65 research outputs found

    Drone Delivery Services: An Evaluation Of Personal Innovativeness, Opinion Passing And Key Information Technology Adoption Factors

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    Since drone delivery service started in Iceland in 2017, various business organizations have considered the adoption of the technology. This study examines critical factors that are pertinent to the adoption of drone delivery services by end users. Based on the theoretical foundations such as social networking, marketing, and technology, this study examined the relationships among opinion passing, personal innovativeness, perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness and their effect on the decision to adopt drone delivery services, and among these factors. The findings of this study show that perceived usefulness had the strongest impact on behavioral intention, followed by personal innovativeness. Opinion passing and perceived ease of use, however, were found to have no effect on behavioral intention. In addition, personal innovativeness played a significant role in increasing opinion passing, followed by behavioral intention and perceived usefulness. Lastly, perceived ease of use had a direct influence on perceived usefulness, but not behavioral intention. Academic and practical implications are drawn from these findings to conclude the study

    Identifikasi Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Niat Keberlanjutan Penggunaan Layanan Online Food Delivery di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Pandemi Covid-19 dan kebijakan PSBB menyebabkan perilaku konsumen baru di tengah masyarakat. Masyarakat menghindari makan dan berkerumun di tengah fasilitas publik maupun restoran. Sehingga berdampak secara langsung terhadap penurunan pendapatan harian UMKM sektor makanan mencapai 37 persen. Di sisi lain, aktif di dalam rumah, membuat masyarakat intens menggunakan internet dan cenderung beralih ke layanan online food delivery untuk memenuhi belanja kebutuhan pokok dan makanan siap saji. Penelitian ini menggunakan model teoritis komprehensif ECM dan UTAUT2 untuk mengidentifikasi faktor yang mempengaruhi niat keberlanjutan pada penggunaan online food delivery selama pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuisioner online dan dianalisis menggunakan PLS-SEM dengan jumlah responden 356 orang yang menggunakan online food delivery setidaknya sekali selama dan sebelum pandemi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang positif mempengaruhi niat keberlanjutan penggunaan layanan online food delivery secara langsung adalah variabel kepuasan dan kebiasaan pengguna. Implikasi manajerial yang dapat diterapkan diantaranya pesan antar tanpa kontak, pembuatan ghost kitchen untuk memperlebar jangkaun pasar di titik strategis, hingga penambahan fitur wisata kuliner secara daring agar pengguna bisa merasakan pengalaman seperti makan di tempat sambil melihat proses pemasakan walaupun dalam kondisi pandemi

    Factors Affecting Virtual Gift Acceptance: Mediating Roles Of Hedonic And Utilitarian Values

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    There is little formalized knowledge of virtual gifting in the information technology (IT) literature. The objective of this paper is to explore the factors affecting the acceptance of virtual gifts and specifically the factors within a virtual gift that affect individuals’ intention to accept it and the mediating role of these factors. This research combines several acceptances, hedonic and utilitarian view related theories to explore the factors affecting acceptance of virtual gifts. Moreover, this study investigates the effects of usefulness, beautifulness, subjective norms of the receiver, and importance of the giver of a virtual gift as determinants of its utilitarian or/and hedonic value. The study finally examines the impact of the normative quality of the giver on the appropriateness of the virtual gift. A proposed research model will be tested using survey data and PLS (Partial least square). The implications of the research will be discussed

    Chinese consumers’ conspicuous perspectives: the context of smartphone purchase behavior

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    This study investigated the key antecedent factors of Chinese consumers attitudes towards smartphones, focusing on the conspicuous value. An analytical framework with three key themes in the smartphone purchasing attributes in relation to the conspicuous attitudes was validated based on Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using 426 survey data collected in China. It has been found that ‘conspicuous value’ was the basic perception which has a relation with three key factors, ‘fashionableness’ and ‘innovativeness’, and ‘instore shopping atmosphere’ in smartphone purchasing attributes. This implies that the analytical framework developed from this study is applicable to the research topic as a useful analytical tool kit. From the empirical study based on this framework, it has been found that only ‘fashionableness’ has the significant impact on their purchase intention, whereas, ‘innovativeness’ and ‘instore shopping atmosphere' did not have a significant impact on their purchase intention of smartphones. Chinese consumer behavior from the cultural context has attracted researchers so far, however, the practical and feasible analytical framework covering the cultural aspect and smartphone attributes has been lacked. This study proposed a practical analytical framework with the Chinese cultural value ‘conspicuousness’ and focus on the smartphone shopping attributes. Moreover, the empirical research outcome with the survey data based on the proposed framework can provide actionable implications for the relevant marketers and researchers

    Employing PLS-SEM Analysis to Examine the Mediation Role of Artificial Intelligence in Physician Experience. An Empirical Study of the Effect of the Medical Smartwatch on Physician Satisfaction

