7,365 research outputs found

    The Fewest Clues Problem

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    When analyzing the computational complexity of well-known puzzles, most papers consider the algorithmic challenge of solving a given instance of (a generalized form of) the puzzle. We take a different approach by analyzing the computational complexity of designing a "good" puzzle. We assume a puzzle maker designs part of an instance, but before publishing it, wants to ensure that the puzzle has a unique solution. Given a puzzle, we introduce the FCP (fewest clues problem) version of the problem: Given an instance to a puzzle, what is the minimum number of clues we must add in order to make the instance uniquely solvable? We analyze this question for the Nikoli puzzles Sudoku, Shakashaka, and Akari. Solving these puzzles is NP-complete, and we show their FCP versions are Sigma_2^P-complete. Along the way, we show that the FCP versions of 3SAT, 1-in-3SAT, Triangle Partition, Planar 3SAT, and Latin Square are all Sigma_2^P-complete. We show that even problems in P have difficult FCP versions, sometimes even Sigma_2^P-complete, though "closed under cluing" problems are in the (presumably) smaller class NP; for example, FCP 2SAT is NP-complete

    The Fewest Clues Problem of Picross 3D

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    Picross 3D is a popular single-player puzzle video game for the Nintendo DS. It is a 3D variant of Nonogram, which is a popular pencil-and-paper puzzle. While Nonogram provides a rectangular grid of squares that must be filled in to create a picture, Picross 3D presents a rectangular parallelepiped (i.e., rectangular box) made of unit cubes, some of which must be removed to construct an image in three dimensions. Each row or column has at most one integer on it, and the integer indicates how many cubes in the corresponding 1D slice remain when the image is complete. It is shown by Kusano et al. that Picross 3D is NP-complete. We in this paper show that the fewest clues problem of Picross 3D is Sigma_2^P-complete and that the counting version and the another solution problem of Picross 3D are #P-complete and NP-complete, respectively

    Inferring the function of genes from synthetic lethal mutations

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    Techniques for detecting synthetic lethal mutations in double gene deletion experiments are emerging as powerful tool for analysing genes in parallel or overlapping pathways with a shared function. This paper introduces a logic-based approach that uses synthetic lethal mutations for mapping genes of unknown function to enzymes in a known metabolic network. We show how such mappings can be automatically computed by a logical learning system called eXtended Hybrid Abductive Inductive Learning (XHAIL)

    A nature-inspired multi-objective optimisation strategy based on a new reduced space searching algorithm for the design of alloy steels

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    In this paper, a salient search and optimisation algorithm based on a new reduced space searching strategy, is presented. This algorithm originates from an idea which relates to a simple experience when humans search for an optimal solution to a ‘real-life’ problem, i.e. when humans search for a candidate solution given a certain objective, a large area tends to be scanned first; should one succeed in finding clues in relation to the predefined objective, then the search space is greatly reduced for a more detailed search. Furthermore, this new algorithm is extended to the multi-objective optimisation case. Simulation results of optimising some challenging benchmark problems suggest that both the proposed single objective and multi-objective optimisation algorithms outperform some of the other well-known Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). The proposed algorithms are further applied successfully to the optimal design problem of alloy steels, which aims at determining the optimal heat treatment regime and the required weight percentages for chemical composites to obtain the desired mechanical properties of steel hence minimising production costs and achieving the overarching aim of ‘right-first-time production’ of metals

    Neural-inspired sensors enable sparse, efficient classification of spatiotemporal data

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    Sparse sensor placement is a central challenge in the efficient characterization of complex systems when the cost of acquiring and processing data is high. Leading sparse sensing methods typically exploit either spatial or temporal correlations, but rarely both. This work introduces a new sparse sensor optimization that is designed to leverage the rich spatiotemporal coherence exhibited by many systems. Our approach is inspired by the remarkable performance of flying insects, which use a few embedded strain-sensitive neurons to achieve rapid and robust flight control despite large gust disturbances. Specifically, we draw on nature to identify targeted neural-inspired sensors on a flapping wing to detect body rotation. This task is particularly challenging as the rotational twisting mode is three orders-of-magnitude smaller than the flapping modes. We show that nonlinear filtering in time, built to mimic strain-sensitive neurons, is essential to detect rotation, whereas instantaneous measurements fail. Optimized sparse sensor placement results in efficient classification with approximately ten sensors, achieving the same accuracy and noise robustness as full measurements consisting of hundreds of sensors. Sparse sensing with neural inspired encoding establishes a new paradigm in hyper-efficient, embodied sensing of spatiotemporal data and sheds light on principles of biological sensing for agile flight control.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figure

    GEMINI: A Natural Language System for Spoken-Language Understanding

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    Gemini is a natural language understanding system developed for spoken language applications. The paper describes the architecture of Gemini, paying particular attention to resolving the tension between robustness and overgeneration. Gemini features a broad-coverage unification-based grammar of English, fully interleaved syntactic and semantic processing in an all-paths, bottom-up parser, and an utterance-level parser to find interpretations of sentences that might not be analyzable as complete sentences. Gemini also includes novel components for recognizing and correcting grammatical disfluencies, and for doing parse preferences. This paper presents a component-by-component view of Gemini, providing detailed relevant measurements of size, efficiency, and performance.Comment: 8 pages, postscrip