21 research outputs found

    Latency upper bound for data chains of real-time periodic tasks

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    International audienceThe inter-task communication in embedded real-time systems can be achieved using various patterns and be subject to different timing constraints. One of the most basic communication patterns encountered in today's automotive and aerospace software is the data chain. Each task of the chain reads data from the previous task and delivers the results of its computation to the next task. The data passing does not affect the execution of the tasks that are activated periodically at their own rates. As there is no task synchronization, a task does not wait for its predecessor data; it may execute with old data and get new data at its later release. From the design stage of embedded real-time systems, evaluating if data chains meet their timing requirements, such as the latency constraint, is of the highest importance. The trade-off between accuracy and complexity of the timing analysis is a critical element in the optimization process. In this paper, we consider data chains of real-time periodic tasks executed by a fixed-priority preemptive scheduler upon a single processor. We present a method for the worst-case latency calculation of periodic tasks' data chains. As the method has an exponential time complexity, we derive a polynomial-time upper bound. Evaluations carried out on an automotive benchmark demonstrate that the average bound overestimation is less than 10 percent of the actual value

    Dual Loop Rider Control of a Dynamic Motorcycle Riding Simulator

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    Compared to the automotive industry, the use of simulators in the motorcycle domain is negligible as for their lack of usability and accessibility. According to the state-of-the-art, it is e.g. not possible for motorcyclists to intuitively control a high-fidelity dynamic motorcycle riding simulator when getting in contact with it for the first time. There are four main reasons for the insufficient simulation quality of dynamic motorcycle riding simulators: ▪ The instability of single-track vehicles at low speed, ▪ The steering force-feedback with highly velocity-dependent behavior, ▪ Motion-simulation (high dynamics, roll angle, direct contact to the environment), ▪ The specific influence of the rider to vehicle dynamics (incl. rider motion). The last bullet point is peculiar for motorcycles and dynamic motorcycle riding simulators in comparison with other vehicle simulators, as motorcycles are significantly affected in their dynamics by the rider’s body motion. However, up until today, almost no special emphasis has been put on the consideration of rider motion on dynamic motorcycle riding simulators. In this thesis, a motorcycle riding simulator is designed, constructed and put into operation. The focus here is attaching a real rider to a virtual motorcycle. Based on a commercially available multi-body-simulation model, a simulator architecture is designed, that allows to control the virtual motorcycle not only by steering, but by rider leaning as well. This is realized by determining the so-called rider induced roll torque, that allows a holistic measurement of the apparent coupling forces between rider and simulator mockup. Performance measures and study concepts are developed that allow to rate the system. In expert and participant studies, the influence of the system on the riding behavior of the simulator is investigated. It is shown that the rider motion determination allows realistic control inputs and has a positive effect on the stabilization at various velocities. The feedback of the rider induced roll torque to the virtual dynamics model allows study participants to control the virtual motorcycle more intuitively. The vehicle states during cornering are affected as expected from real riding. First results indicate that it becomes easier for naïve study participants to access the simulator in first-contact scenarios. The achieved improvements regarding the rideability of the simulator however do not suffice to overcome the abovementioned challenges to a degree that allows for a completely intuitive interaction with the simulator throughout the whole dynamic range

    Towards a centralized multicore automotive system

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    Today’s automotive systems are inundated with embedded electronics to host chassis, powertrain, infotainment, advanced driver assistance systems, and other modern vehicle functions. As many as 100 embedded microcontrollers execute hundreds of millions of lines of code in a single vehicle. To control the increasing complexity in vehicle electronics and services, automakers are planning to consolidate different on-board automotive functions as software tasks on centralized multicore hardware platforms. However, these vehicle software services have different and contrasting timing, safety, and security requirements. Existing vehicle operating systems are ill-equipped to provide all the required service guarantees on a single machine. A centralized automotive system aims to tackle this by assigning software tasks to multiple criticality domains or levels according to their consequences of failures, or international safety standards like ISO 26262. This research investigates several emerging challenges in time-critical systems for a centralized multicore automotive platform and proposes a novel vehicle operating system framework to address them. This thesis first introduces an integrated vehicle management system (VMS), called DriveOS™, for a PC-class multicore hardware platform. Its separation kernel design enables temporal and spatial isolation among critical and non-critical vehicle services in different domains on the same machine. Time- and safety-critical vehicle functions are implemented in a sandboxed Real-time Operating System (OS) domain, and non-critical software is developed in a sandboxed general-purpose OS (e.g., Linux, Android) domain. To leverage the advantages of model-driven vehicle function development, DriveOS provides a multi-domain application framework in Simulink. This thesis also presents a real-time task pipeline scheduling algorithm in multiprocessors for communication between connected vehicle services with end-to-end guarantees. The benefits and performance of the overall automotive system framework are demonstrated with hardware-in-the-loop testing using real-world applications, car datasets and simulated benchmarks, and with an early-stage deployment in a production-grade luxury electric vehicle

