10 research outputs found

    Why would microentrepreneurs continue using mobile payments? An entrepreneurial perspective with evidence from India

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    Over the past decade, business activities have advanced electronically with mobile phones emerging as a significant channel for commercial transactions. How consumers are embracing mobile payments has received major attention in the literature. We shift focus to the microentrepreneurs, including small merchants and informal retailers, who constitute a bulk of developing economy markets. With the recent popularity of mobile payments among microentrepreneurs due to the demands of the Covid-19 pandemic, we now enquire about its long-term continuity. To acknowledge the entrepreneurial mindset driving microentrepreneurs to continue using mobile payments, we draw from the Entrepreneurial Orientation framework (Lumpkin & Dess, 1996) and develop a model that captures entrepreneurial characteristics of the technology like autonomy, innovativeness, competitive externalities, and customer expectations. Using the findings from a survey of 208 microentrepreneurs operating from an urban marketplace in India, we propose how mobile payment can contribute to sustainable development through long-term financial inclusion

    The IS-Notion of Affordances: A Mapping of the Application of Affordance Theory in Information Systems Research

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    This paper presents the findings from a systematic literature review of affordance theory research in the information systems field. 71 articles from the top eight information system journals were analysed, from the first publication in 1999 until March 2021. The analysis combines quantitative trends with qualitative analysis of the application of the concept of affordances. Significant findings include that half of the reviewed articles label technology use, features and attributes as affordances, although Gibson proposed that the term should be a non-replaceable term. The main contribution of this paper is a proposal of a tentative IS-flavoured definition of affordances, distancing itself from the possibility of labelling technology use as affordances. I conclude the analysis by stressing the importance of a common understanding of affordances in order to move forward in affordance research in the information systems field

    Critical success factors for technology management in the post pandemic world

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    The requirement to achieve the successful implementation and operation of technology is more urgent than ever, given the changes to society imposed by the pandemic and post-pandemic events. The identification of critical factors for the success of technology has become paramount for organisations, irrespective of their sector. This paper accesses a literature review of current and seminal sources together with empirical research to discern a framework for examining the topic. A thematic analysis was performed to identify the key areas for critical project success factors. A summary of these areas for practice was then formulated, in order to assist both practitioners and academics in this sphere. Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in Technology Management are defined as the principal areas requiring satisfactory results in order to ensure the successful delivery of systems’ objectives. The use of ‘hard’, namely objective, and ‘soft’, namely subjective, information can be required to measure these factors. CSFs are also dynamic, in that they may change over time and thus require ongoing reflection and revaluation, to potentially redefine them in order to accommodate the organisation’s current environment. A semi-structured interview was held with an experienced project manager. The main themes were then discerned, using an inductive, grounded approach. The focus was on determining the critical factors for change management, as applied in this sphere

    A conceptual model of feedback mechanisms in adjusted affordances – Insights from usage of a mental mobile health application

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    Affordance theory provides one of the most prominent lenses through which the socio-technical aspects of a system’s use can be investigated and understood. In this context, the literature has proposed that perceived and actualized affordances may be adjusted over time. Yet, how the adjustment of affordances occurs has not been explained in detail. Thus, in this article, we develop a conceptual model of feedback mechanisms that includes a more explicit description of how affordances are perceived by users, whether actualized and adjusted. With the model, we introduce the central concept of a generative base, out of which affordance perceptions emerge and which can be updated through affordance actualizations. With this base, we integrate mental model (MM) theory to explain better the differing perceptions before and after actor–artifact interactions. Our conceptual model is illustrated and specified using an empirical case of the mental mobile health (mHealth) app “Between The Lines” in Germany. In this study, we conducted 40 interviews in two rounds with 20 teenage app users. Our results show that the users’ perceptions of mHealth affordances become adjusted and hence change over time due to experiencing the actualization process, which may lead to an update of the generative base, including the user’s MM.A conceptual model of feedback mechanisms in adjusted affordances – Insights from usage of a mental mobile health applicationpublishedVersionPaid Open Acces

    A conceptual model of feedback mechanisms in adjusted affordances – Insights from usage of a mental mobile health application

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    Affordance theory provides one of the most prominent lenses through which the socio-technical aspects of a system’s use can be investigated and understood. In this context, the literature has proposed that perceived and actualized affordances may be adjusted over time. Yet, how the adjustment of affordances occurs has not been explained in detail. Thus, in this article, we develop a conceptual model of feedback mechanisms that includes a more explicit description of how affordances are perceived by users, whether actualized and adjusted. With the model, we introduce the central concept of a generative base, out of which affordance perceptions emerge and which can be updated through affordance actualizations. With this base, we integrate mental model (MM) theory to explain better the differing perceptions before and after actor–artifact interactions. Our conceptual model is illustrated and specified using an empirical case of the mental mobile health (mHealth) app “Between The Lines” in Germany. In this study, we conducted 40 interviews in two rounds with 20 teenage app users. Our results show that the users’ perceptions of mHealth affordances become adjusted and hence change over time due to experiencing the actualization process, which may lead to an update of the generative base, including the user’s MM

