11,442 research outputs found

    mFish Alpha Pilot: Building a Roadmap for Effective Mobile Technology to Sustain Fisheries and Improve Fisher Livelihoods.

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    In June 2014 at the Our Ocean Conference in Washington, DC, United States Secretary of State John Kerry announced the ambitious goal of ending overfishing by 2020. To support that goal, the Secretary's Office of Global Partnerships launched mFish, a public-private partnership to harness the power of mobile technology to improve fisher livelihoods and increase the sustainability of fisheries around the world. The US Department of State provided a grant to 50in10 to create a pilot of mFish that would allow for the identification of behaviors and incentives that might drive more fishers to adopt novel technology. In May 2015 50in10 and Future of Fish designed a pilot to evaluate how to improve adoption of a new mobile technology platform aimed at improving fisheries data capture and fisher livelihoods. Full report

    Face Off: Overcoming the Fifth Amendment Conflict Between Cybersecurity and Self-Incrimination

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    The Founders included the privilege against self-incrimination in the Constitution to protect individual privacy and ensure a fair judicial process. Courts have failed U.S. citizens by neglecting to protect them from compelled unlocking of biometrically encrypted devices. This inaction has created a loophole that contradicts the framework of the privilege against self-incrimination. To correct this mistake courts should reconsider the trend they have set for the Constitution and the Fifth Amendment and consider adopting a forward-thinking cybersecurity lens to conclude that biometric authentication is testimonial. Courts should consider that biometric encryption is akin to a compelled password entry for the purposes of the foregone conclusion doctrine. The foregone conclusion doctrine should be applied in limited circumstances with a specific and high burden of proof so that the jealous protection of the privilege against self-incriminating testimony can be preserved. Allowing law enforcement such easy access to smart devices narrows Fifth Amendment protections and the expansive foregone conclusion exception is contrary to both principles of cybersecurity and the spirit of the Fifth Amendment. Courts should move to remediate this at once. These liberties and values can only be guaranteed by courts that are willing to take on cases with issues revolving around biometric encryption, the Fifth Amendment, and the foregone conclusion doctrine

    The Privacy Paradox: Factors influencing information disclosure in the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in South Africa

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has been acknowledged as one of the most innovative forms of technology since the computer, because of the influence it can have on multiple sectors of physical and virtual environments. The growth of IoT is expected to continue, by 2020 the number of connected devices is estimated to reach 50 billion. Recent developments in IoT provide an unprecedented opportunity for personalised services and other benefits. To exploit these potential benefits as best as possible, individuals are willing to provide their personal information despite potential privacy breaches. Therefore, this paper examines factors that influence the willingness to disclose personal information in the use of IoT in South Africa (SA) with the use of the privacy calculus as the theoretical underpinnings of this research. The privacy calculus accentuates that a risk-benefit trade off occurs when an individual decides to disclose their personal information, however, it is assumed that there are more factors than perceived risks and perceived benefits that influence information disclosure. After analysing previous literature, this study identified the following factors; information sensitivity, privacy concerns, social influence, perceived benefits, (perceived) privacy risks and privacy knowledge as possible key tenants in relation to willingness to disclose personal information. This research took on an objective ontological view, with the underlying epistemological stance being positivistic. The research incorporated a deductive approach, employing the use of a conceptual model which was constructed from a combination of studies orientated around privacy, the privacy calculus and the privacy paradox. Data for this research was collected using the quantitative research approach, through the use of an anonymous online questionnaire, where the targeted population was narrowed down to the general public residing within SA that make use of IoT devices and/or services. Data was collected using Qualtrics and analysed using SmartPLS 3. SmartPLS 3 was used to test for correlations between the factors which influence information disclosure in the use of IoT by utilising the complete bootstrapping method. A key finding was that the privacy paradox is apparent within SA, where individuals pursue enjoyment and predominantly use IoT for leisure purposes, while individuals are more likely to adopt self-withdrawal tendencies when faced with heightened privacy concerns or potential risks

    The Revolution of Mobile Phone-Enabled Services for Agricultural Development (m-Agri Services) in Africa: The Challenges for Sustainability

