7 research outputs found

    Man and Future: a Palaeontological and Chronological Foundation of Cassirer's Definition of Man as Animal Symbolicum

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    In the present paper, the author aims at laying the foundations of a symbolics of technical gesture, according to the thesis that symbolic faculty is another face of the technological one, and that they are both in truth two sides of the same coin. Accordingly, the author suggests to rename the whole dimension as “meta-environmentality”. The analysis is carried out on the basis of a specific comparison between Cassirer’s definition of “animal symbolicum” and its scientific consistence in the light of modern palaeontology. “Animal symbolicum” is here compared with Leroi-Gourhan’s homo technologicus, and Cassirer’s ideas on human identity tested starting from paleoanthropological data. The result of the inquiry lead us to recognize the urgency of integrating Cassirer’s argument with the primacy of the technological capacity, but a deep analysis of the characterizing attributes of the latter compels us to uphold the symbolic attitude of the technological dimension. The author then sketches a basic description ofthe guidelines of a symbolic theory of technology (especially §§ 6-7), and tries to show how the basic elements of such an approach were familiar both to Cassirer and Leroi-Gourhan. As a consequence of the whole theory, the author elaborates a chronological analysis of human identity, whose basic result is the determination of the future as main temporal dimension of human acting

    Materialism and Politics

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    Is materialism still relevant to critically think politics? Throughout modernity, the concept of materialism was associated with fatalism and naturalism, when it was not simply dismissed as heresy and atheism. In the nineteenth century, materialism evolved into a central concept of progressive politics, reappearing again in the past decades through renewed Marxist and Spinoza-based approaches, New Materialism, and feminist discourses. This volume inquires these contrasting uses from theoretical and historical perspectives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Theology & technology: An Exploration of their relationship with special reference to the work of Albert Borgmann and intelligent transportation systems

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    This thesis summarizes a large body of literature concerning the sociology, рhilosophy, and history of technology and the specific set of technologies concerned with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). It considers technologies of various kinds within the Old and New Testaments and how technology has been understood and occasionally discussed by contemporary theologians. Intelligent Transportation Systems are a very prominent area of modem technologies that will shape the future of society in profound ways. The overall field of ITS is described and then a specific case study concerning a set of automated highway systems applications within three states and two large national parks within the United States is presented. The case study then provides a backdrop to explore specific ways in which theology might engage in a conversation with intelligent transportation systems specifically and technology more generally. Since theologians have written relatively little about technology, we draw upon the work of a leading philosopher of technology who is informed by his Christian commitments, Albert Borgmaim. The extensive philosophy of Bergmann about technology and the character of contemporary life is described. Various considerations about how to create, foster, and maintain a sustained dialogue between disparate intellectual traditions and disciplines are suggested. This includes attention to goals for dialogue, respective strengths that various parties bring to the conversation, and the willingness to hear and learn from the other. A framework to categorize interactions between theology and technology is introduced. Borgmann's ideas, coupled with those of other theologians and philosophers are then applied to the case study. The worth of this approach is then assessed in light of what theologians might contribute to discussion and decision-making about technological systems and devices facing toward the future. Consideration is also given to what technology might contribute to the theological enterprise. The investigation demonstrates the importance of such dialogues and the viability of initiating them

    The discursive other dynamics in plant scientists' talk on Phytophthora with experts and the public

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    This dissertation investigates the interactional effects of Dutch plant science experts' talk in different interaction settings: public meetings, expert board meetings and ethnographic interviews. The main research approach deployed is discursive psychology : a methodology that focuses not on what is said but on what is accomplished with talk. The central topic of all the talk analysed in this thesis is Phytophthora Infestans: a major plant disease in staple crops that helped bring about the Irish famine in the 19th century. Phytophthora is still a large problem. To fight Phytophthora, plant experts have been developing different technologies, some of which, such as genetic modification, are met with public controversy

    The functionality grid as paradigm for management of technology

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011.Technology is a critical component in modern society. Management of Technology (MOT) should be a major focus of management studies. At present the status of MOT is much less than it should be. Part of the reason is that there is little consensus about the body of knowledge for MOT. This can be traced down to as far as an inadequate consensus about the very nature of technology itself. There is a need for a simple and elegant conceptual foundation. There is a need for an accepted paradigm to govern MOT. The paradigm discourse initiated by Thomas Kuhn allows for a comprehensive frame of reference about theory contestation and about the attributes required from a contesting theory to achieve the ultimate status of a paradigm. In order to help create a coherent and streamlined conceptual foundation for MOT, this research evaluates the functionality grid as a paradigm. To realise this goal, this study first assesses the functionality grid’s compliance with the theoretical requirements of a paradigm, and secondly its compliance with the empirical requirements of a paradigm. The theoretical test uses a newly created format, the paradigm template, to establish the necessary criteria. The functionality grid is then subjected to a critical review using the said criteria. It is found that it meets the requirements of a valid paradigm. For measurement of empirical requirements, Kuhn’s own criteria are used. This second part of the study involves three practical exercises to examine the practical descriptive power of the functionality grid, and its ability to help first with the formation of a technology attuned mindset of participants, second with the improvement in technological knowledge and third with an increase in the technological literacy of participants. The outcomes of these tests are positive as well. The dissertation concludes that the functionality grid would be a viable paradigm to serve as a guide for the further development of MOT. The functionality grid becomes confirmed as a paradigm for MOT, because it contains all the attributes to serve as a coherent and streamlined conceptual structure for this discipline. Given this outcome, it is recommended that more effort be invested to understand, promote and popularise the functionality grid; and the various analytical frameworks derived from it. It is recommended that it becomes an explicit part of the book of knowledge for MOT and that it constitutes the basis for an educational curriculum to be shared by every MOT professional and student