3,837 research outputs found

    Does biochar contribute to close nutrient cycles of tree plantations on degraded Ultisols in the Ecuadorian Amazonia?

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    The use of biochar is expected to improve soil fertility and close nutrient cycles in degraded strongly weathered tropical soils. We, therefore, hypothesized that biochar amendment to tree plantations (a) increases nutrient fluxes with litterfall alone and with mineral fertilizer plus lime and (b) reduces N losses reflected by lower δ\delta15^{15}N values of litterfall and soils than in unamended controls. We grew the native leguminous Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum (Ducke) Barneby and the exotic Gmelina arborea Roxb at two sites. We used a replicated full factorial split–split plot design of amendment of mineral fertilizer plus lime, 3 and 6 t ha–1^{–1} biochar, and a control. We collected litterfall biweekly (2012–2013) and topsoil samples (0–0.25 m) in 2009 before tree planting, in 2011 and 2013. Fertilizer plus lime increased the mean annual concentrations of P, Ca and Zn in litterfall but decreased that of Mn. At the same time, fertilizer plus lime increased the annual fluxes of nutrients, Na and Al with litterfall. During the dry season, biochar decreased the N concentration in litterfall and the K flux with litterfall. During the rainy season, biochar increased the concentrations of Ca and Zn in litterfall and their fluxes with litterfall. Biochar did not influence the δ\delta15^{15}N values of soil and litterfall after 51 months of tree growth. Fertilizer plus lime decreased the δ\delta15^{15}N values of soil, because of the lower δ\delta15^{15}N value of the used urea (−0.30‰) than the soil (4.5‰–7.8‰). Moreover, fertilizer plus lime increased the δ\delta15^{15}N values of litterfall, possibly because of enhanced 14N leaching from the N-rich canopies. The amendment of up to 6 t ha–1^{–1} biochar did not contribute to close nutrient cycles

    Pyrosequencing-Based Assessment of Bacterial Community Structure Along Different Management Types in German Forest and Grassland Soils

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    BACKGROUND: Soil bacteria are important drivers for nearly all biogeochemical cycles in terrestrial ecosystems and participate in most nutrient transformations in soil. In contrast to the importance of soil bacteria for ecosystem functioning, we understand little how different management types affect the soil bacterial community composition. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used pyrosequencing-based analysis of the V2-V3 16S rRNA gene region to identify changes in bacterial diversity and community structure in nine forest and nine grassland soils from the Schwäbische Alb that covered six different management types. The dataset comprised 598,962 sequences that were affiliated to the domain Bacteria. The number of classified sequences per sample ranged from 23,515 to 39,259. Bacterial diversity was more phylum rich in grassland soils than in forest soils. The dominant taxonomic groups across all samples (>1% of all sequences) were Acidobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, and Firmicutes. Significant variations in relative abundances of bacterial phyla and proteobacterial classes, including Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia, Cyanobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes and Alphaproteobacteria, between the land use types forest and grassland were observed. At the genus level, significant differences were also recorded for the dominant genera Phenylobacter, Bacillus, Kribbella, Streptomyces, Agromyces, and Defluviicoccus. In addition, soil bacterial community structure showed significant differences between beech and spruce forest soils. The relative abundances of bacterial groups at different taxonomic levels correlated with soil pH, but little or no relationships to management type and other soil properties were found. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Soil bacterial community composition and diversity of the six analyzed management types showed significant differences between the land use types grassland and forest. Furthermore, bacterial community structure was largely driven by tree species and soil pH

    Abstracts of publications of the Finnish forest research institute, 1989.

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    Montana Kaimin, February 25, 1970

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    Student newspaper of the University of Montana, Missoula.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/6896/thumbnail.jp

    Compost and PGP-Based Biostimulant as Alternative to Peat and NPK Fertilization in Chestnut (Castanea Sativa Mill.) Nursery Production

