14 research outputs found

    Games Health J

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    Objective:This study evaluated the efficacy, usability, usefulness, and desirability (UUD) of a Home Healthcare Interactive Virtual Simulation Training System (HH-VSTS) designed to train home healthcare workers (HHWs) and healthcare students to identify and respond to health and safety hazards in client homes.Materials and Methods:Participants were randomly assigned to either the HH-VSTS training group or to the paper-based training group. The HH-VSTS group completed three HH-VSTS Training Modules on a laptop/desktop computer. The training modules addressed hazard identification, hazard rationale, and hazard response to electric/fire/burn, slip/trip/lift, and environmental hazards. The paper-based training group reviewed identical information in a written hard-copy format. Both groups completed an HH-VSTS Assessment module. Participants completed demographic/background and UUD questionnaires, and in-system metrics measured their performance on hazard identification, rationale, and response.Results:Participants (n = 74) were HHWs and students in health profession programs. There were no significant differences in participants\u2019 ability to correctly identify hazards, rationale, or how to address them. Participants identified over 90% of hazards, although fewer participants were able to correctly identify what makes an item a hazard or how to manage it. For those in the HH-VSTS group, over 83% found the HH-VSTS easy to use, over 94% agreed the HH-VSTS was useful, and over 80% liked it.Conclusion:The HH-VSTS provided and engaging, efficacious training that was as effective as a typical paper-based training. In addition, the HH-VSTS is usable by a variety of end users, regardless of computer or gaming experience.R01 OH010425/OH/NIOSH CDC HHS/United States2020-04-01T00:00:00Z30234397PMC64246457469vault:3165

    Dijital ve Geleneksel Oyun Oynayan Çocukların Değer Algılarının Karşılaştırılması: Türk ve İngiliz Örneklemleri

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    The present study examined the value perceptions of Turkish and British children according to various variables and determined to what extent traditional and videogame genres preferred by children predict their value perceptions, dominant case design, one of the mixed research designs, was used. While the quantitative approach was mainly used in the research, the qualitative approach was used as a supporter. The data collection process of the study lasted for two academic years. In the first year, the study was conducted with 243 primary school students studying in Nottingham (England). In the following year it was conducted with 267 primary school students studying in Ankara (Turkey). A total of 510 primary school students with ages ranging from 9-11 years were recruited for the study. Data were collected using the “Personal Information Form” and “Moral Dilemma Stories Inventory for Children”. Both were developed in English and then adapted into Turkish. It was found that, in both sample, girls’ value perception scores were significantly higher than boys’ scores. Videogames primarily produced for entertainment were the most preferred games by Turkish and British children while educational and serious videogames were the least preferred. Traditional games in sports (soccer, cricket, etc.) were preferred more by British children, while traditional action games (dodgeball, playing tag etc.) were preferred more by Turkish children. It was found that action-adventure and role-playing videogames predicted children’s value perception negatively, and simulation and puzzle videogame genres predicted children’s value perceptions positively. Furthermore, movement-based traditional games (sports, action) predicted children’s value perceptions positively, while traditional competitive (racing) games predicted children’s value perceptions negatively.Türk ve İngiliz çocukların değer algılarını çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelemeyi ve çocuklar tarafından tercih edilen geleneksel ve dijital oyun türlerinin onların değer algılarını ne düzeyde yordadığını belirlemeyi amaçlayan bu araştırmada karma araştırma desenlerinden baskın durum deseninden faydalanılmıştır. Araştırmada nicel yaklaşım ağırlıklı olarak kullanılırken nitel yaklaşım destekleyici görevi görmüştür. Araştırmanın veri toplama süreci iki akademik yıl sürmüştür. İlk yıl Nottingham’da yer alan ilkokullarda öğrenim gören 243 öğrenci ile ikinci yıl ise Ankara’da bulunan ilkokullarda öğrenim gören 267 öğrenci ile çalışılmıştır. Araştırma 9-11 yaş grubu toplam 510 ilkokul öğrencisi ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırma verileri İngilizce olarak geliştirilen ve daha sonra Türkçeye uyarlaması yapılan “Kişisel Bilgiler Formu” ile “Çocuklar İçin Ahlaki İkilem Hikâyeleri Envanteri” aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda her iki örneklem grubunda yer alan kız çocukların değer algı puanlarının erkek çocukların puanlarından anlamlı olarak daha yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur. Hem Türk hem de İngiliz çocukları en fazla eğlence amaçlı üretilen dijital oyunları, en az ise eğitsel veya beceri öğretimi (ciddi) amaçlı üretilen dijital oyunları tercih ettiklerini belirtmişlerdir. Spor türündeki (futbol, kriket vb.) geleneksel oyunlar İngiliz çocukları tarafından, aksiyon türündeki (yakan top, ebelemece oyunu vb.) oyunlar ise Türk çocukları tarafından daha fazla tercih edilmiştir. Aksiyon-macera ve rol yapma türündeki dijital oyunların çocukların değer algılarını negatif yönde, simülasyon ve puzzle türündeki dijital oyunların ise pozitif yönde yordadığı belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanında hareket temelli geleneksel oyunların (spor, aksiyon) çocukların değer algılarını pozitif yönde, rekabet içerikli yarış oyunlarının ise negatif yönde yordadığı belirlenmiştir

