282 research outputs found


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    The business entry exception to the hearsay evidence rule has been prolific of legal literature and litigation. Originally the law regarded all business entries as inadmissible in evidence to prove the truth of the facts recorded. However, at early common law the shopkeeper could not himself testify to the truth of a transaction, since he was an interested party; and if he kept no clerk, or his clerk were unavailable, no one else could so testify. In response to this evidentiary dilemma there appeared a double-barreled exception to the hearsay rule; namely, that business entries by a party (The Shopbook Rule), and business entries by a third person (The Regular Entries Rule) were admissible to prove their truth. Courts and legislatures so fused and confused the two rules, however, that their application in any given case became highly unpredictable. In addition, admission of a business entry was conditioned upon meeting certain technical prerequisites, which, as business grew in size and complexity, often became impossible or impracticable of attainment. Hence, rules, which originated in aid of the litigant who was bereft of proof, so developed that Justice Cardozo could say in summation that many of the simplest things of life, transactions so common as the sale and delivery of merchandise, are often the most difficult to prove

    High-Pitched Notes during Vocal Contests Signal Genetic Diversity in Ocellated Antbirds

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    Animals use honest signals to assess the quality of competitors during aggressive interactions. Current theory predicts that honest signals should be costly to produce and thus reveal some aspects of the phenotypic or genetic quality of the sender. In songbirds, research indicates that biomechanical constraints make the production of some acoustic features costly. Furthermore, recent studies have found that vocal features are related to genetic diversity. We linked these two lines of research by evaluating if constrained acoustic features reveal male genetic diversity during aggressive interactions in ocellated antbirds (Phaenostictus mcleannani). We recorded the aggressive vocalizations of radiotagged males at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica, and found significant variation in the highest frequency produced among individuals. Moreover, we detected a negative relationship between the frequency of the highest pitched note and vocalization duration, suggesting that high pitched notes might constrain the duration of vocalizations through biomechanical and/or energetic limitations. When we experimentally exposed wild radiotagged males to simulated acoustic challenges, the birds increased the pitch of their vocalization. We also found that individuals with higher genetic diversity (as measured by zygosity across 9 microsatellite loci) produced notes of higher pitch during aggressive interactions. Overall, our results suggest that the ability to produce high pitched notes is an honest indicator of male genetic diversity in male-male aggressive interactions

    Information content and testosterone dependence of animal signals

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    Can Establishment Success Be Determined through Demographic Parameters? A Case Study on Five Introduced Bird Species

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    The dominant criterion to determine when an introduced species is established relies on the maintenance of a self-sustaining population in the area of introduction, i.e. on the viability of the population from a demographic perspective. There is however a paucity of demographic studies on introduced species, and establishment success is thus generally determined by expert opinion without undertaking population viability analyses (PVAs). By means of an intensive five year capture-recapture monitoring program (involving \u3e12,000 marked individuals) we studied the demography of five introduced passerine bird species in southern Spain which are established and have undergone a fast expansion over the last decades. We obtained useful estimates of demographic parameters (survival and reproduction) for one colonial species (Ploceus melanocephalus), confirming the long-term viability of its local population through PVAs. However, extremely low recapture rates prevented the estimation of survival parameters and population growth rates for widely distributed species with low local densities (Estrilda troglodytes and Amandava amandava) but also for highly abundant yet non-colonial species (Estrilda astrild and Euplectes afer). Therefore, determining the establishment success of introduced passerine species by demographic criteria alone may often be troublesome even when devoting much effort to field-work. Alternative quantitative methodologies such as the analysis of spatio-temporal species distributions complemented with expert opinion deserve thus their role in the assessment of establishment success of introduced species when estimates of demographic parameters are difficult to obtain, as is generally the case for non-colonial, highly mobile passerines

