21,916 research outputs found

    The size of maximal systems of brick islands

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    For integers m1,...,md>0m_1,...,m_d>0 and a cuboid M=[0,m1]×...×[0,md]RdM=[0,m_1]\times ... \times [0,m_d]\subset \mathbb{R}^d, a brick of MM is a closed cuboid whose vertices have integer coordinates. A set HH of bricks in MM is a system of brick islands if for each pair of bricks in HH one contains the other or they are disjoint. Such a system is maximal if it cannot be extended to a larger system of brick islands. Extending the work of Lengv\'{a}rszky, we show that the minimum size of a maximal system of brick islands in MM is i=1dmi(d1)\sum_{i=1}^d m_i - (d-1). Also, in a cube C=[0,m]dC=[0,m]^d we define the corresponding notion of a system of cubic islands, and prove bounds on the sizes of maximal systems of cubic islands.Comment: 12 page

    CD-independent subsets in meet-distributive lattices

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    A subset XX of a finite lattice LL is CD-independent if the meet of any two incomparable elements of XX equals 0. In 2009, Cz\'edli, Hartmann and Schmidt proved that any two maximal CD-independent subsets of a finite distributive lattice have the same number of elements. In this paper, we prove that if LL is a finite meet-distributive lattice, then the size of every CD-independent subset of LL is at most the number of atoms of LL plus the length of LL. If, in addition, there is no three-element antichain of meet-irreducible elements, then we give a recursive description of maximal CD-independent subsets. Finally, to give an application of CD-independent subsets, we give a new approach to count islands on a rectangular board.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Ulam method for the Chirikov standard map

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    We introduce a generalized Ulam method and apply it to symplectic dynamical maps with a divided phase space. Our extensive numerical studies based on the Arnoldi method show that the Ulam approximant of the Perron-Frobenius operator on a chaotic component converges to a continuous limit. Typically, in this regime the spectrum of relaxation modes is characterized by a power law decay for small relaxation rates. Our numerical data show that the exponent of this decay is approximately equal to the exponent of Poincar\'e recurrences in such systems. The eigenmodes show links with trajectories sticking around stability islands.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, high resolution figures available at: http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr/QWLIB/ulammethod/ minor corrections in text and fig. 12 and revised discussio

    Dynamical trapping and chaotic scattering of the harmonically driven barrier

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    A detailed analysis of the classical nonlinear dynamics of a single driven square potential barrier with harmonically oscillating position is performed. The system exhibits dynamical trapping which is associated with the existence of a stable island in phase space. Due to the unstable periodic orbits of the KAM-structure, the driven barrier is a chaotic scatterer and shows stickiness of scattering trajectories in the vicinity of the stable island. The transmission function of a suitably prepared ensemble yields results which are very similar to tunneling resonances in the quantum mechanical regime. However, the origin of these resonances is different in the classical regime.Comment: 14 page