6,400 research outputs found

    Multi-technique approach to rockfall monitoring in the Montserrat massif (Catalonia, NE Spain)

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    Montserrat Mountain is located near Barcelona in Catalonia, in the northeast of Spain, and its massif is formed by conglomerate interleaved by siltstone/sandstone with steep slopes very prone to rockfalls. The increasing number of visitors in the monastery area, reaching 2.4 million per year, has highlighted the risk derived from rockfalls for this building area and also for the terrestrial accesses, both roads and the rack railway. A risk mitigation plan has been launched, and its first phase during 2014-2016 has been focused largely on testing several monitoring techniques for their later implementation. The results of the pilot tests, performed as a development from previous sparse experiences and data, are presented together with the first insights obtained. These tests combine four monitoring techniques under different conditions of continuity in space and time domains, which are: displacement monitoring with Ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar and characterization at slope scale, with an extremely non-uniform atmospheric phase screen due to the stepped topography and atmosphere stratification; Terrestrial Laser Scanner surveys quantifying the frequency of small or even previously unnoticed rockfalls, and monitoring rock block centimetre scale displacements; the monitoring of rock joints implemented through a wireless sensor network with an ad hoc design of ZigBee loggers developed by ICGC; and, finally, monitoring singular rock needles with Total Station.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Influence of vibrations on structures

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    One type of occasional structural load is a seismic load. Earthquakes and blasts are typical sources of vibrations, but vibration generated during urban tunnel construction can represent a significant problem. Evaluation of the harmful impact of vibrations transmitted through rock massif into buildings is solved using experimental measurements, detailed analyses of measured signals, knowledge of geological pattern and constructional analysis. Seismic load of structures due to earthquakes is solved using the EUROCODE 8 standard. The earthquake movements at a certain location on the surface are determined by an elastic response spectrum to the ground acceleration. Eurocode 8 puts emphasis especially on the robust foundations and simplicity of construction systems. It is also mentioned vibration effect on historical buildings and effect under the surface, for example, in mine spaces. Historical structures are usually even more prone to vibration damage than, for example, typical wood-frame homes. The greater concerns over historic structures arise from the design, structure age, building materials and building methods used. The peak values of vibration generated by earthquake decrease with depth; the decrease is faster in shallow layers compared with the deeper part. Technical vibrations differ from natural earthquakes, for a comparable value of maximum vibration amplitudes, especially in the frequency range of the signal and mostly its duration. Evaluation of technical seismicity is more complicated because there are usually used national standards. To document some common information about vibration effects on structures, some experimental measurements are presented. Examples of real wave patterns document common shapes and also signals with significant resonant vibrations. Very interesting is an example of resonant vibration that was generated as the influence of basin structures on the shape of wave patterns due to quarry blasts. To obtain complete information, measurement system has to keep sufficient parameters, especially the frequency range of the whole seismic channel, sampling frequency, and proper anchoring of the sensor. The basic methodology for evaluation of vibration on structures is outlined.Web of Science23331129

    Mechanical properties of granulite from Horní Bory in Bohemian massif

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    Granulite represents one of the favourite rock types for the construction of an underground nuclear waste repository in the Czech Republic. Granulite from the Bohemian Massif (locality Horní Bory) was investigated in this study, with a special focus on the evaluation of the rock anisotropy. Investigated rock represents typical fine-grained foliated felsic granulite with principal mineral association: quartz + feldspar (K-feldspar > plag ioclase) + garnet + biotite + kyanite and/or sillimanite. Anisotropy was identified in the rock fabric both at macroscopic and microscopic scale. During the laboratory testing, granulite reached considerable high uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) - up to 240 MPa; and brittle type (Class II) of failure occurred. We found that variability of the UCS and Young's modulus were relatively low. On the other hand, variability of the Poisson's ratio and the constants in Hoek-Brown failure criterion in triaxial loading were significantly hig

    The Glacier Complexes of the Mountain Massifs of the North-West of Inner Asia and their Dynamics

