12 research outputs found

    Design de conteúdos educacionais digitais baseados em texto, acessados a partir de smartphones: uma revisão integrativa

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    Atualmente, é cada vez mais comum o acesso a conteúdos educacionais baseados em texto, a partir de smartphones. Contudo, os estudos sobre o tema ainda são escassos e dispersos. Assim, esse artigo faz uma investigação sobre o design desse tipo de conteúdo, a partir de uma revisão integrativa, composta por três revisões sistemáticas e uma revisão tradicional de literatura. Seus resultados mostraram que muitas das pesquisas são voltadas para dispositivos com tecnologia ultrapassada ou maiores (tablets). Ademais, apontaram o tamanho reduzido da tela como principal dificuldade relacionada à visualização de textos em dispositivos móveis, aumentando a rolagem e, consequentemente, gerando ineficiência da memória espacial e sobrecarrega a memória de curto prazo. Algumas das soluções apontadas foram: aumento do tamanho da fonte, uso da tela na horizontal e estratégias para a organização do conteúdo, sendo este o aspecto sobre o qual o Design oferece maior contribuição

    Facebook is not a silver bullet for teachers' professional development : Anatomy of an eight-year-old social-media community

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    Online communities and social-network sites are used to deliver professional-development services for teachers. Professional development should help teachers to reflect on their practice and improve in helping them to guide students' growth. Peer and community models, such as coaching and sharing knowledge in network and knowledge communities, have been proposed. Recently these practices have been taken into use in social media services, such as Facebook. Although earlier research has examined teachers' online communities, we move beyond understanding individuals motivations and examine community-level dynamics. Understanding these dynamics is important to understand the interaction between teachers, resources and the platform in use and resulting professional development. To understand the evolution of an informal and self-organised Facebook teachers' group, containing nearly 20,000 teachers, its eight years of activity was analysed by employing a mixed-methods research design; data science and participatory observation. Analysis gives account of both the evolution of participants' engagement and activity, and the evolution of content and its relevance for teachers' professional development. The results suggest that managers of professional development need to consider how to facilitate participation in order to focus on pedagogically motivated use of information technology, for system developers to consider how to assist recruitment of members and sustain their activity, and for all stakeholders to acknowledge that a peer-organised online professional development community requires significant effort. Furthermore, we suggest that instead of addressing large groups like these as communities, scholars and practitioners should instead see them as personal learning networks and think about how to establish smaller and more manageable groups as communities.Peer reviewe

    O que devemos ter em conta para definir corretamente os termos distance learning, e-learning e m-learning?

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    A investigação agregada ao ensino a distância encontra dificuldades quando se pretende comparar estudos sobre definições, visto que, amplas, estão associadas a diferentes contextos e interesses de alguns autores, muitas vezes incompletas e com falta de rigor. Portanto, essas definições devem ser clarificadas, ordenadas e definidas corretamente. Analisei mais de 60 artigos que envolvem os três conceitos e encontrei uma forma para ter em conta ao construi-los corretamente. Identifiquei um conjunto de características e subcaracterísticas que recomendo a todos os interessados para a construção correta das definições distance learning, e-learning e m-learning

    Review of mobile learning trends 2010-2015: a meta-analysis

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    This study examined the longitudinal trends of mobile learning (M-Learning) research using text mining techniques in a more comprehensive manner. One hundred and forty four (144) refereed journal articles were retrieved and analyzed from the Social Science Citation Index database selected from top six major educational technology-based learning journals based on Google Scholar metrics in the period from January, 2010 to December, 2015. Content analysis was implemented for further analysis based on (a) category of research purpose, (b) learning domain, (c) sample group, (d) device used, (e) research design, (f) educational contexts (i.e., formal learning and informal learning), (g) learning outcome (i.e., positive, negative and neutral), (h) periodic journal, (i) country, and (j) publisher. This review study of M-Learning presents findings, which can become a layover platform and guidance for researcher, educators, policy maker or even journal publisher for future research or reference in the realm of M-Learning regarding the latest trends

