20 research outputs found

    Potensi Marketplace dalam Meningkatkan Pemasaran Produk Susu Sapi Perah pada Masa Pandemi Covid19 di Desa Kradinan

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    Berkurangnya hasil produksi serta berkurangnya akses pemasaran produk susu serta olahan sapi perah di desa Kradinan Kabupaten Tulungagung, sebagai akibat pandemi covid19 turut dirasakan para peternak sapi perah. Dengan kendala yang dihadapi ini, sebagai langkah antisipasi kendala yang mungkin terjadi di masa yang akan datang serta untuk lebih meningkatkan promsi dan penjualan dari peternak sapi dan olahannya, maka Tim Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini memberikan tambahan pemahaman penggunaan marketplace yaitu tentang konsep pasar, manfaat dan keuntungan pemasaran, cara kerja pasar, proses pembuatan, cara mendaftar dan membuat berbelanja di toko online.  Kegiatan diawali dengan metode ceramah dan demonstratif terkait pemahaman marketplace dan macamnya. Metode pendampingan dilaksanakan pada saat masyarakat sasaran mengumpulkan data di lapangan. Evaluasi hasil pendampingan dilakukan untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan kegiatan ini. Setelah pendampingan selesai tampak adanya perubahan sikap dari masyarakat sasaran

    The Influences of Social Media on Chinese Start-up Stage Entrepreneurship

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    Do Online Marketplaces Play a Significant Role in Shaping Entrepreneurial Intention? An Empirical Investigation

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    Online marketplaces are regarded to play a vital role in assisting businesses to start up online. This is because of the reduced expenses involved with launching a company on online marketplaces compared to beginning an online business on a seller’s new website. Numerous enterprises are turning to online marketplaces and benefiting from the low start-up expenses and simplicity of selling. Sellers are spared of the responsibilities of storage, shipping, and payment collection. This research attempts to explore the antecedents of entrepreneurial inclination among US university students with a special focus on the role of online marketplaces. The data was acquired from 252 students using self-administered surveys in 4 different institutions in the United States. The structural model was evaluated using structural equation modeling for assessing the link between educational assistance, societal norms, perceived support from global online marketplaces, attitude, and entrepreneurial inclination. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was employed for data analysis. The findings suggest that the perceived online marketplace support has a statistically significant positive effect on entrepreneurial intention. This implies that the existence of an online marketplace motivates individuals for entrepreneurial activities. The findings of this research would be useful for individuals who intents to begin an online business without incurring the high startup costs associated with the majority of traditional businesses

    Model Penerimaan Penggunaan E-Marketplace Dengan Technology Acceptance Model di Pusat Pembelanjaan Mentaya Kotawaringin Timur

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    Salah satu Model Bisnis dari E-Commerce yang berkembang adalah E-Marketplace. Persaingan antara E-marketplace satu dengan yang lain sangat ketat sehingga ada beberapa E-Marketplace lebih berhasil dari pada yang lain. Sebuah E-marketplace dikatakan berhasil jika diterima dengan baik oleh penggunanya. Oleh karena itu penelitian tentang penerimaan E-marketplace menjadi penting. Pada penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus di salah satu pasar Indonesia yaitu Pusat Perbelanjaan Mentaya (PPM) mengenai penggunaan E-marketplace. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui penerimaan adopsi teknologi Informasi. Model penerimaan teknologi informasi yang digunakan yaitu Model Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif, dengan cara menyebar kuisioner atau survey. Data yang diperoleh berjumlah 240 yang berasal dari konsumen PPM yang menggunakan aplikasi E-marketpalce. Kemudian data akan digunakan untuk menguji hubungan antar variable dari model yang diusulkan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa presepsi kemudahan menggunakan layanan aplikasi E-marketplace berpengaruh terhadap presepsi manfaat. Ini disebabkan bahwa kemudahan dalam mengoperasikan layanan E-marketplace mempengaruhi pengguna sehingga transaksi penjualan dan pembelian menjadi lebih efektif dan efesien. Selain itu, di dapatkan juga presepsi kemudahan mempunyai pengaruh terhadap sikap penggunaan. Ini menunjukan pengguna layanan E-marketplace merasa bahwa menggunakan layanan tersebut meningkatkan efektifitas dan bermanfaat, maka mereka tidak akan menolak menggunakan layanan E-marketplace. Hasil dalam penelitian ini variable sikap penggunaan terhadap Behavioral Intention tidak diterima, karena sikap dalam menggunakan layanan E-marketplace tidak menentukan perilaku penggun dalam waktu yang akan datang. Penelitian ini fokus pada adopsi penerimaan teknologi informasi menggunakan TAM. Untuk kedepannya diharapkan adanya kombinasi model penerimaan teknologi yang lain seperti UTAUT dan TPB