    How Human Resource and Information Systems Practices Amplify the Returns on Information Technology Investments

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    This study examines the important roles that human resources (HR) for information technology (IT) professionals and information systems (IS) practices for all workers in an organization play in shaping returns on firms’ IT investments. In particular, we consider how incentives, autonomy, and training for IT professionals can enable a firm to better leverage the value of its IT investments. We argue that well-trained, motivated, and empowered IT professionals can help firms make better strategic choices in allocating IT investments and implementing IT projects. We also demonstrate how this moderating relationship depends upon collaborative IS and autonomy-enhancing IS practices that affect other knowledge workers in the firm. We leverage archival data for 228 firms with 736 firm-year observations and document two key findings. We find (1) that empowering HR practices for IT professionals positively moderate the effect of IT investments on firm performance, and (2) that the alignment between empowering HR practices for IT professionals and firm-wide collaborative IS practices enhances the value that firms derive from IT investments. Our results suggest that the business value of IT investments is linked to the rewards and opportunities offered to IT professionals, who have a pivotal role in the effective deployment of IT in organizations

    "Jos huomaan viestin niin luen tietenki heti ja puhelimeen vastaan aina kun se soi" : Kriittinen diskurssianalyysi suomalaisten johtajien puheesta työn ja vapaa-ajan yhteensulautumisesta mobiililaitteiden kautta

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    Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tutkin suomalaisten johtajien työn ja vapaa-ajan yhteensulautumista mobiililaitteiden kautta. Tutkimukseni kiinnittyy työn ja vapaa-ajan välisen suhteen sekä teknologian ja organisaation välisen suhteen tutkimuskenttiin. Tarkemmin tutkimukseni osallistuu tutkimuskeskusteluihin työn ja vapaa-ajan sulautumisesta sekä mobiiliteknologian vaikutuksista työhön ja johtamiseen. Aihe on lisännyt merkittävyyttään viime aikoina, ja myös tutkimus aiheen ympärillä on lisääntynyt etenkin aivan viime vuosina. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on selvittää, miten johtajat työn ja vapaa-ajan sulautumisesta mobiililaitteiden kautta puhuvat, millaiset normit puhetta kehystävät ja millaisia merkityksiä johtajat ilmiölle antavat. Tutkimukseni teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu työn ja vapaa-ajan sulautumisen sekä teknologian ja organisaation välisen suhteen tutkimuksesta. Teoriapohja yhdistää monen tutkimuskentän kirjallisuutta, mutta pääpaino on aiheiden ympärillä tehdyssä kriittisessä tutkimuksessa. Tutkimuksessani yhdistän työajan ulkopuolisen ajan vapaa-ajan kokonaisuudeksi, jolloin asiaa on mahdollista käsitellä kahden suuren kokonaisuuden kautta. Myös erilaiset mukana kulkevat älylaitteet yhdistän mobiililaitteiden kokonaisuudeksi, jolloin laitteita ei tarvitse eritellä toisistaan. Tutkimuksen toteutin laadullisena haastattelututkimuksena ja haastatteluaineiston analysoin kriittisen diskurssianalyysin menetelmällä. Tutkimukseen haastattelin kuutta eri aloilla työskentelevää suomalaista johtajaa, jolloin tutkimuksen näkökulmaa ei rajoittanut yhden alan tai organisaation käytännöt ilmiön suhteen. Analyysin tuloksina tunnistin kolme päädiskurssia - kontrollidiskurssi, mobiililaitteiden asema elämässä -diskurssi ja henkilökohtaisuusdiskurssi - sekä niihin liittyvät puheet, jotka jakautuvat yhteensä seitsemään eri alaluokkaan. Tulokset kuvastavat sitä, miten ilmiö johtajien elämässä näyttäytyi ja miten sitä merkityksellistettiin. Puheiden taustalta löytyi niitä kehystäviä normeja, joita johtajat puheillaan toisinsivat sekä oikeuttivat. Tulokset tuovat lisäymmärrystä siihen, miten työn ja vapaa-ajan rajanveto merkityksellistyy mobiiliteknologian täyttämässä johtajien arjessa

    Paradoxos no uso de tecnologias móveis na auditoria contábil : um olhar a partir da teoria da sociomaterialidade

