79 research outputs found

    The Roles of Habit and Web Site Quality in E-Commerce

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    Previous research has primarily examined consumers’ perceived usefulness of web sites and trust in the web retailer as two major predictors of web site use and e-commerce adoption. While the consumers’ repeated behavior in the past (i.e., habit) may contribute to continuance behavior, it has not been investigated. This article includes habit as a primary construct along with perceived usefulness and trust to predict and explain consumers’ continued behavior of using a B2C web site. Additionally, included are several web quality measures as antecedents to trust and perceived usefulness. The research model is evaluated using structural equation modeling. Results show that consumers’ behavioral intentions to continue using a B2C web site are determined by all three key drivers: perceived usefulness, trust, and habit. Furthermore, not all dimensions of web quality have a significant effect on perceived usefulness and trust

    The Influence Of Belief And Justice On Brand Loyalty In Social Commerce

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    This paper presents a research model to examine factors influencing brand loyalty and these relationships in social commerce. The model comprises four research hypotheses with five constructs, including behavioral beliefs, normative beliefs, control beliefs, justice and brand loyalty. The constructs are measured by well-supported measures in the literature. The hypotheses are tested via an empirical study of social commerce. Structural equation modeling is used to analyze survey data collected from 363 usable responses. The results show that, in the order of importance, control beliefs, behavioral beliefs and normative beliefs are the major factors contributing to justice and in turn enhance brand loyalty for the social commerce as a whole

    MSMEs Focus on Instagram Account Quality : Key Factors to Prioritize in Instagram Posting

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    These days most of MSMEs have a quite good understanding of social media and how it works for their business. In Indonesia, Instagram is one of the best powerful tools to introduce and market their product instantly. However, social commerce face problems especially in customer trust. It is suspected by customer doubt to the key factors of social media online shop, i.e : reputation, transaction, communication, safety, information quality, economic feasibility, and word-of-mouth referrals. The purpose of this study is to test a framework of Instagram account quality model and its impact on MSMEs social media marketing strategy. An online-based questionnaire was administered to 271 MSMEs. Furthermore, structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data. Findings indicate that there are significant effect between information quality, reputation, safety, communication, and economic feasibility to the Instagram account quality construct. The practical implications emphasize on MSMEs first need to develop their information quality on Instagram, because that is the most significant factors towards Instagram account quality in online store perception.  A focus on improving information quality will also help MSMEs to communicate and promote their post to reach more audience and interaction with potential consumers

    Using the UTAUT2 model to explain teacher acceptance of work performance assessment system

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    An organization needs qualified and experienced human resources. Performance appraisals are required to determine the effectiveness of their work. A performance appraisal system has already been created to objectively evaluate the work of teachers, principals, and teachers given additional tasks, and to provide instructions for developing the teaching profession, principals, and teachers given additional tasks. The goal of this study was to apply the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2) to explain why teachers accept the performance appraisal method. With the help of SmartPLS 3.2.8 software, a partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the data. The results showed that behavioral intention (BI) to utilize the system is influenced by performance expectancy (PE), social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC), and habit (HT). The findings also revealed that system use behavior (UB) is influenced by facilitating conditions (FC), habit (HT), and behavioral intention (BI). To increase the system's adoption, the studies suggest focusing on enhancing the system's ease of use and minimizing the system's flow complexity

    Analysis of The Impact of Convenience, Trust, Web Quality, and Social Influence on Online Purchase Intentions in Palestine

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    Purpose –The purpose of this study is to investigate and investigate and analyze the relationship between Convenience, perceived trust, Web quality, social influence and online purchases intentions. There a lot of research analyzes the relationship between Convenience, perceived trust, Web quality, social influence and c, butthis research focus on Palestinian people. Design/methodology/approach – This study employed a quantitative research to test the relationship between convenience, perceived trust, web quality, social influence and online purchases intentions. Questionnaires were distributed to 100 respondents. The researcher used Primary data to analyze the relations among the variables. Findings – The results showed that perceived trust demonstrated insignificant effect on online purchases intentions. The results also showed that social influence have a significant effecton social influence. Originality/value –the study recommends that the company improve the relationship of customers by applying the right relationship by increasing the trust and social influence to win the high intentions of customers who will use online shop to shopping through an online store


