13 research outputs found


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    The execution of project activities generally requires the use of (renewable) resources like machines, equipment or manpower. The resource allocation problem consists in assigning time intervals to the execution of the project activities while taking into account temporal constraints between activities emanating from technological or organizational requirements and costs incurred by the resource allocation. If the total procurement cost of the different renewable resources has to be minimized we speak of a resource investment problem. If the cost depends on the smoothness of the resource utilization over time the underlying problem is called a resource levelling problem. In this paper we consider a new tree-based enumeration method for solving resource investment and resource levelling problems exploiting some fundamental properties of spanning trees. The enumeration scheme is embedded in a branch-and-bound procedure using a workload-based lower bound and a depth first search. Preliminary computational results show that the proposed procedure is promising for instances with up to 30 activities

    An overview of recent research results and future research avenues using simulation studies in project management

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    This paper gives an overview of three simulation studies in dynamic project scheduling integrating baseline scheduling with risk analysis and project control. This integration is known in the literature as dynamic scheduling. An integrated project control method is presented using a project control simulation approach that combines the three topics into a single decision support system. The method makes use of Monte Carlo simulations and connects schedule risk analysis (SRA) with earned value management (EVM). A corrective action mechanism is added to the simulation model to measure the efficiency of two alternative project control methods. At the end of the paper, a summary of recent and state-of-the-art results is given, and directions for future research based on a new research study are presented

    A survey of variants and extensions of the resource-constrained project scheduling problem

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    The resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) consists of activities that must be scheduled subject to precedence and resource constraints such that the makespan is minimized. It has become a well-known standard problem in the context of project scheduling which has attracted numerous researchers who developed both exact and heuristic scheduling procedures. However, it is a rather basic model with assumptions that are too restrictive for many practical applications. Consequently, various extensions of the basic RCPSP have been developed. This paper gives an overview over these extensions. The extensions are classified according to the structure of the RCPSP. We summarize generalizations of the activity concept, of the precedence relations and of the resource constraints. Alternative objectives and approaches for scheduling multiple projects are discussed as well. In addition to popular variants and extensions such as multiple modes, minimal and maximal time lags, and net present value-based objectives, the paper also provides a survey of many less known concepts. --project scheduling,modeling,resource constraints,temporal constraints,networks

    A Priority Rule-Based Heuristic for Resource Investment Project Scheduling Problem with Discounted Cash Flows and Tardiness Penalties

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    Resource investment problem with discounted cash flows (RIPDCFs) is a class of project scheduling problem. In RIPDCF, the availability levels of the resources are considered decision variables, and the goal is to find a schedule such that the net present value of the project cash flows optimizes. In this paper, we consider a new RIPDCF in which tardiness of project is permitted with defined penalty. We mathematically formulated the problem and developed a heuristic method to solve it. The results of the performance analysis of the proposed method show an effective solution approach to the problem

    A Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Resource Leveling Problem with Minimal Lags