    The Role of Physical Geographic Features in Video Games

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    This thesis examines how physical geographic features affect individuals when interacting with video game environments. There are very few studies on the geography of video games. I aim to bridge the gap between game studies and geography, a naturally occurring link. The observation of elements such as the geography of an area is critical when exploring an individual’s perception of a video game environment. Individuals interact with the geography of their location on a day-to-day basis, whether it be physical or human geography; how they can relate a video game’s geography to the real world dramatically affects their immersion. An individual’s perception of an area’s geography can be affected by the physical landscape around them and their past experiences. These past experiences can be human interactions, such as facing an area\u27s culture or interacting with people and the geographic region, such as the area\u27s topography. When interacting with a video game environment, none of these factors are physical in nature. However, they are still meaningful affectual virtual experiences that can change users\u27 understanding of their role in the virtual world and their connection to the physical landscape. Even though these factors are virtual, many are immersed in these environments. My research aims to discover how this phenomenon affects individuals by examining how geography in a virtual environment affects individuals in both the environment itself and the physical realm

    Video gaming, but not reliance on GPS, is associated with spatial navigation performance

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    Recent evidence suggests that greater reliance on GPS-assisted devices is associated with poorer navigation ability. Studies have also shown that video gaming may be associated with navigation ability. We investigated the effect of video game experience and reliance on GPS on navigation ability using the mobile app Sea Hero Quest, which has been shown to predict real-world wayfinding performance. We tested a group of US-based participants' wayfinding performance (n = 822, 367 men, 455 women, mean age = 26.3 years, range = 18–52 years) and asked them a series of questions relating to reliance on GPS and video game experience. A multiple linear regression model found no significant association between reliance on GPS and wayfinding performance. There was a significant association between weekly hours of video gaming and wayfinding performance. These findings provide a platform for future intervention-based research studies investigating whether daily activities may causally enhance or disrupt specific cognitive abilities

    L’influence de la stratégie de navigation dans un environnement virtuel sur l’activité cérébrale en EEG