    Patterns of Singing by House Wrens with Respect to the Breeding Cycle

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    I recorded the songs and studied the reproductive behavior of a population of marked House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon) to identify patterns of singing and correlate them with behavioral contexts and stages of the breeding cycle. I found that House Wren singing could be organized into three hierarchical regimes: routine patterns of daily singing, context-specific patterns of singing and long-term fluctuations in singing rate throughout the breeding cycle. During routine daily singing, predictable structural changes occurred. Songs were clustered in discrete groups called bouts. The songs within a bout were more similar in structure than songs from different bouts. Although I found no distinctive combination of notes associated with any particular context, three context-specific patterns of singing were identified. These included male:male, courtship and within-pair singing. Songs delivered in these contexts differed from songs sung in the absence of close listeners by virtue of increased length and complexity of the introductory portion of the song. Through playback experimentation, I found that introductory notes evoke a stronger response from listeners than other notes. These notes have rapid attenuation characteristics and transmit well only for short distances. Use of songs that emphasize these notes would be consistent with providing the appropriate privacy of communication between individuals in contexts where public broadcast may unnecessarily attract rivals. Long-term fluctuations in singing rate correlated with the various stages of the breeding cycle in a predictable fashion. The highest rate of singing occurred during the establishment of a territory, following which singing rate declined through the end of the egg-laying period. During the late egg-laying period, many birds entered a brief silent period. In the incubation period, singing levels rose to moderate levels, then dropped off again after the young hatched. Over the course of the nesting cycle, the proportion of short songs increased. I propose the Neighborhood Watch Hypothesis as a possible explanation of the evolutionary advantage of large, variable repertoires. This hypothesis asserts that the large repertoire and long-term pattern of singing by established residents facilitate their recognition and expulsion of intruders who pose a threat to eggs and young

    Problems and solutions in middle size robot soccer: a review

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    A review of current scientific and technological problems encountered in building and programming middle size soccer robots is made in this paper. Solutions and solution trends to the problems, as presented by different teams, are also examined. Perceptual systems of individual robots, in particular with respect to object location, communications between robot players, decision making with regard to game strategy and behaviour generation, and, finally, actuation, are the topics dealt with. This makes for a wide perspective on the actual state of the art of middle size soccer robots

    Diverse MHC IIB allele repertoire increases parasite resistance and body condition in the Long-tailed giant rat (Leopoldamys sabanus)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) code for key functions in the adaptive immune response of vertebrates and most of them show exceptionally high polymorphism. This polymorphism has been associated with the selection by diverse and changing parasite communities. We analysed MHC class IIB diversity, gastrointestinal parasite load and body condition in the wild ranging tropical rat <it>Leopoldamys sabanus </it>(Thomas, 1887) under natural selection conditions in a highly variable rainforest environment in Borneo to explore the mechanisms that maintain these high levels of genetic polymorphism.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Allelic diversity was determined via SSCP and sequencing, and parasite screening was done through non-invasive faecal egg count. The detected alleles showed expected high levels of polymorphism and balancing selection. Besides a clear advantage for more diverse MHC genotypes in terms of number of alleles, reflected in better body condition and resistance against helminth infection, our data also suggested a positive effect of MHC allele divergence within an individual on these parameters.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In accordance with the heterozygote advantage hypothesis, this study provides evidence for an advantage of more diverse MHC genotypes. More specifically, the potential negative relation between individual allele divergence and number of parasite species is in line with the '<it>divergent allele advantage</it>' hypothesis.</p