    Contributions to shared control and coordination of single and multiple robots

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    L’ensemble des travaux présentés dans cette habilitation traite de l'interface entre un d'un opérateur humain avec un ou plusieurs robots semi-autonomes aussi connu comme le problème du « contrôle partagé ».Le premier chapitre traite de la possibilité de fournir des repères visuels / vestibulaires à un opérateur humain pour la commande à distance de robots mobiles.Le second chapitre aborde le problème, plus classique, de la mise à disposition à l’opérateur d’indices visuels ou de retour haptique pour la commande d’un ou plusieurs robots mobiles (en particulier pour les drones quadri-rotors).Le troisième chapitre se concentre sur certains des défis algorithmiques rencontrés lors de l'élaboration de techniques de coordination multi-robots.Le quatrième chapitre introduit une nouvelle conception mécanique pour un drone quadrirotor sur-actionné avec pour objectif de pouvoir, à terme, avoir 6 degrés de liberté sur une plateforme quadrirotor classique (mais sous-actionné).Enfin, le cinquième chapitre présente une cadre général pour la vision active permettant, en optimisant les mouvements de la caméra, l’optimisation en ligne des performances (en terme de vitesse de convergence et de précision finale) de processus d’estimation « basés vision »

    Zuverlässige und Energieeffiziente gemischt-kritische Echtzeit On-Chip Systeme

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    Multi- and many-core embedded systems are increasingly becoming the target for many applications that require high performance under varying conditions. A resulting challenge is the control, and reliable operation of such complex multiprocessing architectures under changes, e.g., high temperature and degradation. In mixed-criticality systems where many applications with varying criticalities are consolidated on the same execution platform, fundamental isolation requirements to guarantee non-interference of critical functions are crucially important. While Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) are the prevalent solution to provide scalable and efficient interconnects for the multiprocessing architectures, their associated energy consumption has immensely increased. Specifically, hard real-time NoCs must manifest limited energy consumption as thermal runaway in such a core shared resource jeopardizes the whole system guarantees. Thus, dynamic energy management of NoCs, as opposed to the related work static solutions, is highly necessary to save energy and decrease temperature, while preserving essential temporal requirements. In this thesis, we introduce a centralized management to provide energy-aware NoCs for hard real-time systems. The design relies on an energy control network, developed on top of an existing switch arbitration network to allow isolation between energy optimization and data transmission. The energy control layer includes local units called Power-Aware NoC controllers that dynamically optimize NoC energy depending on the global state and applications’ temporal requirements. Furthermore, to adapt to abnormal situations that might occur in the system due to degradation, we extend the concept of NoC energy control to include the entire system scope. That is, online resource management employing hierarchical control layers to treat system degradation (imminent core failures) is supported. The mechanism applies system reconfiguration that involves workload migration. For mixed-criticality systems, it allows flexible boundaries between safety-critical and non-critical subsystems to safely apply the reconfiguration, preserving fundamental safety requirements and temporal predictability. Simulation and formal analysis-based experiments on various realistic usecases and benchmarks are conducted showing significant improvements in NoC energy-savings and in treatment of system degradation for mixed-criticality systems improving dependability over the status quo.Eingebettete Many- und Multi-core-Systeme werden zunehmend das Ziel für Anwendungen, die hohe Anfordungen unter unterschiedlichen Bedinungen haben. Für solche hochkomplexed Multi-Prozessor-Systeme ist es eine grosse Herausforderung zuverlässigen Betrieb sicherzustellen, insbesondere wenn sich die Umgebungseinflüsse verändern. In Systeme mit gemischter Kritikalität, in denen viele Anwendungen mit unterschiedlicher Kritikalität auf derselben Ausführungsplattform bedient werden müssen, sind grundlegende Isolationsanforderungen zur Gewährleistung der Nichteinmischung kritischer Funktionen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Während On-Chip Netzwerke (NoCs) häufig als skalierbare Verbindung für die Multiprozessor-Architekturen eingesetzt werden, ist der damit verbundene Energieverbrauch immens gestiegen. Daher sind dynamische Plattformverwaltungen, im Gegensatz zu den statischen, zwingend notwendig, um ein System an die oben genannten Veränderungen anzupassen und gleichzeitig Timing zu gewährleisten. In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir energieeffiziente NoCs für harte Echtzeitsysteme. Das Design basiert auf einem Energiekontrollnetzwerk, das auf einem bestehenden Switch-Arbitration-Netzwerk entwickelt wurde, um eine Isolierung zwischen Energieoptimierung und Datenübertragung zu ermöglichen. Die Energiesteuerungsschicht umfasst lokale Einheiten, die als Power-Aware NoC-Controllers bezeichnet werden und die die NoC-Energie in Abhängigkeit vom globalen Zustand und den zeitlichen Anforderungen der Anwendungen optimieren. Darüber hinaus wird das Konzept der NoC-Energiekontrolle zur Anpassung an Anomalien, die aufgrund von Abnutzung auftreten können, auf den gesamten Systemumfang ausgedehnt. Online- Ressourcenverwaltungen, die hierarchische Kontrollschichten zur Behandlung Abnutzung (drohender Kernausfälle) einsetzen, werden bereitgestellt. Bei Systemen mit gemischter Kritikalität erlaubt es flexible Grenzen zwischen sicherheitskritischen und unkritischen Subsystemen, um die Rekonfiguration sicher anzuwenden, wobei grundlegende Sicherheitsanforderungen erhalten bleiben und Timing Vorhersehbarkeit. Experimente werden auf der Basis von Simulationen und formalen Analysen zu verschiedenen realistischen Anwendungsfallen und Benchmarks durchgeführt, die signifikanten Verbesserungen bei On-Chip Netzwerke-Energieeinsparungen und bei der Behandlung von Abnutzung für Systeme mit gemischter Kritikalität zur Verbesserung die Systemstabilität gegenüber dem bisherigen Status quo zeigen

