15 research outputs found

    Membangun Paradigma tentang Makna Guru pada Pembelajaran Culturally Responsive Teaching dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di Era Abad 21

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    Pembelajaran abad 21 yang sesuai dengan kurikulum saat ini maka guru harus meninggalkan paradigma lama yaitu dimana guru dianggap memiliki peran untuk mengajar hanya menyampaikan materi pembelajaran saja. mplementasi Kurikulum Merdeka pada saat ini dapat dikatakan belum sepenuhnya dapat diimplementasikan oleh semua sekolah. hakikat pendidikan merupakan memasukkan unsur kebudayaan ke dalam diri anak dimana hal ini untuk memasukkan anak ke dalam kebudayaan agar anak dapat menjadi makhluk yang insani. Adapun jenis penelitian menggunakan studi penelitian tipe library research atau penelitian studi kepustakaan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan cara mengeksplor data melalui review literature. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dengan cara mengeksplor data melalui review literature, membaca, mengkaji, mencatat dari berbagai sumber referensi seperti jurnal, artikel, buku yang relevan. Kemudian adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis isi. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa saat ini paradigma baru yang berkembang bahwa dimana pada Kurikulum Merdeka menawarkan kesempatan untuk menerapkan pendekatan Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) dalam pembelajaran. Guru memposisikan diri sebagai fasilitatoryang bertugas menghilangkan ketimpangan yang muncul di dalam kelas karena keragaman latar belakang, tradisi, suku dan perbedaan lain dari setiap siswa. Selain itu guru juga berperan sebagai mediator yang akan mengakomodasi kesenjangan dan merangkul berbagai respons budaya


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    Indonesia is rich in cultural wealth. However, our education has not fully appreciated that wealth. Education in this modern era uses an independent curriculum and integrates culture. In this Merdeka curriculum, there is a learning model, namely Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) which is integrated with culture because this is in accordance with 21st century learning. The teaching method called Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) is an approach method that connects the cultural background of students with the subject matter in an explicit and directed manner. 21st century learning is also associated with literacy that is adapted to the times. Humanistic literacy is the cornerstone of social behavior and involvement in social life, it is very important to improve. So that the purpose of this study is to strengthen humanistic literacy with  a Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) approach in the context of introducing cultural richness so that students can understand the cultural diversity that exists in Indonesia, and they become humans who can appreciate and tolerate cultural richness around their environment. This type of research uses interpretive qualitative, meaning a specific approach to research design, concept formation, data analysis and standards. The application of  the Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) approach is very feasible in optimizing humanistic literacy in elementary schools. This learning design emphasizes the importance of understanding and enhancing students' social foundation values, as well as incorporating their social values and honing learning preparation

    Methods of using digital technologies for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in higher educational institutions

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    The research is topical because of the mass inclusion of students in the digital world, the importance of listening comprehension in foreign language studies in higher educational institutions, the challenges of distance and blended learning. The aim of the study was to establish the effectiveness of digital technologies (Zoom, YouTube channel, Instagram, Kahoot, Google Forms, Padlet) in the development of listening comprehension skills in students of higher educational institutions (HEIs). The research involved qualitative and quantitative analysis of data, simulation. The author’s programme intended for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in HEIs was elaborated and experimentally tested in the course of the research. The implementation of the proposed programme allowed improving the level of respondents’ academic performance in terms of listening comprehension. The programme involved the adequate student participation, a differentiated approach, the variability of digital technologies used (Zoom, YouTube channel, Instagram, Kahoot, Google Forms, Padlet), providing opportunities for creativity. The programme implementation resulted in the increased number of students with excellent grades in listening comprehension by 11.7%, with good grades — by 25%. The study confirmed the positive attitude of students to the use of digital technologies in foreign language learning, outlined the conditions for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in HEIs. The research results can be used to develop students’ listening comprehension skills in distance or blended learning. The prospect for the further research is the application of the obtained results to the development of students’ skills in other types of speech activity in foreign language classes. A separate area of research is the study of the impact of digital technologies on the development of students’ foreign language competence and the preparation of methodological advice for foreign language teachers

    Methods of using digital technologies for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in higher educational institutions

