18,540 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Gadget pada Rendahnya Pola Pikir pada Anak Usia Sekolah (6-12 Tahun) di SDN Gempol Sari Kabupaten Tangerang

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    This study aims to determine the extent of the influence of gadgets on school-age children, especially on the low mindset of children at SDN Gempol Sari, Tangerang Regency, and how the efforts of parents in providing supervision and direction to their children. This type of research is qualitative with case study method. The instruments used are observation, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, for data analysis, researchers used descriptive-analytic techniques. The analyzed data was then tested for validity using credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability tests. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence of gadgets on the low mindset of children at the age of 6-12 years, and the mindset is fast developing. This research is far from perfect, the author realizes that there are limitations in the research process, one of which is that the subject and object of research are only taken within the family scope. This research is expected to be useful in the world of education, especially educators and the family environment as a reference in implementing digital parenting for their children

    Principles of Antifragile Software

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    The goal of this paper is to study and define the concept of "antifragile software". For this, I start from Taleb's statement that antifragile systems love errors, and discuss whether traditional software dependability fits into this class. The answer is somewhat negative, although adaptive fault tolerance is antifragile: the system learns something when an error happens, and always imrpoves. Automatic runtime bug fixing is changing the code in response to errors, fault injection in production means injecting errors in business critical software. I claim that both correspond to antifragility. Finally, I hypothesize that antifragile development processes are better at producing antifragile software systems.Comment: see https://refuses.github.io

    Progress Along the Pathway for Transforming Regional Health: A Pulse Check on Multi-Sector Partnerships

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    Multi-sector partnerships play an increasingly significant role in the movement to improve heath, equity, and economic prosperity. These partnerships recognize that many of our most pressing challenges defy sector boundaries, and cannot be effectively addressed by any one institution alone. Progress Along the Pathway to Health System Transformation: A Pulse Check on Multi-Sector Partnerships is the only survey of its kind to ask leaders across the U.S. what their partnerships do, how they finance their work, and how their groups have been developing over time. The 2016 Pulse Check report provides a snapshot of 237 multi-sector partnerships throughout the country as well as rich detail around what contributes to—or gets in the way of—moving their important work forward. The survey revealed two sets of findings that are distinct, but closely related. These include characteristics of the partnerships and their efforts, such as composition, portfolio priorities, and financing; as well as developmental phases and the distinctive patterns of momentum builders and pitfalls that groups experience as they evolve. Further, ReThink Health has found that partnerships often face predictable challenges and can catalyze momentum in particularly powerful ways. The Pulse Check explored these barriers and drivers with a view toward understanding how partnerships may evolve along their journey. Pulse Check findings indicate that certain partnership characteristics do indeed show progressive differences across developmental phases (see graphic below). For instance, when compared to respondents in the Earlier and Middle phases, those in the Later phase tend to have partnerships that are more established, with larger staffs, a larger number active sectors, more expansive action portfolios, and longer-term financial plans

    Mindset and Behavior Perceived Influences on Performance in the Federal Industry

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    The purpose of the current qualitative study was to explore the perceived relationship between mindset and behavior to determine the influence it had on performance and address gaps in the current quantitative research. The theoretical foundation of mindset and transformational leadership were the theoretical focus of this study because they focus on development and self-discipline by creating behavior through awareness and effort that ultimately influences performance. The study followed a qualitative research approach involving open-ended structured interview questions using a qualitative descriptive methodology, interviewing 12 federal industry leaders and 12 federal industry employees of those leaders. The primary research questions that were addressed included how a leader’s mindset influenced behavior and the behavior observed and did the influence and behavior influence performance. A set of open-ended, structured interview questions were used to compare past research and the gaps in the research by summarizing, categorizing, and interpreting the interview responses. The findings support that leadership mindset and behavior significantly influenced employee performance. From a social impact, the study will influence positive social change through an enhanced understanding of mindset, behavior, and performance. Each can change how employees become their best selves in their work settings that expand into their personal lives securing a better tomorrow

    Social Justice in and through Mathematics Education: For Improving the Quality of Mathematics Teaching and Internalising Students’ Character Building