    Composition and synchronization of real-time components upon one processor

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    Many industrial systems have various hardware and software functions for controlling mechanics. If these functions act independently, as they do in legacy situations, their overall performance is not optimal. There is a trend towards optimizing the overall system performance and creating a synergy between the different functions in a system, which is achieved by replacing more and more dedicated, single-function hardware by software components running on programmable platforms. This increases the re-usability of the functions, but their synergy requires also that (parts of) the multiple software functions share the same embedded platform. In this work, we look at the composition of inter-dependent software functions on a shared platform from a timing perspective. We consider platforms comprised of one preemptive processor resource and, optionally, multiple non-preemptive resources. Each function is implemented by a set of tasks; the group of tasks of a function that executes on the same processor, along with its scheduler, is called a component. The tasks of a component typically have hard timing constraints. Fulfilling these timing constraints of a component requires analysis. Looking at a single function, co-operative scheduling of the tasks within a component has already proven to be a powerful tool to make the implementation of a function more predictable. For example, co-operative scheduling can accelerate the execution of a task (making it easier to satisfy timing constraints), it can reduce the cost of arbitrary preemptions (leading to more realistic execution-time estimates) and it can guarantee access to other resources without the need for arbitration by other protocols. Since timeliness is an important functional requirement, (re-)use of a component for composition and integration on a platform must deal with timing. To enable us to analyze and specify the timing requirements of a particular component in isolation from other components, we reserve and enforce the availability of all its specified resources during run-time. The real-time systems community has proposed hierarchical scheduling frameworks (HSFs) to implement this isolation between components. After admitting a component on a shared platform, a component in an HSF keeps meeting its timing constraints as long as it behaves as specified. If it violates its specification, it may be penalized, but other components are temporally isolated from the malignant effects. A component in an HSF is said to execute on a virtual platform with a dedicated processor at a speed proportional to its reserved processor supply. Three effects disturb this point of view. Firstly, processor time is supplied discontinuously. Secondly, the actual processor is faster. Thirdly, the HSF no longer guarantees the isolation of an individual component when two arbitrary components violate their specification during access to non-preemptive resources, even when access is arbitrated via well-defined real-time protocols. The scientific contributions of this work focus on these three issues. Our solutions to these issues cover the system design from component requirements to run-time allocation. Firstly, we present a novel scheduling method that enables us to integrate the component into an HSF. It guarantees that each integrated component executes its tasks exactly in the same order regardless of a continuous or a discontinuous supply of processor time. Using our method, the component executes on a virtual platform and it only experiences that the processor speed is different from the actual processor speed. As a result, we can focus on the traditional scheduling problem of meeting deadline constraints of tasks on a uni-processor platform. For such platforms, we show how scheduling tasks co-operatively within a component helps to meet the deadlines of this component. We compare the strength of these cooperative scheduling techniques to theoretically optimal schedulers. Secondly, we standardize the way of computing the resource requirements of a component, even in the presence of non-preemptive resources. We can therefore apply the same timing analysis to the components in an HSF as to the tasks inside, regardless of their scheduling or their protocol being used for non-preemptive resources. This increases the re-usability of the timing analysis of components. We also make non-preemptive resources transparent during the development cycle of a component, i.e., the developer of a component can be unaware of the actual protocol being used in an HSF. Components can therefore be unaware that access to non-preemptive resources requires arbitration. Finally, we complement the existing real-time protocols for arbitrating access to non-preemptive resources with mechanisms to confine temporal faults to those components in the HSF that share the same non-preemptive resources. We compare the overheads of sharing non-preemptive resources between components with and without mechanisms for confinement of temporal faults. We do this by means of experiments within an HSF-enabled real-time operating system

