26 research outputs found

    Tree TDMA MAC Algorithm Using Time and Frequency Slot Allocations in Tree-Based WSNs

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    In this paper, we propose a tree-based time division multiple access (Tree TDMA) media access control (MAC) algorithm based on the IEEE 802.15.4 PHY standard. The method involves the simultaneous use of two algorithms, a time slot allocation algorithm (TSAA) and a frequency slot allocation algorithm (FSAA), at low power consumption to support voice and data communication to solve the problems afflicting prevalent MAC protocols in tree topology networks. The TSAA first generates routing paths through the control channel in a super frame prior to transmitting packets, and allocates time slots for each node to transmit packets. The FSAA then allocates frequencies to each path according to the routing paths generated following its application. The overhearing problem and the funneling effect in TDMA as well as carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) MACs are resolved by these two algorithms because a given node and its neighbors are orthogonal in terms of time and frequency. The problem of inter-node synchronization is addressed by periodically sending a beacon from higher to lower nodes, and the issue of low power is solved by leaving unsigned time slots in an idle state. To test the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we used a MATLAB simulation to compare its performance with that of contention-based CSMA MAC and non-contention-based TreeMAC in terms of network throughput, network delay, energy efficiency, and energy consumption. We also tested the performance of the algorithms for increasing number of nodes and transmission packets in the tree topology network.This work was supported by the ICT R&D Program of MSIP/IITP. [B0126-16-1018, The IoT Platform for Virtual Things, Distributed Autonomous Intellgence and Data Federation/Analysis

    A cross-layer approach for optimizing the efficiency of wireless sensor and actor networks

