7 research outputs found

    Caveats for the Use of Citation Indicators in Research and Journal Evaluations

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    Ageing of publications, percentage of self-citations, and impact vary from journal to journal within fields of science. The assumption that citation and publication practices are homogenous within specialties and fields of science is invalid. Furthermore, the delineation of fields and among specialties is fuzzy. Institutional units of analysis and persons may move between fields or span different specialties. The match between the citation index and institutional profiles varies among institutional units and nations. The respective matches may heavily affect the representation of the units. Non-ISI journals are increasingly cornered into "transdisciplinary" Mode-2 functions with the exception of specialist journals publishing in languages other than English. An "externally cited impact factor" can be calculated for these journals. The citation impact of non-ISI journals will be demonstrated using Science and Public Policy as the example

    The citation impacts and citation environments of Chinese journals in mathematics

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    Scientometrics (forthcoming)Based on the citation data of journals covered by the China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database (CSTPCD), we obtained aggregated journal-journal citation environments by applying routines developed specifically for this purpose. Local citation impact of journals is defined as the share of the total citations in a local citation environment, which is expressed as a ratio and can be visualized by the size of the nodes. The vertical size of the nodes varies proportionally to a journal's total citation share, while the horizontal size of the nodes is used to provide citation information after correction for the within-journal (self-) citations. In the "citing" environment, the equivalent of the local citation performance can also be considered as a citation activity index. Using the "citing" patterns as variables one is able to map how the relevant journal environments are perceived by the collective of authors of a journal, while the "cited" environment reflects the impact of journals in a local environment. In this study, we analyze citation impacts of three Chinese journals in mathematics and compare local citation impacts with impact factors. Local citation impacts reflect a journal's status and function better than (global) impact factors. We also found that authors in Chinese journals prefer international instead of domestic ones as sources for their citations

    The career paths of graduates in chinese interpreting studies: a scientometric exploration

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    Els darrers 30 anys, el creixement dels Estudis d’Interpretació xinesos ha sigut, com a mínim, espectacular. La creixent col·laboració econòmica i política entre la Xina i Occident han motivat la demanda d’intèrprets per a superar les diferències lingüístiques i culturals. Des que es van crear graus i màsters en traducció i interpretació per tota la Xina, centenars d’egressats universitaris s’han embarcat en carreres professionals diverses. Aquest estudi comença amb un panorama de la disciplina: trajectòria de creixement, tendències temàtiques i teòriques dominants, metodologies d’investigació i col·laboracions, i principals figures. Partint d’un corpus exhaustiu de tesis de màster, es fa servir l’Aparellament per Puntuació de Propensió (APP) i l’Avaluació de la Importància de les Variables (EIV) per a examinar quins determinants estructurals poden tenir un impacte causal en les decisions que els estudiants prenen sobre la seva carrera professional després de la graduació. La investigació revela que és més probable que entrin al món acadèmic els escriptors de tesis empíriques que no aquells que van dur a terme recerca teòrica. En contra de les expectatives habituals, el contingut de la tesis i el prestigi de l’afiliació acadèmica de l’estudiant i el director de tesi tenen poc impacte en la decisió. Segons la disciplina continua desenvolupant-se i madura, els factors que afecten les decisions sobre la carrera dels egressats tendeixen a continuar desenvolupant-se en paral·lel, tornant-la més complexa i diversa.En los últimos 30 años el crecimiento de los Estudios de Interpretación chinos ha sido, como poco, espectacular. La progresiva colaboración económica y política entre China y Occidente ha motivado una demanda de intérpretes para superar las diferencias lingüísticas y culturales. Desde que se crearon grados y máster en traducción e interpretación por toda China cientos de graduados universitarios se han embarcado en diferentes carreras profesionales. Este estudio empieza con un panorama de la disciplina: trayectoria de crecimiento, tendencias temáticas y teóricas dominantes, metodologías de investigación y colaboraciones, y principales figuras. A partir de un corpus exhaustivo de tesis de máster, se usa Pareamiento por Puntaje de Propensión (PPP) y Evaluación de la Importancia de las Variables (EIV) para examinar que determinantes estructurales pueden tener un impacto causal en las decisiones que los estudiantes toman sobre sus carreras tras la graduación. La investigación revela que es más probable que accedan al mundo académico los escritores de tesis empíricas que aquellos que realizan estudios teóricos. Al contrario de lo esperado, el contenido de la tesis y el prestigio de la afiliación académica del estudiante o el director de la tesis tienen poco impacto en la decisión. Según la disciplina se sigue desarrollando y madura, los factores que afectan las decisiones sobre la carrera profesional de los graduados tienden a seguir desarrollándose en paralelo, volviéndola más compleja y diversa.Increasing economic and political collaboration between China and the West has driven the demand for interpreters to bridge the linguistic and cultural divide. Since master’s and bachelor’s degree courses in interpreting and translation were created all over China, hundreds of university graduates have embarked on widely differing career paths. This study begins with an overview of the discipline: its growth trajectory, dominant theoretical and thematic trends, research methodologies and collaborations, and major players. Working from an exhaustive corpus of master’s theses, Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and Variable Importance Evaluation (VIE) are used to examine which structural determinants may have a causal impact on the decisions students make about their careers after graduation. The research reveals that writers of empirical theses are much more inclined to enter the academic sphere than those who conduct theoretical studies. Graduation year and geographical location of university also contribute to the choice between one career path and another. Contrary to common expectation, thesis content and the prestige of a student’s academic affiliation or thesis advisor have little impact on the decision. As the discipline continues to evolve and mature, the factors affecting graduates’ career choices are likely to develop in parallel, becoming ever more complex and diverse

    Collaboration - changing the global landscape of science: proceedings of 10th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 15th COLLNET Meeting 2014, September 3 - 5, 2014, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany

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    The 10th WIS encourages continued investigation into the field of applied scientometrics. The broad focus of the conference is on collaboration and communication in science and technology, science policy, quantitative aspects of science and combination and integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches in study of scientific practices. The conference thus aims to contribute to evidence-based and informed knowledge about scientific research and practices witch in turn may further provide input to institutional, regional, national and international research and innovation policy making