    A Naturalist’s Guide to the Great Plains

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    This book documents nearly 500 US and Canadian locations where wildlife refuges, nature preserves, and similar properties protect natural sites that lie within the North American Great Plains, from Canada’s Prairie Provinces to the Texas-Mexico border. Information on site location, size, biological diversity, and the presence of especially rare or interesting flora and fauna are mentioned, as well as driving directions, mailing addresses, and phone numbers or internet addresses, as available. US federal sites include 11 national grasslands, 13 national parks, 16 national monuments, and more than 70 national wildlife refuges. State properties include nearly 100 state parks and wildlife management areas. Also included are about 60 national and provincial parks, national wildlife areas, and migratory bird sanctuaries in Canada’s Prairie Provinces. Numerous public-access properties owned by counties, towns, and private organizations, such as the Nature Conservancy, National Audubon Society, and other conservation and preservation groups, are also described. Introductory essays describe the geological and recent histories of each of the five multistate and multiprovince regions recognized, along with some of the author’s personal memories of them. The 92,000-word text is supplemented with 7 maps and 31 drawings by the author and more than 700 references. Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge • Agate Fossil Beds National Monument • Áisínai’pi National Historic Site of Canada • Alamosa National Wildlife Refuge • Alibates Flint Quarry National Monument • Alkali Lake • Altus-Lugert Wildlife Management Area • American Prairie Reserve • Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge • Anderson Prairie • Aransas National Wildlife Refuge , • Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge • Asessippi Provincial Park • Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historic Park • Atka Lakota Museum and Cultural Center • Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge • Audubon National Wildlife Refuge • Austin and vicinity • Austin City Park • Badlands National Park • Baker University Discovery Center • Baker Wetlands • Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge • Bamforth National Wildlife Refuge • Basin and Middle Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Bauer WPA [waterfowl production area] • Bazille Creek Wildlife Management Area • Beaudry Provincial Park • Beaverhall Lake Provincial Ramsar Site • Beaver River Wildlife Management Area • Bell Museum of Natural History • Bend in the Bow • Benedictine Bottoms Wildlife Area • Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Big Bend National Park • Big Bend Ranch State Park • Big Boggy National Wildlife Refuge • Big Gumbo • Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area • Bighorn Mountains • Big Spring State Park • Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge • Big Thicket National Preserve • Birds Hill Provincial Park • Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Black Elk Wilderness • Black Hills National Forest • Black Kettle National Grassland (OK) • Black Kettle National Grassland (TX) • Black Mesa Preserve • Black Mesa State Park • BLM Recreation and Public Purposes site • Bluestem Prairie Scientific and Natural Area • Bolivar Flats Shorebird Sanctuary • Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge • Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge • Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge • Boysen State Park • Bradwell National Wildlife Area • Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge • Brazos Bend State Park • Brickyard Hill Conservation Area • Brinton Museum • Broken Kettle Grasslands Preserve • Bud Love Wildlife Management Area • Buffalo Bill Center of the West • Buffalo Gap National Grassland • Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Buffalo Pound Provincial Park • Buffalo River State Park • Bump Sullivan Reservoir • Bureau of Land Management • Burnham Creek Wildlife Management Area • Bushy Creek Prairie • Caddo Lake State Park • Caddo Lake Wildlife Management Area • Caddo National Grasslands Wildlife Management Area • Campbell WPA [waterfowl production area] • Candy Cain Abshier Wildlife Management Area • Canton Reservoir and Wildlife Management Area • Canyon Ferry Reservoir and Wildlife Management Area • Caprock Canyons State Park and Trailway • Capulin Volcano National Monument • Carlsbad Caverns National Park • Carnahan Creek Park • Cayler Prairie • Cayler Prairie State Preserve • Cedar Hills State Park • Cedar Ridge • Cedar Ridge Nature Preserve • Cedar River National Grassland (ND) • Cedar River National Grassland (SD) • Center for Western Studies • Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge • Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Cheyenne Bottoms Waterfowl Management Area • Cheyenne River Indian Reservation • Chimney Rock National Historic Site • Chisholm Creek Park • Cimarron National Grassland • Clear Creek Wildlife Management Area • Colorado Bend State Park • Comanche National Grassland • Conata Basin • Confluence Area Interpretive Center • Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary • Connie Hagar Wildlife Sanctuary • Copper Breaks State Park • Coteau Prairie Waterfowl Production Area • Crane Trust, The • Crazy Horse Memorial • Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Crosby