162 research outputs found

    Hybrid tractability of soft constraint problems

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    The constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) is a central generic problem in computer science and artificial intelligence: it provides a common framework for many theoretical problems as well as for many real-life applications. Soft constraint problems are a generalisation of the CSP which allow the user to model optimisation problems. Considerable effort has been made in identifying properties which ensure tractability in such problems. In this work, we initiate the study of hybrid tractability of soft constraint problems; that is, properties which guarantee tractability of the given soft constraint problem, but which do not depend only on the underlying structure of the instance (such as being tree-structured) or only on the types of soft constraints in the instance (such as submodularity). We present several novel hybrid classes of soft constraint problems, which include a machine scheduling problem, constraint problems of arbitrary arities with no overlapping nogoods, and the SoftAllDiff constraint with arbitrary unary soft constraints. An important tool in our investigation will be the notion of forbidden substructures.Comment: A full version of a CP'10 paper, 26 page

    Dichotomy Results for Fixed-Point Existence Problems for Boolean Dynamical Systems

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    A complete classification of the computational complexity of the fixed-point existence problem for boolean dynamical systems, i.e., finite discrete dynamical systems over the domain {0, 1}, is presented. For function classes F and graph classes G, an (F, G)-system is a boolean dynamical system such that all local transition functions lie in F and the underlying graph lies in G. Let F be a class of boolean functions which is closed under composition and let G be a class of graphs which is closed under taking minors. The following dichotomy theorems are shown: (1) If F contains the self-dual functions and G contains the planar graphs then the fixed-point existence problem for (F, G)-systems with local transition function given by truth-tables is NP-complete; otherwise, it is decidable in polynomial time. (2) If F contains the self-dual functions and G contains the graphs having vertex covers of size one then the fixed-point existence problem for (F, G)-systems with local transition function given by formulas or circuits is NP-complete; otherwise, it is decidable in polynomial time.Comment: 17 pages; this version corrects an error/typo in the 2008/01/24 versio

    Characterising the Complexity of Constraint Satisfaction Problems Defined by 2-Constraint Forbidden Patterns

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    International audienceAlthough the CSP (constraint satisfaction problem) is NP-complete, even in the case when all constraints are binary, certain classes of instances are tractable. We study classes of binary CSP instances defined by excluding subproblems. This approach has recently led to the discovery of novel tractable classes. The complete characterisation of all tractable classes defined by forbidding patterns (where a pattern is simply a compact representation of a set of subproblems) is a challenging problem. We demonstrate a dichotomy in the case of forbidden patterns consisting of either one or two constraints. This has allowed us to discover several new tractable classes including, for example, a novel generalisation of 2SAT. We then extend this dichotomy to existential patterns whic hare only forbidden on specific domain values

    Tractable classes of binary CSPs defined by excluded topological minors

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    The binary Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is to decide whether there exists an assignment to a set of variables which satisfies specified constraints between pairs of variables. A CSP instance can be presented as a labelled graph (called the microstructure) encoding both the forms of the constraints and where they are imposed. We consider subproblems defined by restricting the allowed form of the microstructure. One form of restriction that has previously been considered is to forbid certain specified substructures (patterns). This captures some tractable classes of the CSP, but does not capture the well-known property of acyclicity. In this paper we introduce the notion of a topological minor of a binary CSP instance. By forbidding certain patterns as topological minors we obtain a compact mechanism for expressing several novel tractable classes, including new generalisations of the class of acyclic instances

    Tractability in Constraint Satisfaction Problems: A Survey

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    International audienceEven though the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is NP-complete, many tractable classes of CSP instances have been identified. After discussing different forms and uses of tractability, we describe some landmark tractable classes and survey recent theoretical results. Although we concentrate on the classical CSP, we also cover its important extensions to infinite domains and optimisation, as well as #CSP and QCSP

    Autour des Triangles Cassés

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    National audienceUne instance CSP binaire qui satisfait la propriĂ©tĂ© des triangles cassĂ©s (BTP) peut etre rĂ©solue en temps polynomial. Malheureusement, en pratique, peu d'ins-tances satisfont cette propriĂ©tĂ©. Nous montrons qu'une version locale de BTP permet de fusionner des valeurs dans les domaines d'instances binaires quelconques. Des expĂ©rimentations dĂ©montrent la diminution significative de la taille de l'instance pour certaines classes de pro-bĂŹ emes. Ensuite, nous proposons une gĂ©nĂ©ralisation de cette fusion a des contraintes d'aritĂ© quelconque. En-fin, une version orientĂ©e nous permet d'ÂŽ etendre la classe polynomiale BTP. Ce papier est un rĂ©sumĂ© de l'article M. C. Cooper, A. El Mouelhi, C. Terrioux et B. Zanuttini. On Broken Triangles In Proceedings of CP,LNCS 8656, 9–24, 2014
