18 research outputs found

    The Effect of Process Innovation, Product Innovation, and Technology on Operational Performance at PT Pagilaran UP Pagilaran Batang, Central Java

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    This study aims to find out the influence variables of process innovation, product innovation, and technology for operational performance at PT Pagilaran UP Pagilaran. The data analysis technique used multiple regression as technique analysis. The data collection methode in this study used are observation, questionnaires, and documentation. From this analysis it can be concluded that process innovation, product innovation, and technology have a positive effect on operational performance. The results of the t-test and f-test in this study indicate that process innovation, product innovation, and technology have a significant effect on operational performance. Furthermore, based on the results of the descriptive analysis of process innovation, product innovation, technology, and operational performance, the criteria for a high index value mean that the variables have been carried out well by PT Pagilaran UP Pagilaran Batan

    Improving the Effectiveness of Public Services through Technology-Based Service Innovations in Indonesia

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    This study aimed to investigate the role of technology-based service innovations in improving the effectiveness of public services in Indonesia. The background of this study is based on the increasing demand for public services and the need for more efficient and effective service delivery methods. The study adopted a qualitative research method, including interviews and focus group discussions with key stakeholders involved in the delivery of public services. The findings of this study suggest that the implementation of technology-based service innovations can improve the effectiveness of public services by increasing accessibility, speed, and accuracy of service delivery. The study recommends that policymakers and public service providers should invest in technology-based innovations to improve the quality of public services and enhance the overall customer experience

    Effect of Knowledge Management and Learning Orientation on Process Innovation in Mitra Group

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    This study is about human resource management which aims to analyze the effect of knowledge management and learning orientation as independent variables on process innovation as the dependent variable, either partially or simultaneously. The population in this study are the employee of Mitra Group, with 42 respondents who are selected using a census sampling technique as the sample. The data used in this study is primary data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires. This research is in line with research on knowledge management conducted by du Plessis (2007), Al-Sa’di et al. (2017), and learning orientation by Zayed & Alawad (2017). The data analysis method starts from the validity test, reliability test, and continues with the classical assumption test which is processed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously and significantly all independent variables have an effect on the dependent variable seen from the results of the simultaneous significance test (F test) with a significance of 0,003 which is worth less than the standard significance of 0,025. The results of the partial significance test (t test) on the knowledge management variable on process innovation have a significant result of 0,002, while the learning orientation variable on process innovation has a non-significant result of 0,922. The result of the coefficient of determination (R2) shows that 25,2% of innovation is influenced by independent variables in this study, and 74,8% is influenced by other factors. The result of multiple linear regression analysis is Y= 1,194 + 0,638X1 + 0,022X2 which shows the positive equation of knowledge management and learning orientation on process innovation

    Knowledge Management and Sustainable Firms Growth: An Evidence from SMEs Sector of Pakistan

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    The main drive for this research was to investigate the relationship between knowledge management (KM) and sustainable firms’ growth in SMEs sector of Pakistan. Moreover, the research examined the mediating role of product and process innovations on the association of knowledge management and sustainable firms’ growth. A self-administered survey was structured and employed to gather the data from 218 garments related SMEs. The study employed SEM to measure direct and indirect effects. Findings of the study indicates that knowledge management has a positive and significant influence over sustainable firms’ growth while both product and process innovations significantly mediated the knowledge management and sustainable firms growth relationship. Current research findings offer valuable implications concerning the importance of KM in enhancing and facilitating process and product innovations for sustainable firms’ growth. This is a pioneer study for employing a unified model that illustrates the relationships among multiple variables pertaining to KM

    The Impact of Information System Implementation to the Integrated System for Increasing the Performance of Manufacturing Companies

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    The demand for meat and eggs in Indonesia is highly increasing to fulfill the nutrition need. The farm industry strives to perform the product innovation and process innovation to meet the increasing demand. The producers of meat and eggs are required to implements the information technology to allow the operations of the company run well. The companys information system also makes the company to perform a product and process innovation in the pursuit of improved supply chain performance. This study investigates the relationship between the implementation of a management information system, product innovation, process innovation, and supply chain performance. Data collection is conducted by distributing questionnaires to, and by having direct interviews with the respondents from the department of the information system of 41 companies in Surabaya, Indonesia. The data analysis uses smart PLS software version 3.0. The study found that the implementation of a management information system directly affects the process innovation by a positive coefficient of 0.174. The implementation of a management information system also directly influences product innovation by a significant coefficient of 0.649. The implementation of a management information system does not directly affect the supply chain performance as the t-value less than 1.96. The process innovation accelerates product innovation by a significant coefficient of 0.686. Process innovation also provides a direct impact on supply chain performance by a coefficient of 0.177. Product innovation directly gives an impact on the improvement of the supply chain performance by the coefficient of 0.665. In total, the implementation of management information systems affects supply chain performance through the process innovation and product innovation by the coefficient of 0.526. This study contributes to the current research on the supply chain management and paves the way for managers to improve the supply chain performance by implementing the management information system, product innovation, and process innovatio

    Impact Of Knowledge Management on Organisational Performance: An Empirical Study of Electrical and Electronics Industry in Malaysia