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    The subject of this paper is the glaciation of the mountain massifs Mongun-Taiga, Tavan-Boghd-Ola, Turgeni- Nuru, and Harhira-Nuru. The glaciation is represented mostly by small forms that sometimes form a single complex of domeshaped peaks. According to the authors, the modern glaciated area of the mountain massifs is 21.2 km2 (Tavan-Boghd-Ola), 20.3 km2 (Mongun-Taiga), 42 km2 (Turgeni- Nuru), and 33.1 km2 (Harhira-Nuru). The area of the glaciers has been shrinking since the mid 1960’s. In 1995–2008, the rate of reduction of the glaciers’ area has grown considerably: valley glaciers were rapidly degrading and splitting; accumulation of morainic material in the lower parts of the glaciers accelerated. Small glaciers transformed into snowfields and rock glaciers. There has been also a degradation of the highest parts of the glaciers and the collapse of the glacial complexes with a single zone of accumulation into isolated from each other glaciers. Reduced snow cover area has led to a rise in the firn line and the disintegration of a common accumulation area of the glacial complex. In the of the Mongun-Taiga massif, in 1995– 2008, the firn line rose by 200–300 m. The reduction of the glaciers significantly lagged behind the change in the position of the accumulation area boundary. In the past two years, there has been a significant recovery of the glaciers that could eventually lead to their slower degradation or stabilization of the glaciers in the study area

    Magmatic and hydrothermal behavior of uranium in syntectonic leucogranites: The uranium mineralization associated with the Hercynian Guérande granite (Armorican Massif, France)

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    Most of the hydrothermal uranium (U) deposits from the European Hercynian belt (EHB) are spatially associated with Carboniferous peraluminous leucogranites. In the southern part of the Armorican Massif (French part of the EHB), the Guérande peraluminous leucogranite was emplaced in an extensional deformation zone at ca. 310 Ma and is spatially associated with several U deposits and occurrences. The apical zone of the intrusion is structurally located below the Pen Ar Ran U deposit, a perigranitic vein-type deposit where mineralization occurs at the contact between black shales and Ordovician acid metavolcanics. In the Métairie-Neuve intragranitic deposit, uranium oxide-quartz veins crosscut the granite and a metasedimentary enclave. Airborne radiometric data and published trace element analyses on the Guérande leucogranite suggest significant uranium leaching at the apical zone of the intrusion. The primary U enrichment in the apical zone of the granite likely occurred during both fractional crystallization and the interaction with magmatic fluids. The low Th/U values (18Owhole rock = 9.7–11.6‰ for deformed samples and δ18Owhole rock = 12.2–13.6‰ for other samples) indicate that the deformed facies of the apical zone underwent sub-solidus alteration at depth with oxidizing meteoric fluids. Fluid inclusion analyses on a quartz comb from a uranium oxide-quartz vein of the Pen Ar Ran deposit show evidence of low-salinity fluids (1–6 wt.% NaCl eq.), in good agreement with the contribution of meteoric fluids. Fluid trapping temperatures in the range of 250–350 °C suggest an elevated geothermal gradient, probably related to regional extension and the occurrence of magmatic activity in the environment close to the deposit at the time of its formation. U-Pb dating on uranium oxides from the Pen Ar Ran and Métairie-Neuve deposits reveals three different mineralizing events. The first event at 296.6 ± 2.6 Ma (Pen Ar Ran) is sub-synchronous with hydrothermal circulations and the emplacement of late leucogranitic dykes in the Guérande leucogranite. The two last mineralizing events occur at 286.6 ± 1.0 Ma (Métairie-Neuve) and 274.6 ± 0.9 Ma (Pen Ar Ran), respectively. Backscattered uranium oxide imaging combined with major elements and REE geochemistry suggest similar conditions of mineralization during the two Pen Ar Ran mineralizing events at ca. 300 Ma and ca. 275 Ma, arguing for different hydrothermal circulation phases in the granite and deposits. Apatite fission track dating reveals that the Guérande granite was still at depth and above 120 °C when these mineralizing events occurred, in agreement with the results obtained on fluid inclusions at Pen Ar Ran. Based on this comprehensive data set, we propose that the Guérande leucogranite is the main source for uranium in the Pen Ar Ran and Métairie-Neuve deposits. Sub-solidus alteration via surface-derived low-salinity oxidizing fluids likely promoted uranium leaching from magmatic uranium oxides within the leucogranite. The leached out uranium may then have been precipitated in the reducing environment represented by the surrounding black shales or graphitic quartzites. As similar mineralizing events occurred subsequently until ca. 275 Ma, meteoric oxidizing fluids likely percolated during the time when the Guérande leucogranite was still at depth. The age of the U mineralizing events in the Guérande region (300–275 Ma) is consistent with that obtained on other U deposits in the EHB and could suggest a similar mineralization condition, with long-term upper to middle crustal infiltration of meteoric fluids likely to have mobilized U from fertile peraluminous leucogranites during the Late Carboniferous to Permian crustal extension events

