615 research outputs found

    Application-driven Sequential Designs for Simulation Experiments: Kriging Metamodeling

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    This paper proposes a novel method to select an experimental design for interpolation in simulation.Though the paper focuses on Kriging in deterministic simulation, the method also applies to other types of metamodels (besides Kriging), and to stochastic simulation.The paper focuses on simulations that require much computer time, so it is important to select a design with a small number of observations.The proposed method is therefore sequential.The novelty of the method is that it accounts for the specific input/output function of the particular simulation model at hand; i.e., the method is application-driven or customized.This customization is achieved through cross-validation and jackknifing.The new method is tested through two academic applications, which demonstrate that the method indeed gives better results than a design with a prefixed sample size.experimental design;simulation;interpolation;sampling;sensitivity analysis;metamodels

    Solving optimisation problems in metal forming using FEM: A metamodel based optimisation algorithm

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    During the last decades, Finite Element (FEM) simulations of metal forming processes have\ud become important tools for designing feasible production processes. In more recent years,\ud several authors recognised the potential of coupling FEM simulations to mathematical opti-\ud misation algorithms to design optimal metal forming processes instead of only feasible ones.\ud This report describes the selection, development and implementation of an optimisa-\ud tion algorithm for solving optimisation problems for metal forming processes using time\ud consuming FEM simulations. A Sequential Approximate Optimisation algorithm is pro-\ud posed, which incorporates metamodelling techniques and sequential improvement strate-\ud gies for enhancing the e±ciency of the algorithm. The algorithm has been implemented in\ud MATLABr and can be used in combination with any Finite Element code for simulating\ud metal forming processes.\ud The good applicability of the proposed optimisation algorithm within the ¯eld of metal\ud forming has been demonstrated by applying it to optimise the internal pressure and ax-\ud ial feeding load paths for manufacturing a simple hydroformed product. Resulting was\ud a constantly distributed wall thickness throughout the ¯nal product. Subsequently, the\ud algorithm was compared to other optimisation algorithms for optimising metal forming\ud by applying it to two more complicated forging examples. In both cases, the geometry of\ud the preform was optimised. For one forging application, the algorithm managed to solve\ud a folding defect. For the other application both the folding susceptibility and the energy\ud consumption required for forging the part were reduced by 10% w.r.t. the forging process\ud proposed by the forging company. The algorithm proposed in this report yielded better\ud results than the optimisation algorithms it was compared to

    Building accurate radio environment maps from multi-fidelity spectrum sensing data

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    In cognitive wireless networks, active monitoring of the wireless environment is often performed through advanced spectrum sensing and network sniffing. This leads to a set of spatially distributed measurements which are collected from different sensing devices. Nowadays, several interpolation methods (e.g., Kriging) are available and can be used to combine these measurements into a single globally accurate radio environment map that covers a certain geographical area. However, the calibration of multi-fidelity measurements from heterogeneous sensing devices, and the integration into a map is a challenging problem. In this paper, the auto-regressive co-Kriging model is proposed as a novel solution. The algorithm is applied to model measurements which are collected in a heterogeneous wireless testbed environment, and the effectiveness of the new methodology is validated

    A computer-aided methodology for the optimization of electrostatic separation processes in recycling

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    The rapid growth of technological products has led to an increasing volume of waste electrical and electronic equipments (WEEE), which could represent a valuable source of critical raw materials. However, current mechanical separation processes for recycling are typically poorly operated, making it impossible to modify the process parameters as a function of the materials under treatment, thus resulting in untapped separation potentials. Corona electrostatic separation (CES) is one of the most popular processes for separating fine metal and nonmetal particles derived from WEEE. In order to optimize the process operating conditions (i.e., variables) for a given multi-material mixture under treatment, several technological and economical criteria should be jointly considered. This translates into a complex optimization problem that can be hardly solved by a purely experimental approach. As a result, practitioners tend to assign process parameters by few experiments based on a small material sample and to keep these parameters fixed during the process life-cycle. The use of computer experiments for parameter optimization is a mostly unexplored area in this field. In this work, a computer-aided approach is proposed to the problem of optimizing the operational parameters in CES processes. Three metamodels, developed starting from a multi-body simulation model of the process physics, are presented and compared by means of a numerical and simulation study. Our approach proves to be an effective framework to optimize the CES process performance. Furthermore, by comparing the predicted response surfaces of the metamodels, additional insight into the process behavior over the operating region is obtained

    Optimal management of bio-based energy supply chains under parametric uncertainty through a data-driven decision-support framework

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    This paper addresses the optimal management of a multi-objective bio-based energy supply chain network subjected to multiple sources of uncertainty. The complexity to obtain an optimal solution using traditional uncertainty management methods dramatically increases with the number of uncertain factors considered. Such a complexity produces that, if tractable, the problem is solved after a large computational effort. Therefore, in this work a data-driven decision-making framework is proposed to address this issue. Such a framework exploits machine learning techniques to efficiently approximate the optimal management decisions considering a set of uncertain parameters that continuously influence the process behavior as an input. A design of computer experiments technique is used in order to combine these parameters and produce a matrix of representative information. These data are used to optimize the deterministic multi-objective bio-based energy network problem through conventional optimization methods, leading to a detailed (but elementary) map of the optimal management decisions based on the uncertain parameters. Afterwards, the detailed data-driven relations are described/identified using an Ordinary Kriging meta-model. The result exhibits a very high accuracy of the parametric meta-models for predicting the optimal decision variables in comparison with the traditional stochastic approach. Besides, and more importantly, a dramatic reduction of the computational effort required to obtain these optimal values in response to the change of the uncertain parameters is achieved. Thus the use of the proposed data-driven decision tool promotes a time-effective optimal decision making, which represents a step forward to use data-driven strategy in large-scale/complex industrial problems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version