9 research outputs found

    Difusión de materiales docentes de Ingeniería Química en repositorios de acceso abierto. Una experiencia en la Universidad de Alicante

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    Póster presentado en el III Congreso de Innovación Docente en Ingeniería Química, CIDIQ, Alicante, 21-23 enero 2016.El uso de repositorios de acceso abierto para la difusión de los resultados de la investigación está cada vez más extendido en el panorama internacional. Asimismo, la inclusión de materiales docentes en estos repositorios se está convirtiendo en una forma de dar a conocer el trabajo desarrollado en el ámbito de la Educación Superior. Los repositorios institucionales pueden ser herramientas muy útiles para la difusión de los materiales de aprendizaje, tanto para alumnos de las asignaturas que imparte el profesorado como para usuarios de cualquier parte del mundo interesado en los contenidos desarrollados. El Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Alicante (RUA) recoge una gran variedad de materiales digitales tanto en el ámbito de la investigación (artículos, comunicaciones a congresos,…) como materiales docentes, y objetos de aprendizaje. Además, la Universidad de Alicante (UA) ha participado en un programa internacional de publicación docente electrónica, cuyos contenidos son cursos que se imparten en universidades, el OpenCourseWare (OCW). La UA es una de las diez universidades fundacionales del programa en España e Iberoamérica, que empezó en 2007, y después de 5 años fue el primer «Reference Site» nombrado por el OpenCourseWare Consortium, debido al gran número de sus cursos, la variedad de lenguajes y la relevancia de sus contenidos. En este trabajo se presenta una experiencia de difusión de objetos de aprendizaje a través del RUA y la integración de los mismos en el OCW, con el curso Modelización Hidrogeoquímica, relacionado con la asignatura de la titulación extinguida de Ingeniería Geológica y como parte de la asignatura optativa Modelización Ambiental en Ingeniería Química. El registro de descargas de los materiales incluidos en RUA indica que desde abril del 2010 fueron más de 6000 las realizadas en países de habla hispana, para problemas resueltos por alumnos con revisión del profesor. La participación y motivación de los alumnos fue en este caso fundamental. Para materiales en inglés incluidos en el curso hay casos que alcanzan más de 3000 descargas, con mayor proporción para EEUU y China

    Looking into the future: Learning services-based technological ecosystems

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    La gran distancia existente entre la tecnología y las metodologías docentes provoca que los nuevos avances tecnológicos no tengan fácil su integración en los contextos y prácticas metodológicas implantados, y que las tecnologías educativas maduras y los métodos educativos aplicados no respondan a las demandas de la sociedad ni al potencial transformador de la tecnología para la mejora del aprendizaje. Esta contribución plantea la necesidad de ofrecer un entorno tecnológico para el soporte de servicios de aprendizaje, el ecosistema educativo, que rompa con las limitaciones tecnológicas y de proceso de las actuales plataformas tecnológicas para conseguir una mejora de los procesos educativos. La propuesta de ecosistema educativo se concreta en 6 líneas de actuación: 1) arquitectura para la implantación de ecosistemas de servicios de aprendizaje; 2) toma de decisiones basadas en analíticas de aprendizaje; 3) sistemas de gestión de conocimiento adaptativos; 4) formación gamificada; 5) porfolios semánticos para la recogida de evidencias de aprendizaje; 6) metodologías educativas que hagan un uso efectivo de los avances tecnológicos en pro de la mejora del aprendizaje.The existing distance between technology and learning methods have two consequences: on the one hand, it makes the fit of new technological advances and existing educational methods and practices difficult; on the other hand, mature educational technologies and methods might not give an adequate answer to actual society needs and demands, and they may not fully use their transforming potential to improve learning processes. This study discusses the need for a new technological environment supporting learning services: the educational ecosystem. The educational ecosystems must be able to break the technological constraints of existing learning platforms and achieve an effective improvement of learning processes. Our proposal of educational ecosystems pivots around six specific lines of action: 1) an arquitecture that gives support to learning service-based ecosystems; 2) learning analytics for educational decision making; 3) adaptive knowledge systems; 4) gamifications; 5) semantic porfolios to collect learning evidences; 6) learning methods that make and effective use of technology for the improvement of learning processes

    Difusión de la producción científica y docente: una apuesta estratégica de la universidad

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    Se analizan las razones de porqué las universidades deben apostar por el conocimiento abierto y los diferentes proyectos que la Universidad de Alicante ha puesto en marcha para adaptarse al entorno digital y las nuevas necesidades educativas y docentes

    The University of Alicante's institutional strategy to promote the open dissemination of knowledge