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    The provision of information through mobile phone-enabled agricultural information services (m-Agri services) has the potential to revolutionise agriculture and significantly improve smallholder farmers’ livelihoods in Africa. Globally, the benefits of m-Agri services include facilitating farmers’ access to financial services and sourcing agricultural information about input use, practices, and market prices. There are very few published literature sources that focus on the potential benefits of m-Agri services in Africa and none of which explore their sustainability. This study, therefore, explores the evolution, provision, and sustainability of these m-Agri services in Africa. An overview of the current landscape of m-Agri services in Africa is provided and this illustrates how varied these services are in design, content, and quality. Key findings from the exploratory literature review reveal that services are highly likely to fail to achieve their intended purpose or be abandoned when implementers ignore the literacy, skills, culture, and demands of the target users. This study recommends that, to enhance the sustainability of m-Agri services, the implementers need to design the services with the users involved, carefully analyse, and understand the target environment, and design for scale and a long-term purpose. While privacy and security of users need to be ensured, the reuse or improvement of existing initiatives should be explored, and projects need to be data-driven and maintained as open source. Thus, the study concludes that policymakers can support the long-term benefit of m-Agri services by ensuring favourable policies for both users and implementers

    Effectiveness and Feasibility of In-office versus Smartphone Text-delivered Nutrition Education in the College Setting: A Mixed-methods Pilot Study

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    Often, being away from home for the first time, coupled with limited knowledge regarding healthy eating behaviors, leads to poor food choices and an increased risk of obesity among college-aged young adults. These college students are prone to high-calorie diets and limited physical activity, putting them at risk for obesity, a physiologically, psychologically, and financially costly epidemic in the United States. College students use their cellular phones over eight and a half hours a day and cell phones are their primary means of information consumption outside of the classroom, suggesting that the phones would be a useful tool to provide nutrition education to this at-risk population. This mixed-methods randomized-controlled trial took place over eight weeks, between 9/15/15 and 12/2/15. The primary aims of this study were to assess the effectiveness and feasibility between an educational nutrition intervention delivered via smartphone texts and a traditional in-office setting for 18-22-year-old, overweight college students at the Sonoma State University Student Health Center. Using simple randomization, participants were assigned to one of two groups: text, or in-office. Participants in the in-office group received one-on-one nutrition counseling framed within the social cognitive theory by a registered nurse at the study onset, week two, and week four. Participants in the text group received the same information, broken up into weekly text messages with links to websites, YouTube, and explanations of content. Participant characteristics, including weight, height, and health behaviors (hours of sleep a night, number of fruits and vegetables per day), were assessed at the study onset (T1) and again at week two (T2), week four (T3), and week eight (T4). All participants were invited to take part in an in-depth, qualitative, face-to-face interview at the end of the study (T4). Nine participants completed both the trial and interviews. Two-thirds (66.7%, n=6) were in the text group, 66.7% (n=6) were female, 33.3% (n=3) were minorities, 66.7% lived on- campus, and 44.4% (n=4) took part in the university’s on-campus meal plan. No statistically significant differences were noted in participant characteristics, or health behaviors between the two groups throughout the study. Although no statistical significance was noted between the two groups with regard to weight change, the text group’s mean weight decreased from 188.25(sd=25.03) pounds to 184.58(sd=24.67) pounds while the in-office group’s mean weight increased from 254.00(sd=90.15) to 257.00(sd=94.14) pounds. Weight loss in the text group should be further evaluated as it may hold clinical significance for effectiveness of the intervention. Through qualitative interviews exploring participants’ experiences, four major themes emerged. All participants in the text group (n=6) stated that they felt there was a need for their method of education, they felt their method was effective, they would recommend their method, and their health behaviors changed positively. For the in-office group, all participants (n=3) said there was a need for their method of education, 67% (n=2) said it was effective, all would recommend it, and 67% stated that they changed their behaviors. Both the quantitative and qualitative findings of this study hold clinical significance as to the effectiveness and feasibility of text messages as a means of providing nutrition education in the college setting. Future research with larger sample sizes and a longer-term study are recommended for more statistical power and to determine the long-term benefits of these methods of nutrition education

    Perceptions Regarding Importance and Frequency of Use of Selected Communication Tools by Iowa Cattle Producers

