698,643 research outputs found

    Networks and trust: systems for understanding and supporting internet security

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    Includes bibliographical references.2022 Fall.This dissertation takes a systems-level view of the multitude of existing trust management systems to make sense of when, where and how (or, in some cases, if) each is best utilized. Trust is a belief by one person that by transacting with another person (or organization) within a specific context, a positive outcome will result. Trust serves as a heuristic that enables us to simplify the dozens decisions we make each day about whom we will transact with. In today's hyperconnected world, in which for many people a bulk of their daily transactions related to business, entertainment, news, and even critical services like healthcare take place online, we tend to rely even more on heuristics like trust to help us simplify complex decisions. Thus, trust plays a critical role in online transactions. For this reason, over the past several decades researchers have developed a plethora of trust metrics and trust management systems for use in online systems. These systems have been most frequently applied to improve recommender systems and reputation systems. They have been designed for and applied to varied online systems including peer-to-peer (P2P) filesharing networks, e-commerce platforms, online social networks, messaging and communication networks, sensor networks, distributed computing networks, and others. However, comparatively little research has examined the effects on individuals, organizations or society of the presence or absence of trust in online sociotechnical systems. Using these existing trust metrics and trust management systems, we design a set of experiments to benchmark the performance of these existing systems, which rely heavily on network analysis methods. Drawing on the experiments' results, we propose a heuristic decision-making framework for selecting a trust management system for use in online systems. In this dissertation we also investigate several related but distinct aspects of trust in online sociotechnical systems. Using network/graph analysis methods, we examine how trust (or lack of trust) affects the performance of online networks in terms of security and quality of service. We explore the structure and behavior of online networks including Twitter, GitHub, and Reddit through the lens of trust. We find that higher levels of trust within a network are associated with more spread of misinformation (a form of cybersecurity threat, according to the US CISA) on Twitter. We also find that higher levels of trust in open source developer networks on GitHub are associated with more frequent incidences of cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Using our experimental and empirical findings previously described, we apply the Systems Engineering Process to design and prototype a trust management tool for use on Reddit, which we dub Coni the Trust Moderating Bot. Coni is, to the best of our knowledge, the first trust management tool designed specifically for use on the Reddit platform. Through our work with Coni, we develop and present a blueprint for constructing a Reddit trust tool which not only measures trust levels, but can use these trust levels to take actions on Reddit to improve the quality of submissions within the community (a subreddit)

