1,245 research outputs found

    Prototype performance evaluation of multimedia service components

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    This paper deals with a formal approach for decomposition and description of multimedia service components and their performance analysis. Our approach is based on the Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA) specifications. A TLA based specification of multimedia components is transformed into process prototypes described with the SPIMS (SICS Protocol Implementation Measurement System) application language. The multimedia component prototype derived in this way is then evaluated with the SPIMS tool for different QoS parameters. The proposed approach using TLA based specifications, transformations in SPIMS application prototypes, and performance analysis provides the background for an computer based system for test specification and performance analysis which is currently under development. We present and discuss practical test scenarios derived from the proposed method for performance analysis of the Audio-Visual Communication (AVC)component of the Joint-Viewing and Tele-Operation Service (JVTOS). The multimedia test scenarios shown use the TCP/IP and XTP protocols on top of FORE ATM networks

    Network-based business process management: embedding business logic in communications networks

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    Advanced Business Process Management (BPM) tools enable the decomposition of previously integrated and often ill-defined processes into re-usable process modules. These process modules can subsequently be distributed on the Internet over a variety of many different actors, each with their own specialization and economies-of-scale. The economic benefits of process specialization can be huge. However, how should such actors in a business network find, select, and control, the best partner for what part of the business process, in such a way that the best result is achieved? This particular management challenge requires more advanced techniques and tools in the enabling communications networks. An approach has been developed to embed business logic into the communications networks in order to optimize the allocation of business resources from a network point of view. Initial experimental results have been encouraging while at the same time demonstrating the need for more robust techniques in a future of massively distributed business processes.active networks;business process management;business protocols;embedded business logic;genetic algorithms;internet distributed process management;payment systems;programmable networks;resource optimization

    Quality-of-service management in IP networks

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    Quality of Service (QoS) in Internet Protocol (IF) Networks has been the subject of active research over the past two decades. Integrated Services (IntServ) and Differentiated Services (DiffServ) QoS architectures have emerged as proposed standards for resource allocation in IF Networks. These two QoS architectures support the need for multiple traffic queuing systems to allow for resource partitioning for heterogeneous applications making use of the networks. There have been a number of specifications or proposals for the number of traffic queuing classes (Class of Service (CoS)) that will support integrated services in IF Networks, but none has provided verification in the form of analytical or empirical investigation to prove that its specification or proposal will be optimum. Despite the existence of the two standard QoS architectures and the large volume of research work that has been carried out on IF QoS, its deployment still remains elusive in the Internet. This is not unconnected with the complexities associated with some aspects of the standard QoS architectures. [Continues.

    Dimensioning and optimizing mobile networks with performance management system

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    TÀmÀn diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia suorituskyvyn hallintajÀrjestelmÀn kÀyttöÀ mobiiliverkkojen mitoituksen ja optimoinnin apuna. TyössÀ kÀydÀÀn suurpiirteisesti lÀpi tÀrkeimmÀt radioteknologiat ja niiden vaatimukset, sekÀ erilaiset palvelut, joita ne mahdollistavat. KÀsiteltÀviÀ radioteknologioita ovat GSM, GRPS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA ja pintaa raapaistaan myös seuraavan sukupolven radioteknologioiden ympÀriltÀ. LisÀksi kÀydÀÀn lÀpi tÀrkeimmÀt liityntÀverkon siirtoteknologit, eli TDM, ATM, Ethernet, IP ja MPLS, ja selvitetÀÀn, miten niissÀ voidaan vÀlittÀÀ palvelunlaatua sekÀ mitÀ kÀyttö- ja kunnossapitomenetelmiÀ ne mahdollistavat. Itse suorituskyvyn hallinta liittyy olennaisena osana verkonhallintaprosessiin virheen hallinnan sekÀ muiden OAM-menetelmien ohella. Suorituskykykyselyiden tuloksena voidaan laskea erilaisia suorituskykyindikaattoreita, joita voidaan kÀyttÀÀ erilaisiin verkonhallinnan tarpeisiin. TyössÀ tutkitaan erityisesti, millaisia suorituskykymittauksia liityntÀverkoissa kannattaisi tehdÀ ja etenkin missÀ verkon osissa niistÀ voisi olla hyötyÀ. TyössÀ kÀydÀÀn lÀpi myös erilaisten suorituskyvyn hallintajÀrjestelmien integraatiota, jota monitasoisissa usean valmistajan verkoissa usein saatetaan tarvita. Itse mitoitus- ja optimointiprosessin yhteydessÀ selvitetÀÀn nimenomaan suorituskyvyn hallintajÀrjestelmÀn kÀyttöÀ liityntÀverkoissa. Samalla selvitetÀÀn, mitkÀ mitoitus- ja optimointiratkaisut saattaisivat sopia liityntÀverkkoihin. Valitettavasti työssÀ esitetÀÀn erilaisia mitoitus- ja optimointimenetelmiÀ varsin suppeasti. TÀhÀn on suurimpana syynÀ se, ettei operaattorien keskuudessa olla menetelmiÀ juurikaan kÀytetty. NÀihin pÀiviin asti operaattoreille on riittÀnyt pelkÀstÀÀn kapasiteetin lisÀÀminen, mutta uusien ja nopeampien radioteknologioiden myötÀ se ei tule enÀÀ riittÀmÀÀn. Toivottavasti tulevaisuudessa tulemmekin nÀkemÀÀn pitkÀlle kehittyneitÀ mitoitus- ja optimointiratkaisuja pitkÀlle kehittyneiden verkon- ja suorituskyvynhallintajÀrjestelmien ohella.The purpose of this master's thesis was to investigate the dimensioning and optimizing of the mobile networks with a performance management system. The thesis discusses at the general level the most important radio technologies, their requirements and different services they provide. The radio technologies studied are GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UTMS, HSPA, and the next generation technologies. Additionally, the most important access transport technologies have been discussed; including TDM, ATM, Ethernet, IP and MPLS, and their abilities to deliver quality of service and what operation and maintenance methods they provide. Performance management system is a major component in the network management process, along with fault management and other OAM methods. Various performance indicators can be calculated from the performance queries, and they can be used for the needs of network management. The thesis examines in particular, what kind of performance measurements should be done in the access networks, focusing on what network segments receive the most benefit from it. Also, the thesis studies the implementation of different performance management systems integration, as it is often needed in multi vendor hierarchical networks. The use of performance management systems in access networks is sorted with the dimensioning and optimizing process to discover, what kind of dimensioning and optimizing solutions would fit in the access networks. Unfortunately, there are relatively few solutions in the thesis, because operators have not yet implemented any such methods. To this date, simply adding more capacity has been enough for operators. However, combined with new and faster radio technologies it will no longer be sufficient anymore. Hopefully, in the future we will see highly sophisticated dimensioning and optimizing solutions built into performance management systems

    Congestion control mechanisms within MPLS networks

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    PhDAbstract not availabl

    Prototype Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Service Components

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    Contribution to the 3rd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks [ICCCN 1994], San Francisco, CA, September 11-14, 1994, 8 Seiten

    Developing a distributed electronic health-record store for India

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    The DIGHT project is addressing the problem of building a scalable and highly available information store for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of the over one billion citizens of India
