17 research outputs found

    The power of verification for one-parameter agents

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    We initiate the study of mechanisms with verification for one-parameter agents. We give an algorithmic characterization of such mechanisms and show that they are provably better than mechanisms without verification, i.e., those previously considered in the literature. These results are obtained for a number of optimization problems motivated by the Internet and recently studied in the algorithmic mechanism design literature. The characterization can be regarded as an alternative approach to existing techniques to design truthful mechanisms. The construction of such mechanisms reduces to the construction of an algorithm satisfying certain “monotonicity” conditions which, for the case of verification, are much less stringent. In other words, verification makes the construction easier and the algorithm more efficient (both computationally and in terms of approximability)

    Average-case Approximation Ratio of Scheduling without Payments

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    Apart from the principles and methodologies inherited from Economics and Game Theory, the studies in Algorithmic Mechanism Design typically employ the worst-case analysis and approximation schemes of Theoretical Computer Science. For instance, the approximation ratio, which is the canonical measure of evaluating how well an incentive-compatible mechanism approximately optimizes the objective, is defined in the worst-case sense. It compares the performance of the optimal mechanism against the performance of a truthful mechanism, for all possible inputs. In this paper, we take the average-case analysis approach, and tackle one of the primary motivating problems in Algorithmic Mechanism Design -- the scheduling problem [Nisan and Ronen 1999]. One version of this problem which includes a verification component is studied by [Koutsoupias 2014]. It was shown that the problem has a tight approximation ratio bound of (n+1)/2 for the single-task setting, where n is the number of machines. We show, however, when the costs of the machines to executing the task follow any independent and identical distribution, the average-case approximation ratio of the mechanism given in [Koutsoupias 2014] is upper bounded by a constant. This positive result asymptotically separates the average-case ratio from the worst-case ratio, and indicates that the optimal mechanism for the problem actually works well on average, although in the worst-case the expected cost of the mechanism is Theta(n) times that of the optimal cost

    A New Lower Bound for Deterministic Truthful Scheduling

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    We study the problem of truthfully scheduling mm tasks to nn selfish unrelated machines, under the objective of makespan minimization, as was introduced in the seminal work of Nisan and Ronen [STOC'99]. Closing the current gap of [2.618,n][2.618,n] on the approximation ratio of deterministic truthful mechanisms is a notorious open problem in the field of algorithmic mechanism design. We provide the first such improvement in more than a decade, since the lower bounds of 2.4142.414 (for n=3n=3) and 2.6182.618 (for n→∞n\to\infty) by Christodoulou et al. [SODA'07] and Koutsoupias and Vidali [MFCS'07], respectively. More specifically, we show that the currently best lower bound of 2.6182.618 can be achieved even for just n=4n=4 machines; for n=5n=5 we already get the first improvement, namely 2.7112.711; and allowing the number of machines to grow arbitrarily large we can get a lower bound of 2.7552.755.Comment: 15 page

    Creating incentives to prevent execution failures: an extension of VCG mechanism

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    When information or control in a multiagent planning system is private to the agents, they may misreport this information or refuse to execute an agreed outcome, in order to change the resulting end state of such a system to their benefit. In some domains this may result in an execution failure. We show that in such settings VCG mechanisms lose truthfulness, and that the utility of truthful agents can become negative when using VCG payments (i.e., VCG is not strongly individually rational). To deal with this problem, we introduce an extended payment structure which takes into account the actual execution of the promised outcome. We show that this extended mechanism can guarantee a nonnegative utility and is (i) incentive compatible in a Nash equilibrium, and (ii) incentive compatible in dominant strategies if and only if all agents can be verified during execution

