16 research outputs found


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    Disaster management is a complex practice that relies on access to and the usability of critical information to develop strategies for effective decision-making. The emergence of wearable internet of things (IoT) technology has attracted the interests of several major industries, making it one of the fastest-growing technologies to date. This thesis asks, How can disaster management incorporate wearable IoT technology in operations and decision-making practices in disaster response? How IoT is applied in other prominent industries, including construction, manufacturing and distribution, the Department of Defense, and public safety, provides a basis for furthering its application to challenges affecting agency coordination. The critical needs of disaster intelligence in the context of hurricanes, structural collapses, and wildfires are scrutinized to identify gaps that wearable technology could address in terms of information-sharing in multi-agency coordination and the decision-making practices that routinely occur in disaster response. Last, the specifics of wearable technology from the perspective of the private consumer and commercial industry illustrate its potential to improve disaster response but also acknowledge certain limitations including technical capabilities and information privacy and security.Civilian, Virginia Beach Fire Department / FEMA - USAR VATF-2Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Social media marketing adoption by agriculturists: A TAM based study

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    Purpose : This research is intended to identify and analyse the underlying factors in the adoption of social media among agriculturists in South India. Theoretical Framework: Marketing through social media such as Whatsapp, Facebook and YouTube, particularly in India, is not well understood due to the lack of research in agricultural marketing. This paper bridges the research gap by applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and TAM. Design/ Methodology/Approach: A structured questionnaire is adopted for data collection. Primary data was collected from 320 agriculturalists in Tamilnadu, South India. Findings: Multiple regression is used to test the significance of the research model. It demonstrates that the perceived credibility, reference group, infotainment, and perceived usefulness had a significant positive impact on the adoption of social media marketing. At the same time, perceived ease of use has a negative effect on attitude towards the adoption of social media marketing. Research, Practical & Social Implications: The implication drawn from this study helps the researchers and agriculturalists use social media to increase farm product marketability. Originality/ Value: This research adds value to the agricultural marketing literature by exploring the novel determinants of the adoption of social media

    An online questionnaire survey

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    UIDB/05021/2020 UIDP/05021/2020The rise of the mobile era has brought ubiquity in media access, constant connection to other people and interconnectedness with devices as part of life. Considering mobile devices and mobile applications (m-apps) as an environment that allows multitasking, this article is interested inunderstanding the performance of popular m-apps in the daily lives of young adults in Portugal. It is also focused on how these apps relate to their personal contexts and experiences. To this end, an online questionnaire survey was conducted using a quantitative-extensive methodological strategy. The research involved applying a set of data collection questions to a representative sample of Portuguese young adults (N = 1500) aged 18-30. The results show that more than 90% of Portuguese young adults use m-apps every day, emphasising social media applications (daily use between 81,32% and 91,21%). It is also important to note that the use of m-apps dialogues with their personal contexts in a substantially different manner than such app’s perceived relevance. Social and entertainment apps are more consumed and show an extension of the self that is not perceived to be as important as apps with social uses.publishersversionpublishe

    Modeling the Factors Influencing the Adoption of a Map-Based Disaster Application in Indonesia: A Case of SIKK Magelang

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    Indonesia has high exposure to natural hazards, frequent disaster events, and a highly vulnerable population. Hence, risk communication and disaster information dissemination are crucial to reducing risks. Numerous disaster mobile applications (apps) with location-based services or maps already exist for facilitating risk communication to the public; however, availability does not automatically translate into use or adoption. Therefore, to understand the factors influencing the adoption of a map-based disaster app, the factors that affect the adoption of a local government-initiated map-based disaster app in Indonesia, namely Sistem Informasi Kebencanaan Kabupaten Magelang, or Disaster Information System of Magelang Regency (SIKK Magelang), were examined through the theoretical lenses of a combined information system (IS) success model. Partial Least Squared – Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM), with the help of Smart-PLS, was used to examine the hypothesized relationships among the proposed constructs (latent variables). Nine exogenous latent variables were proposed as the antecedents of intention to use a map-based disaster application (the endogenous latent variable), including information quality, system quality, familiarity with online maps, perceived usefulness, user satisfaction, facilitating conditions, risk perceptions, information seeking behavior, and perceived quality of the Internet connection. Information-seeking behavior was also predicted to be influenced by risk perception. A questionnaire survey with an app trial was conducted in Magelang Regency for data collection. The study results confirmed the applicability of the combined IS success model frameworks in predicting the adoption of this map-based disaster app by the public. Although new constructs representing disaster-related online maps and familiarity with those maps were initially proposed in the contextual model, the model validation results showed that intention to use SIKK Magelang was significantly influenced only by perceived usefulness and user satisfaction. Practically, this study’s results offer guidance to the local emergency managers in Indonesia, especially Magelang Regency, regarding how to develop strategies to increase the app’s adoption