Wetland Management District • Cross Ranch Nature Preserve • Cross Ranch State Park • Cross Timbers State Park • Crow Creek Indian Reservation • Crow Flies High Butte Historic Site • Cupola, The • Custer State Park • Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park • Dakota Prairie Grasslands • Dallas Museum of Natural History • Dallas Nature Center • Davis Mountains State Park • Delta Marsh Bird Observatory • Delta Marsh Wildlife Management Area • Delta Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Station • Delta Waterfowl Research Station • Denver Museum of Nature and Science • Des Lacs National Wildlife Refuge • DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge • Devils Lake Wetland Management District • Devils Tower National Monument • Diamond Grove Prairie • Dinosaur Provincial Park • Dinosaur Valley State Park • Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center • Double Ditch Indian Village State Historic Site • Douglas Provincial Park • Draper Museum of Natural History • Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park • Duck Mountain Provincial Park • Duncairn Reservoir Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Dunn Ranch–Pawnee Prairie • Elk Island National Park • Elk Point Wildlife Management Area • Ellis County Wildlife Management Area • Eubank Woods Sanctuary • Facus Springs • Fancy Creek Wildlife Area • Farm Island State Recreation Area • Felton Prairie Scientific and Natural Area • Felton Prairie Wildlife Management Area • Fergus Falls Wetland Management District • First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park • Five Ridge Prairie • Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge • Folsom Man archeological site • Folsom Point Preserve • Forneys Lake Wildlife Management Area • Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park • Fort Atkinson State Historical Park • Fort Belknap Indian Reservation • Fort Berthold Indian Reservation • Fort Burford State Historic Site • Fort Cobb State Park • Fort Cobb Wildlife Management Area • Fort Kearney State Recreation Area • Fort Mandan Historic Site • Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge • Fort Peck Indian Reservation • Fort Pierre National Grassland • Fort Robinson State Park • Fort Sill Military Reservation • Fort Stevenson State Park • Fort Supply Wildlife Management Area • Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site • Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge • Foss State Park • Four Bears Park • Franklin Mountains State Park • Freezout Lake Wildlife Management Area • Galveston Island State Park • Gardner Wetlands (Kansas City Power and Light Company Wetland Park) • Gene Howe Wildlife Management Area • George Lake • Giant Springs Heritage State Park • Gitchie Manitou Prairie • Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge • Glendo State Park • Golden Prairie • Goose Island State Park • Grand River Grasslands • Grand River National Grassland • Grasslands National Park • Great Plains Nature Center • Grulla National Wildlife Refuge • Guadalupe Mountains National Park • Guernsey State Park • Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge • Hamden Slough National Wildlife Refuge • Hand Hills Ecological Reserve • Hay-Zama Lakes Wildland Provincial Park • Hazel Bazemore Park • Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Area • Heard Natural Science Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary • Hecla-Grindstone Provincial Park • Heron Lake Wetlands • Herron Lake Playa Wetland • High Island Audubon sanctuaries • Highland, Kansas • Hitchcock Nature Center • Hitchcock Nature Center HawkWatch • Homestead National Monument of America • Houston Arboretum and Nature Center • Houston Museum of Natural Science • Hudson-Meng Bison Kill Research and Visitor Center • Hueco Tanks State Park • Huron Wetland Management District • Hutton Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary • Indian Cave State Park • Indian Museum of North America • Inglewood Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Iowa Indian Reservation • Isabel Wildlife Area • Jackson Lake State Park • James Kipp Recreation Area • J. Clark Salyer National Wildlife Refuge • J. Clark Salyer Wetland Management District • J. C. McCormack Wildlife Area • Jewel Cave National Monument • John E. Williams Nature Preserve • John Martin Reservoir State Park • Joslyn Art Museum • Kanopolis State Park • Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism miscellaneous wetlands • Karl Mundt National Wildlife Refuge • Kaslow Prairie • Kelly’s Slough National Wildlife Refuge • Kiowa National Grassland • Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge • Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site • Kulm Wetland Management District • Lac Qui Parle Wildlife Management Area/State Park • Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge • Laffite’s Cove Nature Preserve • LaFramboise Island Nature Area • Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge • Lake Alice National Wildlife Refuge • Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge • Lake Andes Wetland Management District • Lake DeSmet • Lake Francis Wildlife Management Area • Lake Ilo National Wildlife Refuge • Lake McConaughy State Recreation Area • Lake Meredith National Recreation Area • Lake Metigoshe State Park • Lake Ogallala State Recreation Area • Laramie Peak Wildlife Habitat Management Area • Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge • Last Mountain Lake National Wildlife Area • LeClair WPA [waterfowl production area] • Lenore Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center (IA) • Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center (ND) • Lewis and Clark Keelboat Information Center • Lewis and Clark Monument • Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center • Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Visitor Center • Lewis and Clark State Park (IA) • Lewis and Clark State Park (MO) • Lewis and Clark State Park (ND) • Lewis and Clark State Recreation Area • Lewis and Clark Trail • Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation • Lewis and Clark Visitor Center • Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument • Little Missouri National Grassland • Living Prairie Museum • Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge • Loess Hills Pioneer State Forest • Loess Hills region • Loess Hills Scenic Byway • Loess Hills State Forest • Loess Hills Wildlife Area • Loess Hills Wildlife Management Area • Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Lost Maples State Natural Area • Lost River State Forest • Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge • Lostwood Wetland Management District Complex • Louis B. Smith Woods Sanctuary • Lower Brule Indian Reservation • Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge • Lyndon B. Johnson National Grassland • Maah Daah Trail • Madison Wetland Management District • Mammoth Site of Hot Springs • Manitoba Museum • Manitoba Tallgrass Prairie Preserve • Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge • Marais des Cygnes Wildlife Area • Marmaton River Bottoms Prairie • Matador Wildlife Management Area • Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge • Maxwell Wildlife Refuge • McClellan Creek National Grassland • McCormack Loess Mounds Natural Area • McFaddin National Wildlife Refuge • McKinney Falls State Park • McPherson Valley wetlands • Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Meridian State Park • Missouri Breaks National Back Country Byway • Missouri Headwaters State Park • Missouri National Recreational River • Missouri National Recreational River (southern unit) • Missouri National Recreational River Resource and Educational Center • Missouri prairies and prairie-chickens • Missouri River Basin Lewis and Clark Interpretive Trail and Visitor Center • Mobridge • Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge • Moose Mountain Provincial Park • Morgan Creek Wildlife Habitat Management Area • Morris Wetland Management District • Mount Rushmore National Memorial • Mount Talbot State Preserve • Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge • Murray Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Museum of Geology • Museum of the Rockies • Narcisse Wildlife Management Area • National Grassland Visitor Center • Native American Education and Cultural Center • Native American Heritage Museum • Native American National Scenic Byway • Natural History Museum, University of Kansas • Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge • Neely Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Neosho Wildlife Area • New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science • Nicolle Flats Nature Area • Niobrara National Scenic River • Niobrara State Park • Niobrara Valley Preserve • Norbeck Wildlife Preserve • North Platte National Wildlife Refuge • Norton Wildlife Area • Oak Hammock Interpretive Center • Oak Hammock Marsh • Oak Hammock Wildlife Management Area • Oakville Prairie • Ocean Lake Wildlife Habitat Management Area • Oglala National Grassland • Old Wives Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Olsburg Marsh • Omaha Indian Reservation • On-A-Slant Indian Village • Optima National Wildlife Refuge • Optima Wildlife Management Area • Opuntia Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Osage Indian Reservation • Osage Prairie Conservation Area • Outlet Park • Packsaddle Wildlife Management Area • Padre Island National Seashore • Palo Duro Canyon State Park • Pankratz Memorial Prairie • Pawnee National Grassland • Peace-Athabasca Delta • Pedernales Falls State Park • Perot Museum of Nature and Science • Perry Lake State Park • Perry Reservoir • Pine Ridge Indian Reservation • Pine to Prairie Birding Trail • Pine to Prairie International Birding Trail • Pipestone National Monument • Plains Indian Museum • Platte Creek State Recreation Area • Playa Lakes Wildlife Management Area • Plover Prairie • Pocasse National Wildlife Refuge • Pompeys Pillar National Monument • Ponca Indian Reservation • Ponca State Park • Pope National Wildlife Area • Prairie Chicken Management Areas • Prairie Dog State Park • Prairie National Wildlife Area • Prairie State Park • Prairie Wildlife Interpretive Centre • Prewitt Reservoir State Wildlife Area • Pryor Mountains Wild Horse Range • Purgatoire River State Wildlife Area • Queens State Wildlife Area • Quill Lakes • Quivira National Wildlife Refuge • Rainwater Basin • Rainwater Basin Wetland Management District • Randall Creek Recreation Area • Raven Island National Wildlife Area • Redberry Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Riding Mountain National Park • Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River • Rita Blanca National Grassland (TX) • Rita Blanca National Grassland/Wildlife Management Area (OK) • River Pond State Park • Riverdale Wildlife Management Area • Riverton Wildlife Management Area • Roam Free