40 research outputs found

    Doctrina perpetua: brokering change, promoting innovation and transforming marginalisation in university learning and teaching [Editors introduction]

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    Doctrina perpetua—translated variously as “forever learning” (Cryle, 1992, p. 27), “lifelong learning” and “lifelong education”—is the Latin motto of Central Queensland University (CQU), an Australian regional university with campuses in Central Queensland and the metropolitan and provincial cities of Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Melbourne and Sydney and with centres in China, Fiji, Hong Kong and Singapore. During its early development the institution was small and regional; in many ways it was an institution at the margins of higher education. For only a third of its 40-year life has it been recognised as a university. However, the vision of both its founders and its continuing staff has been that of an institution that actively brokers change, promotes innovation and seeks to transform marginalisation— for students, for its community and for itself. Its short life on the edge of the universe of higher education has promoted a culture of innovation and an acceptance that change is a necessary and positive aspect of life on the edge. Embracing change, CQU has become a complex institution, a notion well expressed in a speech in August 1999 by former Vice-Chancellor Lauchlan Chipman on Visioning Our Future: I have often remarked that I do not see CQU as “the last university of the old millennium” but rather as “the first university of the new millennium”. One of our greatest strengths in making the transition is our relative immaturity as a university. The more mature a university, especially if it is successful, the less agile it is when it comes to the need to change. So far as the future of universities and change is concerned, my position is unequivocally Heraclitean: change is the only thing that is permanent. Applying to itself the motto “doctrina perpetua” over its short life, the agile University has become a “complex and diverse organisation” (Danaher, Harreveld, Luck & Nouwens, 2004, p. 13). This overview of CQU seeks to provide readers with a short description of the current state of the institution and the story of its development to provide a context for understanding the chapters that follow, and to assist readers to reflect on how these developments at CQU relate to higher education generally, and to the universities with which they are more familiar

    Ментальний експеримент у мовно-ігровому контексті

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    У статті доводиться, що у мовній грі мовна активність і креативна здібність мовної особистості виражаються не лише у спрямованості на лінгвістичний експеримент, але також залучають ментальний експеримент, який ми розуміємо як пізнавальну когнітивну стратегію мовця, свідоме порушення норми з метою породження смислопередаючих утворень лудичної (ігрової) спрямованості

    Прецедентні лудичні феномени як лінгвокультурно значущі утворення

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    Стаття присвячена розгляду прецедентних мовно-ігрових явищ у сучасному англомовному спілкуванні. Проведено таксономізацію прецедентних лудичних утворень по типу продукуючої структури-джерела

    Sustainability Design and Software: The Karlskrona Manifesto

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    Sustainability has emerged as a broad concern for society. Many engineering disciplines have been grappling with challenges in how we sustain technical, social and ecological systems. In the software engineering community, for example, maintainability has been a concern for a long time. But too often, these issues are treated in isolation from one another. Misperceptions among practitioners and research communities persist, rooted in a lack of coherent understanding of sustainability, and how it relates to software systems research and practice. This article presents a cross-disciplinary initiative to create a common ground and a point of reference for the global community of research and practice in software and sustainability, to be used for effectively communicating key issues, goals, values and principles of sustainability design for software-intensive systems. The centrepiece of this effort is the Karlskrona Manifesto for Sustainability Design, a vehicle for a much needed conversation about sustainability within and beyond the software community, and an articulation of the fundamental principles underpinning design choices that affect sustainability. We describe the motivation for developing this manifesto, including some considerations of the genre of the manifesto as well as the dynamics of its creation. We illustrate the collaborative reflective writing process and present the current edition of the manifesto itself. We assess immediate implications and applications of the articulated principles, compare these to current practice, and suggest future steps

    Modeling the impact of UAVs in sustainability

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    This work has been supported by Junta de Extremadura (according to the Order 129/2015 of the 2nd of June) and NOVA LINCS Research Laboratory (Ref. UID/CEC/04516/2013).In the last few years, sustainability has become one of the priority lines for many companies and organizations, especially public administrations. This trend has been even more evident in some regions where the preservation of natural resources is of utmost importance, not only from an environmental perspective, but also from an economic one. In this context, technology has become one of the key factors to achieve sustainability goals. An example of these technologies are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) which are being used more and more with sustainability purposes. However, although some efforts have been made to propose software approaches to model sustainability, some examples that model the impact of technology on sustainability are still needed. This paper presents an instance of a sustainability metamodel for the UAVs domain. This model allows to specify the impact of UAV-based processes on sustainability, and also to identify potential limitations that may hinder its applicability. Finally, the paper provides some suggestions to complete the metamodel based on the instantiation process