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    Recent development has lead to the emergence of distributed Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSAN), which are capable of observing the physical environment, processing the data, making decisions based on the observations and performing appropriate actions. WSANs represent an important extension of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and may comprise a large number of sensor nodes and a smaller number of actor nodes. The sensor nodes are low-cost, low energy, battery powered devices with restricted sensing, computational and wireless communication capabilities. Actor nodes are resource richer with superior processing capabilities, higher transmission powers and a longer battery life. A basic operational scenario of a typical WSAN application follows the following sequence of events. The physical environment is periodically sensed and evaluated by the sensor nodes. The sensed data is then routed towards an actor node. Upon receiving sensed data, an actor node performs an action upon the physical environment if necessary, i.e. if the occurrence of a disturbance or critical event has been detected. The specific characteristics of sensor and actor nodes combined with some stringent application constraints impose unique requirements for WSANs. The fundamental challenges for WSANs are to achieve low latency, high energy efficiency and high reliability. The latency and energy efficiency requirements are in a trade-off relationship. The communication and coordination inside WSANs is managed via a Communication Protocol Stack (CPS) situated on every node. The requirements of low latency and energy efficiency have to be addressed at every layer of the CPS to ensure overall feasibility of the WSAN. Therefore, careful design of protocol layers in the CPS is crucial in attempting to meet the unique requirements and handle the abovementioned trade-off relationship in WSANs. The traditional CPS, comprising the application, network, medium access control and physical layer, is a layered protocol stack with every layer, a predefined functional entity. However, it has been found that for similar types of networks with similar stringent network requirements, the strictly layered protocol stack approach performs at a sub-optimal level with regards to network efficiency. A modern cross-layer paradigm, which proposes the employment of interactions between layers in the CPS, has recently attracted a lot of attention. The cross-layer approach promotes network efficiency optimization and promises considerable performance gains. It is found that in literature, the adoption of this cross-layer paradigm has not yet been considered for WSANs. In this dissertation, a complete cross-layer enabled WSAN CPS is developed that features the adoption of the cross-layer paradigm towards promoting optimization of the network efficiency. The newly proposed cross-layer enabled CPS entails protocols that incorporate information from other layers into their local decisions. Every protocol layer provides information identified as beneficial to another layer(s) in the CPS via a newly proposed Simple Cross-Layer Framework (SCLF) for WSANs. The proposed complete cross-layer enabled WSAN CPS comprises a Cross-Layer enabled Network-Centric Actuation Control with Data Prioritization (CL-NCAC-DP) application layer (APPL) protocol, a Cross-Layer enabled Cluster-based Hierarchical Energy/Latency-Aware Geographic Routing (CL-CHELAGR) network layer (NETL) protocol and a Cross-Layer enabled Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Minimum Preamble Sampling and Duty Cycle Doubling (CL-CSMA-MPS-DCD) medium access control layer (MACL) protocol. Each of these protocols builds on an existing simple layered protocol that was chosen as a basis for development of the cross-layer enabled protocols. It was found that existing protocols focus primarily on energy efficiency to ensure maximum network lifetime. However, most WSAN applications require latency minimization to be considered with the same importance. The cross-layer paradigm provides means of facilitating the optimization of both latency and energy efficiency. Specifically, a solution to the latency versus energy trade-off is given in this dissertation. The data generated by sensor nodes is prioritised by the APPL and depending on the delay-sensitivity, handled in a specialised manor by every layer of the CPS. Delay-sensitive data packets are handled in order to achieve minimum latency. On the other hand, delay-insensitive non critical data packets are handled in such a way as to achieve the highest energy efficiency. In effect, either latency minimization or energy efficiency receives an elevated precedence according to the type of data that is to be handled. Specifically, the cross-layer enabled APPL protocol provides information pertaining to the delay-sensitivity of sensed data packets to the other layers. Consequently, when a data packet is detected as highly delay-sensitive, the cross-layer enabled NETL protocol changes its approach from energy efficient routing along the maximum residual energy path to routing along the fastest path towards the cluster-head actor node for latency minimizing of the specific packet. This is done by considering information (contained in the SCLF neighbourhood table) from the MACL that entails wakeup schedules and channel utilization at neighbour nodes. Among the added criteria, the next-hop node is primarily chosen based on the shortest time to wakeup. The cross-layer enabled MACL in turn employs a priority queue and a temporary duty cycle doubling feature to enable rapid relaying of delay-sensitive data. Duty cycle doubling is employed whenever a sensor node’s APPL state indicates that it is part of a critical event reporting route. When the APPL protocol state (found in the SCLF information pool) indicates that the node is not part of the critical event reporting route anymore, the MACL reverts back to promoting energy efficiency by disengaging duty cycle doubling and re-employing a combination of a very low duty cycle and preamble sampling. The APPL protocol conversely considers the current queue size of the MACL and temporarily halts the creation of data packets (only if the sensed value is non critical) to prevent a queue overflow and ease congestion at the MACL By simulation it was shown that the cross-layer enabled WSAN CPS consistently outperforms the layered CPS for various network conditions. The average end-to-end latency of delay-sensitive critical data packets is decreased substantially. Furthermore, the average end-to-end latency of delay-insensitive data packets is also decreased. Finally, the energy efficiency performance is decreased by a tolerable insignificant minor margin as expected. The trivial increase in energy consumption is overshadowed by the high margin of increase in latency performance for delay-sensitive critical data packets. The newly proposed cross-layer CPS achieves an immense latency performance increase for WSANs, while maintaining excellent energy efficiency. It has hence been shown that the adoption of the cross-layer paradigm by the WSAN CPS proves hugely beneficial with regards to the network efficiency performance. This increases the feasibility of WSANs and promotes its application in more areas.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2009.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Bandwidth-aware distributed ad-hoc grids in deployed wireless sensor networks