    Too old to Shop? A Comparative Analysis of the Engagement of Junior and Senior Customers in Social Commerce

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    With the continuous success of social media websites also social commerce rises in popularity. As increasing numbers of elderly consumers use social media, it is interesting to understand how elderly consumers engage in social commerce platforms. This study examines how different dimensions of customer engagement influence trust with young and older consumers. A survey was conducted to collect data from American consumers. Our results show that perceived enjoyment, satisfaction, and social commerce value have significant effects on consumers’ trust. Further, there are important differences regarding the respective effects between younger and older consumers. Our study contributes to the literature by clarifying the effect of customer engagement on trust in social commerce between young and elderly consumers. Our results can provide practitioners important guidelines regarding how to support consumers’ trust development in social commerce

    Too old to Shop? A Comparative Analysis of the Engagement of Junior and Senior Customers in Social Commerce

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    With the continuous success of social media websites also social commerce rises in popularity. As increasing numbers of elderly consumers use social media, it is interesting to understand how elderly consumers engage in social commerce platforms. This study examines how different dimensions of customer engagement influence trust with young and older consumers. A survey was conducted to collect data from American consumers. Our results show that perceived enjoyment, satisfaction, and social commerce value have significant effects on consumers’ trust. Further, there are important differences regarding the respective effects between younger and older consumers. Our study contributes to the literature by clarifying the effect of customer engagement on trust in social commerce between young and elderly consumers. Our results can provide practitioners important guidelines regarding how to support consumers’ trust development in social commerce

    The Impact of Presence in Global Online Marketplace on Global Brand Awareness

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    The worldwide accessibility of e-commerce marketplaces enables a business to swiftly and inexpensively test and enter new foreign markets. The global digital marketplace enables enterprises to connect with customers from all over the globe, creating incredible prospects for development and expansion, leading to brand awareness globally. This research seeks to examine the impact that the presence of enterprises in the global online marketplace makes on global brand awareness. A multiple regression model has been applied using the data from 122 small and medium enterprises in the USA. The results show that global brand awareness significantly increases when a business is present in global online marketplaces. Additionally, this research measures the impacts of total sales and advertisement expenditures on global brand awareness. The results suggest that both variables positively impact global brand awareness. According to the findings of this study we recommend small business owners enter global online marketplaces to boost their global brand awareness

    The origins and evolution of social commerce: enhancing e-commerce platforms with social features

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    With technological development and digital transformation, the social commerce model has quickly become the best strategy for delivering a superior shopping experience. Although the history and evolution of the model can be studied, the future of the model is uncertain and may become an even more complex and diverse concept. However, new technologies and tendencies such as Web 3.0, the metaverse, and NFTs may give us a glimpse of the future. In this article, an analysis was conducted on the current scenario and evolution of the model based on the article "A systematic review on social commerce" by Esmaeili and Alireza, which discloses results from 2014 to 2017. Fifty-two journal articles were selected to update the answers to the 5 WÂŽs model presented in the article mentioned above. The results revealed not only the evolution of the model but also the evolution of the approach of the companies when building their social commerce platform

    Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) and Hoteliers’ Relationships: Do Social and Cognitive Relationships Matter?

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    This study aims to discover if social relationship as measured by shared value, duration and non-economic satisfaction and cognitive relationship as measured by task performance and economic satisfaction affect OTAs-hoteliers’ relationship, which is measured through trust and commitment. Data was collected from hotels’ operation managers, senior managers, financial executives, business owners, and partners through online surveys. A total of 208 usable questionnaires were returned from 577, resulting in a response rate of 36.04 per cent. The hypotheses were tested using SEM and mediation effects were tested and translated using Hair et al. (2014) nested structural model concept.  The results indicate partial mediation for cognitive domain - relationship commitment and full mediation for social domain - relationship commitment affects. Trust forms as the mediating variable