    Analysis of the factors influencing the level of professional health and the biological age of miners during underground mining of coal seams

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    Purpose. Setting of the work environment of workers at mining enterprises during thin coal seams extraction influence on the character and the rate of their aging by determination of the biological age and estimation of the occupational diseases development risk value. Methods. The hygienic estimation of the work environment and the occupational diseases development risk value have been determined according to known standard techniques. The approach developed at the Institute of Herontology of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine has been used for determination of the miners biological age. The aggregate dust load in the air of mining developments has been determined by “АЕRА” respirator. The following equipment has been used for estimation of the human functional state: “Nissei DS-1902” and “Omron M10-IT” tonometers, “Maniquick MQ-160” infrared contactless thermometer, “VМ-150” medical balance. Sampling in the miners breathing zone has been made by “АFА-20” analytical filters. The research results processing has been fulfilled by the method of statistical analysis. Findings. The exceeding of the maximum permissible rates of adverse factors for miners, such as dust, noise and vibration has been set. The work environment is featured by the constant uncomfortable position of miners bodies and the sufficient loading level. It is determined, that the maximum risk of occupational diseases development is connected with the dust and the static loading factors. The work in such conditions leads to rising of the miners aging rate. Thus, the aging rate is equal to 7 years while having 28.3 years of average age for less than 10 years of service length, and correspondingly 9 years for more than 10 years of service length. The exceeding of the biological age on the calendar age is 15 years in average after the shift. Originality. The character of interrelation between the complex of harmful factors, the occupational diseases development risk and the workers aging rates has been set in the conditions of thin coal seams extraction. Practical implications. It is necessary to change the working and recreation modes of miners and to guarantee the work for not more than 4 hours with obligatory breaks for rest, in order to enhance the life time of the miners occupied at coal-face works on the thin coal seams extraction.Мета. Встановлення впливу умов праці робітників гірничих підприємств при розробці тонких вугільних пластів на характер і темп їх старіння шляхом визначення біологічного віку та оцінки величини ризику виникнення професійних захворювань. Методика. Гігієнічну оцінку умов праці та величину ризику виникнення професійних захворювань визначали за відомими нормативними методиками. Для розрахунку біологічного віку гірників був використаний підхід, розроблений в Інституті геронтології Академії медичних наук України. Загальну концентрацію пилу в повітрі гірничих виробок визначали за допомогою аспіратора “АЕРА”. Для оцінки функціонального стану людини використана наступна техніка: тонометр “Nissei DS-1902” та “Omron M10-IT”, інфрачервоний безконтактний термометр “Maniquick MQ-160”, ваги медичні “ВМ-150”. Відбір проб у зоні дихання гірників здійснювався аналітичними фільтрами “АФА-20”. Обробка результатів досліджень проводилась за допомогою методу статистичного аналізу. Результати. Встановлено перевищення гранично допустимих показників