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    A relação dos usuários com as tecnologias móveis para o desenvolvimento dos trabalhos nos ambientes organizacionais que possuem a mobilidade como principal característica, ocasiona preocupações a partir da identificação de manifestações sociais positivas e negativas. Ou seja, ao mesmo tempo que as tecnologias proporcionam avanços elas também ocasionam paradoxos sociais em contextos profissionais e pessoais. Nesse contexto, a presente pesquisa busca identificar a manifestação de paradoxos no uso das tecnologias móveis e sem fio na profissão de auditoria contábil, através do seguinte problema de pesquisa: De quais formas os paradoxos de uso das tecnologias móveis se manifestam e quais as estratégias de enfrentamento no contexto da atividade profissional de auditoria contábil? Através dos objetivos específicos busca-se: a) identificar o perfil de uso de tecnologia móvel dos auditores contábeis independentes; b) investigar os diferentes contextos móveis criados pelos auditores contábeis independentes, usuários de tecnologia móvel advindos das suas práticas usuais; c) descrever as manifestações dos paradoxos de uso da tecnologia móvel vivenciadas pelos auditores contábeis independentes; d) identificar as estratégias criadas pelos auditores para gerenciar os paradoxos de uso da tecnologia móvel. A pesquisa é qualitativa, de cunho exploratório, tendo como unidades de análise auditores independentes que atuam com auditoria externa e gerentes de tecnologia da informação de empresas de auditoria contábil, na cidade de Porto Alegre – RS. Foram realizadas 23 entrevistas com trainees de auditoria contábil, assistentes de auditoria contábil, semi-sênior de auditoria contábil, sênior de auditoria contábil, supervisores de auditoria contábil, gerentes de auditoria contábil, diretores de auditoria contábil e sócios de empresas de auditoria contábil, assim como gerentes de auditoria de tecnologia da informação, em que se aplicou um roteiro de perguntas semiestruturadas. Foi possível identificar o perfil de uso dos auditores contábeis e as principais tecnologias móveis utilizadas, as necessidades de utilização desses artefatos móveis, os contextos móveis em que atuam, as percepções de manifestações de paradoxos, assim como estratégias pessoais utilizadas para o enfrentamento de situações, ocasionadas por eles. A partir disso, foi possível identificar estratégias de enfrentamento específicas para cada paradoxo, com o propósito de auxiliar as empresas de auditoria a realizarem programas de utilização das tecnologias móveis.The relationship of people use with mobile technologies for work development in organizational environments that have mobility as their main characteristic causes concerns from the identification of positive and negative social manifestations. That is, at the same time that technologies provide advances they also create social paradoxes in professional and personal contexts. In this connection, this research seeks to identify paradoxes manifestation in the use of mobile and wireless technologies in the accounting audit profession through the following research problem: In what ways do the paradoxes in the mobile technologies utilization manifest themselves and what are the coping strategies in the accounting audit professional activity context? Through the specific objectives one can seek: a) to identify the mobile technology use profile of the independent public accountants; b) to investigate the different mobile contexts created by the independent public accountants, mobile technology users arising from their usual practices; c) to describe the paradoxes of mobile technology use manifestations experienced by the independent public accountants; d) to identify accountants strategies created to manage the mobile technology use paradoxes. It is a qualitative research, of descriptive nature, which has as unit of analysis the independent auditors who work with external audit and information technology managers of accounting audit firms in the city of Porto Alegre - RS. Twenty-three interviews were conducted with accounting audit trainees , accounting audit assistants, semi-senior accounting audit, accounting audit senior, accounting audit supervisors, accounting audit managers, accounting audit directors and partners of accounting audit ing companies, as well as accounting audit managers information technology, in which a roadmap of semi-structured questions was applied. It was possible to identify the profile of the use of accounting auditors and the main mobile technologies used, the needs of the use of these mobile artifacts, the mobile contexts in which they operate, the perceptions of paradox manifestations, as well as personal strategies used to cope with situations, caused by them. From this, it was possible to identify specific coping strategies for each paradox, with the purpose of helping audit firms to carry out programs for the use of mobile technologies

    The complementarity of autonomy and control in mobile work

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    In this paper, we investigate how the use of mobile technologies contributes to the emergence of a complementary control system, in which both employee autonomy and management control are enhanced. We apply an affordance lens to understand the affordances (and constraints) for complementary control that emerge in the use of mobile technologies by both employees and managers. Based on a qualitative case study of the implementation and use of a mobile Sales Force Automation tool at a multinational company, we identify three informational affordances for control and analyse how these were actualised to enhance both management control and employee autonomy. Our study contributes to extant literature on the relation between mobile technologies and autonomy and control by showing the central role of mobile technologies’ affordances in redistributing informational demands and benefits of control in the interaction between managers, employees, and mobile devices