    Business knowledge absorptive capacity in micro and small innovative enterprises

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    Purpose – The aim of the presented article is to assess the impact of the capacity to absorb business advice on the improvement of business knowledge, and indirectly, on raising the level of strategic and operational management in micro and small innovative enterprises using business advice services. Research method – A review of the literature on examining the specificity of knowledge and management development in enterprises, the role of business advice and the capacity to absorb knowledge in this process. The second part of the article presents the results of the empirical research carried out using the CATI technique on a sample of 400 micro and small innovative Polish enterprises using business advice services. Results – The use of business advice services and the level of knowledge absorptive capacity increase the level of business knowledge of managers. The capacity to absorb knowledge positively moderates the impact of business advice on the level of business knowledge of managers, and, consequently, on the level of strategic and operational management. Originality /value – The research confirms the influence of the capacity to absorb knowledge on the level of knowledge of managers. Improving the level of knowledge and business management requires the use of business advice as well as the capacity to absorb [email protected] of Management, University of LodzAdomako S., Narteh B., Danquah J.K., Analoui F., 2016, Entrepreneurial orientation in dynamic environments: The moderating role of extra-organizational advice, “International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research”, vol. 22 (5), pp. 616-642, DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-12-2015-0320.Blackburn R.A., Hart M., Wainwright T., 2013, Small business performance: business, strategy and ownermanager characteristics, “Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development”, vol. 20(1), pp. 8–27, DOI: 10.1108/14626001311298394.Carey J.P., 2015, External accountants’ business advice and SME performance, “Pacific Accounting Review”, vol. 27(2), pp. 166-188, DOI: 10.1108/PAR-04-2013-0020.Daspit J.J., D’Souza D.E., 2013, Understanding the Multi-Dimensional Nature of Absorptive Capacity, “Journal of Managerial Issues”, vol. 25(3), pp. 299-316.Duchek S., 2015, Designing absorptive capacity? An analysis of knowledge absorption practices in German high-tech firms, “International Journal of Innovation Management”, vol. 19(4), pp. 1-22, DOI: 10.1142/S1363919615500449.Dyer L.M, Ross Ch.A., 2007, Advising the Small Business Client, “International Small Business Journal”, vol. 25(2), pp. 130-151, DOI: 10.1177/0266242607074517.Engelen A., Kube H., Schmidt S., Flatten T.Ch., 2014, Entrepreneurial orientation in turbulent environments: The moderating role of absorptive capacity, “Research Policy”, vol. 43(8), pp. 1353-1369, DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2014.03.002.Gooderham P., Tobiassen A.E., Doving E., Nordhaug O., 2004, Accountants as Sources of Business Advice for Small Firms, “International Small Business Journal”, vol. 22(1), pp. 5-22, DOI: 10.1177/0266242604039478.GƂodek P., Ɓobacz K., Stawasz E., Niedzielski P., 2016, Utilisation of business advice in small innovative firms – the role of trust and tacit knowledge, “Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review”, vol. 4(2), pp. 117-138, DOI: 10.15678/EBER.2016.040210.Grabowski W., Stawasz E., 2017, The role of business consulting in creating knowledge and formulating a strategy of development in polish micro-enterprises, “Journal for East European Management Studies (JEEMS)”, vol. 22(3), pp. 374-396, DOI: 10.5771/0949-6181-2017-3-374.Hutchinson, V., Quintas P., 2008, Do SMEs do Knowledge Management? Or Simply Manage what they Know?, “International Small Business Journal”, vol. 26(2), pp. 131-154, DOI: 10.1177/0266242607086571.Kang K.H., Kang J., 2009, How do firms source external knowledge for innovation? Analysing effects of different knowledge sourcing methods, “International Journal of Innovation Management”, vol. 13(1), pp. 1–17, DOI: 10.1142/S1363919609002194.Krzakiewicz K., Cyfert Sz., 2018, Strategiczne aspekty dynamicznych zdolnoƛci replikacji i imitacji wiedzy, „Przegląd Organizacji”, nr 3(938), s. 5-12, DOI: 10.33141/po.2018.03.01.Lagunes P., Soto A., Zuniga S., 2016, Model for Determining the Absorption Capacity of SMES in the Manufacturing Sector, “European Scientific Journal”, vol. 12(34), pp. 322-337, DOI: 10.19044/esj.2016.v12n34p322.Lisowska R., 2015, External Determinants of the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises – Empirical Analysis , “Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI)”, vol. 11(4), pp. 115-138, DOI: 10.7341/20151145.Matejun M., 2015, Absorpcja wsparcia w zarządzaniu rozwojem mikro, maƂych i ƛrednich przedsiębiorstw – podejƛcie strategiczne, „Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Ɓódzkiej”, nr 1194.Mazzarol T., 2011, Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Readings and Cases, 2nd edition, Tilde University Press.Mole K., Baldock R., North D., 2013, Who Takes Advice? Firm Size Threshold, Competence, Concerns and Informality in a Contingency Approach, “ERC Research Paper”, vol. 9, pp. 1-38.Patterson W., Ambrosini V., 2015, Configuring absorptive capacity as a key process for research intensive firms, “Technovation”, vol. 36-37, pp. 77–89, DOI: 10.1016/j.technovation.2014.10.003.Sciascia S., D’Oria L., Bruni M., Larraneta B., 2014, Entrepreneurial Orientation in low- and medium-tech industries: The need for Absorptive Capacity to increase performance, “European Management Journal”, vol. 32, pp. 761-769, DOI: 10.1016/j.emj.2013.12.007.Stawasz E., GƂodek P., Ɓobacz K., Niedzielski P., 2018, KsztaƂtowanie konkurencyjnoƛci maƂej firmy. Rola doradztwa biznesowego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ɓódzkiego, ƁódĆș.Teece D.J., 2014, The Foundations of Enterprise Performance: Dynamic and Ordinary Capabilities in an (Economic) Theory of Firms, “The Academy of Management Perspectives”, vol. 28(4), pp. 328–352.Yusoff N.H., Yaacob R., Ibrahim D., 2010, Business Advisory: A Study on Selected Microsized SMEs in Kelantan, Malaysia, “International Journal of Marketing Studies”, vol. 2(2), pp. 245-257, DOI:10.5539/ijms.v2n2p245.Zahra S.A., George G., 2002, Absorptive capacity: a review, reconceptualization, and extension, “Academy of Management Review”, vol. 27(2), pp. 185-203, DOI: 10.2307/4134351.Zou T., Ertug G., George G., 2018, The capacity to innovate: a meta-analysis of absorptive capacity, “Innovation: Organization & Management”, vol. 20(2), pp. 87-121, DOI: 10.1080/14479338.2018.1428105.2(104)31

    Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Adjustments to Information Technology (IT) in Trade Facilitation: The South Korean Experience