    Designing Efficient Institutions for Science-Based Entrepreneurship: Lessons from the US and Sweden

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    The recent ‘scientification’ of commercial technology has brought the interface between universities and industry into sharp focus. In particular, academic entrepreneurship, i.e., the variety of ways in which academics take direct part in the commercialization of research, is widely discussed. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a framework for identifying the strategic individual decisions involved when educational choice is translated into science-based entrepreneurship. Identifying these decisions also allows us to hypothesize what incentive structures should be crucial. Our suggested framework is informally tested by an in-depth examination of the experiences of Sweden and the US. Despite large levels of R&D spending and comprehensive government support schemes, science-based entrepre-neurship has been far less important in Sweden compared to the US. Our analysis points to weaknesses in the Swedish incentive structure in key respects: the rate of return to human capital investment, incentives to become an entrepreneur and to expand existing businesses, and insufficient incentives within the university system to adjust curricula and research budgets to outside demand. Several policy measures during the 1990s have reduced the weaknesses in the Swedish incentive structure. The current emergence of a more vibrant entrepreneurial culture in Sweden in some areas is consistent with these changes. Our analysis suggests that a policy aimed at encouraging science-based entrepreneurship should focus on strengthening individual incentives for human capital investment and entrepreneurial behavior both within universities and in business.Academic entrepreneurship; Innovation; R&D; Spin-off firms; Technology transfer; University-industry relations; Universities and business formation

    Sustainability design in requirements engineering: state of practice

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    Sustainability is now a major concern in society, but there is little understanding of how it is perceived by software engineering professionals and how sustainability design can become an embedded part of software engineering process. This paper presents the results of a qualitative study exploring requirements engineering practitioners’ perceptions and attitudes towards sustainability. It identifies obstacles and mitigation strategies regarding the application of sustainability design principles in daily work life. The results of this study reveal several factors that can prevent sustainability design from becoming a first class citizen in software engineering: software practitioners tend to have a narrow understanding of the concept of sustainability; organizations show limited awareness of its potential opportunities and benefits; and the norms in the discipline are not conducive to sustainable outcomes. These findings suggest the need for focused efforts in sustainability education, but also a need to rethink professional norms and practices

    A concern-oriented sustainability approach

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    Sustainability and sustainable development has become a concern worldwide, hence introduced in roadmaps and strategies of public and private organizations. This trend has not been neglected by the computer science community, who is increasingly considering sustainability as a first class entity in software development. To properly address sustainability, its various dimensions need to be reasoned about and their impact on each other and on other system concerns studied from the very early stages of software development. To this purpose, we present a concern-oriented requirements approach that allows both, modeling sustainability concepts and their relationships, and managing conflicting situations triggered by impacts among sustainability dimensions or between those and other system concerns. To tackle the complexity of conflict management, a rigorous trade-off analysis technique based on multi-criteria decision making methods is used to rank, stakeholders and effects between concerns' responsibilies. We use a real project to validate our proposal, discuss the results obtained and synthesize major points that require further research

    Temporal Discounting in Software Engineering : A Replication Study

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    Background: Many decisions made in Software Engineering practices are intertemporal choices: trade-offs in time between closer options with potential short-term benefit and future options with potential long-term benefit. However, how software professionals make intertemporal decisions is not well understood. Aim: This paper investigates how shifting time frames influence preferences in software projects in relation to purposefully selected background factors. Method: We investigate temporal discounting by replicating a questionnaire-based observational study. The replication uses a changed-population and -experimenter design to increase the internal and external validity of the original results. Results: The results of this study confirm the occurrence of temporal discounting in samples of both professional and student participants from different countries and demonstrate strong variance in discounting between study participants. We found that professional experience influenced discounting. Participants with broader professional experience exhibited less discounting than those with narrower experience. Conclusions: The results provide strong empirical support for the relevance and importance of temporal discounting in SE and the urgency of targeted interdisciplinary research to explore the underlying mechanisms and their theoretical and practical implications. The results suggest that technical debt management could be improved by increasing the breadth of experience available for critical decisions with long-term impact. In addition, the present study provides a methodological basis for replicating temporal discounting studies in software engineering.Peer reviewe