78 research outputs found

    A heuristic to minimize the cardinality of a real-time task set by automated task clustering

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    International audienceWe propose in this paper a method to automatically map functionalities (blocks of code corresponding to high-level features) with real-time constraints to tasks (or threads). We aim at reducing the number of tasks functions are mapped to, while preserving the schedulability of the initial system. We consider independent tasks running on a single processor. Our approach has been applied with fixed-task or fixed-job priorities assigned in a Deadline Monotonic (DM) or a Earliest Deadline First (EDF) manner

    A Generic Coq Proof of Typical Worst-Case Analysis

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    International audienceThis paper presents a generic proof of Typical Worst-Case Analysis (TWCA), an analysis technique for weakly-hard real-time uniprocessor systems. TWCA was originally introduced for systems with fixed priority preemptive (FPP) schedulers and has since been extended to fixed-priority nonpreemptive (FPNP) and earliest-deadline-first (EDF) schedulers. Our generic analysis is based on an abstract model that characterizes the exact properties needed to make TWCA applicable to any system model. Our results are formalized and checked using the Coq proof assistant along with the Prosa schedulability analysis library. Our experience with formalizing real-time systems analyses shows that this is not only a way to increase confidence in our claimed results: The discipline required to obtain machine checked proofs helps understanding the exact assumptions required by a given analysis, its key intermediate steps and how this analysis can be generalized

    Leveraging Weakly-hard Constraints for Improving System Fault Tolerance with Functional and Timing Guarantees

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    Many safety-critical real-time systems operate under harsh environment and are subject to soft errors caused by transient or intermittent faults. It is critical and yet often very challenging to apply fault tolerance techniques in these systems, due to their resource limitations and stringent constraints on timing and functionality. In this work, we leverage the concept of weakly-hard constraints, which allows task deadline misses in a bounded manner, to improve system's capability to accommodate fault tolerance techniques while ensuring timing and functional correctness. In particular, we 1) quantitatively measure control cost under different deadline hit/miss scenarios and identify weak-hard constraints that guarantee control stability, 2) employ typical worst-case analysis (TWCA) to bound the number of deadline misses and approximate system control cost, 3) develop an event-based simulation method to check the task execution pattern and evaluate system control cost for any given solution and 4) develop a meta-heuristic algorithm that consists of heuristic methods and a simulated annealing procedure to explore the design space. Our experiments on an industrial case study and a set of synthetic examples demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: ICCAD 202

    Real-Time Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    A cyber-physical system (CPS) employs tight integration of, and coordination between computational, networking, and physical elements. Wireless sensor-actuator networks provide a new communication technology for a broad range of CPS applications such as process control, smart manufacturing, and data center management. Sensing and control in these systems need to meet stringent real-time performance requirements on communication latency in challenging environments. There have been limited results on real-time scheduling theory for wireless sensor-actuator networks. Real-time transmission scheduling and analysis for wireless sensor-actuator networks requires new methodologies to deal with unique characteristics of wireless communication. Furthermore, the performance of a wireless control involves intricate interactions between real-time communication and control. This thesis research tackles these challenges and make a series of contributions to the theory and system for wireless CPS. (1) We establish a new real-time scheduling theory for wireless sensor-actuator networks. (2) We develop a scheduling-control co-design approach for holistic optimization of control performance in a wireless control system. (3) We design and implement a wireless sensor-actuator network for CPS in data center power management. (4) We expand our research to develop scheduling algorithms and analyses for real-time parallel computing to support computation-intensive CPS