    Evaluation Of UIN North Sumatra E-Learning Program During The Covid-19 Period

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    Pandemic Covid-19 requires online learning (E-Learning) at every tertiary institution, including UIN North Sumatra (UIN-SU) Medan. The readiness of institutions and campus academicians in facilitating students is not a major problem for UIN-SU Medan, because pre-coleaders 19 leaders issued a learning system policy of 70% face-to-face and 30% e-learning. This paper aims to evaluate the UIN-SU Medan e-learning program during the COVID 19. This evaluation effort was carried out using a Context, Input, Process, & Product (CIPP) study. This research criterion is a standard of compatibility between expectations and reality. Through interviews, observations, documentation, and dissemination of data obtained questionnaires, for further analysis using reduction techniques, data presentations, and concluding. The findings of this research indicate that the UINSU Medan e-learning program is well implemented, although it does not display significant changes, this can be seen from (1) context: elearning learning provides easy access to student learning and is accompanied by policies that follow government regulations and survive the development of technology; (2) input: Online learning system; (3) process: pre-covid19 70% face-to-face & 30% e-learning, covid19 period 100% e-learning; (4) product: lectures continue to run smoothly, and students can attend lectures from various places. Even so, there are obstacles in the form of internet network disruption, limitations on student quotas, and system downtime that require maintenance efforts

    Mobile educational technologies currently used as a means to enhance teaching and learning in a privileged high school

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    Technology continues to progress due to the enormous growth of wireless technologies and mobile computing. Mobile devices such as handheld computers, smartphones and mobile phones are integrated into the daily lives of many people irrespective of their age, nationality or gender. These devices are embedded with computer functionalities and their ease of use and mobility functionality enable the people to use and move around with the mobile devices everywhere they go; the sophistication of these devices fascinates many learners thus they are fluent in using digital technology. The aim of this thesis is to describe how these devices are being utilised for learning purposes using the qualitative data collection method, to use the FRAME model to evaluate the usefulness of mobile digital technology and to also understand the educator’s role in the mobile age. This thesis explores the relationship between education (what is being taught), society (individual learners and their learning preferences) and technology (mobile tools used for learning), conceptualising the learner’s perspective. The research findings indicate that learners in the case study are enthusiastic about mobile educational technology, fluent in using digital technology and they prefer pen and paper for taking notes. The outcomes of this study suggest that although mobile technology has the potential to enhance teaching and learning, educators need to put more emphasis on providing technology-rich learning activities to empower high level of student involvement and take into consideration the learner’s learning preferences towards learning using mobile technology.College of Engineering, Science and TechnologyM.Tech. (Information Technology

    The Relationship between Mobile Learning and Academic Achievement in a Community College System Online Environment

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    This study poses the question: Is there a relationship between student use of mobile technology in an online environment and student achievement expressed by final grades? The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between mobile learning (m-learning) using mobile technology and academic achievement in terms of final grades in an online environment. The literature on m-learning indicates the freedom and flexibility of the m-learner constitutes a new paradigm in education. The untethered nature of m-learning means students can access course content anywhere, anytime. Studies have focused on the use of specific technologies in learning environments; this study uses a bivariate correlation method to cut across disciplines and measure the magnitude of mobile technology use as a function of degree of access to course materials while mobile. The degree of mobility and GPA were captured through an anonymous survey with analysis designed to discover the relationship between the variables. This study fills an important gap in assessing the impact of m-learning on academic achievement. Overall results did not show a significant relationship between m-learning and academic achievement. Results indicate that a larger study to include location context and quality of institutional support for mobility would better understand the impact of m-learning on academic achievement in the online environment

    Método fuzzy para a sumarização automática de texto com base em um modelo extrativo (FSumm)