    Trust in Government and Social Media Competence as Primary Drivers: Examining CitizensĘĽIntentions to Adopt Digital Government Applications for Risk Management

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    Building upon a framework of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), this study explores the determinants of citizens’ intentions to use the government’s mobile application for risk communication. An online survey was conducted with a quota sample of 700 Korean citizens. The results from structural equation modeling suggest that social media competence and trust in government information are primary determinants of willingness to accept the new application and intention to use it. Trust in government information appeared to influence the acceptance of the application both directly and indirectly through performance expectancy and effort expectancy. More confidence in the use of social media led to higher levels of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and facilitating conditions, all of which subsequently contributed to willingness to accept the application. The acceptance of the application further influenced intention to use the application and the likelihood of positive recommendations. The findings suggest that while developing applications that meet public expectations for informational benefits and time efficiency is important, it is also necessary for the government to build trust and improve citizens’ ability to use new tools in order for new information technology initiatives to fully benefit citizens

    Continuously Healthy, Continuously Used? – A Thematic Analysis of User Perceptions on Consumer Health Wearables

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    Along with the miniaturization of digital devices, consumer health wearables (CHWs) further decrease the distance between users and devices, allowing users to continuously track their personal health information (PHI). While this provides more control to users, history has shown that users’ potential concerns (e.g. privacy) can lead to devices not meeting users’ expectations and failing market diffusion. The existing literature has mostly focused on particular aspects that could foster or hinder adoption of CHWs but the big picture is still missing. Drawing upon the previous literature, we use a rigorous iterative thematic analysis to provide a comprehensive picture of any potential benefits and deficiencies that users associate with CHWs. We take the example of fitness trackers and conduct 16 semi-structured interviews that help understand the determinants on which users assess the benefits and deficiencies of CHWs related to their continuous usage. We identify 11 subthemes that we can attribute to three main user determinants (perceived benefit, deficiency, and privacy). Our results not only show the failure to meet privacy expectations as a particular potential hindrance factor, we further propose a new theoretical construct (perceived relativity) as well as a novel tracking motive (social tracking), both of which can benefit future research on PHI disclosure. We enable both researchers and practitioners to uncover and visualize user perceptions of fitness trackers, on which future design decisions can be oriented and user expectations be better met. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol11/iss1/5

    The Acceptance of Using Information Technology for Disaster Risk Management: A Systematic Review

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    The numbers of natural disaster events are continuously affecting human and the world economics. For coping with disaster, several sectors try to develop the frameworks, systems, technologies and so on. However, there are little researches focusing on the usage behavior of Information Technology (IT) for disaster risk management (DRM). Therefore, this study investigates the affecting factors on the intention to use IT for mitigating disaster’s impacts. This study conducted a systematic review with the academic researches during 2011-2018. Two important factors from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and others are used in describing individual behavior. In order to investigate the potential factors, the technology platforms are divided into nine types. According to the findings, computer software such as GIS applications are frequently used for simulation and spatial data analysis. Social media is preferred among the first choices during disaster events in order to communicate about situations and damages. Finally, we found five major potential factors which are Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), information accessibility, social influence, and disaster knowledge. Among them, the most essential one of using IT for disaster management is PU, while PEOU and information accessibility are more important in the web platforms

    Determinantes do comportamento de compra de marcas de gadgets: o caso dos smartphones