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    Nowadays, cost effective sensor networks can be deployed as a result of a plethora of recent engineering advances in wireless technology, storage miniaturisation, consolidated microprocessor design, and sensing technologies. Whilst sensor systems are becoming relatively cheap to deploy, two issues arise in their typical realisations: (i) the types of low-cost sensors often employed are capable of limited resolution and tend to produce noisy data; (ii) network bandwidths are relatively low and the energetic costs of using the radio to communicate are relatively high. To reduce the transmission of unnecessary data, there is a strong argument for performing local computation. However, this can require greater computational capacity than is available on a single low-power processor. Traditionally, such a problem has been addressed by using load balancing: fragmenting processes into tasks and distributing them amongst the least loaded nodes. However, the act of distributing tasks, and any subsequent communication between them, imposes a geographically defined load on the network. Because of the shared broadcast nature of the radio channels and MAC layers in common use, any communication within an area will be slowed by additional traffic, delaying the computation and reporting that relied on the availability of the network. In this dissertation, we explore the tradeoff between the distribution of computation, needed to enhance the computational abilities of networks of resource-constrained nodes, and the creation of network traffic that results from that distribution. We devise an application-independent distribution paradigm and a set of load distribution algorithms to allow computationally intensive applications to be collaboratively computed on resource-constrained devices. Then, we empirically investigate the effects of network traffic information on the distribution performance. We thus devise bandwidth-aware task offload mechanisms that, combining both nodes computational capabilities and local network conditions, investigate the impacts of making informed offload decisions on system performance. The highly deployment-specific nature of radio communication means that simulations that are capable of producing validated, high-quality, results are extremely hard to construct. Consequently, to produce meaningful results, our experiments have used empirical analysis based on a network of motes located at UCL, running a variety of I/O-bound, CPU-bound and mixed tasks. Using this setup, we have established that even relatively simple load sharing algorithms can improve performance over a range of different artificially generated scenarios, with more or less timely contextual information. In addition, we have taken a realistic application, based on location estimation, and implemented that across the same network with results that support the conclusions drawn from the artificially generated traffic