несприятливих факторів для гірників – пилу, шуму та вібрації. Умови праці характеризуються постійним незручним положенням тіла робітників та значним рівнем навантаження. Визначено, що найбільший ризик виникнення професійних захворювань пов’язаний з пилом та статичним навантаженням, а робота в таких умовах призводить до збільшення темпу старіння гірників. Так, при стажеві роботи менше 10-ти років при середньому календарному віці 28.3 років темп старіння склав 7 років, а при стажеві роботи більше 10-ти років цей показник склав близько 9 років. Перевищення біологічного віку над календарним після зміни в середньому становить 15 років. Наукова новизна. В умовах розробки тонких вугільних пластів встановлено характер взаємозв’язку між комплексом шкідливих факторів, ризиком виникнення професійних захворювань та темпами старіння робітників. Практична значимість. Для збільшення тривалості життя робітників, задіяних на очисних роботах при розробці тонких вугільних пластів, необхідно переглянути режими роботи й відпочинку та забезпечити їх роботу не більше 4 годин із обов’язковими перервами на відпочинок.Цель. Установление влияния условий труда рабочих горных предприятий при разработке тонких угольных пластов на характер и темп их старения путем определения биологического возраста и оценки величины риска возникновения профессиональных заболеваний. Методика. Гигиеническую оценку условий труда и величину риска возникновения профессиональных заболеваний определяли по известным нормативным методикам. Для расчета биологического возраста горняков был использован подход, разработанный в Институте геронтологии Академии медицинских наук Украины. Общую концентрацию пыли в воздухе горных выработок определяли с помощью аспиратора “АЭРА”. Для оценки функционального состояния человека использована следующая техника: тонометр “Nissei DS-1902” и “Omron M10-IT”, инфракрасный бесконтактный термометр “Maniquick MQ-160”, весы медицинские “ВМ-150”. Отбор проб в зоне дыхания горняков осуществлялся аналитическими фильтрами “АФА-20”. Обработка результатов исследований проводилась с помощью метода статистического анализа. Результаты. Установлено превышение предельно допустимых показателей неблагоприятных факторов для горняков – пыли, шума и вибрации. Условия труда характеризуются постоянным неудобным положением тела рабочих и значительным уровнем нагрузки. Определено, что наибольший риск возникновения профессиональных заболеваний связан с пылью и статической нагрузкой, а работа в таких условиях приводит к увеличению темпа старения горняков. Так, при стаже работы не менее 10-ти лет при среднем календарном возрасте 28.3 года темп старения составил 7 лет, а при стаже работы более 10-ти лет этот показатель составил около 9 лет. Превышение биологического возраста над календарным после изменения в среднем составляет 15 лет. Научная новизна. В условиях разработки тонких угольных пластов установлен характер взаимосвязи между комплексом вредных факторов, риском возникновения профессиональных заболеваний и темпами старения рабочих. Практическая значимость. Для увеличения продолжительности жизни рабочих, задействованных на очистных работах при разработке тонких угольных пластов, необходимо пересмотреть режимы работы и отдыха и обеспечить их работу не более 4 часов с обязательными перерывами на отдых.The research is carried out within the framework of scientific topics GP-497 (No. 0117U006753) “Resource-saving geotechnical and hydrodynamic parametrization of the extraction of low-capacity mineral raw materials in an technogenically loaded environment”, financed by the state budget of Ukraine

