809 research outputs found

    A Framework for Hybrid Intrusion Detection Systems

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    Web application security is a definite threat to the world’s information technology infrastructure. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), generally defines web application security violations as unauthorized or unintentional exposure, disclosure, or loss of personal information. These breaches occur without the company’s knowledge and it often takes a while before the web application attack is revealed to the public, specifically because the security violations are fixed. Due to the need to protect their reputation, organizations have begun researching solutions to these problems. The most widely accepted solution is the use of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). Such systems currently rely on either signatures of the attack used for the data breach or changes in the behavior patterns of the system to identify an intruder. These systems, either signature-based or anomaly-based, are readily understood by attackers. Issues arise when attacks are not noticed by an existing IDS because the attack does not fit the pre-defined attack signatures the IDS is implemented to discover. Despite current IDSs capabilities, little research has identified a method to detect all potential attacks on a system. This thesis intends to address this problem. A particular emphasis will be placed on detecting advanced attacks, such as those that take place at the application layer. These types of attacks are able to bypass existing IDSs, increase the potential for a web application security breach to occur and not be detected. In particular, the attacks under study are all web application layer attacks. Those included in this thesis are SQL injection, cross-site scripting, directory traversal and remote file inclusion. This work identifies common and existing data breach detection methods as well as the necessary improvements for IDS models. Ultimately, the proposed approach combines an anomaly detection technique measured by cross entropy and a signature-based attack detection framework utilizing genetic algorithm. The proposed hybrid model for data breach detection benefits organizations by increasing security measures and allowing attacks to be identified in less time and more efficiently

    Malicious JavaScript Detection using Statistical Language Model

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    The Internet has an immense importance in our day to day life, but at the same time, it has become the medium of infecting computers, attacking users, and distributing malicious code. As JavaScript is the principal language of client side pro- gramming, it is frequently used in conducting such attacks. Various approaches have been made to overcome the JavaScript security issues. Some advanced approaches utilize machine learning technology in combination with de-obfuscation and emula- tion. Many methods of analysis incorporate static analysis and dynamic analysis. Our solution is entirely based on static analysis, which avoids unnecessary runtime overhead. The central objective of this project is to integrate the work done by Eunjin (EJ) Jung et al. on Towards A Robust Detection of Malicious JavaScript (TARDIS) into the web browser via a Firefox add-on and to demonstrate the usability of our add- on in defending against such attacks. TARDIS uses statistical language modeling for an automatic feature extraction and combines it with structural features from an abstract syntax tree [1]. We have developed a Firefox add-on that is capable of extracting JavaScript code from the page visited and classifying the JavaScript code as either malicious or benign. We leverage the bene t of using a pre-compiled training model in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). JSON is lightweight and does not consume much memory on a user’s machine. Moreover, it stores the data as key-value pairs and easily maps to the data structures used in modern programming languages. The principle advantage of using a pre-compiled training model is better performance. Our model can achieve 98% accuracy on our sample dataset

    Securing the Next Generation Web

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    With the ever-increasing digitalization of society, the need for secure systems is growing. While some security features, like HTTPS, are popular, securing web applications, and the clients we use to interact with them remains difficult.To secure web applications we focus on both the client-side and server-side. For the client-side, mainly web browsers, we analyze how new security features might solve a problem but introduce new ones. We show this by performing a systematic analysis of the new Content Security Policy (CSP)\ua0 directive navigate-to. In our research, we find that it does introduce new vulnerabilities, to which we recommend countermeasures. We also create AutoNav, a tool capable of automatically suggesting navigation policies for this directive. Finding server-side vulnerabilities in a black-box setting where\ua0 there is no access to the source code is challenging. To improve this, we develop novel black-box methods for automatically finding vulnerabilities. We\ua0 accomplish this by identifying key challenges in web scanning and combining the best of previous methods. Additionally, we leverage SMT solvers to\ua0 further improve the coverage and vulnerability detection rate of scanners.In addition to browsers, browser extensions also play an important role in the web ecosystem. These small programs, e.g. AdBlockers and password\ua0 managers, have powerful APIs and access to sensitive user data like browsing history. By systematically analyzing the extension ecosystem we find new\ua0 static and dynamic methods for detecting both malicious and vulnerable extensions. In addition, we develop a method for detecting malicious extensions\ua0 solely based on the meta-data of downloads over time. We analyze new attack vectors introduced by Google’s new vehicle OS, Android Automotive. This\ua0 is based on Android with the addition of vehicle APIs. Our analysis results in new attacks pertaining to safety, privacy, and availability. Furthermore, we\ua0 create AutoTame, which is designed to analyze third-party apps for vehicles for the vulnerabilities we found

    ATLANTIDES: An Architecture for Alert Verification in Network Intrusion Detection Systems

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    We present an architecture designed for alert verification (i.e., to reduce false positives) in network intrusion-detection systems. Our technique is based on a systematic (and automatic) anomaly-based analysis of the system output, which provides useful context information regarding the network services. The false positives raised by the NIDS analyzing the incoming traffic (which can be either signature- or anomaly-based) are reduced by correlating them with the output anomalies. We designed our architecture for TCP-based network services which have a client/server architecture (such as HTTP). Benchmarks show a substantial reduction of false positives between 50% and 100%

    Herding Vulnerable Cats: A Statistical Approach to Disentangle Joint Responsibility for Web Security in Shared Hosting

