316 research outputs found

    Acoustic analyses and perceptual data on anticipatory labial coarticulation in adults and children

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    The present study investigated anticipatory labial coarticulation in the speech of adults and children. CV syllables, [s], [t], and [d] before [i] and [u], were produced by an adult male speaker and a female child speaker age 3 years 6 months. Each syllable was computer‐edited to include only the noise‐excited portion of fricative‐vowel stimuli and only the aperiodic portion of stop‐vowel stimuli. LPC spectra were computed for each excised segment. Analyses of the effect of the following vowel on the spectral peak associated with the second formant frequency and on the characteristic spectral prominence for each consonant were performed. Perceptual data were obtained by presenting the aperiodic consonantal segments to subjects who were instructed to identify in a forced choice paradigm the following vowel [i] or [u]. Both the acoustic and perceptual data show strong coarticulatory effects for adults and the absence of such coarticulations in the speech stimuli of the child. The results are discussed in terms of the articulatory and perceptual aspects of coarticulation in language learning

    Between-word junctures in early multi-word speech

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    Most children aged 1;6 to 2;0 begin to use utterances of two words or more. It is therefore important for child phonologists to consider the development of phonetic and phonological phenomena that characterize connected speech. The longitudinal case study reported here investigated three juncture types – assimilation, elision and liaison – in the speech of a typically-developing child between the ages of 2;4 and 3;4. Attempts at production of these adult juncture types occurred from the onset of two-word utterances. However, for some juncture types, the child still had to perfect the intergestural relationships and gestural articulations that the adult between-word junctures demand. This process of phonetic development was largely accomplished by the age of 3;4. With one exception, between-word junctures appear not to be the result of learned phonological rules or processes. The exception is liaison involving /r/, which did not occur until the child was three years old

    Speech Communication

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    Contains reports on five research projects.C.J. LeBel FellowshipKurzweil Applied IntelligenceNational Institutes of Health (Grant 5 T32 NS07040)National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 R01 NS04332)National Science Foundation (Grant 1ST 80-17599)Systems Development FoundationU.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-82-K-0727

    THE CHILD AND THE WORLD: How Children acquire Language

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    HOW CHILDREN ACQUIRE LANGUAGE Over the last few decades research into child language acquisition has been revolutionized by the use of ingenious new techniques which allow one to investigate what in fact infants (that is children not yet able to speak) can perceive when exposed to a stream of speech sound, the discriminations they can make between different speech sounds, differentspeech sound sequences and different words. However on the central features of the mystery, the extraordinarily rapid acquisition of lexicon and complex syntactic structures, little solid progress has been made. The questions being researched are how infants acquire and produce the speech sounds (phonemes) of the community language; how infants find words in the stream of speech; and how they link words to perceived objects or action, that is, discover meanings. In a recent general review in Nature of children's language acquisition, Patricia Kuhl also asked why we do not learn new languages as easily at 50 as at 5 and why computers have not cracked the human linguistic code. The motor theory of language function and origin makes possible a plausible account of child language acquisition generally from which answers can be derived also to these further questions. Why computers so far have been unable to 'crack' the language problem becomes apparent in the light of the motor theory account: computers can have no natural relation between words and their meanings; they have no conceptual store to which the network of words is linked nor do they have the innate aspects of language functioning - represented by function words; computers have no direct links between speech sounds and movement patterns and they do not have the instantly integrated neural patterning underlying thought - they necessarily operate serially and hierarchically. Adults find the acquisition of a new language much more difficult than children do because they are already neurally committed to the link between the words of their first language and the elements in their conceptual store. A second language being acquired by an adult is in direct competition for neural space with the network structures established for the first language

    A review of data collection practices using electromagnetic articulography

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    This paper reviews data collection practices in electromagnetic articulography (EMA) studies, with a focus on sensor placement. It consists of three parts: in the first part, we introduce electromagnetic articulography as a method. In the second part, we focus on existing data collection practices. Our overview is based on a literature review of 905 publications from a large variety of journals and conferences, identified through a systematic keyword search in Google Scholar. The review shows that experimental designs vary greatly, which in turn may limit researchers' ability to compare results across studies. In the third part of this paper we describe an EMA data collection procedure which includes an articulatory-driven strategy for determining where to position sensors on the tongue without causing discomfort to the participant. We also evaluate three approaches for preparing (NDI Wave) EMA sensors reported in the literature with respect to the duration the sensors remain attached to the tongue: 1) attaching out-of-the-box sensors, 2) attaching sensors coated in latex, and 3) attaching sensors coated in latex with an additional latex flap. Results indicate no clear general effect of sensor preparation type on adhesion duration. A subsequent exploratory analysis reveals that sensors with the additional flap tend to adhere for shorter times than the other two types, but that this pattern is inverted for the most posterior tongue sensor