    Efficient aggregate computations in large-scale dense wireless sensor networks

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    Tese de doutoramento em InformáticaAssuming a world where we can be surrounded by hundreds or even thousands of inexpensive computing nodes densely deployed, each one with sensing and wireless communication capabilities, the problem of efficiently dealing with the enormous amount of information generated by those nodes emerges as a major challenge. The research in this dissertation addresses this challenge. This research work proves that it is possible to obtain aggregate quantities with a timecomplexity that is independent of the number of nodes, or grows very slowly as the number of nodes increases. This is achieved by co-designing the distributed algorithms for obtaining aggregate quantities and the underlying communication system. This work describes (i) the design and implementation of a prioritized medium access control (MAC) protocol which enforces strict priorities over wireless channels and (ii) the algorithms that allow exploiting this MAC protocol to obtain the minimum (MIN), maximum (MAX) and interpolation of sensor values with a time-complexity that is independent of the number of nodes deployed, whereas other state-of-the-art approaches have a time-complexity that is dependent on the number of nodes. These techniques also enable to efficiently obtain estimates of the number of nodes (COUNT) and the median of the sensor values (MEDIAN). The novel approach proposed to efficiently obtain aggregate quantities in large-scale, dense wireless sensor networks (WSN) is based on the adaptation to wireless media of a MAC protocol, known as dominance/binary countdown, which existed previously only for wired media, and design algorithms that exploit this MAC protocol for efficient data aggregation. Designing and implementing such MAC protocol for wireless media is not trivial. For this reason, a substantial part of this work is focused on the development and implementation of WiDom (short for Wireless Dominance) - a wireless MAC protocol that enables efficient data aggregation in large-scale, dense WSN. An implementation of WiDom is first proposed under the assumption of a fully connected network (a network with a single broadcast domain). This implementation can be exploited to efficiently obtain aggregated quantities. WiDom can also implement static priority scheduling over wireless media. Therefore, a schedulability analysis for WiDom is also proposed. WiDom is then extended to operate in sensor networks where a single transmission cannot reach all nodes, in a network with multiple broadcast domains. These results are significant because often networks of nodes that take sensor readings are designed to be large scale, dense networks and it is exactly for such scenarios that the proposed distributed algorithms for obtaining aggregate quantities excel. The implementation and test of these distributed algorithms in a hardware platform developed shows that aggregate quantities in large-scale, dense wireless sensor systems can be obtained efficientlly.É possível prever um mundo onde estaremos rodeados por centenas ou até mesmo milhares de pequenos nós computacionais densamente instalados. Cada um destes nós será de dimensões muito reduzidas e possui capacidades para obter dados directamente do ambiente através de sensores e transmitir informação via rádio. Frequentemente, este tipo de redes são denominadas de redes de sensores sem fio. Perante tal cenário, o problema de lidar com a considerável quantidade de informação gerada por todos estes nós emerge como um desafio de grande relevância. A investigação apresentada nesta dissertação atenta neste desafio. Este trabalho de investigação prova que é possível obter quantidades agregadas com uma complexidade temporal que é independente do número de nós computacionais envolvidos, ou cresce muito lentamente quando o número de nós aumenta. Isto é conseguido através uma co-concepção dos algoritmos para obter quantidades agregadas e do sistema de comunicação subjacente. Este trabalho descreve (i) a concepção e implementação de um protocolo de acesso ao meio que garante prioridades estáticas em canais de comunicação sem fio e (ii) os algoritmos que permitem tirar partido deste protocolo de acesso ao meio para obter quantidades agregadas como o mínimo (MIN), máximo (MAX) e interpolação de valores obtidos a partir de sensores ambientais com uma complexidade que é independente do número de nós computacionais envolvidos. Estas técnicas também permitem obter, de forma eficiente, estimativas do número de nós (COUNT) e a mediana dos valores dos sensores (MEDIAN). A abordagem inovadora, proposta para obter de forma eficiente quantidades agregadas em redes de sensores sem fio de larga escala, é baseada na adaptação para meios de comunicação sem fio de um protocolo de acesso ao meio anteriormente apenas existente em sistemas cablados, e na concepção de algoritmos que tiram partido deste protocolo para agregação de dados eficiente. A concepção e implementação de tal protocolo de acesso ao meio não é trivial. Por esta razão, uma parte substancial deste trabalho é focada no desenvolvimento e implementação de um protocolo de acesso ao meio que permite agregação de dados eficiente em redes de sensores sem fio densas e de larga escala. Esta implementação é denominada de WiDom. A implementação do WiDom apresentada foi inicialmente desenvolvida assumindo que a rede é totalmente ligada (uma transmisão de um nó alcança todos os outros nós). Esta implementação pode ser explorada para obter quantidades agregadas de forma eficiente. Adicionalmente, o protocolo WiDom pode implementar escalonamento utilizando prioridades fixas, permitindo a proposta de uma análise de resposta temporal. Neste trabalho, o WiDom é também estendido para funcionar em redes onde a transmissão de um nó não pode alcançar todos os outros nós. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho são relevantes porque as redes de sensores sem fio são frequentemente concebidas para serem densas e de larga escala. É exactamente nestes casos que os algoritmos propostos para obter quantidades agregadas de forma eficiente apresentam maiores vantagens. A implementação e teste destes algoritmos distribuídos numa plataforma especialmente desenvolvida para o efeito demonstra que de facto podem ser obtidas quandidades agregadas de forma eficiente, mesmo em redes de sensores sem fio densas e de larga escala.This research was partially developed at the Real-Time Computing System Research Centre (CISTER), from the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/IPP

    XXIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación - CACIC 2017 : Libro de actas

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    Trabajos presentados en el XXIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC), celebrado en la ciudad de La Plata los días 9 al 13 de octubre de 2017, organizado por la Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI) y la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Renewable 2018 Global Status

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    Library buildings around the world

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    "Library Buildings around the World" is a survey based on researches of several years. The objective was to gather library buildings on an international level starting with 1990