    PADAMOT : project overview report

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    Background and relevance to radioactive waste management International consensus confirms that placing radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel deep underground in a geological repository is the generally preferred option for their long-term management and disposal. This strategy provides a number of advantages compared to leaving it on or near the Earth’s surface. These advantages come about because, for a well chosen site, the geosphere can provide: • a physical barrier that can negate or buffer against the effects of surface dominated natural disruptive processes such as deep weathering, glaciation, river and marine erosion or flooding, asteroid/comet impact and earthquake shaking etc. • long and slow groundwater return pathways from the facility to the biosphere along which retardation, dilution and dispersion processes may operate to reduce radionuclide concentration in the groundwater. • a stable, and benign geochemical environment to maximise the longevity of the engineered barriers such as the waste containers and backfill in the facility. • a natural radiation shield around the wastes. • a mechanically stable environment in which the facility can be constructed and will afterwards be protected. • an environment which reduces the likelihood of the repository being disturbed by inadvertent human intrusion such as land use changes, construction projects, drilling, quarrying and mining etc. • protection against the effects of deliberate human activities such as vandalism, terrorism and war etc. However, safety considerations for storing and disposing of long-lived radioactive wastes must take into account various scenarios that might affect the ability of the geosphere to provide the functionality listed above. Therefore, in order to provide confidence in the ability of a repository to perform within the deep geological setting at a particular site, a demonstration of geosphere “stability” needs to be made. Stability is defined here to be the capacity of a geological and hydrogeological system to minimise the impact of external influences on the repository environment, or at least to account for them in a manner that would allow their impacts to be evaluated and accounted for in any safety assessments. A repository should be sited where the deep geosphere is a stable host in which the engineered containment can continue to perform according to design and in which the surrounding hydrogeological, geomechanical and geochemical environment will continue to operate as a natural barrier to radionuclide movement towards the biosphere. However, over the long periods of time during which long-lived radioactive wastes will pose a hazard, environmental change at the surface has the potential to disrupt the stability of the geosphere and therefore the causes of environmental change and their potential consequences need to be evaluated. As noted above, environmental change can include processes such as deep weathering, glaciation, river and marine erosion. It can also lead to changes in groundwater boundary conditions through alternating recharge/discharge relationships. One of the key drivers for environmental change is climate variability. The question then arises, how can geosphere stability be assessed with respect to changes in climate? Key issues raised in connection with this are: • What evidence is there that 'going underground' eliminates the extreme conditions that storage on the surface would be subjected to in the long term? • How can the additional stability and safety of the deep geosphere be demonstrated with evidence from the natural system? As a corollary to this, the capacity of repository sites deep underground in stable rock masses to mitigate potential impacts of future climate change on groundwater conditions therefore needs to be tested and demonstrated. To date, generic scenarios for groundwater evolution relating to climate change are currently weakly constrained by data and process understanding. Hence, the possibility of site-specific changes of groundwater conditions in the future can only be assessed and demonstrated by studying groundwater evolution in the past. Stability of groundwater conditions in the past is an indication of future stability, though both the climatic and geological contexts must be taken into account in making such an assertion

    Elastic and electrical properties and permeability of serpentinites from Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge

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    Serpentinized peridotites co-exist with mafic rocks in a variety of marine environments including subduction zones, continental rifts and mid-ocean ridges. Remote geophysical methods are crucial to distinguish between them and improve the understanding of the tectonic, magmatic and metamorphic history of the oceanic crust. But, serpentinite peridotites exhibit a wide range of physical properties that complicate such a distinction. We analyzed the ultrasonic P- and S-wave velocities (Vp, Vs) and their respective attenuation (Qp−1, Qs−1), electrical resistivity and permeability of four serpentinized peridotite samples from the southern wall of the Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, collected during International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 357. The measurements were taken over a range of loading-unloading stress paths (5 - 45 MPa), using ∼1.7 cm length, 5 cm diameter samples horizontally extracted from the original cores drilled on the seafloor. The measured parameters showed variable degrees of stress dependence, but followed similar trends. Vp, Vs, resistivity and permeability show good inter-correlations, while relationships that included Qp−1 and Qs−1 are less clear. Resistivity showed high contrast between highly serpentinized ultramafic matrix (> 50 Ω m) and mechanically/geochemically altered (magmatic/hydrothermal-driven alteration) domains (< 20 Ω m). This information together with the elastic constants (Vp/Vs ratio and bulk moduli) of the samples allowed us to infer useful information about the degree of serpentinization and the alteration state of the rock, contrasted by petrographic analysis. This study shows the potential of combining seismic techniques and controlled source electromagnetic surveys for understanding tectono-magmatic processes and fluid pathways in hydrothermal systems