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    The research is topical because of the mass inclusion of students in the digital world, the importance of listening comprehension in foreign language studies in higher educational institutions, the challenges of distance and blended learning. The aim of the study was to establish the effectiveness of digital technologies (Zoom, YouTube channel, Instagram, Kahoot, Google Forms, Padlet) in the development of listening comprehension skills in students of higher educational institutions (HEIs). The research involved qualitative and quantitative analysis of data, simulation. The author’s programme intended for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in HEIs was elaborated and experimentally tested in the course of the research. The implementation of the proposed programme allowed improving the level of respondents’ academic performance in terms of listening comprehension. The programme involved the adequate student participation, a differentiated approach, the variability of digital technologies used (Zoom, YouTube channel, Instagram, Kahoot, Google Forms, Padlet), providing opportunities for creativity. The programme implementation resulted in the increased number of students with excellent grades in listening comprehension by 11.7%, with good grades — by 25%. The study confirmed the positive attitude of students to the use of digital technologies in foreign language learning, outlined the conditions for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in HEIs. The research results can be used to develop students’ listening comprehension skills in distance or blended learning. The prospect for the further research is the application of the obtained results to the development of students’ skills in other types of speech activity in foreign language classes. A separate area of research is the study of the impact of digital technologies on the development of students’ foreign language competence and the preparation of methodological advice for foreign language teachers

    Methods of using digital technologies for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in higher educational institutions

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    Methods of using digital technologies for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in higher educational institutions / O. Konotop, O. Bondar, L. Terletska, S. Kyrychenko, G. Ovsyanko // Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers. – 2022. – Vol. 13(3). – P. 247–259.The research is topical because of the mass inclusion of students in the digital world, the importance of listening comprehension in foreign language studies in higher educational institutions, the challenges of distance and blended learning. The aim of the study was to establish the effectiveness of digital technologies (Zoom, YouTube channel, Instagram, Kahoot, Google Forms, Padlet) in the development of listening comprehension skills in students of higher educational institutions (HEIs). The research involved qualitative and quantitative analysis of data, simulation. The author’s programme intended for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in HEIs was elaborated and experimentally tested in the course of the research. The implementation of the proposed programme allowed improving the level of respondents’ academic performance in terms of listening comprehension. The programme involved the adequate student participation, a differentiated approach, the variability of digital technologies used (Zoom, YouTube channel, Instagram, Kahoot, Google Forms, Padlet), providing opportunities for creativity. The programme implementation resulted in the increased number of students with excellent grades in listening comprehension by 11.7%, with good grades — by 25%. The study confirmed the positive attitude of students to the use of digital technologies in foreign language learning, outlined the conditions for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in HEIs. The research results can be used to develop students’ listening comprehension skills in distance or blended learning. The prospect for the further research is the application of the obtained results to the development of students’ skills in other types of speech activity in foreign language classes. A separate area of research is the study of the impact of digital technologies on the development of students’ foreign language competence and the preparation of methodological advice for foreign language teachers

    Competencia digital docente: una revisión sistemática

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    Digital competences in teachers imply the development of functional capacities for the progress of virtual educational activities, and due to the current context (global health crisis), they need them as a priority of technology to insert themselves into digital citizenship. In the educational task, precisely in the work performance of the teaching staff, they serve as tools that provide sustainability for the development of virtual education. The objective of this research is to review the theories and foundations of digital skills in teachers located between the years 2017 and 2021. The applied methodology is the systematic review with processes of review, selection and analysis of 441 articles. 40 scientific documents were compiled under criteria of selection of the literature. The results conclude that digital competences are the skills that empower the individual to use digital media in different environments according to their qualities, the connectivist approach is related to digital competences, since the teacher creates an interaction system formed by nodes allowing him to organize a learning network, for this the educator must know, use, and relate the virtual media and environments.Las competencias digitales en los docentes implican el desarrollo de las capacidades funcionales para el progreso de las actividades educativas virtuales, y por el contexto actual (crisis sanitaria), las necesitan como prioridad de la tecnología para insertarse a la ciudadanía digital. En el trabajo educativo, precisamente en el desempeño laboral del profesorado sirven como herramientas que permiten aplicar otras estrategias que promuevan el interés y la atención de los estudiantes. El objetivo de la presente investigación es revisar las teorías y los fundamentos de las competencias digitales en los docentes ubicada entre los años 2017 y 2021. La metodología aplicada es la revisión sistemática con procesos de revisión, selección y análisis de 441 artículos. Se compilaron 40 documentos científicos bajo criterios de selección de la literatura. Los resultados concluyen que las competencias digitales son las habilidades que facultan al individuo para emplear medios digitales en los distintos entornos de acuerdo a sus cualidades, el enfoque conectivista guarda relación con las competencias digitales, ya que el docente crea un sistema de interacción formado por nodos permitiéndole organizar una red de aprendizaje, para ello el educador debe conocer, utilizar, y relacionar los medios y entornos virtuales

