island; land surface temperature; split window algorithm; general health questionnaire-28; Isfahan metropoli

    Guanabara Bay: For all hopes to a new awakening of paradise

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    Abstract: Exclusion Territories are geographical areas under the action of degenerative environmental phenomena of anthropogenic origin, which compromise quality of life in general. One of the greatest examples of such areas is the Guanabara Bay and its surroundings, the scene of some of the worst disastrous incidents and locale of frequent episodes of human misery. This article presents a brief description of the main characteristics of the region, providing some technological suggestions of biogeographic recovery to be adopted by public policies that intend to align themselves with the good practices of ecological economy, sustainability and quality of life. The work falls within the context of macro-engineering cum eco-innovation applied to the preservation and management of water sources and water bodies that serve productive purposes as natural niches and breeding grounds.Key words: Exclusion Territories, Guanabara Bay, waste management, quality of life.=================================================================== Resumo: Territórios de Exclusão são áreas geográficas sob ação de fenômenos ambientais degenerativos de origem antropogênica, os quais comprometem a qualidade de vida em geral. Um dos maiores exemplos de zonas desse tipo é a Baía de Guanabara e seu entorno, palco de alguns dos piores incidentes desastrosos e de frequentes episódios da miséria humana. O presente artigo descreve sumariamente as principais características da região, fornecendo algumas sugestões tecnológicas de recuperação biogeográfica a serem adotadas por políticas públicas que pretendam alinhar-se às boas práticas de economia ecológica, sustentabilidade e qualidade de vida. O trabalho se insere no contexto da macroengenharia cum eco-inovação aplicada à preservação e à gestão das fontes hídricas e dos corpos de água que servem a propósitos produtivos como nichos naturais e criadouros.Palavras-chave: Territórios de Exclusão, Baía de Guanabara, gestão de resíduos, qualidade de vida.=================================================================== Abstrakt: Ausschlussgebiete sind geografische Regionen, in denen degenerative Umweltphänomene anthropogenen Ursprungs auftreten, die im Allgemeinen die Lebensqualität beeinträchtigen. Eines der besten Beispiele für solche Gebiete ist die Guanabara-Bucht und die Umgebung, Schauplatz einiger der schlimmsten katastrophalen Vorfälle und Schauplatz häufiger Episoden menschlichen Elends. Dieser Artikel enthält eine kurze Beschreibung der Hauptmerkmale der Region sowie einige technologische Vorschläge für die biogeografische Erholung, die die öffentliche Politik zur Angleichung an bewährte Praktiken in Bezug auf ökologische Ökonomie, Nachhaltigkeit und Lebensqualität annehmen sollte. Die Arbeit fällt in den Kontext von Makrotechnik und Öko-Innovation, die auf die Erhaltung und Bewirtschaftung von Wasserquellen und Gewässern angewendet werden, die als natürliche Nischen und Brutstätten für produktive Zwecke dienen.Schlüsselwörter: Ausschlussgebiete, Guanabara-Bucht, Abfallwirtschaft, Lebensqualität