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2015.A sumarização automática de texto procura condensar o conteúdo do documento, extraindo as informações mais relevantes. Esse processo normalmente é executado através de métodos computacionais que incorporam o método estatístico e o linguístico. O rápido desenvolvimento das tecnologias emergentes e a crescente quantidade de informação disponível inserem novos desafios para esta área de pesquisa. Um desses desafios está na identificação das sentenças mais informativas no momento da geração do sumário. Como a tarefa de sumarizar informações de texto traz consigo a incerteza inerente à linguagem natural, a lógica fuzzy pode ser aplicada nessa tarefa para contribuir nos resultados gerados. Portanto, esta dissertação propõe um método de sumarização automática de texto utilizando a lógica fuzzy para a classificação das sentenças. O método foi desenvolvido por meio da técnica de sumarização extrativa ao qual se associam tarefas de Recuperação de Informação (RI) e de Processamento de Linguagem Natural (PLN). Para a avaliação deste método, considerou-se um corpus de textos em língua portuguesa e uma ferramenta que automatiza o processo. A ferramenta de avaliação analisa a sobreposição das unidades textuais entre os sumários automáticos e o modelo humano, dadas pelas medidas de precisão, cobertura e medida-f. Foram realizados experimentos que demonstram a efetividade do método na classificação da informatividade das sentenças.Abstract : Automatic text summarization attempts to condense the document content, extracting the most relevant information. This process is usually performed by computational methods such as statistical and linguistic. The rapid development of emerging technologies and the increasing amount of information available insert new research challenges. One of these challenges is to identify the most informative sentences at the time of the summary generation. The textual information summarization task brings with it the uncertainty inherent in natural language where fuzzy logic can be applied and contribute to the results. Therefore, this dissertation proposes a method of automatic text summarization using fuzzy logic to the classification of sentences. The method was developed by extractive summarization techniques which are associated with information retrieval tasks (IR) and natural language processing (NLP). The evaluation method considers a corpus of Brazilian Portuguese news texts and a tool for evaluation of summaries. The assessment tool analyzes the text units overlaps between automatic summaries and human model producing measures (precision, recall, F-measure) that express the informativeness of the summaries. We also present experiments showing the effectiveness of our method in the informativeness sentences classification

    Recomendações para o design de conteúdos educacionais digitais baseados em texto no cenário da mobilidade