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    In forest nurseries, intensive use of non-renewable substrates such as peat and high application rates of chemical synthesis fertilizers lead to environmental problems and high susceptibility to biotic and abiotic stresses. This work aims to seek more sustainable crop management to help mitigate these problems, combining the substitution of peat by compost and the use of growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPs) as a fertilization tool. For this purpose, a trial was carried out to test the effectiveness of an agricultural waste compost and a biostimulant based on PGP microorganisms in the production of Castanea sativa plants in a forest nursery. This trial assessed the growth of plants, with both inputs separately and combined, and then studied the tolerance of chestnut seedlings to water deficit. The results showed that partial substitution of peat by compost is possible, but not complete, as the high levels of conductivity and pH generated by a high proportion of compost negatively affected plant growth. It was also noted that the application of the biostimulant enables the complete substitution of mineral fertilization. Moreover, at the end of the nursery phase, chestnut seedlings treated with the biostimulant showed the same or even better quality than chestnut seedlings obtained with conventional fertilization, also resulting in greater resistance to water deficit, based on the increase in root volume and the improvement of the physiological status. Changes observed in both quantity and composition of microbiota associated with chestnut rhizosphere after inoculation with PGPs were related to the improvement observed. In relation to water deficit resistance, a positive synergy was also observed with the combination of both inputs, since plants with full substitution of peat by compost combined with PGP-based fertilization showed the greatest drought resistance.This work was funded by the Spanish Government (RTI2018-094623-B-C21 MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), and by the Basque Government (IT-932-16)

    Who comes first? Implications of the plant-microbiome-soil continuum feedback on plant performance

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    Plants are sessile organisms that rely on their ability to explore the soil to access the nutrients and water they need to survive. Plants have co-evolved with certain groups of bacteria and fungi that provide nutrients and water and enhance tolerance to abiotic and biotic stressors in exchange for Carbon (C). This symbiotic interaction is central to plant establishment and survival in harsh environments, where edaphic properties exert selective pressures on plant growth and modulate the composition of the soil microbiome community, with potential detrimental effects on ecosystem composition. Globally, more than 50% of the biodiversity hotspots are in soils with particular characteristics, thus, edaphic properties are considered as second in importance after climatic variables. In this thesis, the aim was to study the impact of the soil properties on plant establishment and performance and how this affects the ability of the plant to recruit a microbial community to their roots, with a focus on the ectomycorrhizal fungi (EcM). The results presented in this thesis suggest that both edaphic properties and soil microbiome modulates plant establishment and growth. In addition, changing edaphic properties induce changes in plant metabolism that have direct impact on the root-associated community. These changes redefine plants’ C economy toward less demanding symbionts, having direct impact on the soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics. My results provide new insights on how anthropogenic-induced changes in the soil can have a strong impact on the soil ecology, which can in consequence, have a major impact in the forest biodiversity

    Abstracts of publications of the Finnish forest research institute, 1983.

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    Effect of fertilization on the branchiness and the wood quality of Scots pine.

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    Accounting for seedling performance from nursery to outplanting when reforesting degraded tropical peatlands

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordData availability: The full datasets supporting this study are deposited in the UK CEH Environmental Information Data Centre (Harrison et al. 2023). No novel code was used to generate these findings, and the code used is freely available as part of packages or existing published sources referenced in the text.Reforestation is promoted to address the dual global climate and biodiversity crises. This is particularly relevant for carbon-rich, biodiverse tropical peatlands, for which active reforestation typically involves two post-germination stages: nursery rearing of seedlings, then outplanting. Yet, linkages between these stages and cumulative seedling performance are rarely quantified during tropical peatland reforestation. By monitoring tree seedling survival and growth, we investigate factors influencing seedling performance (species identity, seedling source, treatments, and climate), whether nursery performance predicts outplanting performance, and calculate cumulative survival (nursery plus outplanting) in Sebangau National Park, Indonesian Borneo. Standardized survival at 2 years was higher in the nursery (mean 67% across 40 species) than outplanting (44% across 24 species). For nursery and outplanting, species identity was the main source of variation in survival and height growth. Seedling source, treatments, site condition, and precipitation had no significant impact on survival but did influence growth in some cases. Nursery survival did not predict outplanting survival, but nursery height did predict outplanting height. Across species, around a quarter of seedlings survived from nursery to outplanting over 4 years. Cumulative survival represents a more realistic basis for assessing the genetic and other resource costs of tropical peatland reforestation. Our two-phase approach identified outplanting as the greater bottleneck to cumulative seedling survivability. We argue that the nursery stage may be used to harden seedlings for degraded peatland conditions by selecting more relevant treatments (e.g. flooding) and screening for resilience to common disturbances (e.g. fire) to enhance outplanted, and thus cumulative, seedling survival.The Orangutan ProjectArcus FoundationDarwin InitiativeSave the OrangutanOrangutan Land TrustU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Great Apes Conservation FundOcean Parks Conservation Foundation Hong KongEuropean Outdoor Conservation AssociationRufford Small Grants For NatureTaronga ZooEuropean Association of Zoos and AquariaFundacion BioparcUKRISingaporean Ministry of Educatio
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