25 research outputs found

    Bridging OPC UA and DPWS for Industrial SOA

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    Two web-service based specifications, OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) and Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS), have been proposed by various researchers and organizations as possible enabling technologies for an event-driven Service Oriented Architecture for monitoring and control in manufacturing applications. This paper aims to propose and demonstrate an approach for bridging these two technologies in a way that is applicable in existing industrial applications. A merger between OPC UA and DPWS that effectively combines their complementary strengths could help pave the path toward future industrial event-driven SOA applications, with the inherent modularity, agility, and interoperability envisioned by researchers today. A representation of DPWS devices, services, operations and events in the OPC UA data model is proposed, and a DPWS Module is developed for Ignition, a commercially available HMI/SCADA and MES platform with integrated OPC UA Server. The module discovers DPWS devices in a local network, creates the representation in the address space, and handles subscriptions, input and output parameter values, and invoking operations. A Complex Event Processing component based on Microsoft’s StreamInsight is also integrated with the system, input and output adapters exposing web service interfaces. The system prototype developed will be used as the base for a use case demonstrator in the European Commission’s Framework Package 7 Project, “Architecture for Service-Oriented Process Monitoring and Control (IMC AESOP).” The project aims to develop a system of systems approach for monitoring and control, based on SOA for very large-scale systems in the process industries

    IOT Stream Analytics Platform

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing people’s surrounding physical world into an information ecosystem that facilitate our everyday life. Billions of smart objects become data-generating “things” that can sense environmental changes and report their sensed data. Leveraging the huge amount of sensory information is a key issue to realize the IoT solutions in many areas. Adequate technologies are required for data collection, transmission, data processing, analysis, reporting, and advanced querying. In this thesis, an IoT Stream Analytics Platform that supports IoT application and service development is proposed: it provides user applications a way to capture flowing data from multitudes of data sources and provide analytical insights in real time based on user needs. Developers can conveniently build their IoT applications on this platform without having to consider the diversity and complexity of smart devices and their underlying networks

    Real-Time Management of Multimodal Streaming Data for Monitoring of Epileptic Patients

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    This is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: I. Mporas, D. Triantafyllopoulos, V. Megalooikonomou, “Real-Time Management of Multimodal Streaming Data for Monitoring of Epileptic Patients”, Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 40(45), December 2015. The final published versions is available at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10916-015-0403-3 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015.New generation of healthcare is represented by wearable health monitoring systems, which provide real-time monitoring of patient’s physiological parameters. It is expected that continuous ambulatory monitoring of vital signals will improve treatment of patients and enable proactive personal health management. In this paper, we present the implementation of a multimodal real-time system for epilepsy management. The proposed methodology is based on a data streaming architecture and efficient management of a big flow of physiological parameters. The performance of this architecture is examined for varying spatial resolution of the recorded data.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Generic windowing support for extensible stream processing systems

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Stream processing applications process high volume, continuous feeds from live data sources, employ data-in-motion analytics to analyze these feeds, and produce near real-time insights with low latency. One of the fundamental characteristics of such applications is the on-the-fly nature of the computation, which does not require access to disk resident data. Stream processing applications store the most recent history of streams in memory and use it to perform the necessary modeling and analysis tasks. This recent history is often managed using windows. All data stream management systems provide some form of windowing functionality. Windowing makes it possible to implement streaming versions of the traditionally blocking relational operators, such as streaming aggregations, joins, and sorts, as well as any other analytic operator that requires keeping the most recent tuples as state, such as time series analysis operators and signal processing operators. In this paper, we provide a categorization of different window types and policies employed in stream processing applications and give detailed operational semantics for various window configurations. We describe an extensibility mechanism that makes it possible to integrate windowing support into user-defined operators, enabling consistent syntax and semantics across system-provided and third-party toolkits of streaming operators. We describe the design and implementation of a runtime windowing library that significantly simplifies the construction of window-based operators by decoupling the handling of window policies and operator logic from each other. We present our experience using the windowing library to implement a relational operators toolkit and compare the efficacy of the solution to an earlier implementation that did not employ a common windowing library. Copyright (c) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Efficient Processing of Geospatial mHealth Data Using a Scalable Crowdsensing Platform

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    Smart sensors and smartphones are becoming increasingly prevalent. Both can be used to gather environmental data (e.g., noise). Importantly, these devices can be connected to each other as well as to the Internet to collect large amounts of sensor data, which leads to many new opportunities. In particular, mobile crowdsensing techniques can be used to capture phenomena of common interest. Especially valuable insights can be gained if the collected data are additionally related to the time and place of the measurements. However, many technical solutions still use monolithic backends that are not capable of processing crowdsensing data in a flexible, efficient, and scalable manner. In this work, an architectural design was conceived with the goal to manage geospatial data in challenging crowdsensing healthcare scenarios. It will be shown how the proposed approach can be used to provide users with an interactive map of environmental noise, allowing tinnitus patients and other health-conscious people to avoid locations with harmful sound levels. Technically, the shown approach combines cloud-native applications with Big Data and stream processing concepts. In general, the presented architectural design shall serve as a foundation to implement practical and scalable crowdsensing platforms for various healthcare scenarios beyond the addressed use case