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    This report examines how IT was incorporated into cargo clearance procedures in Korea, and what its implications are for traders, SMEs in particular. After a short introduction in Section I, Section II examines the definition of SMEs in Korea, and SMEs’ role in Korean trade. In Section III, we describe the history of the adoption of IT in Korean cargo clearance. The introduction of IT to cargo clearance procedures in Korea can be roughly divided into two stages. The first stage includes the implementation of: Preparation for Customs Clearance Automation (1980s-1992), EDI Customs Clearance Automation Six Year Plan (1992-1997), Establishment of Paperless Customs Clearance System (1997-2001); and the Plan for Establishment of Infrastructure for Information Technology and Knowledge Management (2001-2003). The main accomplishment of the first stage was a Value Added Network / Electronic Data Interchange (VAN/EDI) which linked KCS and traders in 1996. The system was subsequently expanded so that traders could access the system through the Internet.. The second stage begun in 2003, and has nearly reached completion in 2008. The goal of the second stage is to build an e-trade system where IT is used at every stage of trade, encompassing not only government-business (traders) transactions such as cargo clearance, but all trade-related transactions including business-business transactions as well. This second stage involves the establishment of an e-trade network and “uTradeHub,” which ties not only government with traders, but other trade-related organizations and private agencies such as shippers, insurers, banks and financial institutions. These projects were carried out with considerations for SMEs in mind. Section IV describes the results of the adoption of IT into cargo clearance. We find that IT has significantly lowered costs and sped up the cargo clearance process. Section V includes some case examples of individual firms which use the e-trade network for cargo clearance. Lastly, section VI tries to draw some lessons for other countries which seek to adopt IT into cargo clearance. These lessons include: 1) Adopting IT to cargo clearance must be a part of a comprehensive customs procedure reform. 2) Legal framework must accompany the adoption of IT and e-trade 3) Single network and single standard may be more useful than variety 4) Keep It Simple 5) The e-trade system and paperless trade system is meant to be used by the widest number of people. 6) Trust must be built between SMEs and government agencies. 7) Usefulness of e-trade will increase exponentially when more countries join.SME, Information Technology, Trade Facilitation, Korea

    A CRM technology model for the telecommunication industry

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Information Technology.Planning and implementing a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System affecting the attention of senior management within the majority of organizations. A CRM is no longer a fancy word but a necessity enforced by the impact of e-Business and the increased competition. Current interest in CRM is not limited to a specific industry or to a certain company size. This study is a comprehensive analysis of the CRM process. It starts by exploring the components of the CRM process with a special focus on the role of Knowledge within such process. Then the study highlights how CRM is currently implemented, how it is related to the customer life cycle and to all possible customer interaction points. Moreover, methodologies used in designing CRM systems were investigated and CRM services were identified. Finally, the study concludes by determining how we can measure the performance of implementing a CRM system, and then identify the challenges facing existing CRM systems. I backed up my study with a CRM model for a hypothetical telecommunication company. The model presented was used to highlight how capturing and managing information about customers across all contact channels will affect the CRM process of the company. The model was used as a basis for presenting technology tools used in implementing a CRM system. Models presented for the system were based on the rich picture technique. My study goes beyond highlighting the importance of knowledge, to the discussion of how the customer explicit knowledge could be captured, and what Knowledge Management tools can be embedded within the day to day business process. Such tools will work on tacit as well as explicit knowledge. CRM is not a common process among all industries. The Banking and Finance, Telecommunications, Health Care and Airline industries have new operational challenges issues that are discussed thoroughly. Additionally different design methodologies for CRM process do exist and were presented within the body of the study. The ideal CRM design methodology relies on the size and the nature of the business and should always consider the knowledge element. CRM is not an isolated process that could be implemented separately from other processes within the business. As a matter of fact, there are two essential elements that come into play here; total integration within all areas, and firm support from senior management. Further research areas required are highlighted. Such areas are required to resolve obstacles and limitations, not only with the design I proposed through this study, but also within the existing commercially available CRM systems. Research areas proposed are not limited to personalization, trust and the measurement of the CRM process

    Customer relationship management: digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation

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    [EN] The point of departure for this study is the understanding of customer relationship management (CRM) as a set of technological solutions key for efficient business management, the benefits of which, highlighted by previous works, are presented and defined here as crucial for entrepreneurial success. Of particular interest for this purpose are the existing studies on sustainability, which provide a viable research model to assess and validate the potential effect of each CRM component (sales, marketing, and services) on the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social). Upon confirmation of our hypotheses, the subsequent validation of such model should bring a better understanding of the way in which CRM-related benefits may increase the positive impact of its components on each dimension of sustainability. CRM can hence be considered a sort of Green IT, oriented toward digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation. Indeed, this research model may be the basis for a more specific methodology to measure the impact and benefits of applying CRM, understood, as we will contend, both in terms of sustainable business models and innovation.Gil GĂłmez, H.; Guerola-Navarro, V.; Oltra Badenes, RF.; Lozano Quilis, JA. (2020). Customer relationship management: digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istra ivanja. 33(1):2733-2750. https://doi.org/10.1080/1331677X.2019.1676283S27332750331Abson, D. J., Fischer, J., Leventon, J., Newig, J., Schomerus, T., Vilsmaier, U., 
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    A social network-based organizational model for improving knowledge management in supply chains

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    Purpose: This paper aims to provide a social network-based model for improving knowledge management in multi-level supply chains formed by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Design/methodology/approach: This approach uses social network analysis techniques to propose and represent a knowledge network for supply chains. Also, an empirical experience from an exploratory case study in the construction sector is presented. Findings: This proposal improves the establishment of inter-organizational relationships into networks to exchange the knowledge among the companies along the supply chain and create specific knowledge by promoting confidence and motivation. Originality/value: This proposed model is useful for academics and practitioners in supply chain management to gain a better understanding of knowledge management processes, particularly for the supply chains formed by SMEs. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.CapĂł-Vicedo, J.; Mula, J.; CapĂł I Vicedo, J. (2011). 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    Conceptualisation of the three-dimensional matrix of collaborative knowledge barriers

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    [EN] Nowadays, collaborative knowledge management (CKM) is well accepted as a decisive asset in the field of networked enterprises and supply chains. However, few knowledge management initiatives have been performed successfully because, in most cases, the barriers that hinder the CKM process are unknown and misunderstood. Currently, the research reveals different uni- and bi-dimensional barriers' classifications, however multi-dimensional approaches provide a better view of the complexity in the area of CKM. Therefore, this paper proposes the three-dimensional matrix of collaborative knowledge barriers taking into account: (i) perspectives; (ii) levels and (iii) barriers blocks to provide a reference way to audit the CKM barriers, and thus, in further research, focus on the corrections and adjustments to guarantee the success while implementing a CKM project.Sanchis, R.; Sanchis Gisbert, MR.; Poler, R. (2020). 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    Relationship between ambidexterity andentrepreneurial intensity

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    [EN] Within organisational analysis, a concept that has been gaining importance has been organisational ambidexterity, where two factors play an important role: entrepreneurial intensity and innovations. The objective of this article is to analyse the relationship between entrepreneurial intensity and ambidexterity. The conceptualisation of ambidexterity distinguishes between ambidextrous activities and ambidextrous outcomes. To carry out this objective, we have tested several theoretical relationships. We have used partial least squares methodology to develop an empirical study in 25 European countries. Results confirm that collaboration networks have a positive effect on entrepreneurship intensity. This effect is greater than the one obtained by ambidextrous activities or new technologies. 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    Loving Outside the Neighborhood: The Conflicting Effects of External Linkages on Incremental Innovation in Clusters

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    Effect of exploitation and exploration on the innovative as outcomes in entrepreneurial firms

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    [EN] The main aim of this study is to establish the effect of the Exploitation and Exploration; and the influence of these learning flows on the Innovative Outcome (IO). The Innovative Outcome refers to new products, services, processes (or improvements) that the organization has obtained as a result of an innovative process. For this purpose, a relationship model is defined, which is empirically contrasted, and can explains and predicts the cyclical dynamization of learning flows on innovative outcome in knowledge intensive firms. The quantitative test for this model use the data from entrepreneurial firms biotechnology sector. The statistical analysis applies a method based on variance using Partial Least Squares (PLS). Research results confirm the hypotheses, that is, they show a positive dynamic effect between the Exploration and the Innovative as outcomes. In the same vein, they results confirm the presence of the cyclic movement of innovative outcome with the Exploitation.In addition, this research is part of the Project ECO2015-71380-R funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the State Research Agency. Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).Vargas-Mendoza, NY.; Lloria, MB.; Salazar Afanador, A.; Vergara DomĂ­nguez, L. (2018). Effect of exploitation and exploration on the innovative as outcomes in entrepreneurial firms. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. 14(4):1053-1069. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11365-018-0496-5S10531069144Alegre, J., & Chiva, R. (2008). Assessing the impact of organizational learning capability on product innovation performance: an empirical test. Technovation, 28, 315–326.Amara, N., Landry, R., Becheikh, N., & Ouimet, M. (2008). Learning and novelty of innovation in established manufacturing SMEs. 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