236 research outputs found

    Information Security from a Scientometric Perspective

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    During recent years, Information societies are continually confronted with security threats and information vulnerabilities. Literature analysis of major disciplines is one of the key tools available to policymakers of research institutions and organizations. Scientometrics is the field of study which concerns itself with measuring and analyzing scientific literature. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the research trends of information security in the Middle-East and the world from a scientometric perspective. Descriptive and analytical statistics were used in this study. The Scopus citation database was used to collect the publication data, as the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Therefore, all documents related to "information security" were retrieved and analyzed. The results showed that the majority of scientific publications in the field of information security were produced in the United States of America and China. Among the Middle-Eastern countries, Iran ranked the first in terms of scientific publications in the field of information security while ranked 23th among the countries of the world. It is apparent that paying special attention to the field of information and data security in terms of international scientific collaborations, using knowledge and experiences of the leading, and supporting research and development in this field can improve the quality and quantity of scientific publications in this field. The expertise gathered during the process will prove invaluable and effective in confronting the security threats and vulnerabilities posed to information societies

    Modern Problems of Scientometric Assessment of Publication Activity

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    As is known, an objective assessment of scientific activity is one of the most difficult problems, in terms of the relationship within itself as well as with society. However, for many decades, the significance of scientists’ contribution to the development of the corresponding branch of science was assessed by the scientific community only by meaningful qualitative criteria, wherein the principle and mechanism of such an assessment was actually intuitive and defied quantitative description. That is why the urgent task was undertaken to create a system for evaluating scientific activity based on some objective indicators of the activity of a particular scientist; in search of such criteria, in the 1970s–1980s, the term “citation index” appeared. Although a close examination of this indicator revealed its limitations and in a number of cases even inadequacy in assessing scientific activity, it has nevertheless since the 1990s gained very wide popularity in the scientific community. This has contributed to the emergence of numerous works aimed at finding new and ideal indicators for assessing publication activity (so-called bibliometric indices). To date, several dozen such indices have been proposed, the most significant of which was the so-called Hirsch index or h-index. Nevertheless, despite the incredibly significant advances in this specific area of sociology, the above problem is still far from resolved. In this regard, the key task of this Special Issue is to familiarize its readers with the latest achievements both in the search for new, more advanced bibliometric indicators and in the improvement of existing ones

    Using a bibliometric approach to support research policy decisions: The case of the Flemish BOF-key.

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    In this paper, we describe the development of a methodology and an instrument to support a major research funding allocation decision by the Flemish government. Over the last decade, and in parallel with the decentralization and the devolution of the Belgian federal policy authority towards the various regions and communities in the country, science and technology policy have become a major component of regional policy making. In the Flemish region, there has been an increasing focus on basing the funding allocation decisions that originate from this policy decentralization on 'objective, quantifiable and repeatable' decision parameters. One of the data sources and indicator bases that have received ample attention in this evolution is the use of bibliometric data and indicators. This has now led to the creation of a dedicated research and policy support staff, called 'Steunpunt O&O Statistieken,' and the first time application of bibliometric data and methods to support a major inter-university funding allocation decision. In this paper, we analyze this evolution. We show how bibliometric data have for the first time been used to allocate 93 million Euro of public research money between 6 Flemish universities for the fiscal year 2003, based on Web-of-Science SCI data provided to 'Steunpunt O&O Statistieken' via a license agreement with Thomson-ISI. We also discuss the limitations of the current approach that was based on inter-university publication and citation counts. We provide insights into future adaptations that might make it more representative of the total research activity at the universities involved (e.g. by including data for the humanities) and of its visibility (e.g. by including impact measures). Finally, based on our current experience and interactions with the universities involved, we speculate on the future of the specific bibliometric approach that has now been adopted. More specifically, we hypothesize that the allocation method now developed and under further improvement will become more criticized if it turns out that it (1) also starts influencing intra-university research allocation decisions and, as a consequence (2) introduces adverse publication and citation behaviors at the universities involved.Policy; Decisions; Decision;