Park • Rockwood National Wildlife Area • Rolling Thunder Prairie • Roseau River Wildlife Management Area • Rosebud Indian Reservation • Rowan’s Ravine Provincial Park • Royal Tyrrell Museum • Rowe Sanctuary • Rulo Bluffs Preserve • Rydell National Wildlife Refuge • Sabine Woods Bird Sanctuary • Sacagawea Monument • Sac and Fox Indian Reservation • Sac and Fox Tribal Museum • Saint-Denis National Wildlife Area • Salt Lake Wildlife Management Area • Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge • Sam Noble Museum • Samuel H. Ordway, Jr. Memorial Preserve • San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge • Sand Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Sand Lake Wetland Management District • Sandy Sanders Wildlife Management Area • Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge • Santee Sioux Indian Reservation • Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park • Scent Grass Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Scotts Bluff National Monument • Sea Rim State Park • S. E. Gast Red Bay Sanctuary • Seminoe State Park • Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge • Sergeant Floyd Riverboat Welcome Center • Shell Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Sheyenne National Grassland • Sioux City • Sioux City Prairie • Sitting Bull Monument • Slade National Wildlife Refuge • Slate Creek Wetlands • Smith Grove Wildlife Management Area • Smith Oaks Sanctuary • Smith Point Hawk Watch Tower • Snake Creek State Recreation Area • South Dakota Cultural Heritage Center • Spears Lake National Wildlife Area • Spirit Mound State Park • Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center • Springer Lake • Spruce Woods Provincial Park • St. Ambroise Beach Provincial Park • St. Victor Petroglyphs Provincial Historic Park • Stalwart National Wildlife Area • Standing Rock Indian Reservation (ND) • Standing Rock Indian Reservation (SD) • Star School Hill Prairie Conservation Area • Star School Hill Prairie Natural Area • Steele Prairie • Stein Playa Wetlands • Stockdale Park • Stone State Park • Stump Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Sullys Hill National Game Preserve • Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge • Sylvan Runkel Preserve • Taberville Prairie • Table Mountain Wildlife Habitat Management Unit • Talcot Lake Wildlife Management Area • Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve • Tallgrass Prairie Preserve • Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge • Taylor Wildlife Management Habitat Area • Tewaukon National Wildlife Refuge • Texas Lake Wildlife Area • Texas Point National Wildlife Refuge • Theodore Roosevelt National Park • Three Tribes Museum • Thunder Basin National Grassland • Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge • Toadstool Geological Park • Toronto Wildlife Area • Trailside Museum of Natural History • Turin Loess Hills Nature Preserve • Turin Loess Hills Prairie • Turkey Playa Wetland • Turtle Mountain Provincial Park • Tuttle Creek Lake region • Tuttle Creek Park • Tuttle Creek State Park • Tway National Wildlife Area • Tympanuchus Wildlife Management Area • UL Bend National Wildlife Refuge • Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge • University of Iowa Museum of Natural History • University of Nebraska State Museum • University of Wyoming Geological Museum • Upper Missouri National Wild and Scenic River • Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument • Upper Rousay Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Upper Souris National Wildlife Refuge • Valentine National Wildlife Refuge • Valley City Wetland Management District • Val Marie Reservoir Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Wah’Kon-Tah Prairie • Wascana Centre • Wascana Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary • Washington Pavilion of Arts and Sciences • Washita National Wildlife Refuge • Waubay National Wildlife Refuge • Waubay Wetland Management District • Waubonsie State Park • Waurika Wildlife Management Area • Webb National Wildlife Area • Welder Wildlife Foundation • West Bend State Recreation Area • Western Historic Trails Center • Weston Bend Bottomlands • Whitney Preserve • W. H. Over Museum • Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge • Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area and Nature Center • Wildcat Preference Right Lease Application Site • Wind Cave National Park • Winnebago Indian Reservation • Woodworth Waterfowl Production Area • Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park • Wyoming Dinosaur Center • Yankton Sioux Indian Reservation • Yellow Quill Prairiehttps://digitalcommons.unl.edu/zeabook/1063/thumbnail.jp

    Collecting relevant images context information

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    Digital photographing has become more and more popular as cameras and mobile phones get more advanced and have newer technology embedded. Manually searching in these growing image collections is problematic because of missing context information related to the image itself. If related context information could be added as an automated process, it could help the user view and locate images and information about the image. In this thesis I purpose a system that tries to collect relevant context information connected to an image using time and date, gps location and a user given image category taken with a Nokia N95 using mobile image capturing software like described in [1]