18 research outputs found

    Experts’ consensus to identify elements of career management competencies in Work-Based Learning (WBL) program using Fuzzy Delphi Analysis

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    This study aimed to obtain experts‘ opinion and consensus on the elements of career management competencies that can be developed through the Work-Based Learning (WBL) program in polytechnic

    Using DEA Factor Efficiency Scores to Eliminate Subjectivity in Goal Programming

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    Many real-world problems require decision makers to consider multiple criteria when performing an analysis. One popular method used to analyze multicriteria decision problems is goal programming. When applying goal programming, it is often difficult if not impossible to determine the target values and unit penalty weights with any level of confidence. Thus, in many situations, managers and decision makers may be forced to specify these parameters subjectively. In this paper, we present a model framework designed to eliminate the arbitrary assignment of target values and unit penalty weights when applying goal programming to solve multicriteria decision problems. In particular, when neither of these parameters is available, we show how to integrate factor efficiency scores determined from data envelopment analysis into the model. We discuss an application of the methodology to ambulatory surgery centers and demonstrate the model framework via a product mix example

    Integrated Fuzzy AHP and Weighted-Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach to Solve Supplier Selection Problem with Subjective Factors

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    Fuzzy goal programming (FGP) method used in supplier selection process shows that decision maker preferences on each fuzzy goal are not yet considered. In order to accommodate those preferences, that are stated as weight on each fuzzy goal, and called weighted fuzzy goal programming (WFGP) method. Then, the developed method is utilized to solve international supplier selection problem. There would be 4 objective functions developed i.e. to minimize net cost, to minimize late delivery, to minimize net rejected material, as well as to maximize business relationship. Maximization of business relationship objective function is intended to obtain right suppliers related to it score. Those objective functions are optimized subject to total demand, maximum supplier capacity, total purchasing cost based on owner estimate, and minimum order requested by suppliers. Linguistic variables are used to measure criterions in business relationship factor. To do so, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) transforms that qualitative manner in linguistic variables to numerical number as a constant in business relationship objective function. Those proposed method provides enhanced solution that represent decision maker preferences than FGP. That is exhibited with equal relationship between weighted goals value and the output of those weighted goals

    A goal programming procedure for solving fuzzy multiobjective fractional linear programming problems

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    This paper presents a modification of Pal, Moitra and Maulik\u27s goal programming procedure for fuzzy multiobjective linear fractional programming problem solving. The proposed modification of the method allows simpler solving of economic multiple objective fractional linear programming (MOFLP) problems, enabling the obtained solutions to express the preferences of the decision maker defined by the objective function weights. The proposed method is tested on the production planning example

    Observation of temporary accommodation for construction workers according to the code of practice for temporary construction site workers amenities and accommodation (ms2593:2015) in Johor, Malaysia

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    The Malaysian government is currently improving the quality of workers temporary accommodation by introducing MS2593:2015 (Code of Practice for Temporary Site Workers Amenities and Accommodation) in 2015. It is in line with the initiative in the Construction Industry Transformation Programme (2016-2020) to increase the quality and well-being of construction workers in Malaysia. Thus, to gauge the current practice of temporary accommodation on complying with the particular guideline, this paper has put forth the observation of such accommodation towards elements in Section 3 within MS2593:2015. A total of seventeen (17) temporary accommodation provided by Grade 6 and Grade 7 contractors in Johor were selected and assessed. The results disclosed that most of the temporary accommodation was not complying with the guideline, where only thirteen (13) out of fifty-eight (58) elements have recorded full compliance (100%), and the lowest compliance percentage (5.9%) are discovered in the Section 3.12 (Signage). In a nutshell, given the significant gap of compliance between current practices of temporary accommodation and MS2593:2015, a holistic initiative need to be in place for the guideline to be worthwhile

    Metodología regulatoria para propiciar la eficiencia energética desde el lado de la oferta con penetración de fuentes primarias de energías renovables. Parte 1: Descripción y alcance del modelo de optimización

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    En la presente propuesta se desarrollan las bases para la regulación de las redes eléctricas de distribución, aunque puede ser extendido también para los otros segmentos del mercado eléctrico. Se presentan los aspectos que no han sido resueltos completamente o en forma satisfactoria por los marcos regulatorios y modelos de resolución disponibles en el estado del arte. Entre estos se incluyen la existencia de múltiples criterios de optimización, valoración económica de los criterios que son no monetizables en forma directa, la influencia de la incertidumbre fundamental, etc. También el incentivo a la incorporación de la generación renovable. Se buscaron discutir los problemas y aspectos a considerar para obtener una metodología estandarizada y flexible, la cual resulte factible para realizar comparaciones y tomas de decisiones, con el fin de minimizar el impacto ambiental. De esta manera, se definieron algunos criterios y factores influyentes, a mediano y largo plazo, en la sustentabilidad del sistema energético, con la intención de incorporarlos en ámbitos de discusión y enseñanza pertinentes, propiciando su difusión y críticas.The present proposal develops the bases for a regulation model the electric distribution networks, although it can be extended also for the other segments of the electric market. It presents the aspects that have not been solved completely or in a satisfactory way by the regulatory frameworks and resolution models available in the state of the art. These include the existence of multiple optimization criteria, economic valuation of criteria that are not directly monetizable, the influence of fundamental uncertainty, etc. Also the incentive to the incorporation of the renewable generation. We sought to discuss the problems and aspects to consider in order to obtain a standardized and flexible methodology, which is feasible for comparisons and decision-making, in order to minimize the environmental impact. In this way, some criteria and influential factors were defined, in the medium and long term, in the sustainability of the energy system, with the intention of incorporating them in relevant discussion and teaching areas, promoting their diffusion and criticism.Fil: Camargo, Federico Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay; ArgentinaFil: Casanova, Carlos Andres. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay; ArgentinaFil: Pérez, Eduardo Andrés. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay; ArgentinaFil: Schweickardt, Gustavo Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Concepción del Uruguay; Argentin

    Automating Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning by using Hierarchical Optimization

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    The intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) optimizes the beam’s intensity to deliver the prescribed dose to the target while minimizing the radiation exposure to normal structures. The IMRT optimization is a complex optimization problem because of the multiple conflicting objectives in it. Due to the complexity of the optimization, the IMRT treatment planning is still a trial and error process. Hierarchical optimization was proposed to automate the treatment planning process, but its potential has not been demonstrated in a clinical setting. Moreover, hierarchical optimization is slower than the traditional optimization. The dissertation studied a sampling algorithm to reduce the hierarchical optimization time, customized an open source optimization solver to solve the nonlinear optimization formulation and demonstrated the potential of hierarchical optimization to automate the treatment planning process in a clinical setting. We generated the treatment plans of 31 prostate patients by hierarchical optimization using the same criteria as used by planners to prepare the treatment plans at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. We found that hierarchical optimization produced the same or better treatment plans than that produced by a planner using the Eclipse treatment planning system. Therefore, the dissertation demonstrated that hierarchical optimization could automate the treatment planning process and shift the paradigm of the treatment planning from manual trial and error to an ideal automated process

    Performance Evaluation of Public Transport Networks and Its Optimal Strategies Under Uncertainty

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    The study introduces a novel framework to enhance public transportation performance in uncertain situations, incorporating multi-aspiration-level goal programming and Monte Carlo simulation to manage uncertainty. The process involves creating a public transport criteria matrix using an analytic hierarchy process and optimizing the network based on weight results. Three Australian case studies are used to validate the proposed methodology