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    Objective: The rapid advancements in the Internet of Things (IoT) have allowed end users to enjoy restriction-free access to information. One of the notable developments in IoT is the introduction of wearable technologies, such as smartwatches. The growing popularity of wearable technology has made it possible for users to receive health and fitness data regardless of time or place. This study aims to examine the mediation role of artificial intelligence in physician experience toward using the medical smartwatch, particularly examining the effect of the medical smartwatch on physician satisfaction.Methods: This study utilized a deductive research approach employing a cross-sectional design. Data was collected through online questionnaires from healthcare providers, particularly physicians in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Structural Equation Modelling analysis (SEM) was employed to evaluate the theoretical and final path models. This study further assessed the theoretical model using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) as it offers concurrent analysis for evaluating the structural model and enhancing result accuracy.Results: Artificial Intelligence (AI) experience significantly influenced physicians’ satisfaction. Additionally, the study provided supporting, satisfying evidence for the mediating effects of AI experience.Conclusion: The study provided supporting evidence for the mediating effects of AI experience on physicians’ satisfaction. This study bridges the gap in the literature regarding the absence of studies examining physicians’ perceptions of medical smartwatch usage in the medical domain by providing a profound understanding of physicians’ satisfaction and perceptions regarding smartwatch usage in the UAE.This study bridges the gap in the literature regarding the absence of studies examining physicians’ perceptions of medical smartwatch usage by providing a profound understanding of physicians’ satisfaction and perceptions regarding smartwatch usage in the UAE

    Intention to use bike-booking application: the case of students in Ho Chi Minh City

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    This study aims to determine the factors that influence the intention to use the bike-booking application and measure the influence of the elements on the behavior intention to use the bike-booking application for university students in Ho Chi Minh City. Based on the research results, the author gives some managerial implications to increase customers' choice of bike-booking applications to increase the attractiveness of customers to choose apps. With the number of surveyed questionnaires is 200, the author collected 177 valid respondents, and the study results showed that the scales used in the model meet the requirement about reliability and validity. Research has shown that factors such as trust, perceived ease of use, subjective norm, perceived usefulness, perceived price level positively influence the intention to use a bike-booking application for university students in Ho Chi Minh City. In which the perceived usefulness has the most substantial impact, the subjective norm has the lowest effect on behavior intention. The second most effective one is the perceived price level; the third most effective is the ease of use; the fourth most effect is trust


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    HARI HARTONO. Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Purchase Intention Produk Air Mineral Ramah Lingkungan di Jakarta. Jakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bisnis, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2023. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh environmental knowledge, attitude towards green products, environmental concern, dan eWOM terhadap purchase intention produk air mineral ramah lingkungan di Jakarta. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling dengan kriteria di antaranya berdomisili di wilayah DKI Jakarta, berusia minimal 17 tahun, pernah mengkonsumsi dan mengetahui produk air mineral dengan kemasan ramah lingkungan. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 334 responden. Metode analisis menggunakan regresi linear berganda yang diolah dengan SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa environmental knowledge berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan pada purchase intention produk air mineral ramah lingkungan di Jakarta, attitude towards green products berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan pada purchase intention produk air mineral ramah lingkungan di Jakarta, environmental concern berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan pada purchase intention produk air mineral ramah lingkungan di Jakarta, eWOM berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan pada purchase intention produk air mineral ramah lingkungan di Jakarta, dan environmental knowledge, attitude towards green products, environmental concern, serta eWOM secara simultan berpengaruh pada purchase intention produk air mineral ramah lingkungan di Jakarta. Kata Kunci: Purchase Intention, Environmental Knowledge, Attitude towards Green Products, Environmental Concern, EWO

    Research on the Influencing Factors of Users\u27 Willingness to Pay for Knowledge in the Context of Virtual Brand Community

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    With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, the knowledge payment market has developed rapidly. Due to the short development time, community operators lack an in-depth understanding of user behavior. There are still many problems to solve, like knowledge convergence and poor service. Based on this background, this research combines the Technology Acceptance Model with the D&M information systems success model and incorporates the perceived value theory, Community identity theory, and so on, to construct a research model of user\u27s intention to participate in knowledge payment in the context of virtual brand community. The study found that user community experience factors can significantly affect personal perception, while users\u27 personal perception, such as perceived usefulness and perceived playfulness, can affect users\u27 recognition of the community and thus affect their willingness to pay. Finally, this study puts forward suggestions for the operation managers of the knowledgepaid community

    Digitally co-created corporate social responsibility: Testing the effectiveness of “You decide, we donate” approaches

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    In a world with increasing consciousness of sustainable consumption, corporate social responsibility (CSR) continues to be a major factor in consumers’ purchase-related decision making. Recently, companies have started initiatives to provide digitally co-created CSR, in which consumers can decide to which project, organization or foundation a company donates. Despite early research efforts, still, less is known about the effectiveness of such approaches in terms of customer loyalty and whether or not consumer characteristics impact the effectiveness. To this end, we conducted a scenario-based experiment with 241 participants, in which we manipulated different forms of CSR activities, including a digitally co-created mode of corporate social responsibility that involves a “you decide, we donate approach”. We confirm the effectiveness of digitally co-created CSR and show that consumer innovativeness as a consumer characteristic has no moderating effect. We discuss implications for IS theory and practice as well as future research opportunities

    Do IoT Users Trade off their Information Privacy?

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    The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has not only improved people’s quality of life but also raised concerns about information privacy. Although several studies have been conducted regarding information privacy concerns, there has not been sufficient discussion of the information privacy trade-off behavior in the IoT environment. Because previous studies only indirectly measured the information privacy trade-off behavior, the understanding of the behavior itself or its cause is limited. To address this issue, this study explored information privacy trade-off behavior in more depth using a large-scale sample and two-step analysis. Both panel data (23,724 samples for three years) and cross-sectional data (350 samples) were used in the analysis. The analysis results confirmed the existence of the information privacy trade-off for IoT users. Furthermore, it was found that the trade-off is associated with the social value of IoT devices and that men with IoT experience predominantly have strong trade-off behavior