    SPL: An extensible language for distributed stream processing

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    Big data is revolutionizing how all sectors of our economy do business, including telecommunication, transportation, medical, and finance. Big data comes in two flavors: data at rest and data in motion. Processing data in motion is stream processing. Stream processing for big data analytics often requires scale that can only be delivered by a distributed system, exploiting parallelism on many hosts and many cores. One such distributed stream processing system is IBM Streams. Early customer experience with IBM Streams uncovered that another core requirement is extensibility, since customers want to build high-performance domain-specific operators for use in their streaming applications. Based on these two core requirements of distribution and extensibility, we designed and implemented the Streams Processing Language (SPL). This article describes SPL with an emphasis on the language design, distributed runtime, and extensibility mechanism. SPL is now the gateway for the IBM Streams platform, used by our customers for stream processing in a broad range of application domains. © 2017 ACM

    Liquid stream processing on the web: a JavaScript framework

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    The Web is rapidly becoming a mature platform to host distributed applications. Pervasive computing application running on the Web are now common in the era of the Web of Things, which has made it increasingly simple to integrate sensors and microcontrollers in our everyday life. Such devices are of great in- terest to Makers with basic Web development skills. With them, Makers are able to build small smart stream processing applications with sensors and actuators without spending a fortune and without knowing much about the technologies they use. Thanks to ongoing Web technology trends enabling real-time peer-to- peer communication between Web-enabled devices, Web browsers and server- side JavaScript runtimes, developers are able to implement pervasive Web ap- plications using a single programming language. These can take advantage of direct and continuous communication channels going beyond what was possible in the early stages of the Web to push data in real-time. Despite these recent advances, building stream processing applications on the Web of Things remains a challenging task. On the one hand, Web-enabled devices of different nature still have to communicate with different protocols. On the other hand, dealing with a dynamic, heterogeneous, and volatile environment like the Web requires developers to face issues like disconnections, unpredictable workload fluctuations, and device overload. To help developers deal with such issues, in this dissertation we present the Web Liquid Streams (WLS) framework, a novel streaming framework for JavaScript. Developers implement streaming operators written in JavaScript and may interactively and dynamically define a streaming topology. The framework takes care of deploying the user-defined operators on the available devices and connecting them using the appropriate data channel, removing the burden of dealing with different deployment environments from the developers. Changes in the semantic of the application and in its execution environment may be ap- plied at runtime without stopping the stream flow. Like a liquid adapts its shape to the one of its container, the Web Liquid Streams framework makes streaming topologies flow across multiple heterogeneous devices, enabling dynamic operator migration without disrupting the data flow. By constantly monitoring the execution of the topology with a hierarchical controller infrastructure, WLS takes care of parallelising the operator execution across multiple devices in case of bottlenecks and of recovering the execution of the streaming topology in case one or more devices disconnect, by restarting lost operators on other available devices

    Large-Scale Indexing, Discovery, and Ranking for the Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Network-enabled sensing and actuation devices are key enablers to connect real-world objects to the cyber world. The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of the network-enabled devices and communication technologies that allow connectivity and integration of physical objects (Things) into the digital world (Internet). Enormous amounts of dynamic IoT data are collected from Internet-connected devices. IoT data are usually multi-variant streams that are heterogeneous, sporadic, multi-modal, and spatio-temporal. IoT data can be disseminated with different granularities and have diverse structures, types, and qualities. Dealing with the data deluge from heterogeneous IoT resources and services imposes new challenges on indexing, discovery, and ranking mechanisms that will allow building applications that require on-line access and retrieval of ad-hoc IoT data. However, the existing IoT data indexing and discovery approaches are complex or centralised, which hinders their scalability. The primary objective of this article is to provide a holistic overview of the state-of-the-art on indexing, discovery, and ranking of IoT data. The article aims to pave the way for researchers to design, develop, implement, and evaluate techniques and approaches for on-line large-scale distributed IoT applications and services

    Introduction to stream: An Extensible Framework for Data Stream Clustering Research with R

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    In recent years, data streams have become an increasingly important area of research for the computer science, database and statistics communities. Data streams are ordered and potentially unbounded sequences of data points created by a typically non-stationary data generating process. Common data mining tasks associated with data streams include clustering, classification and frequent pattern mining. New algorithms for these types of data are proposed regularly and it is important to evaluate them thoroughly under standardized conditions. In this paper we introduce stream, a research tool that includes modeling and simulating data streams as well as an extensible framework for implementing, interfacing and experimenting with algorithms for various data stream mining tasks. The main advantage of stream is that it seamlessly integrates with the large existing infrastructure provided by R. In addition to data handling, plotting and easy scripting capabilities, R also provides many existing algorithms and enables users to interface code written in many programming languages popular among data mining researchers (e.g., C/C++, Java and Python). In this paper we describe the architecture of stream and focus on its use for data stream clustering research. stream was implemented with extensibility in mind and will be extended in the future to cover additional data stream mining tasks like classification and frequent pattern mining