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    Purpose – Information and communication technologies have became pervasive in people’s lives and in this changing world education cannot remain anchored in old-fashioned models which ignore the evolution through which society is going. This paper seeks to present the gamble made by the University of Alicante (Spain) on the promotion of open knowledge. Design/methodology/approach – The educational environment cannot continue to be fixed, closed and isolated, where students – assuming a basically passive role – receive standardised teaching. It must consequently experience a fast and decisive transformation which allows it, amongst other things, to respond to the new challenge posed by society: the need for all of us to share the knowledge we generate, so that further progress can be made. Findings – The Institutional Repository (RUA) and the OpenCourseWare of the University of Alicante (OCW-UA) were conceived from the very beginning as related projects that could constitute consecutive phases in the open publication of knowledge. In this way the aim of presenting the promotion of open knowledge not as a series of discrete projects but as a global strategic gamble of the institution was achieved. In addition to the most visible educational benefits, this policy has had the virtue of favouring the assumption by the University of its role as an online provider of quality (scientific and teaching) content. Originality/value – RUA is the storage place of all the teaching materials published by the University of Alicante’s teaching staff, which are retrieved from OCW-UA, while OCW-UA serves as an organisational model of teaching content self-archived by the teaching staff in RUA. The connection between the projects has allowed the presentation of the promotion of open knowledge as a global strategic gamble of the University, which has contributed to a greater acceptance by the teaching staff. This work is original in that it shows a successful experience of involvement by one university and its members in the promotion of open knowledge

    Using Google Applications As Part Of Cloud Computing To Improve Knowledge And Teaching Skills Of Faculty Members At The University Of Bisha, Bisha, Saudi Arabia

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    Dissertation Abstract By Bandar A. Alshihri March, 2017 Advisor: Dr. James L. Moseley Major: Learning Design and Technology Degree: Doctor of Philosophy Cloud computing is a recent computing paradigm that has been integrated into the educational system. It provides numerous opportunities for delivering a variety of computing services in a way that has not been experienced before. The Google Company is among the top business companies that afford their cloud services by launching a number of business and educational Apps. Google runs these Apps for free to be used for educational purposes, which saves a huge amount of expense for institutions and allows them to direct scarce financial resources to other areas of need. King Khalid University (KKU) was the first and only Saudi university since 2012 that officially offered Google Apps to its faculty members, staff, and students. The University of Bisha, a new independent university that was separated from KKU, became the second university that owns Google Apps as part of its academic services. This gives The UoB a distinctive opportunity and a unique reason for using Google products and learning from the experience. This research focuses on how The UoB faculty members take advantage of these Apps’ benefits in terms of improving their academic and professional knowledge in their discipline as well as improving their teaching expertise within the Constructivist philosophy, methodologies, and traditions. The literature review provides an overview of the essential sources which support this research. The research focused on The UoB academic instructors in order to study their behavior and potential problems and issues they experience in employing Google Apps to improve teaching, organization, academic collaboration, self-education, and other educational purposes. Precisely, it addresses the following questions: • In what way are the instructors’ views at The UoB about using Google Apps influencing subject matter and teaching improvement? • What issues - positive or negative- do The UoB faculty members have regarding the varieties of Cloud computing and, specifically, Google Academic Applications? • What are The UoB instructors’ experiences in using Google Academic Apps in higher education? The instrument in both English and Arabic was sent to 673 members. Only 131 contributors participated fully. The instrument consists 44 questions in five sections; both closed and open-ended questions were used. The instrument was piloted by eight experts and it has both face and content validity. The study showed that multiple and various levels of knowledge and specific skills may significantly affect the ability of the members of the faculty and academic staff to apply the benefits of using Google services/ tools in their professional activities. Lacks of experience, tool awareness and effectiveness in using Google services may result in lower confidence and trust in Google products, as well as disappointment, and the formation of biased negative opinion regarding usefulness of these applications for academic users within the university environment. There are limitations to this study. For example, a lengthy instrument; unclear meaning of some questions because of dual English and Arabic translations; distribution of survey during exam time; fear some faculty in smaller departments being disciplined for the answers they provide, among others. The results point out the need of disseminate the awareness of modern teaching methods and theories between faculty more often; training and faculty workshops in the use of Google Apps; team development activities in collaborative teaching; and designing an online course in Arabic Language and make it available for both members and students 24/7; integrating Google suite into academic meetings and other services in order to increase faculty’s collaboration and productivity. Finally, the study provides related recommendations for future research

    Protocolo de evaluación de la aceptación de los repositorios institucionales por parte de los usuarios: en el marco de una colección de recursos sobre sustentabilidad energética