    Deterministic Monotone Algorithms for Scheduling on Related Machines

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    We consider the problem of designing monotone deterministic algorithms for scheduling tasks on related machines in order to minimize the makespan. Several recent papers showed that monotonicity is a fundamental property to design truthful mechanisms for this scheduling problem. We give both theoretical and experimental results. First of all we consider the case of two machines when speeds of the machines are restricted to be powers of a given constant c>0. We prove that algorithm Largest Processing Time (LPT) is monotone for any c≄2 while it is not monotone for c≀1.78; algorithm List Scheduling (LS), instead, is monotone only for c>2. In the case of m>2 machines we restrict our attention to the class of “greedy-like” monotone algorithms defined in [Vincenzo Auletta, Roberto De Prisco, Paolo Penna, Giuseppe Persiano, Deterministic truthful approximation mechanisms for scheduling related machines, in: Proceedings of 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science. STACS ’04, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2996, Springer, 2004, pp. 608–619]. It has been shown that greedy-like monotone algorithms can be used to design a family of 2+Δ-approximate truthful mechanisms. In particular, in [Vincenzo Auletta, Roberto De Prisco, Paolo Penna, Giuseppe Persiano, Deterministic truthful approximation mechanisms for scheduling related machines, in: Proceedings of 21st Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science. STACS ’04, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2996, Springer, 2004, pp. 608–619], the greedy-like algorithm Uniform is proposed and it is proved that it is monotone when machine speeds are powers of a given integer constant c>0. In this paper we propose a new algorithm, called Uniform_RR, that is still monotone when speeds are powers of a given integer constant c>0 and we prove that its approximation factor is not worse than that of Uniform. We also experimentally compare the performance of Uniform, Uniform_RR, LPT, and several other monotone and greedy-like heuristics

    The Anarchy of Scheduling Without Money

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    We consider the scheduling problem on n strategic unrelated machines when no payments are allowed, under the objective of minimizing the makespan. We adopt the model introduced in [Koutsoupias 2014] where a machine is bound by her declarations in the sense that if she is assigned a particular job then she will have to execute it for an amount of time at least equal to the one she reported, even if her private, true processing capabilities are actually faster. We provide a (non-truthful) randomized algorithm whose pure Price of Anarchy is arbitrarily close to 1 for the case of a single task and close to n if it is applied independently to schedule many tasks, which is asymptotically optimal for the natural class of anonymous, task-independent algorithms. Previous work considers the constraint of truthfulness and proves a tight approximation ratio of (n+1)/2 for one task which generalizes to n(n+1)/2 for many tasks. Furthermore, we revisit the truthfulness case and reduce the latter approximation ratio for many tasks down to n, asymptotically matching the best known lower bound. This is done via a detour to the relaxed, fractional version of the problem, for which we are also able to provide an optimal approximation ratio of 1. Finally, we mention that all our algorithms achieve optimal ratios of 1 for the social welfare objective

    Strategyproof Facility Location in Perturbation Stable Instances

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    We consider kk-Facility Location games, where nn strategic agents report their locations on the real line, and a mechanism maps them to k≄2k\ge 2 facilities. Each agent seeks to minimize her distance to the nearest facility. We are interested in (deterministic or randomized) strategyproof mechanisms without payments that achieve a reasonable approximation ratio to the optimal social cost of the agents. To circumvent the inapproximability of kk-Facility Location by deterministic strategyproof mechanisms, we restrict our attention to perturbation stable instances. An instance of kk-Facility Location on the line is Îł\gamma-perturbation stable (or simply, Îł\gamma-stable), for some γ≄1\gamma\ge 1, if the optimal agent clustering is not affected by moving any subset of consecutive agent locations closer to each other by a factor at most Îł\gamma. We show that the optimal solution is strategyproof in (2+3)(2+\sqrt{3})-stable instances whose optimal solution does not include any singleton clusters, and that allocating the facility to the agent next to the rightmost one in each optimal cluster (or to the unique agent, for singleton clusters) is strategyproof and (n−2)/2(n-2)/2-approximate for 55-stable instances (even if their optimal solution includes singleton clusters). On the negative side, we show that for any k≄3k\ge 3 and any ÎŽ>0\delta > 0, there is no deterministic anonymous mechanism that achieves a bounded approximation ratio and is strategyproof in (2−ή)(\sqrt{2}-\delta)-stable instances. We also prove that allocating the facility to a random agent of each optimal cluster is strategyproof and 22-approximate in 55-stable instances. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the existence of deterministic (resp. randomized) strategyproof mechanisms with a bounded (resp. constant) approximation ratio is shown for a large and natural class of kk-Facility Location instances