    Information Security from a Scientometric Perspective

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    During recent years, Information societies are continually confronted with security threats and information vulnerabilities. Literature analysis of major disciplines is one of the key tools available to policymakers of research institutions and organizations. Scientometrics is the field of study which concerns itself with measuring and analyzing scientific literature. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the research trends of information security in the Middle-East and the world from a scientometric perspective. Descriptive and analytical statistics were used in this study. The Scopus citation database was used to collect the publication data, as the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Therefore, all documents related to "information security" were retrieved and analyzed. The results showed that the majority of scientific publications in the field of information security were produced in the United States of America and China. Among the Middle-Eastern countries, Iran ranked the first in terms of scientific publications in the field of information security while ranked 23th among the countries of the world. It is apparent that paying special attention to the field of information and data security in terms of international scientific collaborations, using knowledge and experiences of the leading, and supporting research and development in this field can improve the quality and quantity of scientific publications in this field. The expertise gathered during the process will prove invaluable and effective in confronting the security threats and vulnerabilities posed to information societies

    On the correction of “old” omitted citations by bibliometric databases

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    Omitted citations – i.e., missing links between a cited paper and the corresponding citing papers – are the main consequence of several bibliometric-database errors. To reduce these errors, databases may undertake two actions: (i) improving the control of the (new) papers to be indexed, i.e., limiting the introduction of “new” dirty data, and (ii) detecting and correcting errors in the papers already indexed by the database, i.e., cleaning “old” dirty data. The latter action is probably more complicated, as it requires the application of suitable error-detection procedures to a huge amount of data. Based on an extensive sample of scientific papers in the Engineering-Manufacturing field, this study focuses on old dirty data in the Scopus and WoS databases. To this purpose, a recent automated algorithm for estimating the omitted-citation rate of databases is applied to the same sample of papers, but in three different-time sessions. A database’s ability to clean the old dirty data is evaluated considering the variations in the omitted-citation rate from session to session. The major outcomes of this study are that: (i) both databases slowly correct old omitted citations, and (ii) a small portion of initially corrected citations can surprisingly come off from databases over time

    The career paths of graduates in chinese interpreting studies: a scientometric exploration

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    Els darrers 30 anys, el creixement dels Estudis d’Interpretació xinesos ha sigut, com a mínim, espectacular. La creixent col·laboració econòmica i política entre la Xina i Occident han motivat la demanda d’intèrprets per a superar les diferències lingüístiques i culturals. Des que es van crear graus i màsters en traducció i interpretació per tota la Xina, centenars d’egressats universitaris s’han embarcat en carreres professionals diverses. Aquest estudi comença amb un panorama de la disciplina: trajectòria de creixement, tendències temàtiques i teòriques dominants, metodologies d’investigació i col·laboracions, i principals figures. Partint d’un corpus exhaustiu de tesis de màster, es fa servir l’Aparellament per Puntuació de Propensió (APP) i l’Avaluació de la Importància de les Variables (EIV) per a examinar quins determinants estructurals poden tenir un impacte causal en les decisions que els estudiants prenen sobre la seva carrera professional després de la graduació. La investigació revela que és més probable que entrin al món acadèmic els escriptors de tesis empíriques que no aquells que van dur a terme recerca teòrica. En contra de les expectatives habituals, el contingut de la tesis i el prestigi de l’afiliació acadèmica de l’estudiant i el director de tesi tenen poc impacte en la decisió. Segons la disciplina continua desenvolupant-se i madura, els factors que afecten les decisions sobre la carrera dels egressats tendeixen a continuar desenvolupant-se en paral·lel, tornant-la més complexa i diversa.En los últimos 30 años el crecimiento de los Estudios de Interpretación chinos ha sido, como poco, espectacular. La progresiva colaboración económica y política entre China y Occidente ha motivado una demanda de intérpretes para superar las diferencias lingüísticas y culturales. Desde que se crearon grados y máster en traducción e interpretación por toda China cientos de graduados universitarios se han embarcado en diferentes carreras profesionales. Este estudio empieza con un panorama de la disciplina: trayectoria de crecimiento, tendencias temáticas y teóricas dominantes, metodologías de investigación y colaboraciones, y principales figuras. A partir de un corpus exhaustivo de tesis de máster, se usa Pareamiento por Puntaje de Propensión (PPP) y Evaluación de la Importancia de las Variables (EIV) para examinar que determinantes estructurales pueden tener un impacto causal en las decisiones que los estudiantes toman sobre sus carreras tras la graduación. La investigación revela que es más probable que accedan al mundo académico los escritores de tesis empíricas que aquellos que realizan estudios teóricos. Al contrario de lo esperado, el contenido de la tesis y el prestigio de la afiliación académica del estudiante o el director de la tesis tienen poco impacto en la decisión. Según la disciplina se sigue desarrollando y madura, los factores que afectan las decisiones sobre la carrera profesional de los graduados tienden a seguir desarrollándose en paralelo, volviéndola más compleja y diversa.Increasing economic and political collaboration between China and the West has driven the demand for interpreters to bridge the linguistic and cultural divide. Since master’s and bachelor’s degree courses in interpreting and translation were created all over China, hundreds of university graduates have embarked on widely differing career paths. This study begins with an overview of the discipline: its growth trajectory, dominant theoretical and thematic trends, research methodologies and collaborations, and major players. Working from an exhaustive corpus of master’s theses, Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Variable Importance Evaluation (VIE) are used to examine which structural determinants may have a causal impact on the decisions students make about their careers after graduation. The research reveals that writers of empirical theses are much more inclined to enter the academic sphere than those who conduct theoretical studies. Graduation year and geographical location of university also contribute to the choice between one career path and another. Contrary to common expectation, thesis content and the prestige of a student’s academic affiliation or thesis advisor have little impact on the decision. As the discipline continues to evolve and mature, the factors affecting graduates’ career choices are likely to develop in parallel, becoming ever more complex and diverse

