5 research outputs found

    The continuity of monadic stream functions

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    Brouwer’s continuity principle states that all functions from infinite sequences of naturals to naturals are continuous, that is, for every sequence the result depends only on a finite initial segment. It is an intuitionistic axiom that is incompatible with classical mathematics. Recently MartÌĂ­n EscardĂł proved that it is also inconsistent in type theory. We propose a reformulation of the continuity principle that may be more faithful to the original meaning by Brouwer. It applies to monadic streams, potentially unending sequences of values produced by steps triggered by a monadic action, possibly involving side effects. We consider functions on them that are uniform, in the sense that they operate in the same way independently of the particular monad that provides the specific side effects. Formally this is done by requiring a form of naturality in the monad. Functions on monadic streams have not only a foundational importance, but have also practical applications in signal processing and reactive programming. We give algorithms to determine the modulus of continuity of monadic stream functions and to generate dialogue trees for them (trees whose nodes and branches describe the interaction of the process with the environment)

    The continuity of monadic stream functions

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    Brouwer’s continuity principle states that all functions from infinite sequences of naturals to naturals are continuous, that is, for every sequence the result depends only on a finite initial segment. It is an intuitionistic axiom that is incompatible with classical mathematics. Recently MartÌĂ­n EscardĂł proved that it is also inconsistent in type theory. We propose a reformulation of the continuity principle that may be more faithful to the original meaning by Brouwer. It applies to monadic streams, potentially unending sequences of values produced by steps triggered by a monadic action, possibly involving side effects. We consider functions on them that are uniform, in the sense that they operate in the same way independently of the particular monad that provides the specific side effects. Formally this is done by requiring a form of naturality in the monad. Functions on monadic streams have not only a foundational importance, but have also practical applications in signal processing and reactive programming. We give algorithms to determine the modulus of continuity of monadic stream functions and to generate dialogue trees for them (trees whose nodes and branches describe the interaction of the process with the environment)

    Almost Sure Productivity

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    We define Almost Sure Productivity (ASP), a probabilistic generalization of the productivity condition for coinductively defined structures. Intuitively, a probabilistic coinductive stream or tree is ASP if it produces infinitely many outputs with probability 1. Formally, we define almost sure productivity using a final coalgebra semantics of programs inspired from Kerstan and K\"onig. Then, we introduce a core language for probabilistic streams and trees, and provide two approaches to verify ASP: a sufficient syntactic criterion, and a reduction to model-checking pCTL* formulas on probabilistic pushdown automata. The reduction shows that ASP is decidable for our core language