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    Aside from being one of the systematically arranged disciplines, mathematics is also a social construction that views humans as active subjects in building knowledge through interaction with the surrounding environment. Therefore, in addition to being a medium to enhance students’ understanding of mathematical concepts, mathematics education should also apply the principles of social activity while linking mathematical concepts to social issues. This research is intended to reform mathematics learning so that it does not merely focus on students’ understanding of mathematical concepts, but also improve their quality through the application of ‘social justice in mathematics education’, while at the same time internalising issues related to social justice through the application of ‘social justice through mathematics education’ concepts. This study used action research as the research methodology considering its actionbased themes and characteristics, where the teacher performed and simultaneously reflected learning activities. The findings obtained from this study are: (i) several challenges related to the application of ‘social justice in and through mathematics education’ in mathematics learning area, among others, include the difficulty of changing the teacher’s mindset on how to teach mathematics to students equitably (socially) and how to foster teacher sensitivity in designing mathematics learning that integrated justice issues into mathematics learning; (ii) the implementation of the principle of ‘social justice in and through mathematics education’ in order to improve the quality of mathematics learning is felt to be ineffective because of the teacher’s ability to design and implement mathematics learning involving ‘social justice in mathematics learning’ and ‘social justice through mathematics learning’ remains adequate; and (iii) the application of ‘social justice in and through mathematics education’ has a significant effect on student involvement in mathematics learning. It is characterized by more active students in learning and more enthusiastic students in learning activities, because the material that is discussed very closely with students’ daily experiences.  Furthermore, the findings of this study are expected to contribute to the reform of mathematics education, especially those related to productive mathematics learning, the planting of effective mathematical concepts in students, equitable mathematics learning, and simultaneously internalizing social justice issues through the application of concepts, such as building students’ character. By using the elements in the planning and reflection of lessons, teachers are able to develop a comprehensive guide for improving the quality of their lessons and at the same time internalize students’ character building by using social justice issues

    The Impact of Educator Empathetic Mindset on Expectations of Students and Perceptions of Student Performance

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    The quality of student-teacher relationships is a predictor in classroom behavior, yet educators are not explicitly informed and trained regarding the positive impact that expressing empathy toward students has on student behavior and academic performance. The impact of educator empathetic mindsets on expectations of students and perceptions of student performance collective case study examined the empathetic mindsets of three middle school teachers within a large, public, middle school setting. This research specifically generated qualitative narratives regarding how educator mindsets of empathy impacted expectations and perceptions of middle school students following their return to in-person learning after more than a year of distance learning due to the COVID-19 virus

    Using a Multiple-Case Studies Design to Investigate the Information-Seeking Behavior of Arts Administrators

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    The case study method, and in particular the multiple???case studies design, offers LIS researchers a proven tool for achieving a deep understanding of a specific phenomenon???-for example, the information- seeking behavior of a particular user group. Although the case study method has been dismissed by critics who question the rigor of the approach, numerous studies over the past twenty years have demonstrated that the case study method can be used successfully to probe beneath the surface of a situation and to provide a rich context for understanding the phenomena under study. This article summarizes the application of the multiple???case studies design, in which a literal and theoretical replication strategy is used to identify consistent patterns of behavior and to uncover new and/or divergent themes. The motivation behind arts administrators??? decisions to seek information is investigated using this approach and examples are given of sample selection, data collection, and analysis. Specific issues associated with the case study method are identified and practical steps used to address them are suggested.published or submitted for publicatio

    Rethinking Large Language Models in Mental Health Applications

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have become valuable assets in mental health, showing promise in both classification tasks and counseling applications. This paper offers a perspective on using LLMs in mental health applications. It discusses the instability of generative models for prediction and the potential for generating hallucinatory outputs, underscoring the need for ongoing audits and evaluations to maintain their reliability and dependability. The paper also distinguishes between the often interchangeable terms ``explainability'' and ``interpretability'', advocating for developing inherently interpretable methods instead of relying on potentially hallucinated self-explanations generated by LLMs. Despite the advancements in LLMs, human counselors' empathetic understanding, nuanced interpretation, and contextual awareness remain irreplaceable in the sensitive and complex realm of mental health counseling. The use of LLMs should be approached with a judicious and considerate mindset, viewing them as tools that complement human expertise rather than seeking to replace it
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