    Timing analysis in existing and emerging cyber physical systems

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    A main mission of safety-critical cyber-physical systems is to guarantee timing correctness. The examples of safety- critical systems are avionic, automotive or medical systems in which timing violations could have disastrous effects, from loss of human life to damage to machines and/or the environment. Over the past decade, multicore processors have become increasingly common for their potential of efficiency, which has made new single-core processors become relatively scarce. As a result, it has created a pressing need to transition to multicore processors. However, existing safety-critical software that has been certified on single-core processors is not allowed to be fielded on a multicore system as is. The issue stems from, namely, serious inter- core interference problems on shared resources in current multicore processors, which create non-deterministic timing behavior. Since meeting the timing constraints is the crucial requirement of safety-critical real-time systems, the use of more than one core in a multicore chip is currently not certified yet by the authorities. Academia has paid relatively little attention to non-determinism due to uncoordinated I/O communications, as compared with other resources such as cache or memory, although industry considers it as one of the most troublesome challenges. Hence we focused on I/O synchronization, requiring no information of Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) that can get impacted by other interference sources. Traditionally, a two-level scheduling, such as Integrated Modular Avionics system (IMA), has been used for providing temporal isolation capability. However, such hierarchical approaches introduce significant priority inversions across applications, especially in multicore systems, ultimately leading to lower system utilization. To address these issues, we have proposed a novel scheduling mechanism called budgeted generalized rate monotonic analysis (Budgeted GRMS) in which different applications’ tasks are globally scheduled for avoiding unnecessary priority inversions, yet the CPU resource is still partitioned for temporal isolation among applications. Incorporating the issues of no information of WCETs and I/O synchronization, this new scheduling paradigm enables the “safe” use of multicore processors in safety-critical real-time systems. Recently, newly emerging Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart City applications are becoming a part of cyber- physical systems, as the needs are required and the feasibility are getting visible. What we need to pay attention to is that the promises and challenges arising from IoT and Smart City applications are providing new research landscapes and opportunities and fundamentally transforming real-time scheduling. As mentioned earlier, in traditional real-time systems, an instance of a program execution (a process) is described as a scheduling entity, while, in the emerging applications, the fundamental schedulable units are chunks of data transported over communication media. Another transformation is that, in IoT and Smart City applications, there are multiple options and combinations to choose to utilize and schedule since there are massively deployed heterogeneous kinds of sensing devices. This is contrary to the existing real-time work which is given a fixed task set to be analyzed. For that reason, they also suggest variants of performance or quality optimization problems. Suppose a disaster response infrastructure in a troubled area to ensure safety of humanitarian missions. Cameras and other sensors are deployed along key routes to monitor local conditions, but turned off by default and turned on on-demand to save limited battery life. To determine a safe route to deliver humanitarian shipments, a decision-maker must collect reconnaissance information and schedule the data items to support timely decision-making. Such data items acquired from the time-evolving physical world are in general time-sensitive - a retrieved item may become stale and no longer be accurate/relevant as conditions in the physical environment change. Therefore, “when to acquire” affects the performance and correctness of such applications and thus the overall system safety and data timeliness should be carefully considered. For the addressed problem, we explored various algorithmic options for maximizing quality of information, and developed the optimal algorithm for the order of retrievals of data items to make multiple decisions. I believe this is a significant initial step toward expanding timing-safety research landscapes and opportunities in the emerging CPS area

    Integrating security into real-time cyber-physical systems

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) such as automobiles, power plants, avionics systems, unmanned vehicles, medical devices, manufacturing and home automation systems have distinct cyber and physical components that must work cohesively with each other to ensure correct operation. Many cyber-physical applications have “real-time” constraints, i.e., they must function correctly within predetermined time scales. A failure to protect these systems could result in significant harm to humans, the system or even the environment. While traditionally such systems were isolated from external accesses and used proprietary components and protocols, modern CPS use off-the-shelf components and are increasingly interconnected, often via networks such as the Internet. As a result, they are exposed to additional attack surfaces and have become increasingly vulnerable to cyber attacks. Enhancing security for real-time CPS, however, is not an easy task due to limited resource availability (e.g., processing power, memory, storage, energy) and stringent timing/safety requirements. Security monitoring techniques for cyber-physical platforms (a) must execute with existing real-time tasks, (b) operate without impacting the timing and safety constraints of the control logic and (c) have to be designed and executed in a way that an adversary cannot easily evade it. The objective of my research is to increase security posture of embedded real-time CPS by integrating monitoring/detection techniques that defeat cyber attacks without violating timing/safety constraints of existing tasks. My dissertation work explores the real-time security domain and shows that by employing a combination of multiple scheduling/analysis techniques and interactions between hardware/software-based security extensions, it becomes feasible to integrate security monitoring mechanisms in real-time CPS without compromising timing/safety requirements of existing tasks. In this research, I (a) develop techniques to raise the responsiveness of security monitoring tasks by increasing their frequency of execution, (b) design a hardware-supported framework to prevent falsification of actuation commands — i.e., commands that control the state of the physical system and (c) propose metrics to trade-off security with real-time guarantees. The solutions presented in this dissertation require minimal changes to system components/parameters and thus compatible for legacy systems. My proposed frameworks and results are evaluated through both, simulations and experiments on real off-the-shelf cyber-physical platforms. The development of analysis techniques and design frameworks proposed in this dissertation will inherently make such systems more secure and hence, safer. I believe my dissertation work will bring researchers and system engineers one step closer to understand how to integrate two seemingly diverse yet important fields — real-time CPS and cyber-security — while gaining a better understanding of both areas

    Contego: An Adaptive Framework for Integrating Security Tasks in Real-Time Systems

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    Embedded real-time systems (RTS) are pervasive. Many modern RTS are exposed to unknown security flaws, and threats to RTS are growing in both number and sophistication. However, until recently, cyber-security considerations were an afterthought in the design of such systems. Any security mechanisms integrated into RTS must (a) co-exist with the real-time tasks in the system and (b) operate without impacting the timing and safety constraints of the control logic. We introduce Contego, an approach to integrating security tasks into RTS without affecting temporal requirements. Contego is specifically designed for legacy systems, viz., the real-time control systems in which major alterations of the system parameters for constituent tasks is not always feasible. Contego combines the concept of opportunistic execution with hierarchical scheduling to maintain compatibility with legacy systems while still providing flexibility by allowing security tasks to operate in different modes. We also define a metric to measure the effectiveness of such integration. We evaluate Contego using synthetic workloads as well as with an implementation on a realistic embedded platform (an open-source ARM CPU running real-time Linux)
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