320,633 research outputs found

    Towards memory supporting personal information management tools

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    In this article we discuss re-retrieving personal information objects and relate the task to recovering from lapse(s) in memory. We propose that fundamentally it is lapses in memory that impede users from successfully re-finding the information they need. Our hypothesis is that by learning more about memory lapses in non-computing contexts and how people cope and recover from these lapses, we can better inform the design of PIM tools and improve the user's ability to re-access and re-use objects. We describe a diary study that investigates the everyday memory problems of 25 people from a wide range of backgrounds. Based on the findings, we present a series of principles that we hypothesize will improve the design of personal information management tools. This hypothesis is validated by an evaluation of a tool for managing personal photographs, which was designed with respect to our findings. The evaluation suggests that users' performance when re-finding objects can be improved by building personal information management tools to support characteristics of human memory

    Integrating memory context into personal information re-finding

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    Personal information archives are emerging as a new challenge for information retrieval (IR) techniques. The user’s memory plays a greater role in retrieval from person archives than from other more traditional types of information collection (e.g. the Web), due to the large overlap of its content and individual human memory of the captured material. This paper presents a new analysis on IR of personal archives from a cognitive perspective. Some existing work on personal information management (PIM) has begun to employ human memory features into their IR systems. In our work we seek to go further, we assume that for IR in PIM system terms can be weighted not only by traditional IR methods, but also taking the user’s recall reliability into account. We aim to develop algorithms that combine factors from both the system side and the user side to achieve more effective searching. In this paper, we discuss possible applications of human memory theories for this algorithm, and present results from a pilot study and a proposed model of data structure for the HDMs achieves

    Applying contextual memory cues for retrieval from personal information archives

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    Advances in digital technologies for information capture combined with massive increases in the capacity of digital storage media mean that it is now possible to capture and store one’s entire life experiences in a Human Digital Memory (HDM). Information can be captured from a myriad of personal information devices including desktop computers, PDAs, digital cameras, video and audio recorders, and various sensors, including GPS, Bluetooth, and biometric devices. These diverse collections of personal information are potentially very valuable, but will only be so if significant information can be reliably retrieved from them. HDMs differ from traditional document collections for which existing search technologies have been developed since users may have poor recollection of contents or even the existence of stored items. Additionally HDM data is highly heterogeneous and unstructured, making it difficult to form search queries. We believe that a Personal Information Management (PIM) system which exploits the context of information capture, and potentially of earlier refinding, can be valuable in effective retrieval from an HDM. We report an investigation into how individuals perform searches of their personal information, and use the outcome of this study to develop an information retrieval (IR) framework for HDM search incorporating the context of document capture. We then describe the creation of a pilot HDM test collection, and initial experiments in retrieval from this collection. Results from these experiments indicate that use of context data can be significantly beneficial to increasing the efficient retrieval of partially recalled items from an HDM

    Re-Pair Compression of Inverted Lists

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    Compression of inverted lists with methods that support fast intersection operations is an active research topic. Most compression schemes rely on encoding differences between consecutive positions with techniques that favor small numbers. In this paper we explore a completely different alternative: We use Re-Pair compression of those differences. While Re-Pair by itself offers fast decompression at arbitrary positions in main and secondary memory, we introduce variants that in addition speed up the operations required for inverted list intersection. We compare the resulting data structures with several recent proposals under various list intersection algorithms, to conclude that our Re-Pair variants offer an interesting time/space tradeoff for this problem, yet further improvements are required for it to improve upon the state of the art

    A study of remembered context for information access from personal digital archives

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    Retrieval from personal archives (or Human Digital Memories (HDMs)) is set to become a significant challenge in information retrieval (IR) research. These archives are unique in that the items in them are personal to the owner and as such the owner may have personal memories associated with the items. It is recognized that the harnessing of an individual’s memories about HDM items can be used as context data (such as user location at the time of item access) to aid retrieval. We present a pilot study, using one subject’s HDM, of remembered context data and its utility in retrieval. Our results explore the types of context data best remembered for different item types and categories over time and show that context appears to become a more important factor in effective HDM IR over time as the subject’s recall of contents declines

    Information scraps: how and why information eludes our personal information management tools

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    In this paper we describe information scraps -- a class of personal information whose content is scribbled on Post-it notes, scrawled on corners of random sheets of paper, buried inside the bodies of e-mail messages sent to ourselves, or typed haphazardly into text files. Information scraps hold our great ideas, sketches, notes, reminders, driving directions, and even our poetry. We define information scraps to be the body of personal information that is held outside of its natural or We have much still to learn about these loose forms of information capture. Why are they so often held outside of our traditional PIM locations and instead on Post-its or in text files? Why must we sometimes go around our traditional PIM applications to hold on to our scraps, such as by e-mailing ourselves? What are information scraps' role in the larger space of personal information management, and what do they uniquely offer that we find so appealing? If these unorganized bits truly indicate the failure of our PIM tools, how might we begin to build better tools? We have pursued these questions by undertaking a study of 27 knowledge workers. In our findings we describe information scraps from several angles: their content, their location, and the factors that lead to their use, which we identify as ease of capture, flexibility of content and organization, and avilability at the time of need. We also consider the personal emotive responses around scrap management. We present a set of design considerations that we have derived from the analysis of our study results. We present our work on an application platform, jourknow, to test some of these design and usability findings

    Memory support for desktop search

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    The user's memory plays a very important role in desktop search. A search query with insufficiently or inaccurately recalled information may make the search dramatically less effective. In this paper, we discuss three approaches to support user’s memory during desktop search. These include extended types of well remembered search options, the use of past search queries and results, and search from similar items. We will also introduce our search system which incorporates these features

    Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions

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    This paper proposes to tackle open- domain question answering using Wikipedia as the unique knowledge source: the answer to any factoid question is a text span in a Wikipedia article. This task of machine reading at scale combines the challenges of document retrieval (finding the relevant articles) with that of machine comprehension of text (identifying the answer spans from those articles). Our approach combines a search component based on bigram hashing and TF-IDF matching with a multi-layer recurrent neural network model trained to detect answers in Wikipedia paragraphs. Our experiments on multiple existing QA datasets indicate that (1) both modules are highly competitive with respect to existing counterparts and (2) multitask learning using distant supervision on their combination is an effective complete system on this challenging task.Comment: ACL2017, 10 page

    Exploring Digital Elements for Visualizing Time in Personal Information Re-finding

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    Psychological theories on memory of time suggest that people naturally remember ‘events’ rather than the ‘dates’ and ‘hours’. These features are, however, usually required by computer applications for desktop search (information re-finding) tasks. This explains why ‘time’ features are not well remembered for desktop search, as reported in some studies. In order to improve on this situation, we proposed our iCLIPS browser interface, which enables user re-fining initial search results using a suggestive timeline, where visualization elements representing landmark events and important computer activities were displayed. These visual elements on the time line were expected to act as episodic memory cues to help users recollect their search target by recognizing their episodic context. This interface is built on top of a personal search engine providing a unified index of all the information a user has encountered or created, such as documents, web pages, email, and personal photos. We present a pilot study to explore the types of these visual. The result and suggestions for future main study were discussed