    Human capital and liberalization in Central Asia: comparative perspectives on development (1991 – 2020)

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    The report includes studies on selected development topics in Central Asian countries. The purpose is to contribute insights on the role played by human capital and liberalization in four essential areas concerning sustainable development: science, foreign investment, renewables, and online presence. Methodologically, the presented studies mainly rely on the analysis of data available from international organizations. The strength of the analysis is derived from the scale of the data on the countries accumulated over the three decades of their independence. The comparative studies offer new ways of understanding Central Asia, considering the distinct features of the countries in the region and how these changed over the period from 1991 to 2020. The authors made an effort to write the report in a manner accessible to non-specialists. Findings and implications could be of interest to policymakers, scholars, and students in the field of Central Asian studies

    Congress UPV Proceedings of the 21ST International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators

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    This is the book of proceedings of the 21st Science and Technology Indicators Conference that took place in València (Spain) from 14th to 16th of September 2016. The conference theme for this year, ‘Peripheries, frontiers and beyond’ aimed to study the development and use of Science, Technology and Innovation indicators in spaces that have not been the focus of current indicator development, for example, in the Global South, or the Social Sciences and Humanities. The exploration to the margins and beyond proposed by the theme has brought to the STI Conference an interesting array of new contributors from a variety of fields and geographies. This year’s conference had a record 382 registered participants from 40 different countries, including 23 European, 9 American, 4 Asia-Pacific, 4 Africa and Near East. About 26% of participants came from outside of Europe. There were also many participants (17%) from organisations outside academia including governments (8%), businesses (5%), foundations (2%) and international organisations (2%). This is particularly important in a field that is practice-oriented. The chapters of the proceedings attest to the breadth of issues discussed. Infrastructure, benchmarking and use of innovation indicators, societal impact and mission oriented-research, mobility and careers, social sciences and the humanities, participation and culture, gender, and altmetrics, among others. We hope that the diversity of this Conference has fostered productive dialogues and synergistic ideas and made a contribution, small as it may be, to the development and use of indicators that, being more inclusive, will foster a more inclusive and fair world

    ERAWATCH country reports 2011

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    The main objective of the ERAWATCH Annual Country Reports is to characterise and assess the performance of national research systems and related policies in a structured manner that is comparable across countries. EW Country Reports 2011 identify the struc tural challenges faced by national innovation systems. They further analyse and assess the ability of the policy mix in place to consistently and efficiently tackle these challenges. The annex of the reports gives an overview o f the latest national policy efforts towards the enhancement of European Research Area and further assess their efficiency to achieve the targets

    The impact of success factors on the strategic management in an educational complex

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    The most important topics that have attracted attention in recent decades have been changes and transformations in education. The purpose of this study is an analytical analysis of the factors of strategic management in the field of education in the Customs Union countries, using the example of Russia and Kazakhstan. Over the past two decades, the education system of the Customs Union countries has been reorganized from education management to strategic management that focuses on the future. The authors prove that an integrated and dynamic global market in the context of a pandemic is transforming the field of education. The article analyzes the interacting elements of the educational system, since they have a cumulative effect. The work has the character of a description, the methodological aspects of the study are determined by the aspects of institutional trust in social institutions, social management, the relevance and importance of institutional trust for the effective functioning of the social institution of education, the factors that significantly affect the formation of institutional trust are considered. The authors propose to consider strategic management as the driving force of innovative programs in education with an emphasis on human resources. The authors prove on extensive material that strategic management reduces the risks of educational organizations and transforms them into new fields of opportunities