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design, Florianópolis, 2017.No atual cenário de mobilidade torna-se cada vez mais comum o acesso a conteúdos educacionais digitais baseados em texto a partir de dispositivos móveis. Contudo, o projeto desses conteúdos muitas vezes desconsidera aspectos como os processos cognitivos envolvidos na aprendizagem, os recursos do dispositivo, as condições de acesso e fatores humanos. A partir de Revisão de Literatura (Tradicional e Sistemática) realizada nessa pesquisa, constatou-se que os estudos nessa área ainda são limitados e dispersos. Nesse sentido, essa pesquisa teve como objetivo propor recomendações para o design de conteúdos educacionais digitais baseados em texto no cenário da mobilidade. Para tanto, partiu-se de um escopo de conhecimento proveniente das áreas do Design de Informação, da Teoria da Carga Cognitiva e da Interação móvel. Esses conhecimentos fundamentaram a elaboração de um conjunto preliminar de recomendações organizadas em eixos e categorias. Posteriormente, foram desenvolvidas duas fases da pesquisa voltadas para a avaliação e o refinamento desse conjunto. Assim, foram realizadas: a avaliação das recomendações a partir de questionário aplicado em duas rodadas, com base no método Delphi; e a avaliação das recomendações no contexto de uma equipe de projeto, a partir de um workshop. Ao final dessa pesquisa, obteve-se um conjunto de 26 recomendações divididas em oito categorias, organizadas a partir de três grandes eixos, a saber: Contexto, Design do conteúdo e Design do texto. Cada eixo aborda o tema da pesquisa a partir de uma perspectiva diferente. O eixo Contexto propõe uma perspectiva mais ampla, voltada para o cenário de interação entre usuário e conteúdo, a partir de um dispositivo móvel. Já o eixo Design de conteúdo oferece uma perspectiva de estratégia, ligada a estruturação do conteúdo educacional baseado em texto. Enquanto o eixo Design do texto adota uma perspectiva mais tangível, ligada à configuração desse texto na interface gráfica. A partir desse conjunto espera-se contribuir com as equipes envolvidas no design desse tipo de conteúdo, na tomada de decisões durante o projeto ? realizadas por profissionais como designers gráficos e educacionais; bem como, na coordenação de atividades de produção e avaliação desses conteúdos.Abstract : In the current scenario of mobility becoming increasingly common acess to text-based digital educational content from mobile devices. However, the design of such content often disregards aspects such as the cognitive processes involved in learning, device capabilities, acess conditions and human factors. From the literature review (Traditional and Systematic) held in this research, it was found that the studies in this area are still limited and scattered. In this sense, this research aimed to propose guidelines for the design of text-based digital educational content in mobility. Therefore, it started with a scope of knowledge from areas of Information Design, Cognitive Load Theory and Mobile Interaction. This knowledge motivated the development of a preliminary set of guidelines organized into axes and categories. Subsequently, were developed two phases of research focused on the evaluation and refinement of this set. Thus, were held: assessment of recommendations from a questionnaire applied in two rounds, based on Delphi; and evaluation of the guidelines in the context of a project team, from a workshop. At the end of this research, a set of 26 guidelines divided into eight categories, organized from three main axes: Context, content Design and Design of the text. Each axis approaches the topic of the search from a different perspective. The Context axis offers a broader perspective, focused on the interaction between user and content, from a mobile device. Already the content Design axis offers a strategy perspective, linked the structure of text-based educational content. While the Design of the axis text adopts a perspective more tangible, linked to the setting of this text in the GUI. From that set is expected to contribute with the teams involved in the design of this type of content, in making decisions during the project ? effected by professionals such as graphic designers and education; as well as in the coordination of activities of production and evaluation of such content

    The lived experiences of ICT and Engineering Faculty teaching in higher education institutions in Ireland and the United Kingdom, who adopt and implement mobile technology enhanced learning initiatives:a phenomenological investigation

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    This qualitative phenomenological study was designed to gain an in-depth understanding of the perceptions and lived experiences of information and communications technology teaching faculty and engineering teaching faculty in higher education institutions (all participant and institutional names herein are pseudonyms) who adopt and implement Mobile Technology Enhanced Learning. The theoretical framework was based upon innovation research and informed by applying Rogers’s Diffusion of Innovation and Wenger’s Communities of Practice theories. Purposeful sampling was used to target twelve information and communications technology and engineering teachers in Ireland and the United Kingdom who utilised a variety of mobile devices across multiple platforms to enhance teaching and learning. Using phenomenological reduction to analyse data gathered through in-depth, semi-structured interviews, observations, and an online focus group, the study revealed several overarching lessons. Participants experienced feelings of frustration, anxiety and uncertainty due to inadequate and obsolete mobile tools, issues with unreliable technical infrastructure and wireless networking connectivity, and time constraints arising from a sharp learning curve. Participants felt many higher education institute executives need to consult teachers when formulating and implementing an adoption strategy as they perceived a lack of appreciation by many higher education institute executives of their needs for successful adoption and implementation. Participants clearly required significantly more mobile Technology Enhanced Learning focused pedagogies. Learning about mobile Technology Enhanced Learning was mostly personal, predominantly through informal discussions but also professional learning communities of practice. Participants also required more collaboration and networked learning and practically focused continuing professional development and the associated time to acquire it. Participants perceived increased learner collaboration, global communication, motivation, engagement and achievement, and larger number of resources and improved teaching. Most significantly, teachers recognised the superior ability of mobile Technology Enhanced Learning to convey information and communications technology and engineering concepts to learners and consequently improved attrition rates. Keywords: Communities of Practice, CPD, Diffusion of Innovations, learner, mobile learning, mobile technologies, mobile TEL, PLC, teacher, technology adoption, technology enhanced learning, technology implementation, TEL