18 research outputs found

    Two-Source Condensers with Low Error and Small Entropy Gap via Entropy-Resilient Functions

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    In their seminal work, Chattopadhyay and Zuckerman (STOC\u2716) constructed a two-source extractor with error epsilon for n-bit sources having min-entropy {polylog}(n/epsilon). Unfortunately, the construction\u27s running-time is {poly}(n/epsilon), which means that with polynomial-time constructions, only polynomially-small errors are possible. Our main result is a {poly}(n,log(1/epsilon))-time computable two-source condenser. For any k >= {polylog}(n/epsilon), our condenser transforms two independent (n,k)-sources to a distribution over m = k-O(log(1/epsilon)) bits that is epsilon-close to having min-entropy m - o(log(1/epsilon)). Hence, achieving entropy gap of o(log(1/epsilon)). The bottleneck for obtaining low error in recent constructions of two-source extractors lies in the use of resilient functions. Informally, this is a function that receives input bits from r players with the property that the function\u27s output has small bias even if a bounded number of corrupted players feed adversarial inputs after seeing the inputs of the other players. The drawback of using resilient functions is that the error cannot be smaller than ln r/r. This, in return, forces the running time of the construction to be polynomial in 1/epsilon. A key component in our construction is a variant of resilient functions which we call entropy-resilient functions. This variant can be seen as playing the above game for several rounds, each round outputting one bit. The goal of the corrupted players is to reduce, with as high probability as they can, the min-entropy accumulated throughout the rounds. We show that while the bias decreases only polynomially with the number of players in a one-round game, their success probability decreases exponentially in the entropy gap they are attempting to incur in a repeated game

    Biasing Boolean Functions and Collective Coin-Flipping Protocols over Arbitrary Product Distributions

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    The seminal result of Kahn, Kalai and Linial shows that a coalition of O(n/(log n)) players can bias the outcome of any Boolean function {0,1}^n -> {0,1} with respect to the uniform measure. We extend their result to arbitrary product measures on {0,1}^n, by combining their argument with a completely different argument that handles very biased input bits. We view this result as a step towards proving a conjecture of Friedgut, which states that Boolean functions on the continuous cube [0,1]^n (or, equivalently, on {1,...,n}^n) can be biased using coalitions of o(n) players. This is the first step taken in this direction since Friedgut proposed the conjecture in 2004. Russell, Saks and Zuckerman extended the result of Kahn, Kalai and Linial to multi-round protocols, showing that when the number of rounds is o(log^* n), a coalition of o(n) players can bias the outcome with respect to the uniform measure. We extend this result as well to arbitrary product measures on {0,1}^n. The argument of Russell et al. relies on the fact that a coalition of o(n) players can boost the expectation of any Boolean function from epsilon to 1-epsilon with respect to the uniform measure. This fails for general product distributions, as the example of the AND function with respect to mu_{1-1/n} shows. Instead, we use a novel boosting argument alongside a generalization of our first result to arbitrary finite ranges

    Affine Extractors and AC0-Parity

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    We study a simple and general template for constructing affine extractors by composing a linear transformation with resilient functions. Using this we show that good affine extractors can be computed by non-explicit circuits of various types, including AC0-Xor circuits: AC0 circuits with a layer of parity gates at the input. We also show that one-sided extractors can be computed by small DNF-Xor circuits, and separate these circuits from other well-studied classes. As a further motivation for studying DNF-Xor circuits we show that if they can approximate inner product then small AC0-Xor circuits can compute it exactly - a long-standing open problem

    Randomness Extraction in AC0 and with Small Locality

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    Randomness extractors, which extract high quality (almost-uniform) random bits from biased random sources, are important objects both in theory and in practice. While there have been significant progress in obtaining near optimal constructions of randomness extractors in various settings, the computational complexity of randomness extractors is still much less studied. In particular, it is not clear whether randomness extractors with good parameters can be computed in several interesting complexity classes that are much weaker than P. In this paper we study randomness extractors in the following two models of computation: (1) constant-depth circuits (AC0), and (2) the local computation model. Previous work in these models, such as [Vio05a], [GVW15] and [BG13], only achieve constructions with weak parameters. In this work we give explicit constructions of randomness extractors with much better parameters. As an application, we use our AC0 extractors to study pseudorandom generators in AC0, and show that we can construct both cryptographic pseudorandom generators (under reasonable computational assumptions) and unconditional pseudorandom generators for space bounded computation with very good parameters. Our constructions combine several previous techniques in randomness extractors, as well as introduce new techniques to reduce or preserve the complexity of extractors, which may be of independent interest. These include (1) a general way to reduce the error of strong seeded extractors while preserving the AC0 property and small locality, and (2) a seeded randomness condenser with small locality.Comment: 62 page


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    Consider a complete communication network of n nodes, where the nodes receive a common clock pulse. We study the synchronous c-counting problem: given any starting state and up to f faulty nodes with arbitrary behavior, the task is to eventually have all correct nodes labeling the pulses with increasing values modulo c in agreement. Thus, we are considering algorithms that are self-stabilizing despite Byzantine failures. In this work, we give new algorithms for the synchronous counting problem that (1) are deterministic, (2) have optimal resilience, (3) have a linear stabilization time in f (asymptotically optimal), (4) use a small number of states, and, consequently, (5) communicate a small number of bits per round. Prior algorithms either resort to randomization, use a large number of states and need high communication bandwidth, or have suboptimal resilience. In particular, we achieve an exponential improvement in both state complexity and message size for deterministic algorithms. Moreover, we present two complementary approaches for reducing the number of bits communicated during and after stabilization.Peer reviewe