    Model-Based Testing of Smart Home Systems Using EFSM, CEFSM, and FSMApp

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    Smart Home Systems (SHS) are some of the most popular Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In 2021, there were 52.22 million smart homes in the United States and they are expected to grow to 77.1 million in 2025 [71]. According to MediaPost [74], 69 percent of American households have at least one smart home device. The number of smart home systems poses a challenge for software testers to find the right approach to test these systems. This dissertation employs Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs) [6, 24, 105], Communicating Extended Finite State Machines (EFSMs) [68] and FSMApp [10] to generate reusable test-ready models of smart home systems. We present an approach to create reusable test-ready models of smart home systems using EFSMs to model device components (Sensor, Controller and Actuator), EFSMs to model single devices in the SHS and the interaction between the devices. We adopted Al Haddad’s [10] FSMApp approach to model and test the mobile application that controls the SHS. These reusable test-ready models were used to generate tests. This dissertation also addresses evolution in smart home systems. Evolution is classified into three categories: adding a new device, updating an excising device or removing one. A method for selective black-box model-based regression testing for these changes was proposed

    Tangible interfaces for manipulating aggregates of digital information

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (p. 255-269).This thesis develops new approaches for people to physically represent and interact with aggregates of digital information. These support the concept of Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs), a genre of human-computer interaction that uses spatially reconfigurable physical objects as representations and controls for digital information. The thesis supports the manipulation of information aggregates through systems of physical tokens and constraints. In these interfaces, physical tokens act as containers and parameters for referencing digital information elements and aggregates. Physical constraints are then used to map structured compositions of tokens onto a variety of computational interpretations. This approach is supported through the design and implementation of several systems. The mediaBlocks system enables people to use physical blocks to "copy and paste" digital media between specialized devices and general-purpose computers, and to physically compose and edit this content (e.g., to build multimedia presentations). This system also contributes new tangible interface techniques for binding, aggregating, and disaggregating sequences of digital information into physical objects.(cont.) Tangible query interfaces allow people to physically express and manipulate database queries. This system demonstrates ways in which tangible interfaces can manipulate larger aggregates of information. One of these query approaches has been evaluated in a user study, which has compared favorably with a best-practice graphical interface alternative. These projects are used to support the claim that physically constrained tokens can provide an effective approach for interacting with aggregates of digital information.by Brygg Anders Ullmer.Ph.D

    Space station systems: A bibliography with indexes (supplement 6)

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    This bibliography lists 1,133 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between July 1, 1987 and December 31, 1987. Its purpose is to provide helpful information to the researcher, manager, and designer in technology development and mission design according to system, interactive analysis and design, structural and thermal analysis and design, structural concepts and control systems, electronics, advanced materials, assembly concepts, propulsion, and solar power satellite systems. The coverage includes documents that define major systems and subsystems, servicing and support requirements, procedures and operations, and missions for the current and future Space Station