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    [EN] The efficient use of resources is a key factor to minimize the cost while meeting time deadlines and quality requirements; this is especially important in construction projects where field operations take fluctuations of resources unproductive and costly. Resource Leveling Problems (RLP) aim to sequence the construction activities that maximize the resource consumption efficiency over time, minimizing the variability. Exact algorithms for the RLP have been proposed throughout the years to offer optimal solutions; however, these problems require a vast computational capability ( combinatorial explosion ) that makes them unpractical. Therefore, alternative heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms have been suggested in the literature to find local optimal solutions, using different libraries to benchmark optimal values; for example, the Project Scheduling Problem LIBrary for minimal lags is still open to be solved to optimality for RLP. To partially fill this gap, the authors propose a Parallel Branch and Bound algorithm for the RLP with minimal lags to solve the RLP with an acceptable computational effort. This way, this research contributes to the body of knowledge of construction project scheduling providing the optimums of 50 problems for the RLP with minimal lags for the first time, allowing future contributors to benchmark their heuristics meth-ods against exact results by obtaining the distance of their solution to the optimal values. Furthermore, for practitioners,the time required to solve this kind of problem is reasonable and practical, considering that unbalanced resources can risk the goals of the construction project.This research was supported by the FAPA program of the Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia). The authors would like to thank the research group of Construction Engineering and Management (INgeco), especially J. S. Rojas-Quintero, and the Department of Systems Engineering at the Universidad de Los Andes. The authors are also grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their valuable and constructive suggestions.Ponz Tienda, JL.; Salcedo-Bernal, A.; Pellicer Armiñana, E. (2017). A Parallel Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Resource Leveling Problem with Minimal Lags. COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING. 32:474-498. doi:10.1111/mice.12233S47449832Adeli, H. (2000). High-Performance Computing for Large-Scale Analysis, Optimization, and Control. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 13(1), 1-10. doi:10.1061/(asce)0893-1321(2000)13:1(1)ADELI, H., & KAMAL, O. (2008). Parallel Structural Analysis Using Threads. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 4(2), 133-147. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8667.1989.tb00015.xAdeli, H., & Kamal, O. (1992). Concurrent analysis of large structures—II. applications. Computers & Structures, 42(3), 425-432. doi:10.1016/0045-7949(92)90038-2Adeli, H., Kamat, M. 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Optimal resource leveling using non-serial dyanamic programming. European Journal of Operational Research, 78(2), 162-177. doi:10.1016/0377-2217(94)90380-8Benjaoran, V., Tabyang, W., & Sooksil, N. (2015). Precedence relationship options for the resource levelling problem using a genetic algorithm. Construction Management and Economics, 33(9), 711-723. doi:10.1080/01446193.2015.1100317Bianco, L., Caramia, M., & Giordani, S. (2016). Resource levelling in project scheduling with generalized precedence relationships and variable execution intensities. OR Spectrum, 38(2), 405-425. doi:10.1007/s00291-016-0435-1Chakroun, I., & Melab, N. (2015). Towards a heterogeneous and adaptive parallel Branch-and-Bound algorithm. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 81(1), 72-84. doi:10.1016/j.jcss.2014.06.012Christodoulou, S. E., Ellinas, G., & Michaelidou-Kamenou, A. (2010). Minimum Moment Method for Resource Leveling Using Entropy Maximization. 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    A heuristic procedure to solve the project staffing problem with discrete time/resource trade-offs and personnel scheduling constraints

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    Highlights • Project staffing with discrete time/resource trade-offs and calendar constraints. • An iterated local search procedure is proposed. • Different problem decomposition techniques are applied. Abstract When scheduling projects under resource constraints, assumptions are typically made with respect to the resource availability and activities are planned each with its own duration and resource requirements. In resource scheduling, important assumptions are made with respect to the staffing requirements. Both problems are typically solved in a sequential manner leading to a suboptimal outcome. We integrate these two interrelated scheduling problems to determine the optimal personnel budget that minimises the overall cost. Integrating these problems increases the scheduling flexibility, which improves the overall performance. In addition, we consider some resource demand flexibility in this research as an activity can be performed in multiple modes. In this paper, we present an iterated local search procedure for the integrated multi-mode project scheduling and personnel staffing problem. Detailed computational experiments are presented to evaluate different decomposition heuristics and comparison is made with alternative optimisation techniques