    Higher education students’ media usage: A longitudinal analysis

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    Responding to the lack of longitudinal analyses on media usage in higher education, this study explores the changes of higher education students’ access to and use of technology for learning in 2012, 2015 and 2018. Using an online questionnaire, a total of 5,572 German higher education students participated. Via descriptive and inferential analysis, the data show a clear trend towards using flexible, location-independent devices, accompanied by a rapid increase in the use of instant messaging. This is in line with an increasing demand for digital and flexible learning opportunities such as web-based training and lectures as podcasts or vodcasts, which is not met by higher education institutions. On that basis, improvements in development and application of these digital tools seem crucial for German higher education institutions and should be considered by educational technologists and decision makers. Of particular relevance against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic that started in Spring 2020, this longitudinal analysis provides a framework for the ongoing development and implementation of digital media in teaching and learning at higher education institutions

    Higher education students’ media usage: A longitudinal analysis

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    Responding to the lack of longitudinal analyses on media usage in higher education, this study explores the changes of higher education students’ access to and use of technology for learning in 2012, 2015 and 2018. Using an online questionnaire, a total of 5,572 German higher education students participated. Via descriptive and inferential analysis, the data show a clear trend towards using flexible, location-independent devices, accompanied by a rapid increase in the use of instant messaging. This is in line with an increasing demand for digital and flexible learning opportunities such as web-based training and lectures as podcasts or vodcasts, which is not met by higher education institutions. On that basis, improvements in development and application of these digital tools seem crucial for German higher education institutions and should be considered by educational technologists and decision makers. Of particular relevance against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic that started in Spring 2020, this longitudinal analysis provides a framework for the ongoing development and implementation of digital media in teaching and learning at higher education institutions

    Competencias digitales en profesores de educación primaria de Chiclayo, 2021

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    La competencia digital es importante porque permite a los docentes desarrollar habilidades, conocimientos y estrategias para emplearlas en sus labores pedagógicas y poder atender las demandas de los avances tecnológicos, por lo cual, el objetivo de esta investigación fue describir el nivel de competencias digitales en los docentes de Chiclayo en el año 2021. El enfoque fue cuantitativo, con diseño no experimental, el nivel descriptivo y básico, la población estuvo conformada por 12394 docentes de la ciudad de Chiclayo, con muestra de 150 maestros (r = 30 - 65) del nivel primario en cinco instituciones educativas públicas. Los docentes fueron evaluados con cuestionario virtual de tipo Likert, siendo distribuido a través de la aplicación de mensajería WhatsApp. Como resultado, la minoría del profesorado dispuso con destrezas cognitivas, sociales, actitudinales y creativas para el uso de medios y herramientas virtuales. Se concluyó, que más del 40% de maestros carecieron de habilidades y capacidades para emplear herramientas tecnológicas en el entorno educativo; menos del 30% sostuvo de destrezas y actitudes en el uso de la tecnología

    Competencias digitales en Docentes de Educación Primaria que aplican la enseñanza virtual en el contexto de aislamiento social obligatorio por Covid 19, Lima, 2020

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    Las competencias digitales son cruciales en esta época de pandemia, más aún si se necesitan tanto para el docente como para el estudiante, en la formación, aprendizaje, contextualización (adaptación) y valoración humana. Por estas razones el objetivo de esta investigación, fue describir las competencias digitales en docentes de instituciones educativas de Lima. El enfoque fue cuantitativo, de diseño no experimental. A su vez, de nivel descriptivo y corte transeccional. La muestra constó de 80 profesores de escuelas públicas y privadas, los cuales se encontraban en etapa de aislamiento por la aparición del fenómeno pandémico Covid en el Perú. Se utilizó el instrumento Cuestionario de la Competencia digital docente. Entre los resultados encontrados revelaron algunos puntos importantes sobre la búsqueda de la información y la alfabetización digital, como también la colaboración, pues se encontraron porcentajes relevantes en casi la mayoría de participantes. En cambio, se puede concluir que muchos profesores también demuestran dificultades para lograr resolver problemas, buscar seguridad y crear sus contenidos digitales, tanto para la enseñanza como para el propio aprendizaje. Las limitaciones del estudio fueron encontrar escuelas privadas con poco acceso, como también los efectos de la pandemia nos llevaron a ejecutar el instrumento de forma virtual, lo cual dificultó un poco en la aplicación del instrumento