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    When encountering a business environment characterised with rapid changes, the manufacturing industry needs to emphasise knowledge management to enhance organisational performance. Knowledge management represents the processes and practices carried out in organisations to leverage their intellectual potential by enhancing the effectiveness and efïciency of their knowledge resources. A growing number of studies have demonstrated that knowledge management is related to organisational performance. However, the practice of knowledge management is not prevalent in many developing countries even though it has been claimed to be an essential component to enhance organisational performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the association of knowledge management and organisational performance using survey data obtained from 185 respondents in electrical and electronic (E&E) manufacturing firms in Malaysia. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the research hypothesis. The finding indicated a significant relationship between knowledge management and organisational performance. The result provides empirical evidence that it is imperative for business firms to manage their knowledge resources to enhance their organisational performance. Practical implications of the research finding for E&E manufacturing firms are discussed

    Aplicación De Un Modelo Basado En La Gestión Del Conocimiento Para Mejorar El Nivel De Aprovechamiento De Las Tic. Estudio De Caso En Una Pyme Mexicana

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    A very dynamic environment and constant technological advances are surrounding small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in their commercial activities. The business context is becoming increasingly complex, as there are continually numerous aspects related to the application of knowledge, both financial, legal, organizacional and technological. In relation to the application of information and communication technologies (ICT), SMEs need to acquire and apply knowledge correctly to obtain the best use of these technologies in their business processes. Taking this scenario into account, the objective of this paper is to present the case study on the application of a conceptual model based on knowledge management (KM) to improve the level of use of ICT in the business processes of mexican SMEs. The model was applied in an SME of the commercial sector. The results obtained are exposed, as well as the conclusions and future perspectives of the work developed

    Lean Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance: Empirical Evidence from Manufacturing Companies

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    The current study aims to investigate the effect of lean supply chain management practices on supply chain performance and market performance in manufacturing companies in Jordan. Five lean supply chain management practices were identified based on an extensive literature review, just-in-time system, flow of information, supplier relationship, customer relationship, and waste reduction. To achieve the study goals, a survey questionnaire was prepared and distributed to managers of 400 manufacturing companies from different sectors and sizes. The final number of returned usable questionnaires was 308, representing a response rate of 77%. The results revealed positive and significant effects of three lean supply chain management practices on market performance, namely, JIT system, flow of information, and customer relationship. In addition, all lean supply chain management practices showed positive and significant effects on supply chain performance. Furthermore, supply chain performance demonstrated a positive and significant effect on market performance

    Process improvement and its impact on product delivery in manufacturing companies: a comprehensive systematic review

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    El presente trabajo realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura para determinar el avance de las investigaciones sobre de la mejora de procesos y su impacto en la entrega de productos en empresas manufactureras desde el año 2016 al 2021. La estrategia de búsqueda identificó 755,729 artículos en bibliotecas digitales tales como ARDI, ERIC, Taylor & Francis Online, IOPScience, IEEE Xplore, ProQuest y ScienceDirect; de las cuales 95 artículos fueron identificados como ideales para la revisión. Los resultados obtenidos en la revisión sistemática acerca de los estudios relacionados a la mejora de Procesos han permitido encontrar metodologías relevantes para aplicarlas en cualquier área de una empresa, en cualquier sector empresarial; del mismo modo se proporciona un mapeo de los estudios que se publicaron en diferentes países por tipo de publicación. Además, ha permitido realizar una exhaustiva revisión bibliométrica de las investigaciones, a fin de determinar los conceptos (tópicos) más utilizados e identificar las palabras clave que con frecuencia presentan concurrencia en las investigaciones. Como conclusiones se presentan las relaciones que existen entre cada uno de los artículos, identificando la comparación por relevancia para sus propios entornos y situaciones en las que se puede aplicar la mejora de procesos.A systematic literature review was conducted in this study, to determine the progress of research on process improvement and its impact on product delivery in manufacturing companies from 2016 to 2021. The search strategy identified 755729 papers in digital libraries such as ARDI, ERIC, Taylor & Francis Online, IOPScience, IEEE Xplore, ProQuest and ScienceDirect of which 95 papers were identified as ideal for the review chosen after applying exclusion criteria. The results obtained in the systematic review have focused on studies related to Process Improvement where relevant methodologies are found to be applied in any area of a manufacturing company, likewise a mapping of the extracted studies published in different countries of the world by type of publication is provided. As conclusions, the relationships that exist between each of the papers are presented, identifying the comparison by relevance to their own environments and situations in which process improvement can be applied

    Improving Firm’s Innovation Performance through Transformation Leadership and Knowledge Sharing: the Moderating Role of absorptive Capacity. Case Study in Jordan

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    The goal of this research is to determine the impact of transformative leadership (TL) on innovation performance in terms of process and product innovation It improves perceptions of paths to enhance certain characteristics of innovation performance by assessing the mediating function of knowledge sharing (KS) and the moderating effect of absorptive ability. Based on data obtained from 243 participants in Jordanian pharmaceutical enterprises, this study performs a questionnaire survey and uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to evaluate hypotheses in the suggested research model.The research shows that TL is the primary driving factor behind the KS process and innovative results. The research addresses a large gap in the literature by focusing on how KS mediates the impact of TL on certain characteristics of innovative performance. The research greatly helps to developing the deeper understanding of the particular circumstances to increase the link between KS and innovative performance by examining the moderator of absorptive capacity