    Experimental study of aural discrimination between speech and non-speech

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    Speech synthesis : Developing a web application implementing speech technology

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    Speech is a natural media of communication for humans. Text-to-speech (TTS) technology uses a computer to synthesize speech. There are three main techniques of TTS synthesis. These are formant-based, articulatory and concatenative. The application areas of TTS include accessibility, education, entertainment and communication aid in mass transit. A web application was developed to demonstrate the application of speech synthesis technology. Existing speech synthesis engines for the Finnish language were compared and two open source text to speech engines, Festival and Espeak were selected to be used with the web application. The application uses a Linux-based speech server which communicates with client devices with the HTTP-GET protocol. The application development successfully demonstrated the use of speech synthesis in language learning. One of the emerging sectors of speech technologies is the mobile market due to limited input capabilities in mobile devices. Speech technologies are not equally available in all languages. Text in the Oromo language was tested using Finnish speech synthesizers; due to similar rules in orthography of germination of consonants and length of vowels, legible results were gained

    Developing a Speech-Based Interface for Field Data Collection

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    This work explores the use of speech as an interface for efficient field data collection. This exploration was conducted using the open source data collection application Field Book as a platform. The augmented interface was created using PocketSphinx speech recognition and Android text to speech to enable hands-free operation of a small scope of commands. At the completion of this work, the interface concept holds promise, but has some practical limitations that need to be addressed prior to effective use

    A dynamical approach to gestural patterning in speech production.

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    In this article, we attempt to reconcile the linguistic hypothesis that speech involves an underlying sequencing of abstract, discrete, context-independent units, with the empirical observation of continuous, context-dependent interleaving of articulatory movements. To this end, we first review a previously proposed task-dynamic model for the coordination and control of the speech articulators. We then describe an extension of this model in which invariant speech units (gestural primitives) are identified with context-independent sets of parameters in a dynamical system having two functionally distinct but interacting levels. The intergesturallevel is defined according to a set of activation coordinates; the interarticulator level is defined according to both model articulator and tract-variable coordinates. In the framework of this extended model, coproduction effects in speech are described in terms of the blending dynamics defined among a set of temporally overlapping active units; the relative timing of speech gestures is formulated in terms of the serial dynamics that shape the temporal patterning of onsets and offsets in unit activations. Implications of this approach for certain phonological issues are discussed, and a range of relevant experimental data on speech and limb motor control is reviewed

    Software Tools and Analysis Methods for the Use of Electromagnetic Articulography Data in Speech Research

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    Recent work with Electromagnetic Articulography (EMA) has shown it to be an excellent tool for characterizing speech kinematics. By tracking the position and orientation of sensors placed on the jaws, lips, teeth and tongue as they move in an electromagnetic field, information about movement and coordination of the articulators can be obtained with great time resolution. This technique has far-reaching applications for advancing fields related to speech articulation, including recognition, synthesis, motor learning, and clinical assessments. As more EMA data becomes widely available, a growing need exists for software that performs basic processing and analysis functions. The objective of this work is to create and demonstrate the use of new software tools that make full use of the information provided in EMA datasets, with a goal of maximizing the impact of EMA research. A new method for biteplate-correcting orientation data is presented, allowing orientation data to be used for articulatory analysis. Two examples of applications using orientation data are presented: a tool for jaw-angle measurement using a single EMA sensor, and a tongue interpolation tool based on three EMA sensors attached to the tongue. The results demonstrate that combined position and orientation data give a more complete picture of articulation than position data alone, and that orientation data should be incorporated in future work with EMA. A new standalone, GUI-based software tool is also presented for visualization of EMA data. It includes simultaneous real-time playback of kinematic and acoustic data, as well as basic analysis capabilities for both types of data. A comparison of the visualization tool to existing EMA software shows that it provides superior visualization and comparable analysis features to existing software. The tool will be included with the Marquette University EMA-MAE database to aid researchers working with this dataset