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    New technologies have profoundly affected the agricultural industry in the twentieth century. Within the agriculture industry numerous forms of communication exist. Forms of communication accessible to cattle producers and industry leaders include face-to-face, print media, electronic media, and social media. With several communication tools available to producers it is imperative to understand producers\u27 perceived importance and usage of these communication tools. Understanding the usage of communication tools by cattle producers will help beef industry partners, beef breed associations, and the overall beef industry to better communicate with producers. Nonetheless, if electronic forms of communication provide quick access to information, one should not always make the assumption that it will replace print media forms of communication. The purpose of this study was to identify perceptions regarding importance and the frequency of use of communication tools by producer-members of the Iowa Cattlemen\u27s Association who received the electronic newsletter. The population consisted of (N = 3021) producer-members of the Iowa Cattlemen\u27s Association who received the electronic newsletter. A random sample of the members (n = 974) was taken from the population (N=3021). In order to achieve a 95% confident level with a sampling error of +/- 5%, a sample size of 341 was needed. This research utilized an oversample in an effort to acquire a thirty-five percent response rate which was found in similar studies with similar populations. Findings of this study suggest that different generations of producers prefer different modes of communication. Additionally, respondents had positive views for the use of print media for beef industry information. Electronic media was used more often for personal use than any other communication channel. This study also clarifies the assumption that smartphones provide frequent access to electronic and social media communication channels. If producers owned smartphones their perceived importance and use of electronic and social media channels increased. Further research is needed to determine reasons why communication channels are important for cattle producers. Additionally, further research is needed to determine why cattle producers prefer print media communication channels for beef industry information but prefer electronic communication channels for personal information

    Radio mobility in the digital era: interactivity, participation and content share possibilities in Iberian broadcasters

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    In the context of the scientific research into radio, recent years have encouraged many theories about the meaning of a post-radio (Oliveira & Portela, 2011), thus enlisting several parameters regarding the inclusion of contemporary radio in the digital and online environments. This digital migration has led to the development of mobile applications for radio, broadening the communicative potential of audiences (Aguado, Feijoo & Martínez, 2013), as well as promoting convergence of interactive content among listeners-users. Aware of this opportunity, the main broadcasters in Spain and Portugal have broadened their radiophonic scope to the mobile platform, especially geared towards smartphones through the development of mobile applications, commonly known as apps (Cerezo, 2010). As a symbol of a culture in permanent changing, smartphones not only provide greater easiness in terms of access and interaction, but also afford larger opportunities for disseminating content among audiences, a phenomenon that some studies have labelled as user distributed content (Villi, 2012). This article presents an exploratory analysis of the current policies of the main Spanish and Portuguese radio broadcasters regarding mobile applications, evaluating the different levels of interaction and participation in these platforms. This observation led to the conclusion, among other findings, that the mobile platform represents a supplementary channel for traditional FM radio, rather than a new medium with its own language and expression

    The internet of everything sustainable advantages and synergies in clustered retail

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    The Internet of Everything (IoE) is a concept introduced by Cisco as the succeeding phase of the Internet of Things (IoT), consisting in creating a network connection of objects, people, processes and data (Cisco 2013). The novelty in this concept is that instead of referring simply to the network connection of physical objects, the IoE allows for connected ‘things’ to send higher-level information back to machines, computers, and people for further evaluation and decision making (Cisco 2013). ! This dissertation aims to analyze the IoE concept’s strategic impact in clustered retails. In order to contextualize the concept and, later, perform the correct analysis of the subject, a review of the technologies at its core and Cisco’s perspective of IoE’s realization in retail is made. Furthermore, making up the core of sustainable strategic advantage analysis, a review is made regarding Resource-based View (RBV) model according to Barney’s framework and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) through Payne and Frow’s framework. In the subsequent chapter, the model of analysis is explained, incorporating the proposition that a smartphone application is, at a first phase, the optimal presentation layer for consumers. Empirical data collection is then performed through a questionnaire intended to give answer to the dissertation’s research question of sustainable competitive advantage. The results, collected from a population sample of 120 respondents, ascertained the importance of the smartphone app and its most appealing features. The strategic applicability of IoE in clustered retail is, then, confirmed through the application of both RBV and CRM models, which verify the system’s potential to generate sustained competitive advantage, confirming the dissertation’s main objective.A Internet of Everything (IoE) – ou a Internet de Tudo - é um conceito introduzido pela Cisco como fase sucessora da Internet of Things (IoT) – ou a Internet das Coisas -, caracterizada por criar uma rede de conectiva de objectos, pessoas, processos e informação (Cisco 2013). A novidade introduzida por este conceito é de que, em vez de fazer referência apenas à rede de conexões de objectos físicos, o IoE permite à rede de ‘coisas’ o envio de informação de qualidade superior de volta para máquinas, computadores, e pessoas para avaliações e decisões adicionais (Cisco 2013). O objectivo desta dissertação assenta na análise do impacto estratégico do conceito de IoE em retalho conglomerado. De modo a contextualizar o conceito e, mais tarde, proceder à correcta análise do tópico, uma revisão da tecnologia basilar e da perspectiva da Cisco em relação à implementação da IoE em retalho é realizada. Ademais, constituindo a origem da análise à vantagem estratégica sustentável, uma revisão é feita a ambos os modelo de Resource-base View (RBV), de acordo com enquadramento de Barney, e Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – ou Gestão de Relacionamento com o Cliente -, através do enquadramento de Payne e Frow. No capítulo subsequente, o modelo de análise é explicado, incluindo a proposição que uma aplicação para smartphone seria, numa primeira fase, o canal de ligação e apresentação ao consumidor ideal. A recolha de dados empíricos é, de seguida, executada através de um questionário, pretendendo dar resposta dar resposta à pergunta central da dissertação relativa à vantagem competitiva sustentável. Os resultados, recolhidos de uma amostra populacional de 120 inquiridos, determinaram a importância da aplicação para smartphones e quais as suas características mais apelativas. A aplicabilidade estratégica da IoE em retalho conglomerado é, assim, confirmada através da aplicação de ambos os modelos de RBV e CRM, que certificam o potencial do sistema em gerar vantagem competitiva sustentável, confirmando assim o objectivo principal da dissertação

