13 research outputs found

    Adaptive learning program for developing employability skills

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    The paper aims to demonstrate the benefits of adaptive learning technologies as a viable alternative to time consuming tutor led individual support. It proposes to reveal how adaptive learning interventions can be effective in enriching student learning while targeting precise areas of development. This review will compile evidence on the nature and extent of Adaptive Learning tools used to develop employability skills among Higher Education institutions. This will be specifically for students undergoing studies at the graduate level. Given the short time available, a scoping study framework will be used to examine the scope of carrying out a full systematic review or identifying gaps in existing literature (Arksey and O’Malley, 2005). This design follows the general principles of a systematic review by following pre‐specified methods to reduce the risk of bias by selecting favourable studies, and extracting and analysing data that backs a particular hypothesis. That is, the methods are determined a priori, and are transparent and replicable

    Towards classifying sociocultural aspects in global software development

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    The geographical, temporal distances and socio-cultural differences are the biggest challenges for Global Software Development (GSD). In GSD, it is necessary to deal with behaviors, values and skills of the team members, conflicts, rework, delays, etc. can influence a software production process. The objective of this paper is to identify the sociocultural aspects and propose a classification structure under different analytical perspectives in order to offer adequate support to the management of GSD teams. A systematic mapping and proposal an approach that classifies aspects in three perspectives: collaboration, people and external. The analysis allows the project manager to make decisions about the performance of human resources and mitigate problems arising from communication, cooperation and coordination, generating better results in indicators of productivity, quality and efficiency of GSD teams

    The Utilization of Data Analysis Techniques in Predicting Student Performance in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

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    The growth of the Internet has enabled the popularity of open online learning platforms to increase over the years. This has led to the inception of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that enrol, millions of people, from all over the world. Such courses operate under the concept of open learning, where content does not have to be delivered via standard mechanisms that institutions employ, such as physically attending lectures. Instead learning occurs online via recorded lecture material and online tasks. This shift has allowed more people to gain access to education, regardless of their learning background. However, despite these advancements in delivering education, completion rates for MOOCs are low. In order to investigate this issue, the paper explores the impact that technology has on open learning and identifies how data about student performance can be captured to predict trend so that at risk students can be identified before they drop-out. In achieving this, subjects surrounding student engagement and performance in MOOCs and data analysis techniques are explored to investigate how technology can be used to address this issue. The paper is then concluded with our approach of predicting behaviour and a case study of the eRegister system, which has been developed to capture and analyse data. Keywords: Open Learning; Prediction; Data Mining; Educational Systems; Massive Open Online Course; Data Analysi

    Twitter users perceptions of AI-based e-learning technologies

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    Today, teaching and learning paths increasingly intersect with technologies powered by emerging artificial intelligence (AI).This work analyses public opinions and sentiments about AI applications that affect e-learning, such as ChatGPT, virtual and augmented reality, microlearning, mobile learning, adaptive learning, and gamification. The way people perceive technologies fuelled by artificial intelligence can be tracked in real time in microblog messages promptly shared by Twitter users, who currently constitute a large and ever-increasing number of individuals. The observation period was from November 30, 2022, the date on which ChatGPT was launched, to March 31, 2023. A two-step sentiment analysis was performed on the collected English-language tweets to determine the overall sentiments and emotions. A latent Dirichlet allocation model was built to identify commonly discussed topics in tweets. The results show that the majority of opinions are positive. Among the eight emotions of the Syuzhet package, ‘trust’ and ‘joy’ are the most common positive emotions observed in the tweets, while ‘fear’ is the most common negative emotion. Among the most discussed topics with a negative outlook, two particular aspects of fear are identified: an ‘apocalyptic-fear’ that artificial intelligence could lead the end of humankind, and a fear for the ‘future of artistic and intellectual jobs’ as AI could not only destroy human art and creativity but also make the individual contributions of students and researchers not assessable. On the other hand, among the topics with a positive outlook, trust and hope in AI tools for improving efficiency in jobs and the educational world are identified. Overall, the results suggest that AI will play a significant role in the future of the world and education, but it is important to consider the potential ethical and social implications of this technology. By leveraging the positive aspects of AI while addressing these concerns, the education system can unlock the full potential of this emerging technology and provide a better learning experience for students