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    [EN]Information and communication technologies areas, (ICT) are looking for strategies to innovate in the improvement of their products and services, both technical supports, updating and software development with the aim of avoiding technological lag in their infrastructure, in their processes and in its applications. The current challenges, from a constant evolution of software components towards new models of ICT management, stories such as orientation to develop mobile applications, communication through social networks, cloud management services and the analysis of large amounts of data (massive data, intelligent data, machining learning, data mining), which forces ICT areas to focus on the creation of activities that bring innovative value to their own context. incorporate other values from the detection of the needs of their potential users. In the academic context, ICTs are impacting in the same way, increasing the challenges of universities, such as innovating in teaching-learning processes, strengthening democratization models of access to knowledge, creating strategies to increase social impact in activities educational, updating and training teachers' competencies, creation of lifelong education programs, among others. To achieve the above, current policies and guidelines must also be updated in line with the digital transformation and include dissemination formats to communicate progress, results, new perspectives, improvements in services, in order to promote new routes to generate and disseminate knowledge with the use of information technologies. The development of science becomes a key indicator that allows assessing the technological and educational economic development of countries, for which it must be attended.[ES]Las áreas de tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) están buscando estrategias para innovar en la mejora de sus productos y servicios, tanto de apoyo técnico, actualización y desarrollo de software con el objetivo de evitar el rezago tecnológico en su infraestructura, en sus procesos y en sus aplicaciones. Los retos actuales, surgen a partir de una constante evolución de los componentes de software hacia nuevos modelos de gestión de las TIC, tales como la orientación para desarrollar aplicaciones móviles, la comunicación a través de redes sociales, los servicios de gestión de tecnologías en la nube y el análisis de grandes cantidades de datos (big data, Smart-data, maching learning, data mining), lo cual obliga a las áreas de TIC a centrarse en la creación de iniciativas que aporten valor innovador a su propio contexto e incorporen otros valores a partir de detectar las necesidades de sus usuarios potenciales. En el contexto académico, las TIC están impactando de la misma manera, aumentando los retos de las Universidades, tales como innovar en los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje, fortalecer los modelos democratización del acceso al conocimiento, crear estrategias para aumentar el impacto social en las actividades educativas, actualización y formación de competencias del profesorado, creación de programas de educación a lo largo de toda la vida, entre otros. Para lograr lo anterior, las políticas y lineamientos actuales también debe ser actualizados acorde con la transformación digital e incluir formatos de difusión para comunicar los avances, resultados, nuevas perspectivas, mejoras de servicios, con la finalidad de propiciar nuevas rutas para generar y difundir conocimiento con el uso de las tecnologías de información. El desarrollo de la ciencia se convierte en un indicador clave que permite valorar el desarrollo económico tecnológico y educativo de los países, por lo cual debe ser atendido

    Cultural Dimensions of Knowledge Management : A Comparative Analysis of Web 2.0 In Russian and Anglo-Saxon Contexts.

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    This research aims at establishing whether national culture has an impact on the internal adoption and use of Web 2. 0 in organizations, and providing an explanation to how this may be happening. The rationale for it was derived from two factors. The initial indication that such impact can exist came from the evident skewness in the distribution of levels of activity on Wikipedia shown by representatives of different countries. The analysis of the literature dedicated to Knowledge Management, national culture and Web 2. 0 also highlighted theoretical reasons for culture-dependence in Web 2. 0's adoption and use. Achieving the aim in a robust manner required fulfilling a number of objectives. First, it had to be proven that there was a correlation between the national culture and the propensity to use Web 2. 0 sites. Second, it was necessary to verify whether the same trends held in an organizational context, and (third) an explanation had to be sought as to what the underlying mechanisms could be. The evidence gathered via a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods shows that indeed, there is evidence that the national culture does play a role in the degree and the way Web 2. 0 is used in organizations, and provides an explanation of the mechanisms involved. The thesis makes a fundamental contribution by expanding the existing body of literature into an unexplored area lying at the intersection of national culture, Web 2. 0 and Knowledge Management, and by highlighting and addressing the limitations in the theories used

    Cultural Dimensions of Knowledge Management : A Comparative Analysis of Web 2.0 In Russian and Anglo-Saxon Contexts.

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    This research aims at establishing whether national culture has an impact on the internal adoption and use of Web 2. 0 in organizations, and providing an explanation to how this may be happening. The rationale for it was derived from two factors. The initial indication that such impact can exist came from the evident skewness in the distribution of levels of activity on Wikipedia shown by representatives of different countries. The analysis of the literature dedicated to Knowledge Management, national culture and Web 2. 0 also highlighted theoretical reasons for culture-dependence in Web 2. 0's adoption and use. Achieving the aim in a robust manner required fulfilling a number of objectives. First, it had to be proven that there was a correlation between the national culture and the propensity to use Web 2. 0 sites. Second, it was necessary to verify whether the same trends held in an organizational context, and (third) an explanation had to be sought as to what the underlying mechanisms could be. The evidence gathered via a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods shows that indeed, there is evidence that the national culture does play a role in the degree and the way Web 2. 0 is used in organizations, and provides an explanation of the mechanisms involved. The thesis makes a fundamental contribution by expanding the existing body of literature into an unexplored area lying at the intersection of national culture, Web 2. 0 and Knowledge Management, and by highlighting and addressing the limitations in the theories used