    Using augmented reality to enhance the shopping mall experience

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    The objective of the present study is to understand if consumers would use an Augmented Reality application on their smartphones while visiting a shopping mall. This application would have several features that would boost the shopping mall experience. In order to access the acceptance of this technological hypothesis an online survey was conducted to extract empirical data from a reliable sample. This empirical data is analysed and characterized with some descriptive statistics, as well as cross-tabulations between some variables. This analysis allows a better characterization of this sample, and the formation of preliminary conclusions fundamental to the final conclusion. The results shows that most of the individuals in this sample are willing to use the features of the proposed technological hypotheses and, thus, would use the Augmented Reality application on their smartphones when visiting a shopping mall.O objectivo do presente estudo é perceber se os consumidores usariam uma aplicação com Realidade Aumentada nos seus smartphones durante uma visita a um centro comercial. Esta aplicação teria várias funcionalidades que melhorariam a experiência que é uma visita a um centro comercial. De modo a avaliar a aceitação desta proposta tecnológica foi feito um questionário online a uma amostra fidedigna de onde se retiraram dados empíricos. Estes dados foram analisados e caracterizados com recurso a algumas estatísticas descritivas e também ao cruzamento de algumas variáveis. Esta análise permitiu uma melhor caracterização da amostra, e a formação de conclusões preliminares fundamentais para a conclusão final. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos indivíduos desta amostra estão dispostos a usar as funcionalidades desta proposta tecnológica e, deste modo, usariam a aplicação com Realidade Aumentada nos seus smartphones durante uma visita a um centro comercial

    Factors Impacting Older Adults\u27 Adoption of Mobile Technology in Emergency Communications

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    An increasing number of older adults must continue working, which requires that they maintain their competencies and work skills, including use of mobile technology (MT). However, little is known about older adult adoption of MT in relation to work. This study used Rogers\u27s diffusion of innovation theory and Davis\u27s technology acceptance model as a framework. The purpose of this exploratory sequential mixed methods study was to examine the experiences of older adults\u27 who adopted MT in the emergency communications (EC) field. Participants came from an emergency services LinkedIn group. Data sources included surveys completed by 85 respondents and interviews of a subset of 10 of the respondents. Phase 1 included survey analysis to develop descriptive statistics on the participants\u27 placement in Rogers\u27s stages of adoption, their perceptions of the usefulness, and the ease of use. Phase 2 included analysis of in-depth interviews, coding for themes and patterns. Survey results indicated that both perceived usefulness and ease of use affect the adoption of MT by older adult users in the EC field. The results of the interviews identified the usefulness and ease of use as factors for the participants. The social implications for employers include a deeper understanding of the specific factors that impact the adoption of MT by older adults. This study provides employers with a deeper understanding of the adoption of MT by older adults so they can develop stronger plans to help their older adults adopt mobile technology