
Speech synthesis : Developing a web application implementing speech technology


Speech is a natural media of communication for humans. Text-to-speech (TTS) technology uses a computer to synthesize speech. There are three main techniques of TTS synthesis. These are formant-based, articulatory and concatenative. The application areas of TTS include accessibility, education, entertainment and communication aid in mass transit. A web application was developed to demonstrate the application of speech synthesis technology. Existing speech synthesis engines for the Finnish language were compared and two open source text to speech engines, Festival and Espeak were selected to be used with the web application. The application uses a Linux-based speech server which communicates with client devices with the HTTP-GET protocol. The application development successfully demonstrated the use of speech synthesis in language learning. One of the emerging sectors of speech technologies is the mobile market due to limited input capabilities in mobile devices. Speech technologies are not equally available in all languages. Text in the Oromo language was tested using Finnish speech synthesizers; due to similar rules in orthography of germination of consonants and length of vowels, legible results were gained

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