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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sejumlah 217 responden dengan karakteristik berdomisili atau bertempat tinggal di wilayah Jabodetabek, berusia minimal 17 tahun dan pernah menonton siaran TikTok midnight live dalam kurun waktu tiga bulan terakhir. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik non-probality sampling dengan cara convenience sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik survei dengan instrumen berupa kuesioner. Data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner diolah menggunakan software SPSS dan Amos. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan variabel content quality berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perceived enjoyment dibuktikan dengan skor P value < 0.01, variabel content quality berpengaruh signifikan terhadap trust dibuktikan dengan skor P value sebesar 0.029, variabel content quality berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perceived ease of use dibuktikan dengan skor P value < 0.01, variabel perceived enjoyment berpengaruh signifikan terhadap purchase intention dibuktikan dengan skor P value sebesar 0.01, variabel trust berpengaruh signifikan terhadap purchase intention dibuktikan dengan skor P value < 0.01, variabel perceived ease of use berpengaruh signifikan terhadap trust dibuktikan dengan skor P value sebesar 0.039, dan variabel perceived ease of use tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap purchase intention dibuktikan dengan skor P value sebesar 0.575

    Uso de las redes sociales como instrumento de las Pymes para la generación de confianza

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es comprender cómo el uso que las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) hacen de las redes sociales influye en la confianza del consumidor. Concretamente, se estudia como la reputación percibida, la calidad de la información, la comunicación activa y la comunicación boca a boca (WOM) a través de Facebook influyen en la confianza del consumidor hacia las pymes. La originalidad de la investigación radica en el contexto de estudio, las pymes. Marco teórico: El estudio se basa en la literatura sobre el comportamiento del consumidor en las redes sociales y su confianza hacia la empresa. Metodología: El modelo conceptual propuesto se evalúa mediante una encuesta online en la que participaron 157 usuarios activos de redes sociales. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la técnica de ecuaciones estructurales de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM). Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la reputación percibida, la comunicación activa y la comunicación boca a boca influyen positiva y significativamente en la confianza del cliente. Esta investigación contribuye a la teoría y la práctica de la gestión de las pymes de su presencia en las redes sociales, al mejorar el conocimiento de su influencia en la confianza del consumidor.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Trust-Building Mechanisms and Knowledge Sharing in Virtual Communities

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    Although trust has received much intention in the virtual communities (VCs) literature, few studies have been conducted to examine how trust develops in VCs. Drawing from prior literature on trust and knowledge sharing, a research model for understanding the antecedents of trust and the role of trust in VCs is presented. Data was collected from 324 members of a technical virtual community to test the model. The results help in identifying how the factors fall into three trust-building mechanisms build trust in the context VCs. The study discusses the theoretical and managerial implications of this study and proposes several future research directions

    Tourist adoption of mapping apps: a UTAUT2 perspective of smart travellers

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    Purpose – Mapping apps are location based travel apps used for navigation and routing. These apps are gaining worldwide popularity because of its enormous potential. Despite of the growing popularity and utility of the mapping apps, the published literature in this area is scarce, leaving an unexplored area of research. Thus, the current study aims to identify factors affecting tourist’s intentions to use mapping apps while travelling. Design – The Extended Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) was applied as the basis of the present study Methodology – The data was collected from 284 travellers in India using a structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Partial Least Square approach. Findings – The results indicated that the most significant antecedents of behavioral intentions are habit, facilitating conditions, performance expectancy and hedonic motivation. It was observed that the actual usage behavior was influenced by traveler’s intentions and habit to use the technology (mapping apps). However it was noted that effort expectancy, social influence and price value had no significant effects on the tourist’s intentions to use mapping apps while travelling. Originality of the research – Till date limited empirical studies have explored the adoption of mapping apps by travelers. This study is unique as it explores the adoption intentions using a relevant theoretical framework in the developing economy context wherein the use of mapping apps is still in the nascent stage. This research contributes to the literature of innovation adoption and provides an interesting perspective to companies developing location based travel mobile apps

    Customer’s acceptance, usage and M-satisfaction of Mobile Hotel Reservation Apps (MHRA) / Mohd Noor Ismawi Ismail...[et al.]

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    This conceptual paper aims to explore the relationship between customer acceptance and the usage of Mobile Hotel Reservation Apps (MHRA) on Mobile satisfaction (M-satisfaction). The MHRA booking is the latest booking channel offered by the hoteliers in favor of mobility and service failures exposed by the traditional method of room booking. Nonetheless, the actual usage and the success of this app have not been explored yet. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) was adopted as the underpinning theory of this study. The UTAUT2 framework was modified by incorporating Msatisfaction as the dependent variable. Seven propositions were suggested based on the literature review