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    The Resource Investment Problem (RIP) is a variant of the well-known Resource Constraint Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) that requires finding the optimal resource allocation, given a preset completion date, with the objective of minimizing the total cost. The practical relevance of RIP is very obvious; since the decision maker (the project manager for example) wants to know what resources are required to achieve the targeted project completion date. RIP helps to decide the amount of investment in resources that yield the optimal solution, in addition to the optimal tradeoff between completion time and resource investment. In practice, most of the projects are associated with due dates beyond which a tardiness penalty may be applied. To avoid the tardiness penalty, project managers sometimes decide to add more resources, thereby increasing resource investment cost, to the project to finish earlier. In this thesis the (RIP) has been extended to consider time-depended resource cost instead of time-independent resource cost in the classical RIP. The problem was named Resource Investment Problem with Time-Dependent Resource Cost and Tardiness Penalty, abbreviated as (RIP-TDRC). A mathematical model was introduced to simultaneously find the optimal resource assignment and activity staring times. The objective is to minimize the sum of the resources and tardiness cost. Two versions of this problem are addressed in this thesis: the deterministic version of RIP-TDRC and the stochastic version. For the latter, it is assumed that the activity durations are subject to many uncertainties such as (bad weather conditions, material shortage, employee’s absences …etc.). To solve this problem, a simulation-optimization based algorithm is proposed. This algorithm solves the deterministic problem version iteratively through all possible project completion times and simulates the project considering the uncertainties to find the optimal solution. The performance of the proposed algorithm and the effect of some problem parameters on the solution are assessed through computational experiments. The experiments revealed the usefulness of the algorithm in finding relatively robust solution for small problem sizes

    Heuristic algorithms for payment models in project scheduling

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    Imagine that the city council of Ghent has approved the construction of a new bridge across the Leie. The bridge will serve as a means to reduce traffic congestion in the city center, and the city council imposes a deadline to ensure the bridge is completed in time. Based on the specifications, a contractor subsequently determines the required resources (e.g. manpower, machines) and constructs a project schedule. This schedule holds the start and finish times of each activity (e.g. pouring concrete for the bridge foundations), and respects the imposed resource restrictions and the order in which the activities have to be executed (e.g. excavate the river banks before pouring concrete for the foundations). Whereas the objective of the client (i.e. the city council) is clear, they want the bridge to be constructed within the specified deadline, the objective for the contractor is less obvious. Is the goal to minimize the project duration, minimize total costs, maximize net present value (NPV), etc.? Assume that the contractor can construct two schedules. The first schedule minimizes the project duration, obtains a duration of 6 weeks less than the deadline and has a NPV of € 1 mio. The second schedule, on the contrary, maximizes the project NPV, which results in a duration equal to the deadline and a NPV of € 1.2 mio. The latter schedule is obtained by delaying certain activities within the imposed restrictions, starting from the first schedule. If we assume that sufficient margins are included in the proposed schedules to compensate for any delays, the contractor would obviously prefer the second schedule, since the financial return is larger. The crucial question here is, however, how the second schedule can be obtained in an effective and efficient manner starting from the first schedule. This dissertation aims to develop algorithms, which optimize the project NPV under different restrictions, by means of five studies. The first paper chapter focuses on NPV optimization subject to precedence and resource restrictions. It is furthermore assumed that both cash inflows (payments received from the client) and cash outflows (payments to subcontractors) occur at the end of each activity. This way, the size of payments is set in advance by the client and corresponds with each activity’s cash flows, whereas the timing depends on the project schedule by means of the selected activity finish times, and is controlled by the contractor. The second and third studies consider other payment models, in which the client determines the payment times in advance, rather than the size of payments. As an example, the client may stipulate that the contractor is paid every month, whereas the size of the payments depends on the work performed by the contractor in each month. Both studies furthermore include several alternatives or modes for each activity. These modes constitute different duration-resource combinations for an activity, out of which one has to be selected by the contractor, and allow for a greater degree of flexibility. The fourth paper chapter introduces capital management on the side of the contractor, by imposing that the total funds available should not become negative during the project. The total funds or cash balance consider the initial capital available and respectively add or subtract cash in- and outflows. A general model is constructed which affects the capital availability throughout the project. The fifth and final study integrates the resource availability in the scheduling process, and as such optimizes the NPV of the project including the resource usage cost, rather than decide on the amount of a resource made available first and schedule the activities second