    Personoinnin toteuttaminen verkko-oppimisjärjestelmissä

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    Tiivistelmä. Personointi on monitieteellinen konsepti, mikä ymmärretään eri aloilla eri tavoin. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia, kuinka personointia voidaan toteuttaa verkko-oppimisjärjestelmissä. Verkko-oppimisjärjestelmät ovat internetin kautta käytettäviä järjestelmiä, joita opiskelijat voivat käyttää ajasta tai paikasta riippumatta opiskelutarkoituksessa ja ne ovat nykyään käytössä monissa kouluissa. Useat näistä käytössä olevista järjestelmistä tarjoavat kaikille oppilaille samat työkalut ja materiaalit huolimatta oppilaan tietotaitotasosta. Personoinnin avulla on mahdollista huomioida oppilaan henkilökohtaiset piirteet ja oppimiseen liittyvät tarpeet. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käyn läpi erilaisia tapoja toteuttaa personointia ja tuon esille tapoja, miten personointi näkyy verkko-oppimisjärjestelmissä. Tietojärjestelmien toteuttamaan personointiin liittyy keskeisesti datan kerääminen käyttäjästä ja sen hyödyntäminen personoinnin toteuttamisessa. Keskustelen kirjallisuuskatsauksessa myös mahdollisista ongelmista ja huomioitavista asioista mitä liittyy oppimisjärjestelmien personointiin sekä personoinnin vaikutuksesta oppilaiden oppimisprosessiin

    The Case of Digital Ethics in IS Research – A Literature Review

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    Due to the rapid development in technology and the increasing digitization of organizations and society as a whole, digital ethics is becoming an increasingly important topic for researchers and practitioners of information systems (IS). This literature review shows the state of the art of ethical views present in IS research, at first establishing the relevance of the topic and then showing recent developments. Using a holistic view on ethics, this article provides (1) an overview of the number of publications considering ethics in IS research and on the different ethical constructs and theories. Additionally, it provides an overview (2) on the different fields of application. The aforementioned concepts (3) are contrasted to identify research streams and derive research gaps. Additionally (4), we provide a categorization scheme to classify ethics research in IS into 4 different types and from there (5) derive research propositions for future projects

    Digital Rights and Responsibility in Education: A Scoping Review

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    Studies on digital rights in education have both gained attention and provided a framework for research, policy and practice in educational research within the field of educational technology. The potential benefits we appreciate in Internet use are inseparable from the maximum risks involved. Faced with this responsibility, individuals demand that their rights and freedoms be guaranteed in the digital environment according to their various roles as students, teachers, families or staff. This scoping review selects and analyses 54 theoretical and empirical studies from the last decade (2013-2023), identifying the main topics investigated as privacy protection in online environments, right to digital security or cybersecurity, and right to digital education. The review underscores the need to guide efforts towards digital education for citizens because the legal regulation of rights and responsibilities is necessary but insufficient. The paper also makes arguments about acceptance, limitations and implications for teacher training.European Regional Development Fund’s 2014-2020 Operational Program, the Andalusian Government, and Spain’s Department of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities (Project A.SEJ.46.UGR 2020)

    Understanding Personalization for Health Behavior Change Applications: A Review and Future Directions

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    Health behavior change (HBC) applications hold much promise for promoting healthy lifestyles, such as enhancing physical activity (PA), diet, and sleep. Incorporating personalization strategies is seen as key to designing effective HBC applications. However, researchers and application designers lack knowledge about the different kinds of personalization strategies, how to implement them, and what strategies work. Thus, we reviewed prior empirical studies on personalization for HBC applications and developed a framework to synthesize the prior studies we identified and to provide an integrative view of the personalization strategies, their inputs, and outcomes. Our findings suggest that researchers have much potential to conduct design research that employs demographic and contextual characteristics for personalization and that examines personalization strategies that target HBC applications’ interface and channels. In terms of implementation and adoption, we call for researchers to examine unaddressed issues such as low adherence and contextual barriers for these applications. We also suggest that researchers need to systematically examine the effects of specific personalization strategies on their efficacy. Other than providing an integrative view of extant studies, our study contributes by outlining key directions for future research in this area