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    Hosting providers play a key role in fighting web compromise, but their ability to prevent abuse is constrained by the security practices of their own customers. {\em Shared} hosting, offers a unique perspective since customers operate under restricted privileges and providers retain more control over configurations. We present the first empirical analysis of the distribution of web security features and software patching practices in shared hosting providers, the influence of providers on these security practices, and their impact on web compromise rates. We construct provider-level features on the global market for shared hosting -- containing 1,259 providers -- by gathering indicators from 442,684 domains. Exploratory factor analysis of 15 indicators identifies four main latent factors that capture security efforts: content security, webmaster security, web infrastructure security and web application security. We confirm, via a fixed-effect regression model, that providers exert significant influence over the latter two factors, which are both related to the software stack in their hosting environment. Finally, by means of GLM regression analysis of these factors on phishing and malware abuse, we show that the four security and software patching factors explain between 10\% and 19\% of the variance in abuse at providers, after controlling for size. For web-application security for instance, we found that when a provider moves from the bottom 10\% to the best-performing 10\%, it would experience 4 times fewer phishing incidents. We show that providers have influence over patch levels--even higher in the stack, where CMSes can run as client-side software--and that this influence is tied to a substantial reduction in abuse levels

    Security Analysis of Web and Embedded Applications

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    As we put more trust in the computer systems we use the need for securityis increasing. And while security features like HTTPS are becomingcommonplace on the web, securing applications remains dicult. This thesisfocuses on analyzing dierent computer ecosystems to detect vulnerabilitiesand develop countermeasures. This includesweb browsers,web applications,and cyber-physical systems such as Android Automotive.For web browsers, we analyze how new security features might solve aproblem but introduce new ones. We show this by performing a systematicanalysis of the new Content Security Policy (CSP) directive navigate-to.In our research, we nd that it does introduce new vulnerabilities, to whichwe recommend countermeasures. We also create AutoNav, a tool capable ofautomatically suggesting navigation policies for this directive.To improve the security of web applications, we develop a novel blackboxmethod by combining the strengths of dierent black-box methods. Weimplement this in our scanner Black Widow, which we compare with otherleading web application scanners. Black Widow both improves the coverageof the web application and nds more vulnerabilities, including ones inPrestashop, WordPress, and HotCRP.For embedded systems,We analyze the new attack vectors introduced bycombining a phone OS with vehicle APIs and nd new attacks pertaining tosafety, privacy, and availability. Furthermore, we create AutoTame, which isdesigned to analyze third-party apps for vehicles for the vulnerabilities wefound

    XSS attack detection based on machine learning

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    As the popularity of web-based applications grows, so does the number of individuals who use them. The vulnerabilities of those programs, however, remain a concern. Cross-site scripting is a very prevalent assault that is simple to launch but difficult to defend against. That is why it is being studied. The current study focuses on artificial systems, such as machine learning, which can function without human interaction. As technology advances, the need for maintenance is increasing. Those maintenance systems, on the other hand, are becoming more complex. This is why machine learning technologies are becoming increasingly important in our daily lives. This study use supervised machine learning to protect against cross-site scripting, which allows the computer to find an algorithm that can identify vulnerabilities. A large collection of datasets serves as the foundation for this technique. The model will be equipped with functions extracted from datasets that will allow it to learn the model of such an attack by filtering it using common Javascript symbols or possible Document Object Model (DOM) syntax. As long as the research continues, the best conjugate algorithms will be discovered that can successfully fight against cross-site scripting. It will do multiple comparisons between different classification methods on their own or in combination to determine which one performs the best.À medida que a popularidade dos aplicativos da internet cresce, aumenta também o número de indivíduos que os utilizam. No entanto, as vulnerabilidades desses programas continuam a ser uma preocupação para o uso da internet no dia-a-dia. O cross-site scripting é um ataque muito comum que é simples de lançar, mas difícil de-se defender. Por isso, é importante que este ataque possa ser estudado. A tese atual concentra-se em sistemas baseados na utilização de inteligência artificial e Aprendizagem Automática (ML), que podem funcionar sem interação humana. À medida que a tecnologia avança, a necessidade de manutenção também vai aumentando. Por outro lado, estes sistemas vão tornando-se cada vez mais complexos. É, por isso, que as técnicas de machine learning torna-se cada vez mais importantes nas nossas vidas diárias. Este trabalho baseia-se na utilização de Aprendizagem Automática para proteger contra o ataque cross-site scripting, o que permite ao computador encontrar um algoritmo que tem a possibilidade de identificar as vulnerabilidades. Uma grande coleção de conjuntos de dados serve como a base para a abordagem proposta. A máquina virá ser equipada com o processamento de linguagem natural, o que lhe permite a aprendizagem do padrão de tal ataque e filtrando-o com o uso da mesma linguagem, javascript, que é possível usar para controlar os objectos DOM (Document Object Model). Enquanto a pesquisa continua, os melhores algoritmos conjugados serão descobertos para que possam prever com sucesso contra estes ataques. O estudo fará várias comparações entre diferentes métodos de classificação por si só ou em combinação para determinar o que tiver melhor desempenho

    Developing an in house vulnerability scanner for detecting Template Injection, XSS, and DOM-XSS vulnerabilities

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    Web applications are becoming an essential part of today's digital world. However, with the increase in the usage of web applications, security threats have also become more prevalent. Cyber attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in web applications to steal sensitive information or take control of the system. To prevent these attacks, web application security must be given due consideration. Existing vulnerability scanners fail to detect Template Injection, XSS, and DOM-XSS vulnerabilities effectively. To bridge this gap in web application security, a customized in-house scanner is needed to quickly and accurately identify these vulnerabilities, enhancing manual security assessments of web applications. This thesis focused on developing a modular and extensible vulnerability scanner to detect Template Injection, XSS, and DOM-based XSS vulnerabilities in web applications. Testing the scanner against other free and open-source solutions on the market showed that it outperformed them on Template injection vulnerabilities and nearly all on XSS-type vulnerabilities. While the scanner has limitations, focusing on specific injection vulnerabilities can result in better performance
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