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    L’importance de nos capacités à nous orienter ou nous diriger est illustrée par nos capacités à retrouver notre chemin lorsque nous sommes perdus. Lorsqu’il doit s’orienter, l’être humain utilise spontanément des stratégies de navigation lui permettant de se rendre efficacement à destination. Chaque individu utilise instinctivement une stratégie soit allocentrique, soit egocentrique, selon la prédominance du volume de son hippocampe ou de celui de ses noyaux caudés. Bien que les stratégies allocentriques soient associées à un volume hippocampique plus important, les stratégies égocentriques tendent à être liées à son hypotrophie. Il existe des liens importants entre la stratégie adoptée et le volume hippocampique. Une activité et un volume important de matière grise dans l’hippocampe sont reliés à des stratégies de navigation allocentriques, alors qu’une faible activité et un faible volume sont reliés à l’utilisation de stratégies egocentriques (West et al., 2015; Iaria, Petrides, Dagher, Pike et Bohbot, 2003; Bohbot, Lerch, Thorndycraft, Iaria & Zijdenbos, 2007; Lerch et al., 2011; Etchamendy, Konishi, Pike, Marighetto, Bohbot, 2012; Konishi et al., 2013). Le but de ce mémoire est de démontrer que l’entrainement à des jeux vidéo de type « plateforme » permet de stimuler l’activité de l’hippocampe. À l’aide d’un électroencéphalogramme, cette étude cherche à observer l’activité fréquentielle des ondes thêta (4-8Hz), qui est reliée au fonctionnement hippocampique, mais également celle des ondes gamma (30-50Hz). Selon les hypothèses établies dans cette étude, il devrait y avoir une augmentation significative d’activité thêta (qui découle de l’activité hippocampique) sur les deux groupes expérimentaux, celle-ci devrait s’avérer significativement plus importante chez les participants utilisant instinctivement une stratégie allocentrique. Après avoir déterminé quelle stratégie est utilisée par chacun des 39 jeunes adultes neurotypiques qui ont été testés, leur activité cérébrale a été mesurée à l’aide d’un EEG pendant qu’ils jouaient à « Super Mario 64 » en périodes de quinze minutes entrecoupées de phases d’état de repos (Resting State). Nos résultats illustrent que les utilisateurs de stratégies allocentriques montrent une augmentation significative de l’activité thêta lors de niveaux actifs (incluant des objectifs faisant appel à la navigation) par rapport au niveau contrôle (mouvements répétitifs seulement, sans objectif de navigation clair) dans toutes les régions analysées (frontale, centrale, pariétale et occipitale). Les participants utilisant une stratégie egocentrique présentent également une augmentation significative de l’activité thêta dans les niveaux actifs par rapport au niveau contrôle, mais uniquement dans la région frontale. Ces résultats confirment que l’EEG peut être utilisé pour mettre en évidence l’activité cérébrale émise durant la navigation spatiale.The importance of our ability to orient ourselves or navigate in a given environment is pictured by our ability to find our way back when we are lost. As it must orientate itself in a given environment, the human being spontaneously uses navigational strategies to successfully arrive to its destination. Every individual instinctively uses a strategy that’s either allocentric or egocentric, depending upon which structure among the hippocampus or the caudate nucleus has the most predominant volume. As the allocentric strategies tend to be associated to a more important hippocampic volume, the egocentric strategies tend to be linked to a lesser one. There are important connections between the used strategy and one’s hippocampic volume. An important hippocampic grey matter volume and activity are associated to allocentric navigational strategies, as a lower volume and activity are associated to the use of egocentric strategies (West & al., 2015; Iaria, Petrides, Dagher, Pike & Bohbot, 2003; Bohbot, Lerch, Thorndycraft, Iaria & Zijdenbos, 2007; Lerch & al., 2011; Etchamendy, Konishi, Pike, Marighetto & Bohbot, 2012; Konishi & al., 2013). The goal of this master’s thesis is to demonstrate that platform video game training allows to stimulate hippocampic activity. Using an electroencephalogram, we have been monitoring the theta waveband frequential activity (4-8Hz), as we know it to be linked to hippocampic activity, but also, gamma wavebands (30-50Hz). As we estimate that there should be a significant augmentation of theta activity (which is influenced by hippocampic activity) on both experimental groups, it should be more important among the participants using instinctively an allocentric strategy. After determining which strategy is used by each of the 39 neurotypical young adults we have tested, we have measured their cerebral activity with an EEG while they were playing “Super Mario 64” in 15-minute periods separated by resting state phases. Our results show that the allocentric users have a theta activity augmentation when tested on active levels (which include navigation soliciting objectives) compared to the control level (repetitive movement, without definite navigation objectives) in all analyzed scalp region (frontal, central, parietal, occipital). Participants using an egocentric also show a significant augmentation of theta activity in the active levels compared to the passive ones but only in the frontal region. These results demonstrate that EEG can be used to highlight the different cerebral activities issued during spatial navigation and bring out the interest of this technique

    On the Tour Through Control: In-game guidance, Map and Navigation

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    This thesis partakes in the game studies’ discussion about the experience of the in-game guidance, map, and navigation in Control (Remedy Entertainment, 2019) the video game. Control has been declared to have hard-to-read map and difficult game navigation has caused frustration and discussions online about the matter. This is an autoethnographic case study with three streamed gameplay recordings analyzed on the side to support its findings. This research aims to investigate how Control does guide its players through the gameplay and what does enhance the player experience in this case. This study demonstrates that diminishing the role of the map in overall guidance, such as not having all the atomic affordances present in the cartography interface and emphasizing the role of diegetic organic navigation make Control perceived as hard to navigate game