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    A tecnologia tem vindo a desenvolver-se exponencialmente e, todos os dias, os consumidores se deparam com novos dispositivos eletrónicos à sua disposição. Por ser um tema em constante evolução e tão presente no dia-a-dia de muitos, o seu estudo torna-se interessante. Como tal, o presente estudo pretende analisar o comportamento do consumidor quanto às suas escolhas relativamente a smartphones, determinando as variáveis que influenciam o comportamento de compra de marcas de smartphones, dando resposta às questões de investigação desenvolvidas. Com o intuito de atingir este objetivo, foi desenvolvido um modelo de investigação, baseado em diversos autores, que originou um estudo através de uma metodologia quantitativa, com recurso à aplicação de um inquérito por questionário, enviado por e-mail e através das redes sociais. Foram recolhidas 551 respostas, todas elas validadas, que deram origem a um conjunto de dados para tratamento no Software IBM® SPSS® Statistics. Os dados recolhidos foram analisados com recurso a diversos métodos – Estatísticas Descritivas, Análise Fatorial, Confiabilidade e Validação e, finalmente, o Modelo de Equações Estruturais –, com o objetivo de apurar resultados, a fim de serem discutidos. Os resultados mostram que nem todas as hipóteses em estudo se confirmam, apesar de suportadas pela literatura. No entanto, as hipóteses confirmadas encontram-se devidamente suportadas pela literatura e pelos sólidos valores obtidos com o Modelo de Equações Estruturais, concluindo-se que o Valor da Marca é positivamente influenciado pela Lealdade à Marca e pelas Associações à Marca e a Intenção de Recompra é positivamente influenciada pelo Passa a Palavra e pelo Valor da Marca. Existem, efetivamente, variáveis que influenciam, com expressão, o Valor da Marca e a Intenção de Recompra.Technology has been developing exponentially and, every day, consumers are faced with new electronic devices at their disposal. Because it is a constantly evolving theme and so present in the daily lives of many, its study becomes interesting. As such, this research aims to analyse consumer behaviour regarding their choices about smartphones, determining the variables that influence the purchasing behaviour of smartphone brands, answering the research questions developed. In order to achieve this goal, a research model was developed, based on several authors, which originated a study that used a quantitative methodology. Data were gathered through the dissemination of a questionnaire survey, sent by e-mail and the social media. 551 valid answers were collected and treated in IBM® SPSS® Statistics Software. The collected data were analysed using several methods – Descriptive Statistics, Factor Analysis, Reliability and Validation and, finally, the Structural Equations Model –, in order to obtain results to be discussed. The results show that not all hypotheses under study are confirmed, despite being supported by the literature. However, the confirmed hypotheses are duly supported by the literature and by the solid values obtained with the Structural Equations Model, concluding that Brand Equity is positively influenced by Brand Loyalty and Brand Associations and Repurchase Intention is positively influenced by Word-of-Mouth and Brand Value. There are, effectively, variables that influence, with expression, the Brand Value and the Repurchase Intention.Mestrado em Gestã

    Influential Factors In Consumer\u27s Adoption Of Innovative Products

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    This dissertation addresses the challenges involved with the process of diffusion of innovations in the contexts of innovative educational materials and technological innovations. Chapters 2 and 3 discuss building and using Online Brand Communities (OBCs) to disseminate innovative math educational materials. OBCs are known to be important platforms where consumers can communicate with the brand as well as other consumers. Through the effective use of these platforms, brands could accelerate the process of diffusion of their innovations. However, OBCs will not survive if consumers do not get engaged and participate in these communities. The purpose of this section of the dissertation is to investigate how customer engagement can be increased in social media based Online Brand Communities (OBCs) so that these communities could be effectively used as platforms for disseminating innovations. Different hypotheses are suggested based on the consumer engagement literature and well-known organizational and psychological theories. These hypotheses are then tested in different studies in order to better understand the drivers of customer engagement behavior. Since one of the important factors that can impact the success of OBCs is the size of the communities, chapter 3 discusses Referral Reward Programs (RRPs) as a means for growing the OBC size. In this chapter, different hypotheses are proposed based on well-known psychological theories. These hypotheses are then tested in 3 different research studies to understand the impact of different rewards on customers’ likelihood to participate in the referral programs. The next section of this dissertation which is presented in chapter 5 uses the context of technological innovations, particularly Augmented Reality Smart Glasses (ARSGs). The purpose of this chapter is to understand the factors that would impact consumer’s decision to adopt a particular type of ARSGs: Microsoft HoloLens. The results of the studies in this dissertation have important theoretical and managerial implications in the areas of customer engagement in OBCs, Word-of-Mouth marketing, and consumer’s adoption of innovations